• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 486 Views, 10 Comments

Video Journal, Day 1: WTF is Going On? - MLfan

Is this thing on? Look, I was just skipping class. Then the voice of Twilight Sparkle entered my head. And a timberwolf attacked. And now I have magical parcour skills. What the F just happened to my life? Oh, and I apperently can't swear, either.

  • ...

Day... you know what, day one.


So... today was a thing.






I'm still not entirely convinced myself, honestly. Maybe if I pinch myself for the 58th time... OW! Nope, still not a dream. I mean, yesterday, my only worries were upcoming video games and whenever the next episode of RWBY came out. Now, I deal with... whatever the F just happened to me. Okay, where do I even begin?

Okay, I guess I'll start from the beginning. Now I know what you're thinking. "Starting from the beginning? No crap, why didn't I think of that?" Well excuse, me, my own overactive imagination! Seriously, though, I could start at the interesting middle, then go over the relatively boring beginning, but if I did that, I'd probably just never get to the beginning, then the middle would become the beginning, and-

Oh, sorry, I'm rambling. I really don't feel like restarting the recording, so whatever, it stays. I tend to ramble a lot. I'll try to work on it, but I make no promises. Whatever, it isn't like anyone's going to hear this. Anyways...

Kay, so today started out like any other day. Woke up. Brushed teeth. Went downstairs and watched YouTube. Normal morning. My brother came downstairs. He's kind of like a mini-me, appearance-wise. Brown hair, brown eyes, bright colored clothes he's worn for the past week (that part's just him). Pretty sure we said hi, then immediately went back to YouTube. Blah blah blah, no one cares, they want to hear the interesting stuff. Just introducing a side character so it won't be out-of-the-blue if he appears later.

Oh, yeah, in case you're wondering about that last comment, I'm pretty sure I'm in a fanfic now, if what happened truly wasn't a dream (more on that later). I mean, I don't FEEL written. Honestly, I kind of wish I was written because the protagonist never dies in stories... Oh, wait, rambling again. I'll try to keep that in check. Where was I... Oh, yeah, school. So I took the bus to school. I read on the way they, just like any other day. Then math happened.

Enter Caleb, the ass of class. Really, nobody liked Caleb. He was a bully, simple as that. Most other bullies have an inner circle, but not him. He was hated by the bullies as well. He isn't seen as cool, just as an asshole. Well... he didn't use to be like that. He had a friend, once. But when enough was enough, his only friend left him. Now he's an ass to everyone.

Oh, and I should probably mention: that friend was me. Plot twist! Dun dun duuuuuun!

Dramatics aside, we used to be friends, but he ruined it. It's a long story I won't go over here. Anyways, since we aren't friends, Caleb decided we had to be enemies. And thus, he's went out of his way to be an ass to me ever since. At first, I tried to get back with him, but after a few weeks of assholery, I gave up. We aren't friends anymore. Back to the present, he taunted me, whatever. He's an asshole to me now, too. I don't know how I didn't see it earlier.

Oh, you thought that when I said 'Then math happened', you thought I meant it was when this big event I've been eluding to for the past few minutes happened? Nah. That happened in science.

We went outside in science. You know what I have to say to that? BOOOOOOOOOOOOORIIIIIIIIIING!!! Seriously, I hate going outside in science. You might think it's interesting to go outside in YOUR science class, but for me? NOPE! We go every week, and we do one thing only: We walk down the same path, reach a certain point, stand there for 10 minutes, and walk back. We don't do any science. We do FIGURATIVELY NOTHING! I hate that science class in general, but I especially hate going outside in that class.

Well... I knew the teacher wouldn't notice... so, I might have kinda slipped away. It was my first time doing so, and I was the 'good kid', so I knew if I was caught, the worst that could happen was a slap on the wrist. I could've re-entered the school, I suppose, but I was enjoying my book. So I instead found a quiet place located deep in the woods to sit and read. I had been reading for a good 15 minutes or so (New Rick Riordan book, goodie) when something snapped me out of it.

