• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 486 Views, 10 Comments

Video Journal, Day 1: WTF is Going On? - MLfan

Is this thing on? Look, I was just skipping class. Then the voice of Twilight Sparkle entered my head. And a timberwolf attacked. And now I have magical parcour skills. What the F just happened to my life? Oh, and I apperently can't swear, either.

  • ...

Entry 2: So... it wasn't a dream, then...

Yesterday's entry was a lie. I just think I should say that before I even begin. My name is Caleb, and I have a secret. Yesterday, I skipped class in science. That's not the secret, by the way, no one likes science. When I was there, I met with a strange girl. Her skin was a pinkish-purple, and her hair was colored really weird. And... well... some weird stuff happened when she appeared. I've been trying to believe it was a dream... but it wasn't. It really, really wasn't. I still kind of believed it and my last entry had no mention of science, but new evidence has arrived, and I have no choice but to believe it actually happened. Well... before I say that, I should probably go over what happened yesterday so that today makes more since.

So I skipped class in science yesterday, and hung out in the forest. I knew no one would miss me, ever since Alex stopped being my friend. F him by the way. Wow, I can't even get myself to swear anymore, how sad is that? Anyways, I was leaning on a tree, jotting a few notes down. About what, it's unimportant, because after I had been sitting for only a minute or two, I heard footsteps, fast ones. I looked up to see the mystery girl. She was actually pretty cute, I guess. She actually didn't have the purple skin I spoke about, she just looked like a normal kid, with an admittedly weird hairstyle. Like, purple with pink stripes? Weird choice. Anyways, she was sprinting as fast as she could.

"Hey! Who are you?" I called as she sprinted closer. She seemed around high school age, but she sure didn't go to this school. I'd recognize that haircut.

She didn't even slow as she came closer. She instead pulled a Gandalf: "Run! Run you fool!"

I looked behind her and saw... absolutely nothing. There was literally nothing behind her. She was running as if her life depended on it, and there was approximately air behind her. "Um... you are aware there's nothIIIIIINNNNG-" That was me shouting because she grabbed my hand in a vice-like grip and dragged me behind her. She even made me drop my notebook! "Okay, whoever you are, there is NOTHING behind us. I don't know which mental institution you escaped from..."

The purple girl didn't even slow her pace, and kept an iron grip on my hand. I couldn't have let go if I tried. She did, however, give me a confused look. "Can you really not see- right or left?"

I was incredibly confused. We were reaching a fork in the road. "Um... what?

"Which leads to more people? Right or left?"

"Um, l-left." We turned down the path. I decided to humor her. "So, what is it I can't see, exactly?"

She gave me a grim look. "Timberwolves." She said, as if that explained everything. Seeing my blank look, she sighed and elaborated: Wolves made entirely out of wood." Stated in such a grim voice, I snickered at this. She silenced me. "These aren't funny, kid. They're practically invincible, just reforming if they shatter within a minute. They're faster, stronger, and more aggressive than your average wolf. They're dangerous in packs, which they're in right now, lucky us." She paused to let that sink in for a moment. "The good news is hate people and fear fire. If we can just get them to a crowded area, they'll probably run." As she described them, I looked back. As if from thin air, they had appeared, chasing us down.

"What- WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?!??!!!"


"I-I can see them! You did... something, and suddenly they appeared behind us! WHAT? DID? YOU? DO????

The girl actually slowed her pace in surprise. "Weird. I wonder..."

The Timberwolves were gaining ground. They might be with us within 30 seconds. "Run! They're catching up!"

"Oh, sorry. I'll talk later." She didn't quicken her pace. This, by the way, was about when she gained purple skin. I had better things to worry about, so I didn't mention it. I don't think I ever did, actually. I just had better things to deal about.

"Um... if you're going to let the wolves catch up, can you at least let go of my hand so I can run?

She slowed to a stop, then actually let go of my hand, much to my surprise. "Please don't run, though. I'm tired, I don't think I could make it too much further, and I don't want to endanger innocents." She paused. "But I have a plan. Do... do you trust me?"

By all accounts, I really shouldn't have trusted her. Well, it did make sense, she just saved me from an army of invisible foes. But she did also just stop in front of a bunch of woodwolves she claimed were invincible, so that's kind of a point against her. Still, though... I trusted her. Maybe I'm crazy, but I did as she asked. I didn't run.

This had been only a second or so. "Good choice." She said. "Now, I don't have time to explain. Just close your eyes. I don't want to sear them off."

Maybe the tiniest bit phased, I closed my eyes. Now, it was winter, very cold. Yet suddenly I felt a rush of warmth envelope me. I could have taken off all of my clothes and still felt fine. Still, I wasn't going to open my eyes yet. I liked having eyes.

"Um... you can open your eyes now."

I opened my eyes. The timberwolves were about to reach us, but suddenly skidded to a halt and backed up, not willing to step within 10 feet of us. Well... step closer to me.

The girl smiled. "Wow, it worked!"

"Wh-what happened?"

The girl spoke quickly, almost as if she was... geeking out or something. "When I first came here, I tried to use offensive spells, but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. It wasn't that I couldn't channel magic, but the universe resisted me. I had no choice but to run from the Wolves. But you..."

"Wait, okay, please step back to the whole "Magic is real" bit. What?"

"Oh, sorry, I forgot magic might not be a thing here. Should've been more thoughtful, Canterlot high didn't have any, either. So-" she turned geek out mode off. "Oh crap."

I don't know what nonsense she was spouting about this "Canterlot High", by the way. It was painfully obvious, however, why the girl stopped talking. The Timberwolves were advancing. "Why are they advancing? You said they wouldn't advance!"

"Well... after about a minute of not seeing fire, they might think their senses are acting up and there is no fire." She seemed genuinely worried at this. She DID have a backup plan... right?

