• Published 6th Dec 2016
  • 907 Views, 99 Comments

Ponyville's First Warrior Meet - Wise Cracker

The Cutie Mark Crusaders become apprentice ninjas when a grandmaster visits Ponyville! But why won't Scootaloo invite her martial artist friend over, too? And who is the mysterious Hammer, the Boy In Alicorn Armour?

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The Pride of the Apple Family Versus The Mysterious Alicorn Colt! My Name Is...

Princess Luna raised a hoof and called out. “Welcome to the Ponyville Warrior Meet! In accordance with the rules set forth by the Equestrian Warrior Society, I hereby declare this challenger’s circle to be open! We shall commence with the new students. Let any who challenge step forward now.”

All at once, kids in the crowd took one confident step forward closer to the platform. Apple Bloom stepped first, followed by Spike and Rumble. Silver Spoon did the same, along with one conspicuously muscular-looking blue pegasus colt. Hammer, the kid in alicorn armour, completed the set.

“No other challengers?” Princess Luna asked.

“I’m guessin’ the rest are a little intimidated,” Ash replied, gesturing to the Feather Cloaks.

“Their loss.” Luna snickered mischievously. “Very well, then, Master Lee, you may commence the proceedings. Who challenges on your behalf?”

Fleur stepped forward. “My student answers to the name ‘Hammer,’ Your Highness. He is here for evaluation as a Fencer, hoping to promote to Duellist.”

Luna smiled at the boy. “I see. Well, then, Hammer, the floor is yours. You may issue your challenge.”

Hammer took a deep breath, audible even through his helmet. He shot a glare at the Ashen Blizzard from behind his visor. “I challenge the Nine Dragons School.”

A gasp went through the crowd.

Ash chuckled. “I thought you might.”

“Oh, dear, not this again.” Luna said. “Really, Ash, you’re not going to make another mess, are you?”

“Fear not, my perceptive princess, I’m prepared this time. I choose Apple Bloom to take your challenge.”

Apple Bloom’s ears twitched. “Wait, what?”

Ash lowered his voice. “You heard me, little girl. You knew this might happen, you accepted the terms. Now get out there and show that boy what you got.”

“But… Silver Spoon…”

“Is a grudge match I’m not lettin’ you fight in, not when you’re like this. You wanted to prove you’ve got what it takes to be a ninja. Take that boy’s challenge, beat him up nice and proper, and prove it.”

Apple Bloom grumbled and stepped out onto the stage. Hammer did the same.

“You knew I was gonna challenge Silver Spoon,” Apple Bloom said once they were face to face. Or rather, face to mask.

“Yeah, I did. I heard about what she did to your friend.”

“Then why wouldn’t you let me fight her?”

“Because a fighter like that would hurt you. I won’t. If you can beat me, soundly, then you can take on Silver Spoon, too. No hard feelings. But I kinda doubt that, no offence.”

Apple Bloom got on her hind hooves. “I’m gonna make you regret that, princey.”

Hammer chuckled and rose up, showing off the wave pattern of the plate on his chest. “Oh, I don’t know. I think this could be fun.”

Luna raised a hoof in the air, then brought it down with a firm swipe. “Begin!”

Apple Bloom let her eyes unfocus to see the alicorn boy’s aura. Nothing stood out in particular, aside from the peculiar way his armour seemed to be wrapped in his magic. Seeing no other way to kick off the event, she went with a roundhouse kick to his head.


That heavy hind hoof with her whole body weight behind it landed harmlessly against Hammer’s metal-covered right arm. “Too easy.”

Apple Bloom backed off with a quick hop and jumped back into close range, holding her hooves up high to deliver some quick jabs to the unprotected sides of Hammer’s torso. He blocked and sidestepped her, though she did manage to get him on the defensive.

That is, until he struck at her.

Hammer had a mean wallop to him, and the hammer blow – she might have figured he favoured that type of attack – with a left to her neck left her reeling. She felt her left arm go numb, and as odd as it was, it felt like she’d pulled a muscle in her chest. No magic, though. He didn’t use the metal of his bracer to strike, either, it was only soft fabric that made contact. It still hurt.

