• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 486 Views, 10 Comments

Video Journal, Day 1: WTF is Going On? - MLfan

Is this thing on? Look, I was just skipping class. Then the voice of Twilight Sparkle entered my head. And a timberwolf attacked. And now I have magical parcour skills. What the F just happened to my life? Oh, and I apperently can't swear, either.

  • ...

Spell 4WB



Can anybody hear me?

My name is Twilight Sparkle, does that mean anything to you?

Please, anyone.


Is anyone there?


Why isn't this spell working? It isn't doing anything. Spell... 4WB was it? What did she say...

We were sitting at sugar cube corner together. It was any ordinary day. The townsfolk still hadn't seemed to learn that I'm still Twilight, princess or not, and treated me differently. It's been months, but no one seems to get it. That's why I go to sugarcube corner, where the cakes don't care about my position and treat me equally to everyone else. That, and Pinkie was there. We were talking books with each other. How the conversation got there from talking about the weather, I'm not sure. That always seems to happen with Pinkie. I said something about how I love Daring Do, but I wish it didn't end in some random friendship lesson all of a sudden. I mean, I love friendship lessons as much as the next gal, princess of it and all, but I read Daring Do to get away from all that. Then Pinkie turned away from me and winked off in some random direction.

I asked why she did that, pretty much assuming she'd shrug me off like she always does. But she actually gave me an answer this time. "Twilight, isn't it obvious? The camera's over there! I was just using spell 4WB! Duh!"

I reminded her that earth ponies can't use magic, at least not spells. She responded by saying she was phrasing it in a way "Eggheads like me" would understand.

I told her Rainbow was rubbing off on her, and she laughed. She said I might want to pick the spell up, it's a useful skill to have. She said when she uses it, she swears people can see her from far away, and interesting stuff always happens. She once again turned in some random direction, and said to me while facing there that I might need to use it very soon, sooner than I might think, in a weirdly foreboding voice. I asked for more details, but she shook me off, and changed the subject. Something about expanding her repertoire to making pancakes...

When she said that last line, about needing to use it very soon, I felt... something. Some kind of magic. She said when she used it people would hear her. So right now, I'm trying to channel that. She said I might need to use it very soon, and now I'm trapped here the very next day? That's no coincidence. So this spell 4WB, is it reaching anyone? Please, can anyone hear me? Anybody? ...No? Okay, I guess I should shut the spell off, it's not doing me any good...


What was that? Did... did someone get my spell? I need to respond right away- Wait. I recognize that voice. That-That's the voice of the kid I spoke to telekinetically 3 days ago! How is it that he's still speaking to me? The link should have worn off days ago! It should have lasted 3 hours, max! So how is he speaking? Should I respond?... No. I still don't want kids involved. I heard voices calling my name yesterday, a voice in my head calling my name is no different. This is my problem, I'll worry about how they know me later. I can block it out.

"Twilight, if you're there, I know it wasn't a dream. WE know it wasn't a dream. You aren't fooling us. Please come out."

Well, crap. No point in hiding if they know it's real... but no, they don't know I'm here. Even if they know it was real, it would still be best they don't come in contact with me any more. I won't be responsible for equestria high 2.0.

Twilight, If you're there, please... say something. Anything. I know we're both confused. Please... I just want to know..."

It breaks my heart to say nothing. This link is pure emotion, and I can feel his anguish, his confusion, his anger... and his tiny bit of hope, that I'm still there. But I can't say anything. I don't want to change this world forever like I did the other one. I-I'm sorry, kid. This is for your own good.


It's been awhile, I think the one calling to me gave up. I might seem like an asshole to an outsider, but I just don't want to get more people involved. I just can't endanger innocents again. It was wrong of me to let Millie help, after what happened to the other two. She could have been hurt. Okay, no more repeating myself, focus. I need to-

The voice suddenly spoke again. "Twilight, You were a unicorn born in Canterlot. You grew up in an average family. However, you practiced magic day and night. You were an incredibly gifted student in magic, and eventually ended up as Celestia's private student. You studied hard under her wing, but you soon learned something nasty was coming. Nightmare moon was about to return. You frantically told Celestia your news. She wouldn't believe you, though, and sent you to a little town called ponyville..." The voice goes on to describe every little detail about my life, from my fight against Discord to when Rainbow made his second sonic rainboom. Sometime around my fight with Tirek, the voice stops and says this: "Twilight, I know you. I know your life, and it isn't because of this telekinesis. If you want to know... if you're there... please. I know we're both really confused. Maybe we can trade information. Just answer me... please..."

