• Published 7th Jan 2017
  • 604 Views, 3 Comments

To Find Home - Selena Quintanilla

A curly maned stallion is about to find a miracle when an unknown zebra collapses on the Ponyville train station.

  • ...

I Will Survive

"A-ah remember....r-remember every single lash."


" Blood was everywhere."


" Ah cried out for him to stop!" " But... he didn't"

" Ah ran! Ran as far away as possible." " Ah took da earliest train dat' was available." " From Dodge Junction, all da way to Ponyville. Dats' when I met yah'." " Ah owe yah' mah' life, Curly."

Curly was taken back by Zecarius's kind words. His eyes lit with passion and tears formed at the corner of his eyes. After the little fiasco that they had at the restaurant, Curly decided to take Zecarius to the park, so that they could discuss what had happened. What Curly was expecting was not at all what he had in mind. Both rested on an empty bench that showed the park's beautiful pond. On that bench Zecarius would reveal his truth in clear, descriptive sentences Zecarius told his story on why he had arrived so beaten and scared. Curly did not want to believe that Zecarius had survived a case of extreme domestic violence from his father. The outcome was not a pretty one.

" Ah had come home from practice at hoofball, an' mah' mom hated for mah' to be late for dinner," Zecarius explained to Curly the dreadful experience.

" Ah should have known that ah rumor would have spread." " Because, somepony told mah' father of mah' relationship with another colt, just ah few days prior." "An' dat' colt's father was one of mah' dad's co-workers."

Curly solemnly frowned at this news, he could not understand why anypony would do such a thing. Even worse, because it lead to the injury of Zecarius.

" Ah was an' idiot for trusting dat' colt, his name was, Gleaming Aura." " Handsome colt, but ah terrible character on da inside. So, ah confronted Gleaming, confessing how ah felt about him...... he laughed, laughed right at mah' face, calling me ah pathetic colt-cuddler."

" He left me there without remorse, an' ah cried heavily that night." " But, ah few days later mah' dad started acting strange around mah', and on dat' same day ah would lose everything ah had."

Curly cringed at what Zecarius must have felt through this situation, not knowing it would be your last day living in your own home. He sighed and continued to listen attentively.

" Ah arrived home late, an' ah could hear screams from inside mah' house." "Ah freaked out because mah' parents rarely fight." " Ah opened da door an' rushed inside." " Da noise suddenly stopped an' ah could hear ah faint sound in da kitchen."

Curly knew what was about to happen next, but perhaps out of fear he chose to be as prepared as possible. Zecarius heaved heavily and composed himself before continuing.

" Ah found mah' dad clutching ah black leather riding whip, while having his back turned to mah." " Mah' mom was sobbing over da table an' she.... *sob*.... oh gods, she said, "this is for your own good."

Zecarius could not compose himself, then all at once tears drooped down Zecarius's face, he clutched his face into his hooves, his anxiety was getting the best of him. Curly quickly took action and cradled Zecarius's torso and held him tight. He flinched when Zecarius tensed up, but Zecarius reluctantly relaxed his muscles and allowed Curly to hold him.

" Hey... if you don't want to continue I'll understand," Curly said reassuringly, still hugging Zecarius like his life depended on it. Zecarius halted his sobbing and crying, glancing down at Curly. He looked desperately into his eyes, as if half expecting for him to laugh or leave him there. However, the only thing he saw was a genuine smile and caring blue eyes. His heart skipped a beat and his face turned into a noticeable hint of red. Zecarius had never felt this type of intimate feeling for any other pony, not even with his own family. Or zebra for that matter. In the moment it felt right and he leaned in towards Curly.

Curly could feel Zecarius's warm breath tickle his face, it felt comforting to say the least. Curly noticed a rosy color flash on Zecarius's striped face. Suddenly, Zecarius started to lean forward, advancing to his lips. Thoughts started running wildly through Curly's mind, Oh Sweet Celestia!!! Is he... IS HE!!!. Curly's thoughts were cut short when a pair of lips touched his delicately. His mind was in opposition, but his heart was drowning in ecstasy. Zecarius's lips slipped easily over Curly's lips, creating a greater sensation. Curly was wide-eyed, but slowly closed his eyes and allowed Zecarius to guide him in the kiss without resistance.

A few good seconds passed before the two parted, both of them gasping for air. Curly fluttered his eyes, still taking in his first kiss from another stallion. Curly carried a silly grin on his muzzle as he regained control of his thoughts. Both stallions stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like centuries. Zecarius began to smile too, then they both lost themselves in a fit of giggles.

" Wow! I did not know you had that in you," Curly commented on Zecarius's ability to be very swooning. Zecarius blushed at this and chuckled under his breath," Well,.... a-ah yah' see.... yah', ah'm sorry, but it felt right." Zecarius never left Curly's gaze, as he bumped his forehead against Curly's and nuzzled him lovingly. " Yah' have been da only pony dat' has ever cared so much about mah'," Zecarius paused and took Curly into his hooves and hugged him tight," an' ah'am eternally grateful for yah', for saving mah' life, an' caring for mah'."

The entire time Curly was sobbing quietly, but now he had lost it all, he threw himself onto Zecarius and starting weeping into his shoulder. " Oh, Zecarius sniffle, I feel the same, chuckle." Curly passionately started to kiss Zecarius all over his face; his nose, lips, cheeks, he just could not believe that Zecarius liked him like that.