She stumbled back and rubbed the sore spot. That was going to leave a bruise in the morning. Although, on closer inspection, it almost felt like it wouldn’t. Apple Bloom had had her fair share of accidents around the farm, and that blow didn’t have the stinging afterglow of a bruise. “Are you holdin’ back against me?”

“Maybe,” Hammer replied.

“Well, don’t. I ain’t gonna hold back against you.” With that, she was off again, pummelling and pounding where she could.

Hammer was on point, though, dodging what he had to and taking what blows did land safely on his armour. “Maybe you should, if you wanna beat Silver Spoon.”

Apple Bloom growled and stepped back. “What would you know about Silver Spoon?”

“I know she attacked a friend of yours,” Hammer whispered. “I know that’s upsetting, but it happens. And you shouldn’t be wasting your energy like this.”

“I ain’t wastin’ nothin’. You go down first, Silver Spoon’s next.”

“If you can’t beat me, you have no chance against her.”

In the crowds, Rarity was overlooking the proceedings with her little sister by her side. She sniffed the air and perked her ears when a familiar face showed itself. “Ah, Fleur, hello.”

Rarity smiled warmly and nodded in greeting. “Rarity, I thought I spotted you. Quite the show, isn’t it?”

Rarity nodded. “Hmm, quite. Shouldn’t you be with the other masters though, advising your apprentice?”

Fleur chuckled and cast a glance to the two ponies exchanging blows. “Not today, non. Hammer works better without distractions.”

Sweetie Belle whistled, impressed at the boy’s moves as he ducked and weaved like a real boxer, only ever snapping out a jab when Apple Bloom let her guard down, which ended up leaving the Earth pony taking quite a few hits to her exposed belly. “So that’s the alicorn kid, huh?”

Fleur nodded. “Hammer likes his armour, yes. Sad state of affairs, but that’s how it is.”

Rarity was about to comment, but her hair sprung up again. “Argh, what is it with this mane of mine?”

“Rarity?” Another voice came from behind.

“Oh, Cheerilee! Over here.” Rarity waved to the pink Earth pony to come closer.

Cheerilee wormed her way through the crowds to find her friend, with most of her class in tow. “There you are. Goodness, Apple Bloom really knows how to lay a beatdown, doesn’t she?”

“Quite,” Fleur said. “The girl has a good sense of rhythm. Shame she’s wasting her strength so, though.”

“What do you mean?” Cheerilee asked.

Apple Bloom let out a bellowing war cry as she whipped her arms at the boy, who took it all in stride. He ducked under a sweeping blow, took another on his arm bracers, stepped back to let another hit thin air. He didn’t even bother slapping the girl in retaliation, she was obviously tiring herself out.

In the stands, Fleur shook her head. “Hammer tells me Apple Bloom is an Earth type of fighter. Her natural disposition is towards close quarter combat, good use of footing. The Ashen Blizzard is a very competent teacher, when he does get around to teaching at all, but even keeping that in mind she obviously has a lot of strength and stamina.”

“She does,” Rarity remarked. “Farm girl and all. Always trying to uphold her family name, too.”

“My point exactly,” Fleur remarked. “Apple Bloom has sparred with Hammer a few times, according to him she’s a quick learner in the ninja style. By now, she should be a good match for him, but she’s going about this all wrong. She’s too unstable, too much jumping and hopping. She’s flailing angrily, ignoring natural movement. You can’t hope to beat an opponent like him that way.”

Cheerilee’s ears perked. “And exactly what kind of an opponent is that, then?”


“What kind of monster is that?” Snips asked. “Is that a real alicorn?”

The kids behind Cheerilee all stared at Fleur, anxious for her response.

Hammer blocked another blow, but this time he snapped out a jab towards Apple Bloom’s belly. He hit her dead-on in the gut, then mashed the edge of a hoof into her lower ribs. She tried to hit him again, but he slapped the blow away before it could connect with his helmet. They both exchanged blows now, but Hammer was faster, and it didn’t take long for that to become painfully obvious to the crowds.

Apple Bloom gritted her teeth and stumbled back. To her surprise, Hammer didn’t press the attack. He just stood there, one arm extended and the other behind his back, almost inviting her.

He was taunting her.

“I’ve seen that boy around town the past few days. So have the local children. He’s always in full armour, padded up and plated over. Why?” Cheerilee asked.