That is harder than you might think, actually. This was a really engrossing book. In a book this good, I could read it through an earthquake. Pretty much the only things that can snap me out of my book are myself, and when someone says my name, Alex. If someone says it, I am instantly ejected from fantasy into cold, harsh reality. This is why I don't read in class. Kidding! I read in class and miss stuff constantly. Well... if you count telekinesis, that makes three ways to snap me out of it. So, a voice bypassed my mental barriers and broadcasted directly into my brain: "Turn around slowly and don't make eye contact"

Perplexed, I looked up. I didn't even consider if it was telekinesis. Why would I? I thought someone had simply spoken to me aloud. That made me all the more perplexed when I looked up and saw no one. I thought back to the message. Turn slowly? That's when I heard heavy breathing behind me.

I turned around slowly.

Now, I'm no mega-brony. Never been to a ponycon, I don't even watch all of the episodes after season 5. But I know a timberwolf when I see it, in it's full CG glory. I almost met its glowing green CG eyes, but remembered the message and stopped in time.

The voice spoke again, and I knew it was telekinesis this time. "You can see it? Good. Now, slowly get up. NEVER look into it's eyes." I did as such. I didn't feel I really had a choice in the matter. I didn't even once consider it might be a dream. The reason is simple: I don't dream, period. And if I did at all, it certainly wouldn't be this vivid. This was actually happening somehow. Once I was up, the voice spoke again. "You know what I said about not looking into it's eyes? Okay, now I want you to do just that."

But- I thought. Not said, THOUGHT.

I shouldn't have been surprised that this voice could read my mind. "Trust me." There is one reason I trusted this voice. Well other than the fact that it saved me from a mythical beast. I had been suspecting this for awhile, but this last thought confirmed it. This was the voice of Twilight Sparkle. I wasn't sure what the heck was going on, but there was a FREAKING TIMBERWOLF in front of me! So if they exist, why not Twilight, right? I trusted Twilight, if it really was her.

So I looked the timberwolf in the eye. Guess what? I shouldn't have trusted the voice. Thinking back, before I looked it in the eye, the timberwolf was just eyeing me, not knowing if it should attack or flee. But it saw me as a threat now. I thought it was threatening before, but when it's eyes went from green to red and it's stance changed to that of a predator about to pounce, the wolf's old look suddenly stopped looking as menacing. This comforting thought didn't help my current situation. Like, the good news is you were wrong and it wasn't about to kill you! The bad news is it is going to kill you now.

I knew that if I broke eye contact, I was a goner.

Uh, Twilight? Not to rain on your parade or anything, but...

Twilight seemed just as confused as me, though. "I don't understand! The timberwolf should've... wait, how the hoof do you know my name?"

Okay... so this is either the world's best hidden camera prank featuring the world's best actor, or this truly was somehow the real Twilight. Um... So you really are Twilight Sparkle then? Element of Magic?

"Yes! How do you know that? Is there, like, some parallel universe me here or something that you know? Actually, now that I think about it, that makes sense..."

Just then the timberwolf growled, snapping me back to the present. Twilight, can we talk about this later? The wolf looks ready to strike at any time now...

"Oh, right. Sorry. Um... just, stay still for a second, okay?"

Seeing as I really didn't have any choice in the matter, I stayed still for a second. Then two. Then ten. I eyed the timberwolf, it eyed me. We were locked in an endless staring contest, where you were allowed to blink. Actually, it wouldn't be endless, I would eventually just get exhausted and die. What a comforting thought. 20 seconds passed. Just as I was about to ask Twilight what was taking so long, it hit me. Magic. I felt as if I had suddenly lost, like, 100 pounds. I felt the wind seem to start to flow with my heartbeat, and my legs felt like they could beat Usain Bolt in a footrace without breaking a sweat. There was no word I could use to describe this but magic.

Twilight's voice appeared in my head again. "Okay, I used my magic to-"

I cut her off. Twilight?


I Know.

