• Published 7th Jan 2017
  • 604 Views, 3 Comments

To Find Home - Selena Quintanilla

A curly maned stallion is about to find a miracle when an unknown zebra collapses on the Ponyville train station.

  • ...


"Alright, you guys see you soon, love you!!" Curly Note exclaimed happily as he made his way out of the Sugar Swirl and Lemon Drop's bakery.

"Hey, see ya assholes later, loved your hospitality," Salient Crisp retorted facetiously to her friends.
Lemon Drop stood at the doorway with Sugar Swirl on his right side. He grinned and replied, "Likewise, Salient and remember, you still owe me twenty-bits for those pastries you ate!!!" " They were specifically not intended for you to eat!" Lemon boasted out, taking off his bureau and leaning into Sugar Swirl.

Everypony laughed aloud from their genuine rebuttals and they wouldn't have it any other way. Salient trotted over next to Curly and wrapped a hoof around him. "OK, stud, where ohh where are you taking me this fine evening?" Salient asked in a slured tone, and Curly quickly replied, " Well, ummmm .... my home.. I guess, I-i mean yeah."

" Haaahaa, come on Curly I'm only kidding, but seriously let's go," Salient said in a hasty way, probably because she was tired from today's bullshit.

Sugar Swirl immediately jumped into the conversation," OK, see you two later, both Lemon and I have to close up and prepare for tomorrow." All friends said their final goodbyes and went about to their own business. Sugar and Lemon closed the bakery for the night, Curly and Salient went to Curly's house to call it a day.

The two comrades made their way towards Curly's house, making little conversation all the while. They passed the empty street of Town Hall, only the faint sounds of water in the nearby river could be heard. The night was cool and the sky was adorned in a display of stars. Curly and Salient arrived at the corner of the far street, turning the corner where another street of communal houses were.

They trudged to the third house on the right side of the street, the house was simple in all aspects: a beige house with a brass wooden door. It had two windows on the sides that were draped by ruby curtains. On the floor lay a doormat that said," Welcome."

Salient Crisp looked the house up and down, she had never seen Curly's home before. She gave a slient hum, " Cool digs, Curly," Salient said, " Can I come in?" Salient waited patiently for Curly to say something.
Curly smiled warmly a replied, "Of course," " Just one sec."

Curly took a step back a reached into his curly mane, tugging around a bit he pulled out a small golden key from his mane. He grinned a smart-ass look towards Salient and giggled. He went to the door and placed the key into the keyhole. From the other side he could hear the patter and pants of a particular dog. He looked back at Salient and said, " Mind Fluffball, he is a bit charismatic when meeting new ponies." Salient replied that it was no big deal, assuring him that she loved puppies.

Curly nodded and turned the key inward, the door slid open and a small head of a pug poked out, yapping and drooling. " Hey buddy,!" Curly exclaimed with enthusiasm, " Did you behave?" The miniature pug spun around in place and barked happily.

" Good to hear," Curly smiled, opening the entrance so that Salient could walk through. Fluffball took notice of the unexpected guest and barked at Salient. Curly soothingly petted the pug and in hushed tone said, " Hey, she is a friend, calm ... calm."

Salient Crisp entered the humble home, going down to ruffle the head of he adorable pug. " How you doing tough guy?" Salient asked growling in a sarcastic manner. The dog yapped and nuzzled Salient's leg . " Hey, I think he likes you," Curly said and in a quick pace he turned on switch that lit the hallway. Down the hall there was a table on the right side, and left of the doorway there hung a jacket rack.

"Come on, this way," Curly gestured for Salient to come inside, closing the door behind her. Salient trotted further into the lighted hall. On either sides of the hall there were pictures of family and friend, countless of memories were framed upon the wall. Salient chuckled at a picture of Curly's 16th birthday, a blacked framed picture showed a younger Curly with a mouthful of cake.

Curly walked to Salient's side and chuckled as well, he likes to have past events snapped in a picture. He enjoyed reminiscing times of joy and carefree situations. "Come on," Curly nudged Salient and guided her into the foyer.

In the center of a decent sized room there was a large black couch that faced the right side of the wall. A television set was placed in the direction of the couch, for an easy view to watch shows. To the right side there was another hall where the rooms were. Straight forward, past the foyer there was a kitchen area. There were two entrances, two from either side of the kitchen. A large horizonal counter connected the entrances, as well separating the foyer from the kitchen.