Fleur chuckled nervously. “Oh, that? Hammer has, ah, how you say, he is struggling with a, well, an acute case of gymnophobia.”

Sweetie Belle stared on as the fight continued. “He doesn’t look like he’s scared of the gym.”

Rarity chuckled. “No, Sweetie Belle, it means he has an aversion to nakedness. It means he doesn’t like seeing other ponies in their bare coats, or he’s scared of being naked himself.”

“The latter, in his case,” Fleur said. “I’ve been trying to get him past it, but progress on that front is slow at best. Baby steps so far, baby steps. And hopefully one giant leap today.”

Apple Bloom panted and growled as she got back into a fighting posture. “Stop stalling! I know you can do better than this.”

“So can you,” Hammer replied. “Stop flailing around and fight for real.”


Hammer grumbled under his helmet. “You’re not fighting like you’re supposed to. You’re jumping around, punching and kicking at random. You’re embarrassing the Ashen Blizzard, for crying out loud. You need to stay grounded if you want to fight me, do it like you did before. So, do you want to catch your breath, or should I finish you quickly?”

Apple Bloom sighed. “Can we call a time out?”

Hammer nodded and raised a hoof. “Time out, please?”

“You get one minute,” Ash replied.

Hammer turned his back on Apple Bloom and went to get a drink.

Apple Bloom did the same once his back was turned, walking towards Sweetie Belle and Rarity.

“Try not to let him get under your skin, Apple Bloom.” Fleur said. “My apprentice is a very smooth talker when he wants to be.”

“Are you giving tips to the competition?” Rarity asked.

“Hammer is trying to showcase his abilities as a prospective Duellist. I want my apprentice to be challenged properly, as any master would. Can’t do that with a handicapped opponent, least of all one who isn’t fighting properly.”

Rarity shrugged. “Very well, then. Apple Bloom, that armour of his is a classical style. Don’t aim to batter it; aim to pull it, then bite it.”

“What?” Fleur asked.

“Grab for his arms and chest. Pull the bracers loose first, shake them if you need to; it’ll loosen the rope. That’ll make it easier to untie the plating.”

“You want me to rip his clothes off?” Apple Bloom asked. “Won’t he get mad?”

“Don’t worry about it, Apple Bloom; I’ve made costumes like that for the local Renaissance clubs. The metal is attached to a pattern underneath; those red threads come off all the time. You won’t be breaking anything valuable and you’ll be much better off fighting him like that. Trust me, that type of plating is only meant for blade weapons, it’s the padding underneath you want to target.”

Fleur shook her head. “Excuse me, Rarity, but I rather doubt you can get that off him quite so easily.”

Rarity smirked. “He’s wearing rope woven into his armour. That’s the weak spot.”

Fleur froze. Her jaw clenched.

“Rope?” Apple Bloom asked.

“He’s wearing Eastern Unicorn armour, not regular knight’s armour. You can tell by the lack of plating on his body: the Eastern regions never had a lot of iron, so they had to make do. That’s not an Equestrian design; it’s layered. And it’s held together by rope threads.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Wizards from that region used to wear rope under their armour; it helped them channel their energies through it. It also made it easier to shed weight if they had to flee, or if they were injured and needed to go in and out of combat quickly. There should be a pattern of strands and knots woven into the padding, into his costume, those red threads are what’s keeping it attached. Right along the front of his chest, there should be a central knot that ties the costume and plates together. That’s the emergency first-aid knot. Cut that, or loosen it, and the whole thing starts falling apart, leaving him in a long-sleeved shirt.”

“But won’t he just tie it back up with his magic?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “I should expect so, but he’ll be distracted; the spell to tie it together is an animation spell, one that takes a lot of concentration. It cannot be done in the heat of battle. You’re a tough little girl, you only need to land one sound blow to his skin, don’t you?”

The girl weighed that in her mind. “Yeah, I guess I would… I can’t do any fancy magic stuff, but I can bruise him enough to take him down. All I need is to hit a soft spot hard enough to make’im buckle.”

“Rarity, I don’t think you understand what you’re dealing with here,” Fleur warned. “You’re better off just beating on the armour, Apple Bloom. Really. Concussive blows to unbalance him, much more effective and safer.”