Then, if I may channel my inner Rainbow Dash, I did something incredibly awesome. I broke eye contact with the timberwolf. The wolf then charged at me, as I predicted it would. I then did a front flip over the timberwolf, smashing the book I was holding backwards into its snout. Remember the book I was carrying? Yeah, it was a heavy hardcover book, a few pounds, I'd say, and I swung it with incredible force. It seemed to do a ton of damage to the timberwolf. Landing on the other side, then I quickly turned in preparation for a counter-attack. This never came. I guess the wolf was scared of me then. It must've decided I wasn't worth fighting. So it promptly ran. Short action sequence, right? And so I was left alone in the woods. Wait, no, not alone! Twilight! I called. Weirdly enough, no response. Twilight? No answer. And then...

I woke up. I was in the middle of the woods, book in hand. It was at the same page I was at last. Wha-what happened? Was it a dream? But it felt so real. In the end, though... I couldn't believe it was real. I'll admit it... I believed it was a dream. Yet, now I do believe it's real. So what changed my mind? I already told you, I don't dream. You don't understand the strength at which I don't dream. I haven't had a dream in more than five years, and even the dreams before then I don't remember so vividly. Dreaming just isn't something I do. There were the details, too. I remember the weight of the book in my hand, the wind pumping around me like the world's heartbeat. It wasn't a dream. But back then... I didn't have the same thought process. It was easier to believe it was a dream than to admit that magic is real, y'know?

So I tried to forget it. I told myself that it didn't happen, it was just a dream. The rest of the day's kind of a blur for me because of that. I was too busy trying not to think about it that I didn't think about anything else! Kinda ironic. Um... I remember lunch a little bit. I always sit with Elliot and Millie at lunch, but Millie didn't show up, strangely. She was there in math, but nowhere to be found afterwards. Eh, probably in detention or something. She was back by English, anyhow. In other news, miraculously, Caleb was subdued. He didn't bother me or anyone else ONCE! Hallelujah! I mean, I was a bit distracted and therefore didn't care that he wasn't bothering me, but it's the thought that counts. He actually came up to me at the end of the day and wanted to tell me something. I don't know what, though, I had to go before he could say anything. Whatever, probably some hare-brained scheme he made up to try and fail to get us back together again. He's a jerk to me 99% of the time, but then he's nice for, like, an hour and expects us to get back together because of it! It's happened before. Whatever.

That's about the only things I remember from school, though. The classes themselves went in one ear and out the other. I took the school bus, got home, and just lay on my bed for awhile. For the first time all day, I let myself honestly reflect on what just happened. I thought over everything that happened, and said you know what, this was real. This was no dream. So I sat down and made a video journal about it. These video journals are a school project, and we're supposed to do them for 7 consecutive days. But then this happened. I have 2 already recorded, on Saturday and Sunday, but now Monday rolls around and my life gets turned upside-down. So now I'm going to have to make a fake journal, too, for the teacher to watch. Oh, joy. This one is more for me releasing my energy, trying to make sense of my day, and possibly posting it on YouTube as well. Um... one for three, I guess. So yeah, now my life isn't entirely human. And I know it isn't over yet. I can feel it. I was too busy trying not to think about my adventure during the rest of the day, I didn't even notice. But now I realize: The magic Twilight gave me isn't gone. I still feel the wind if I concentrate, I still feel light on my feet. If I may stop joking about for a few seconds, I don't know if I should be thrilled or terrified. I have freaking magic, but I've read books and fanfics. What cost might come if I am to be a hero? This all scares me. All I know is that this isn't over yet. This is just chapter one...

- - -End of Transmission- - -

Author's Note:

I'm back! Not that literally anyone missed me. Anyways, with another 2ish years of experience under my belt, and some actual planning, let's see if I can't make a decent fic for once. Good luck, me.
(oh, and if you're reading this fic and enjoying it, then don't read my first fic. Just... don't...)

P.S. there IS an in-universe reason as to why the characters' journal entries don't have visuals, to be revealed later. Any other questions you have, feel free to leave them in the comments, I might answer them if there are no spoilers. Also any edits are appreciated, thx ;)