I... I... I have no more excuses. I can't stop myself. I need to know how he knows. "Stop. I'm here. I can hear you, loud and clear. But... how do you know? How can you know possibly everything single little thing about my life?"

"Oh, thank the lord. Okay, why don't we meet up in life? Telekinesis is kind of exhausting for me. I used up just about all my energy with that last thought. Could you come to us?"

"Um, could you come to me instead? I can lead you to me. It'll make sense when you get here, okay?"

"Okay, lead me there."

There we are, the four of us. Millie, the two boys, and me. The tone is... awkward, to say the least. No one is willing to speak. I guess I should speak up. I clear my throat. "So... kid. Actually, what's your name?"

"Oh, sorry. My name's Alex, and this is Caleb and Millie." The two of them say hi.

"Okay, so I'm sorry I didn't answer earlier. I didn't want to get the three of you involved." I say.

The other boy... Caleb, was it? He chuckled a little bitterly and says "Well, it's a bit too late for that."

"Look, I'm sorry about 3 days ago. It's not my fault the timberwolves attacked, but I'm still sorry it happened. I hoped you would all think it was a dream and forget about it."

The three of them exchange a look. Millie speaks up. "So... you don't know, then?"

Crap. "Okay, what did I do? I have the feeling I won't like it, based on your looks."

"Um... can you explain the magic you used on the day of the event?" Alex said. "I think it might help the explanation."

"Can you just say what I did already? Don't I already feel guilty enough?"

Millie steps forward. "The magic you gave us, I assume it was supposed last only a few hours, right?"


"Well it didn't," she said.


She gestures toward Caleb. He holds up his hand, and produces a small flame.


I'm sorry, what?

"WH-WHAT? That shouldn't be possible. It literally shouldn't be possible by the laws of magic."

"Well," Caleb says, "That isn't everything, either. We may also have... what was their name again?"

"Caleb!" Alex says. "This isn't time to add more stuff to her conscience!"

"I was just being honest, yeesh." Caleb says.

Okay, what are they talking about? "Look, I appreciate the gesture, but I'd prefer to have all of the data before I make any conclusions. Please, just tell me." I rub my face. I'm not gonna like this, am I?

Alex takes a deep breath. "We all have cutie marks on our thighs and on our clothes, and they weren't there before."

They say this like it's a giant revelation. I don't really think it is. "Oh, those? Actually, cutie marks just appear on any being with a great enough magic. The fact that it's on your clothes as well is a bit weird, but I'm sure that's just how it works here. Honestly, I would be surprised if you didn't have cutie marks. I'm more concerned that the magic hasn't left you guys yet." I wonder if the process is slowed or something... "Can I... run some diagnostics on you guys, if I'm able to? I still don't know how magic works, but I might get some insight."

"You sure? I want to hold up our end of the bargain as well," Alex said.

Oh yeah, I kind of forgot about that amidst all the rest of this. "I'm sure," I said. "I want to learn more about this as much as you guys. I'm confused about what you know, yes, but this is a bit more pressing."

The three of them agree for me to run diagnostics. I started with Alex, at random. I run a few quick spells on all of him. The results are... strange, and not what I hoped for. He seems to be, well, a magical being. It's almost as if he's had magic his whole life, but I know that isn't true. The rudimentary tests give way to more complicated tests. I planned for this to be short, but the more I find the more I need to see more. I check Millie, and she's much the same. It's like... their entire selves are running on magic now. I mean that their digestive tracts, muscles, bones, it's all surrounded my magical currents. I check Caleb, and he has the same effect except a lot lesser. Whatever, I'll deal with that later. So I'm no biologist, but all this does not seem normal for a human, although I don't really know human biology too well anyways.