Apple Bloom scrunched her nose and pouted. “I’ve tried that, and it didn’t work. So I think I’ll try Rarity’s way now. Thanks!”

Fleur bit her lip.

“No objections, I hope, Fleur?”

“You just told a little girl to strip the clothes off a boy who has a fear of nakedness.”

“Well, you did say you wanted him properly challenged, darling.”

Apple Bloom breathed more slowly now, and she moved carefully as she went into Turtle Stance. “Okay, coolin’ down’s over.”

“Good,” Hammer said. “Let’s go.”

Apple Bloom bent her knees slightly, moving carefully, deliberately, to line up a hammer blow to the boy’s neck. “Hayah!”

Hammer ducked and blocked it with a chuckle. “There you go, that’s better-wuh-wait, what are you doing?”

Apple Bloom grinned and quickly grabbed for his arm. “Makin’ this fight even.”

She took a firm hold of that arm bracer and started squeezing and twisting every way she could. Hammer wasted no time in correcting and retaliating, but a few shakes was all it took. By the time he managed to kick her off, a light glancing shove, the creaking and ripping on his arm gave away the proverbial chink in his armour.

“That bracer ain’t looking so tight anymore, Hammer,” Apple Bloom joked.

“I’ve still got cloth armour underneath,” Hammer replied.

“Not for long, ya don’t.”


Rarity grumbled as her mane sprung up again. “Honestly, what is it with this lock?”

Cheerilee let out a quick laugh. “Having mane problems, Rarity?”

“Yes, I’ve been having it all week now. Ever since we got the announcement for this Meet.”

Fleur winced as she saw her apprentice struggle to keep another piece of armour on tight.

Cheerilee took note of it, and the distress of her class at the sight of it. “They’re only playing, aren’t they? Apple Bloom’s not going to hurt your boy?”

“Well, of course they’re going to get hurt; they are fighting. But they won’t be hurt badly. It’s a friendly fight, they both know what they’re doing, so I don’t expect Apple Bloom to cause any real damage.” Fleur replied. “Not physically, I should think. But he’s getting anxious, she’s got him on the ropes. That’s not good.”

Rarity chuckled. “Get the strap on his abdomen, Apple Bloom! The belly! He’s trying to tighten it on the belly! Don’t let him lace it back up!”

Cheerilee ignored the sudden outburst. “So, fighting like this, it doesn’t usually result in any, as you say, real damage, then?”

Fleur raised an eyebrow. “Why do you ask?”

As if on cue, Apple Bloom went from beating and shaking at that armour to grabbing for Hammer’s neck and biting it.

Sweetie Belle cringed. “Eww. Apple Bloom’s a vampire now?”

Fleur shrugged. “No, but the techniques are similar.”

Hammer struggled awkwardly with the girl so close to him. He gave her some brisk elbows to her gut, but it didn’t shake her.

When she curled her neck back, she had a red rope thread in her teeth. Gnashing down, she bit it in two before finally letting go.

Hammer stumbled and turned, lowering his head and aiming his horn at her. “Stop it. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

Apple Bloom chuckled. “Sure I do: I’m winning. You told me to fight for real. Now you do it, too.”

Hammer’s horn glowed through the metal, and the rope mended itself, albeit slowly. His costume was loosened, and when he got back on his hind hooves, the bracers on arms and shoulders shook, and the one on his chest sagged. They weren’t skin-tight anymore, and that unnerved him. “This isn’t funny, Apple Bloom.”

“I ain’t here to have fun.” She growled. “Not anymore.”

“What is the matter with you? What’s gotten into you?’

Apple Bloom bared her teeth. “Silver Spoon hurt my friend. She’s gonna pay, and you’re in my way. So either you beat me or I beat you, and her.”

Hammer shook his head, adjusting the padding. “You’re not thinking straight.”

Cheerilee winced at the sight and turned to Fleur again, stepping forward enough so the kids wouldn’t hear. “I’m a schoolteacher. I teach Apple Bloom, and her friends. In fact, out of all the Ponyville children fighting today, the only one who’s not in my class is Spike.”

Fleur nodded and smiled. “Hmm, now I see. You are that mare.”

“Yes, I am. I think after today, I may need to be prepared to handle this sort of aggression in the classroom, if you catch my drift.” Cheerilee stole a glance towards Sweetie Belle and her class, but they were all too busy watching Apple Bloom fight to notice.