Salient took her time to scope the entire house. " Hehe, umm.. I know it's not much, but hey!" " Home is home," Curly said bashfully. " Hey, no sweat, I like it, it's cozy," Salient replied and laughing at how fluffy the carpeted floor felt.

Curly walked towards the kitchen and pulled open the steel refrigerator. "Do you want anything?" Curly asked, browsing the items inside. "Nah, I'm good," Salient continued to look around the room, taking everything in. " Might just call it for a night," Salient said as she made herself comfortable.

"Alright Salient, I'll just make sure Fluffball goes to the restroom, then I'll show you to the guest room," Curly said as he pulled a water bottle and drank it. He tossed the empty bottle a minute later in the trash. He called Fluffball to follow him out the back door so that he could go. Fluffball ran excitedly out the door, and glad that he could release his bladder.

Salient waited comfortably for the boys to return. She rapped some lyrics from her new song that she had been working on for her debut record. She was expected to return to Canterlot in a couple of weeks, there she would record her song, but at the moment all she had to do was relax. Being a world-class rapper did have it's perks, but she always made time to bit family and friends.

Salient paced towards the jet black couch and layed down on all fours. It was funny how the color of the couch blended with her coat. She yawned a bit, too tired to do anything else. Salient twirled her hair into curls, in actuality her hair was really just long eloquent curls. Secretly she envied Curly's hair, and also the fact that he had a slim figure. It's not that Salient was obese or too pudgy, but she did have some weight on her. Although, that didn't bother her too much, and hey maybe one day she'll find a special somepony who likes her for her. In fact, she always tells Curly to be gregarious and just find a right match. Speaking of match, Salient remembered that earlier today Curly saved a zebra. A male at that, hmm... perhaps she should find out more about the situation later.

As Salient was deep in thought it was soon interrupted by Curly opening the door for Fluffball. The pug rushed inside, contentfully Fluffball waddled to his water bowl that was near the counter. He lapped the water into his mouth and yawned afterwards, clearly Fluffball needed to rest as well. "Alright big guy," Curly said," Time to sleep." The pug glanced up and wagged its tail

Curly looked over to Salient who was reclining on the couch. "Hey sleepy head, you can sleep in the guest bed first, before you pass out on the couch, haha!" Curly joked sarcasticly as he walked towards Salient.

Salient giggled and replied, " Okay, smartass let's go hit the hay."

Curly motioned for Salient to follow him down the hallway where the bedroom area was. The first door on the right was the guest bedroom. Curly opened the door and flicked on the light. Inside was a simple bed that faced the door, the bed had a white fuzzy blanket with two fluffed up pillows. There a closet as well for easy sorting of clothes, but ponies don't really need to wear clothes.

" Well, I hope the room is to your liking my lady," said in a corny voice. " Celestia, you're such a doofus, I swear Curly," Salient murdered. "OK, well I'll leave you to it Salient, but if you need anything there is food and beverages in the refrigerator." " And my room is down to the left, ok goodnight Salient," Curly said kindly, closing the door behind him.

"Night Curly, night Fluffball!!" * Bark *

Curly gingerly walked to his room and made his way inside. Fluffball joined him as well, walking to his comfy dog bed that had white foam to keep him warm. Curly went to his respective bed and climbed, sigh heavily and groaning while doing so.

Curly couldn't disperse the amount of crap he had been through today. From saving a, dare I say handsome zebra, meeting Salient and having a great friendly reunion with friends. Yup, surely today had been quite peculiar and he liked it.

Curly snuggled into his black covers, thinking to the zebra and being unable to contain his excitement for tomorrow. Curly sighed from exhaustion and he layed his head down, letting slumber consume his thoughts. Ray's of moonlight shinned through the window encompassing the room in a nice indigo shade.

All through out Ponyville, ponies of all kinds rested, for tomorrow would be another pleasant day. Although, for one individual being, maybe tomorrow meant a new beginning. This being was a zebra, a zebra who was graciously rescued by a curly maned stallion. This zebra wanted to get to know this stallion and anxiously they waited for dawn.

Slowly their eyelids closed and letting the cool breeze from the window take their worries away. The soft rays of Luna's moonlight guided them into a peace sleep.

Author's Note:

Whelp not much to say, but I enjoyed writing this chapter and it is my longest. Hope you enjoyed.

- Peace