I've been standing still for around 30 seconds thinking over my findings. Alex speaks up impatiently. "So... what did you find?"

I'm about to interrupt, but Caleb beats me to it. "Hey, let her think. She was obviously deep in thought!"

"Oh, I'm sure you were about to interrupt as well," Alex says.

"Guys, calm down already," Mandy says. She turns to me. "Well, since you're already snapped out of it, you might as well say what you found."

I understand the trouble between them, but There are many bigger problems to deal with. "I... need a control to say for certain. Do you have anyone you could bring that isn't infected and won't say anything? Preferably someone friendly?

The three of them speak as one in an instant. "Elliot."

It's been about 15 minutes. Elliot is brought outside to me. Blindfolded, of course. That was the agreement. I have no idea how they convinced him to come deep in the woods blindfolded, but he's here now. That's their story of how he got here, not mine. He's calm, though. He seems very agreeable. I'm glad, he seems like a great control. I mean, it's nice he'll go along with the tests and all, but friendship is magic, after all, so if any normal human had magic, it would be him. He seems to fit all of my criteria.

"What are you going to do with him?" Alex asks. I put my finger to my lips and his mouth forms an O and he stops talking. I concentrate, and then dive into a diagnosis of Elliot's body.

I just have time to hear Millie whisper "Be careful, okay?" when I get lost in my research.

His anatomy is... normal. For a human, anyways. It's like the anatomy of a griffon or a rabbit rather than a pony. His digestive system and respiratory system functions completely without any sort of magic helping them. I don't check any further than that. This is the worst possible outcome I could have imagined. I don't let this show on my face, so not to panic them when Elliot's still here. How will I break it to them? I open my eyes and tell the other three to take him back. They do what I say.

It's after the other 3 got back. "Look... before I begin," I say, "I'm sorry. So here's the thing. I was trying to see if I could remove the magic from your systems." The three of them start to complain, I see it in their faces, but I cut them off. "Before you get angry at me for trying to do that, let me explain, okay? Look... magic attracts more magic. That's a proven scientific fact. With you guys all having magic like you do, more magic is soon to follow, evil magic, because opposites attract. It also might siphon more magic from other dimensions. I would be bad for the dimension, and you guys, if you had magic, superpowers or no. It would be best, if unfortunate for you guys, to not have magic in you, for the sake of you and the world."

Millie instantly steps forwards. "If it hurts the fate of our universe, of course I'll give up my magic!" The other two also quickly step forward and say they'll do it as well, now that I explained why.

But I shake my head. "That's just the thing. I needed to be sure, so I checked out Elliot, but... how can I put this... every function of your body now runs on magic. Your entire biology now revolves around it. To remove the magic from your systems would literally kill you right now. That... isn't normal. What I did must have somehow changed you guys' biology so completely that you're essentially no longer, well, human. And so... I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry."

Alex facehoofs. Or, maybe face... hands? Either way, he puts his hand to his face. "Couldn't you have said that before we knew that having magic was the worst possible thing imaginable? Now you somehow made me be sorry I have superpowers."

"Sorry," I say. "I'm really bad at breaking bad news. But I'm guessing you already know that, don't you. You seem to know everything else about me. Maybe this isn't the best time, though, after what I just revealed to you. I do want to know how you know, but I can empathise with you. Maybe I should just let you think it over. I shouldn't put my needs in front of yours."

Caleb is the one to speak up, the other two are too busy looking at their shoes. "No, you've done so much for us, you deserve the same treatment. Besides, I couldn't say no to that face. Look, I don't really know about you as much as the other two. I didn't believe it at first but... I think you're a character out of a TV show."

The other two cringe. My response? "What the heck is a TV show?" The three of them fall over. Hmmm... for some reason I want to say something about something called an 'anime fall'... whatever that is. Whatever, shut it out.

Caleb speaks again. "Um... so, it's like an episodic series of moving pictures on a screen, and a new episode comes out every week, unless it's on hiatus, and each one is like a mini character arc, and they're about different things each episode, but there's usually an overarching plot, and-"

Alex cuts him off. "Twilight, remember when you found out Daring Do was actually non-fiction?"

"W-what? No... You can't be saying that. That isn't possible!"