“It depends on the fighters, really,” Fleur said. “If they are both trained in the arts, as these two are, and they have no real quarrel with each other, then no, no real damage done. If neither knows what they are doing, no more damage than an accident, which can be significant. If only one knows what they’re doing and they do have a real grudge… well, you cannot do any damage if you do not want to cause damage. So no permanent damage, non, not with children. Just a lot of pain and trauma, possibly. Nothing for life.”

“I see. And how do you handle children with, ah…”

“Hmm? With?”

“With a noted ability to fight and a severe anger management issue?” Cheerilee nodded to across the arena again, to Silver Spoon.

“I wouldn’t know. I wasn’t even planning on getting an apprentice, least of all one with anger issues. I don’t think I’m qualified to handle that, honestly,” Fleur replied. “My apprentice’s issues aren’t rooted in anger. I have seen it, though, and from what I can tell, a kind and upset heart responds best to understanding. What to do about an angry heart, though, I cannot say.” She stared across the arena towards where Silver Spoon was sitting, following Cheerilee’s gaze. “It’s an awful waste, and one that, I imagine, requires a certain harshness to mend.”

“Harshness? You’d treat violence with violence, then?”

“Oh, non, not at all. Exceptional talent for fighting is a very alienating thing to have. Better such children be reminded of their responsibilities than to suppress their natural talents. Even if the reminder must be a rough one.”

Cheerilee muttered something under her breath.

“Is there a problem, Cheerilee?” Rarity asked.

“Not yet, no. There may be, though. I’m really not, ah, ‘qualified’ to say.”

Apple Bloom pounded at Hammer’s armour, ripping at the few plates he had and even getting the rope underneath to loosen. The boy was forced back as blow after blow landed cleanly. With his armour falling apart, revealing the fabric covering the padding, he couldn’t dodge properly, which Apple Bloom took full advantage of.

“Come on, Hammer. Ain’t you got any more tricks up your sleeve? Or am I gonna have to tear those sleeves off first?”

“Careful what you wish for, Apple Bloom,” Hammer threatened. “You might get it.”

Fleur sighed. “Hammer’s getting sloppy. He’s going to lose it at this rate.”

“Oh, I’m sure he’ll be fine, darling. He can fight without armour, can’t he?” Rarity asked.

“He can, if he has to. That’s not what worries me.”

Boing. “Argh, what is it with this mane?” Rarity frantically pushed that rebellious lock down again.

Sweetie Belle sniffed the air. “Does anypony else smell that?”

“Smell what, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Smells like rain.”

Rarity sniffed the air as well, and looked up to check. “Hmm? No, I don’t smell any rain, and there aren’t any clouds about, either. Some deodorant, though, and liberally applied at that.”

Apple Bloom threw another punch, but found it hitting a wall that hadn’t been there two seconds ago.

Hammer had his arm up to guard. He’d moved so fast, she barely had time to register it.

“You have super speed?” She asked.

“You wanted to know what I can do? Fine.”

Fleur rolled her eyes. “That scent would be Hammer’s, I think. He masks his scent along with his coat.”

“Does he, now?” Rarity curled her nose. “Odd choice of perfume, then. As I recall, that’s an adult fragrance.”

“He says he likes it. No idea where he got it from.”


Apple Bloom found herself evenly matched now, with Hammer snapping out jab upon jab even as she jabbed on her own. The two children’s hooves clashed, both driven back by the impact.

“That’s better,” Hammer said, not even phased by the impact on his striking hoof. “Much better. Is this your best?”

“Not even close.”

“Better bring it fast, then. I’m not gonna let you beat me up over a grudge.”

Rarity positively roared in frustration now. “What is with this accursed lock? Why won’t it stay down?”

“Goodness, that is a pesky lock,” Cheerilee said. “It’s been a while since you’ve had it that bad.”

“I know, darling, I don’t know what it is. Last time my mane was this unruly was after I-” Rarity’s mouth froze in mid-gasp. “Oh, no.”

Master Lee hadn’t called out to Hammer the whole time. Her concerned look turned to the slightest bit of a grin. “Last time this happened was when you… what, Rarity?”

Rarity stared at her old friend. “You didn’t.”