Zecarius was all smiles and giggles, because not only had he found somepony who cared for him, but he found somepony to call family. Perhaps, that is all you need in life, a loving soul to love with everything you have. No matter who they are or what they represent, family comes from many places.

Zecarius looked at Curly and said three simple words," Ah' love yah'." Curly smiled and giggled," Me too."

Four Years Later

It is a bright August morning in Ponyville, and the streets are buzzing with life and a lot of movement. Parents are getting their kids ready for the first day of elementary school. In one particular house, a curly maned stallion is preparing breakfast for his family. Curly, noted as the curliest of them all, was in his kitchen with his hair tied back into a bun. He wore a pink apron and on the front it said,"I Love My Family." Curly quietly hummed to himself, and after a few minutes he heard the footsteps of his husband and daughter.

He grinned as his beautiful daughter came hopping down the stairs, into the kitchen. His daughter is an adorable zebra filly with a coat just like her "daddy's", and funny enough she also has curly hair, just like "papa Curly". On her hair she is adorned with a bright purple bedazzled bow. Her eyes are a sparkling violet color. Her name is Eve Blossom, because as her father's put it," She was our beautiful blossoming flower in the eve." Really sappy, but this is how the family is. Eve jumps onto the chair that is next to the kitchen counter where Curly is cooking. Today's specialty was blueberry pancakes with scrambled eggs. Most importantly, Curly poured Eve's favorite juice," Sweet Apple", courteously provided by the Apple family.

Eve beamed a big smile and said," Good morning Papa!" Curly chuckled and replied back," Good morning my princess, you ready for another year of school?" Curly removed his tight bun and released his afro. Eve giggled and retorted," Yes Papa, but are you ready to cut your hair?" Curly looked up at his hair with a pout. Then he grinned mischievous and he went around the table and scooped up his daughter in his hooves and he started tickling her exposed belly. Eve started laughing uncontrollably, begging for Curly to stop. Curly did after he was sure she had learned her lesson on not mocking the fro. Curly nuzzled his daughter and said," Nope my princess, I will not be cutting the afro for quite awhile." Curly placed Eve back on the chair and went around the counter once more, where he placed the fluffy pancakes and scrambled eggs on her plate.

Curly gestured her to eat quickly, because he was always punctual with time, and he did not want her to be late. As he was doing this he heard the final zebra in the house come down. Zecarius, Curly's husband, had made his entrance for the day. Also, to add onto that he looked quite dashing in his navy blue blazer, and with a white buttoned up shirt underneath. Zecarius over the few years had let his hair grow into dreadlocks, for a more modern look that still looked professional. Curly trotted to his husband and kissed him lovingly. No other pony or zebra mattered to Curly more than Zecarius. His love and devotion to him was endless. It was as if it was just yesterday Curly had went to the train-station, where he would meet his husband for the first time.

Eve turned around on her chair and excitedly said," Daddy! Papa made blue berry pancakes. And they are delicious!" Both stallions laughed at their adorable girl's outburst. Zecarius replied," So he did. Well ah'am glad sweetheart." Curly left Zecarius's side so he could get him some food too. Zecarius took the seat next to his daughter and waited patiently. He nuzzled Eve on her hair and asked," Yah' nervous sweetie?" Eve stopped eating momentarily and looked up at her father and replied," Not really Daddy, but I' am happy you and Papa get to drop me off." Eve hugged Zecarius and smiled warmly. Zecarius returned the gesture and hugged her back while saying," Mah' too, mah' blossom flower."

Curly finished making a plate for Zecarius and placed it on the counter. He was content that he had created the small family of his over the course of a few short years. His family. His home. These two things were his daughter and husband, and he would not have it any other way.

All three of them ate at a quick pace, and once everypony was done Eve and Zecarius made their way to the front door. Curly discarded washing the dishes, he could to that later. He went into the refrigerator and pulled out his daughter's lunch bag. The lunch bag was a custom made box with a picture of the performing artist," Salient Crisp." Most notably as Eve's favorite "aunt." He grabbed the bag and headed for the door. Eve and Zecarius were already outside. However, something pulled Curly to pause a moment and look around his home. Something felt at peace with him, like he had accomplished something. He turned around and saw Eve on top of Zecarius's back in a fit of laughter. He smiled and understood what he had gained, family.

Eve called out to Curly," Hurry Papa! We might be late." Curly grinned and called back," Coming!" He took one last more glance back and walked out of his home and locked up. Curly was ready to start another day with his family, who were now his home to him.

The End.

Author's Note:

Well, that is my imagined ending for these two. They get married two years from meeting and adopt a beautiful zebra filly in another year. I also envision that Salient Crisp would be gushing over Curly and Zecarius's relationship, and when they adopt Eve, Eve would be automatically her adoptive niece. Eve would grow to be an amazing author for young fillies and colts, and inspire a young demographic to find their own piece of family. Zecarius would be a Ponyville accountant and bring in dat' money!! Curly would continue to perform with his instrument would later land gigs in Canterlot, thanks to Salient. Both stallions are happy with their lives and move past the events that happened to Zecarius.

Whelp that is all for this story, I might find time to post another chapter only for sentimental purposes, but as a whole I still do not know if I want to continue the story of this family I literally conveyed in a matter of a hour. Because I'm a sucker for adorable overload families, yup I'm a loner.

Anyways, I hope you have enjoyed thus far, and I' am happy for this first story. I have a few ideas for a fan-fiction that relates to a famous artist on Deviantart, hopefully I can get in touch with them and start planning out my idea.

For now, see yah' guys later

Love, Peace.