"Twilight, you're essentially a character from a book, except we know your appearance, voice environment... We've seen most of your life play out in front of us. To us, you are a fictional character." He looks away. "There, I said it. I know how you feel, Twilight, it sucks to break bad news."

I'm just... a character out of a book? But... how...?" I'm kind of in shock right now.

"Maybe you could give us your story, and that might explain a few things?" Millie says.

"I don't know, this is a lot to take in. I'm essentially just a character out of a kid's book? That's what you're telling me?"

"...Yeah, pretty much." Collin says.

"Can I have some time to think about this? I mean, what if I told you guys you were just characters from a book. Wouldn't you want a bit of time to think? I'm sorry I'm being uncooperative, I'm kind of in shock right now."

"Twilight," Caleb says, "maybe this'll all make more sense if you just tell us what's going on!"

Alex quickly turns to him. "How could you say that? She's obviously distraught. Can't this wait for another time?" He then turns to me. "I'm sorry about him, he has no idea what you're going through. If you want time to think, that's fine."

I don't know what to think right now. On another day, I might be okay with telling my story, and dealing with this obvious friendship problem, but now I just learned I accidentally changed this universe forever, exactly the thing I tried to prevent, and I'm unknowingly just a character from a 'TV show?' Normally I'd talk, but... "Thank you, Alex. Maybe... come back here tomorrow, and we'll talk my past, okay? I'm sure you guys have a lot to think about, too. All of you need to practice your magic."

Caleb and Alex ask simultaneously "Wait, but wouldn't practicing attract more monsters?" The two of them turn to the other with a look like wow, did we actually agree on something?

"It doesn't matter weather you use it or not, you still attract other magic. You might as well be ready." I say.

While the other two are busy, Millie says "...Okay, sure. Tomorrow then. I respect your wanting to not talk about it right now, unlike some people." Alex and Millie glance over at Caleb.

Okay... I can't put this off any longer. Even with all the other stuff going on, I am the princess of friendship, and this needs solving. "Guys... I know it's none of my business, I'm not even from this world, but... why are you guys so hostile to each other?"

This time, no one stepped forwards to respond. Eventually Alex spoke. "Look, maybe this is a matter for another time. It's complicated, okay? Weren't you the one who wanted to end this now anyways?"

I'm conflicted. I don't want to be a hypocrite, but what if the map... well, no. I have a lot to think about and so do they. I have no need to pry into their personal affairs, at least for now. "Okay, I'll meet you here tomorrow. I'm sorry for prying."

They start walking away, but Millie suddenly asks something. "Actually... it might be easier to meet somewhere closer to school next time. I have a location in mind, actually, would you like to hear it?"

I guess I never told them, did I? "No, here would be best for me. It's where the portal I came in from came out. I want to be here when it reopens." If it reopens...

"Oh, that's perfectly understandable. I didn't know. Here, then. Sure." Millie says.

"Guys, we said goodbye a good like twelve lines ago. She needs time to think, and this can wait until tomorrow." Alex says.

They finally walk away. Well, I shouldn't say finally. The conversation really did give me a lot of answers, and it's not their fault so much negativity got revealed. I'm just a bit exhausted, that's all. And confused. Mostly exhausted. Wow, I'm REALLY tired, I wonder why? The medical spells weren't that taxing... wait, spell 4WB! I should have remembered to switch it off, it did just about nothing. It's really taxing my resources. Actually... I wonder, though, was it just a coincidence it I cast it just before they called out to me? Didn't she say something about things happening when you cast the spell? I guess it's unimportant, but I have better things to think about. Like... I'm just a character in a book, at least here. I never had too much time to fully process that until now... Wow. It makes sense, yet it feels so wrong. Do I even have free will? Are my choices not there, just determined by someone on the other end of a pen? Okay, I need to stop reading too deply into this. UGH, I keep getting sidetracked and not turning off the spell, and I'm even more tired now. That isn't like me. I need a list so I stop forgetting so much. I need to ask for that tomorrow. Anyways, turning off the spell-

- - -End of Transmission- - -

Author's Note:

In case you're wondering, 4WB stands for 4th Wall Breaker.