That tiny grin turned to a mischievous smirk, then a chuckle that sent chills down Rarity’s spine. “Ohohohoh, dear me, I believe I did. And what a coincidence, that the stars would align for such an occasion. Really, had I known, I’d have told you. Then again, I suppose that would constitute ceding a tactical advantage. Hammer is quite fond of his warrior nickname. Perhaps now you understand why. It hides his true nature.”

Rarity finally collected her thoughts enough to shout. “Apple Bloom! Stop peeling away his armour!”

“What?!” The girl called back. Looking down at the ground, she had felt more than a little pride at having almost shed the boy’s arm bracers and belly shield. The once tight costume was loosened, and his chest was close to getting exposed, if the threads on his shoulders were anything to go by. Still, he was at least as fast as she was, and while she got some good hits in, they didn’t do any damage. “But I can barely fight him as it is!”

Hammer turned towards the crowd. “Rarity? You’re friends with Rarity?”

“You know Rarity?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Wait… was Sweetie Belle the one Silver Spoon attacked?” Anger bled into his voice as he realised what was going on. “That’s why you have a grudge against her? Silver Spoon attacked Sweetie Belle?”

Apple Bloom squinted at the boy in the battered armour. “Who are you?”

Back in the crowds, Rarity was shaking her head. “How is this even possible? It couldn’t be.”

Cheerilee took a step back. “No. It couldn’t.”

“What are you talking about? Why can’t Apple Bloom take off his armour? She’s winning.” Sweetie Belle pointed a hoof towards the boy who was now trying to concentrate long enough to get his arm bracers tightened again.

Fleur shook her head. “Your sister has met my apprentice before, it seems. He does tend to leave a, shall we say, lasting impression on ponies. Even at his young age.”

“What’s going on here?” Sweetie Belle turned to her sister.

“It’s him. It’s really him,” Rarity said. “But I thought he’d moved away.”

“He had,” Fleur replied. “He has since moved back. It’s his parents’ house I’m staying in, in fact.”

Apple Bloom resumed trying to hit through the armour instead of peeling it off. Hammer’s speed had kicked up, though, and with his front hooves lashing out this way and that, she couldn’t land anything hard enough against that dark padded cloth armour. He still shook the padding and tried to pull the straps tighter with his teeth, which left him clumsily trying to dodge any counter attacks.

“Who are you?” Apple Bloom asked again. “And what’s the deal with your armour?”

“It’s just something I like to wear, that’s all. And if you’re quite done trying to batter me, I’ll make this a quick defeat for you.”

“You can’t beat me just like that,” Apple Bloom retorted. “If you’re some kinda bully from Sweetie Belle’s past, I got just as much of a bone to pick with you as I do Silver.”

“I am not a bully!” He shouted.

Then, much to Apple Bloom’s surprise, he shifted into a whole ‘nother gear altogether.

Without any warning, no tell-tale shifts of his hooves, none of the tells she’d learned to look for in class, he punched her dead on in the chest, making her gasp for air. She stumbled back and tried to get her guard up again, but he saw it coming and he got the drop on her. In one smooth move, just like she’d gotten a bite out of his armour, he took the opening to get behind her and trip her, before pinning her down to the ground, legs on her legs and metal-covered wings pressing down on her arms, leaving his arms free to push down on her. “I’m a fighter. That’s what I’m good at. Now the fight’s over. You fought well, you got some shots in, you almost got my armour off, now you can surrender.”

Apple Bloom gritted her teeth and squirmed under the armoured alicorn. “I ain’t surrendering to you.”

“Please surrender? You can’t take much more of this.”

“You’re hurtin’ me!”

“No, you’re hurting yourself. Please surrender? The challenge still stands. If you don’t surrender, I have to render you unconscious. That means choking you.” He pressed the tip of a hoof into her throat, gently.

She kicked and flailed, but nothing made him dislodge that hoof on her throat, cutting off her air. “Grrr…”

“Please? I don’t wanna hurt you any more than I need to.”

“Why not? You just said you’re a fighter, just Silver Spoon.”

“Yeah, I am. And I’m good at it. So I do it responsibly. I know you’re mad, but this isn’t right. This was supposed to be fun.”

Apple Bloom would have gasped if the pressure on her throat had let her.

What am I doin’? What am I turnin’ into?

“Feeling powerless sucks. Trust me, I know. Not being in control of your own life, it’s one of the scariest things that can happen to a pony. That’s why they try to get power. It’s okay to enjoy getting some power when you haven’t had any for so long, but you still need to be responsible with it. I know you’re angry, but you did well against me.”

“You went easy on me. You made a fool outta me.”

“I went easy because it’s not worth hurting you. It’s a lot harder to take someone down without hurting them than it is to knock them into the hospital. I can do both, but I’d rather only do one. So, please surrender?”

“Why? Why do you care?”

“Because I’m looking to be a Master at Arms one day, and Masters at Arms are fair. They have to be. I have to be.”

“You could’ve beaten me whenever you wanted. You’re faster than me.”

“You could have hurt me whenever you wanted. You’re stronger than me.”

Apple Bloom growled and squirmed again. The weight of Hammer’s arms and wings on her body still held her down.

“It’s true, isn’t it? A fit Earth pony like you? With that kind of strength? You could have snapped my arm off if I wasn’t careful.”

“So what?”

“So, neither of us wanted to hurt each other. You’re just mad because you can’t get even. But trust me, I know Silver Spoon’s type. She’s not like me. She would have hurt you just for the fun of it. I don’t have fun hurting ponies. So please, I’m asking you nicely, don’t make me do it any more than I have to?”

“Urgh, fine. I give up.”

Fleur smiled. “Seems Apple Bloom was not up to the challenge after all. Pity.”

“How?” Rarity asked. “How did you come across him?”

“How do you even know him?” Fleur asked. “I was under the impression my student was a recluse.”

“He was, that’s precisely how I met him.”

Realisation dawned on Fleur’s face. “Well, today is just full of surprises. I didn’t think you were the type, Rarity.”

“I’m not. My mother insisted.”

Sweetie Belle furrowed her brow as Apple Bloom hopped off the platform, rubbing her sore shoulders. There wasn’t going to be a round two for her now, against Silver Spoon or anyone else.

“Do you need any medical attention?” Fluttershy came flying over with a medkit.

“No, I’m good, thanks.” Apple Bloom wriggled her neck left and right, producing an eerie creaking sound. “Why wasn’t I supposed to get his armour off, then? Who is that kid?”

Before Rarity could reply, the Ashen Blizzard called out. “Alright then, young Hammer! You’ve managed to take out one of my apprentices, and you did so with honour. Still, I ain’t quite convinced you’re up to Duellist level just yet.”

Apple Bloom’s ears perked. “Wait, what?”

Fleur shrugged. “Hammer did not display his full potential. You were right: he held back against you. He usually does. A shame, really.” She breathed a sigh of weariness and frustration. “He has such trouble finding proper sparring partners.”

“Gee, I can’t imagine why,” Rarity remarked snidely.

“I don’t follow,” Apple Bloom said.

“Just wait,” Fleur replied.

“So,” the Ashen Blizzard continued, rising up from his seat. “I will take on your challenge, young master Hammer.”

The little alicorn colt stood tall as the stallion made his way to the arena.

“On one condition,” Ash said. “You fight me without any padding on you. We fight the old-fashioned way. You can keep the rope on, if you want to use a weapon, anything you like is fine, but no padding. You fight me, you fight bare.”

Apple Bloom let out a snort. “Now why is he allowed to fight that boy without padding, and I ain’t?”

Rarity shook her head, still reeling. “You don’t understand, darling. You don’t know whom you’re dealing with.”

“Huh?” Sweetie Belle tilted her head, confused.

“Look around,” Cheerilee said. “Look at the crowds. All those mares, at least the ones our age, are backing up. See the fear in their eyes?”

Sweetie Belle did just that, and she had to admit, a wave of terror had swept through the crowds, some of them, at least. Pinkie Pie was huddled up in her balloon, Cheerilee’s jaw had clenched, Cloud Chaser and Flitter were shaking. All around, the mares of Ponyville, at least the ones who’d lived there for a while, were stricken by a pure and abject fear.

She looked back at her class. Snips, Snails, Dinky Do, none of the kids knew what to make of it. Even Derpy, flying up above, looked at least apprehensive at the boy.

Rarity shook her head. “It’s been five years since anyone’s seen him. Five years, and they all remember him. Hard to forget a night with a child like that. He was only in kindergarten then. To think he’s been getting even stronger...”

“Who is he?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“A scared little boy who’d rather cover himself up than show his true strength,” Fleur replied.

On the platform, Hammer was wriggling and stretching in his armour, psyching himself up.

“So, your answer?” Ash asked.

“I accept your terms,” Hammer said after much deliberation. “No more padding. No more armour.”

Apple Bloom looked on, still confused. Untying the central knot and undoing the straps, Hammer shed his back and belly shield, then his wing armour.

Or rather, his wings. His completely metal wings.

His fake wings.

Then off came the thick black padding of the cloth armour, and the vest that had held it.

When he took his helmet off, all that was left of his getup was a chest guard like those the Royal Guards wore, with a crystal in the middle.

“He still wears those things?” Rarity asked. “All that to cover up?”

Fleur nodded. “Like I said, getting him to show himself is like pulling teeth sometimes.”

Sweetie Belle frowned. “Why? What’s so special about a unicorn colt?”

“You mean you don’t recognise him, darling? I should think you would. His face has changed a lot over the years, but… look at his cutie mark. Doesn’t that ring any bells?”

Sweetie craned her neck to look over the platform and gasped as she saw him turn to face his opponent. His face, or at least his browline, had gone flat early, making him look like Big Macintosh despite his small stature, something she vaguely recognised from years before. But then she saw his flanks, and that memory of him was as fresh as if she’d seen it yesterday. The cutie mark on them was a black triangle with yellow outlines, showing two horizontal lines being touched by what looked like a pony’s hoof. The lines had thinner, more squiggly lines coming out of it, or rather, towards it.

A hazard sign, the kind usually adorning electrified security fences.

“No. No way.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Apple Bloom was still out of the loop. “Can somepony just explain to me why I couldn’t fight him while he was armoured up? How is it fair that he wore protection and I didn’t?”

Rarity chuckled nervously. “That armour wasn’t protecting him, Apple Bloom; it was protecting you.”

Hammer, now revealed as a coffee-brown unicorn colt with a short, neatly cut tail and a greyish white mane that looked like the frazzled tip of a painting brush, stood confidently in front of his opponent.

“All of it,” Ash said. “No coverin’ up now.”

Reluctantly, the boy took off his chest guard, a golden design with a citrine crystal in the center.

“Now, then, ready for your real test, young sir Hammer?”

“I’m ready. Just one more thing, sir,” the boy replied. “If I’m fighting out of my armour, I’ll be doing so without my alias. No hiding behind fake skin, no hiding behind a fake name.”

“Sounds mighty big of ya, kid. Whom do I have the honour of squaring off against, then?”

The colt took a deep breath and closed his eyes, bracing himself for judgment.

All eyes fell upon him. Now was his time.

At long last, he was back.

Back home, for all to see.

“My name… is Live Wire.”

A hushed silence fell over the crowd.

Apple Bloom looked left, then right. Sweetie Belle was aghast, so were Rarity and Cheerilee. Fleur shook her head and rolled her eyes, as if to say ‘drama queen.’ And about half the mares in the Ponyville square were quaking in fear at the mere mention of that name.

Apple Bloom grumbled. “Okay, am I supposed to know who that is? ‘Coz I don’t.”

Author's Note:

I... cannot begin to understate how big of a moment this is. So I won't. Suffice to say, this has been years in the making, a lot of thought went into it, a lot of revision. More explanation will follow, but for now, let me just say thank you to everyone who's been following so far. I hope you have been enjoying it as I have.

One of the major trappings of building an audience is appealing to your older, original audience who was there when you 'sucked' while still appealing to those who like you now that you 'don't suck.' My approach is simple: make the new product accessible to everyone, new and old, but add in some stuff that only the older viewers will understand or know without making it required to know the older stuff.

And yes, Apple Bloom's response is supposed to mimick Applejack's response to learning who Ash was, as well as making her sort of a proxy for (part of) the audience.

Remember when I said that this fic doesn't repeat elements I've used before, it gave birth to them? Yeah, the whole 'hiding your species thing as an alicorn' in Rainbow Dash Discovers came to be precisely because of this story.

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