"Well... buck." (No idea why I didn't actually swear, I honestly thought I had said the F word at the time. Stupid mental changes) I paused for a second to think. The girl certainly wasn't helping. "So... what do we do about it?"


"You aren't giving up, are you? Look, I don't know who you are, but you've always seemed to have a plan before. So what's your plan?"

That seemed to snap her out of her trance. "Yeah, you're right. Okay, I know you probably can't summon anything too big, but maybe I could teach you something small. I gave you a little bit of fire magic, as you're probably already aware. Maybe you could summon a little bit of it." The wolves were slowly stepping closer.

"Okay, so tell me what I have to do." I have no idea where my confidence came from. I blame a mix of adrenaline and magic.

"...I don't really know, I'm not used to having hands."

My own thoughts cutting in real quick: WHAT? Back to your regularly scheduled narration:


"Not important. As I was saying, I'll give you my best shot. Okay, so hold out your hand..."

She didn't get a chance to finish. As I held out my hand, a timberwolf decided to lunge at us. My instincts reacted then. My hand swiveled around toward the wolf and fired a bolt of fire straight at it, shattering it to pieces and burning its remains. The other timberwolves backed up. In spite of myself, I smiled. I was like an action movie hero! Out of experimentation, I fired two more bolts into the crowd, killing two instantly and setting many more of them alight. The timberwolves turned to run, not willing to fight this losing battle. I did one last assault, firing a flame-thrower-like effect from my hands, setting even more alight. By then the wolves were all out of range. ...Wow. So that was magic.

Unfortunately, about half of them got away unscathed, but I was just happy to be alive, I guess. This whole time, Twilight just stood there, dumbfounded. Finally she spoke. "H-How the hoof did you do that?"

Okay, is there a pattern I'm not seeing here? I mean, weird alien creatures chasing you? Fine. Magic? Normal. Creatures being invisible to others? Weird. People being able to use the magic that YOU GAVE THEM? Not normal, something is horribly wrong here. Seriously, what's the pattern here? Well, in any case, she was dumbfounded.

I answered her with a question. "What do you mean? You gave me magic... somehow... and I used it. What's so strange about that that isn't strange about everything else that just happened?"

Twilight was still sort of in shock, maybe even more so after my response. "A beginner, let alone someone who's never used magic in their entire life, shouldn't have been able to preform that spell so well! I was just going to have you produce a tiny little candlelight to scare them off! So how..." She took a deep breath. "You know what, that's unimportant. I round up these wolves and get back to Equestria. I'll learn more then." She turned to me. "Please... forget you ever saw me. Forget all of this, I don't want you involved. It was all just a dream..." A ball of light formed near her forehead.

I stepped back. "Wait-"

"-What?" I woke up between words. Baffled, I looked around. My notebook I had dropped was in my hands. I was sleeping at the point that I thought I had seen the mystery girl. To experiment, I held out my hand and attempted to create a fireball. Nothing. I chuckled to myself. It was just a dream, then.

Still, I was a bit subdued. I wanted to talk with Alex, even though we're officially enemies. I didn't get a chance, unfortunately. For some reason I felt like he might have answers, although I don't know how I got that idea. I mean, it wasn't wrong, as I found out today, but still... okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. Anyways, the rest of my day went as I said it did in my previous entry, so I won't go over it here. Anyways, now we get to today.

So today I wake up. When I change into new clothes, weirdly, on all of them, there's suddenly a picture of a fire, anywhere from dead center to off to the side to on the back. Weird. I think. I didn't have time to mull this over, because in the shower I found a tattoo of a flame on my leg, the very one imprinted on all of my clothes.

Um... what?

Excuse me, what?

I swear I didn't put it there. I just woke up, and it was there. Look, it's still there right now! As you can see, it's a fire. No idea why it's there. Oh, and it IS on my clothes, I just have my shirt on inside out, see? I didn't want people to notice. I mean, people probably wouldn't care today, but if I keep bringing in different shirts with the same design on them, people will get incredibly suspicious. Anyways, now I had a thought lingering in the back of my mind: "What if it wasn't a dream?" And as I thought, the more I realized it couldn't have been a dream. I remembered it all too clearly, even a day later. I remember the heat of the fire which I shouldn't have been able to feel so strongly. I dream a lot, and that was no dream. That was real. I realized it then when I had physical proof. And I could not keep a secret that big to myself. I couldn't tell my family, of course, not even a question. Well... maybe my sister, although she's at collage right now. So, much as it pains me to admit... Alex was always good at keeping secrets.

So the way went as normal as I worked up my courage to talk to Alex. Did decent in classes, hated by literally everyone, normal day. As we were about to leave, I walked up to Alex. "Alex, can we talk?"

He was wearing red shoes, tan pants (as usual), and a blue, striped shirt. Kinda like me, he had whiter-than-white skin and the face that 90% of brown-hair-brown-eyes-white-skin teens have. I had the face, just with blonde hair and blue eyes. I hear that often people mistook him for someone else. He was wearing a smile, but it disintegrated when he saw me. "Caleb, go away. I have enough to worry about." He said. We used to be friends, but we aren't anymore. Now he's kind of a jerk.

I had a response for him, though. I needed to appeal to his opinions. "Alex, this isn't me being a jerk, of some hare-brained scheme to get us back together. Can you pretend for once you care and just listen to me?" Now this got his attention.

"Caleb... what's wrong?"

"Alex... can you keep a secret?" I knew the answer is, or at least WAS yes, But I wanted to hear him say it.

"Yes...? Caleb, just tell me what's wrong."

"I came to you because I know you know how to keep a secret, and I need to tell... someone. Anyone." I paused for a second to get it out. Alex stared at me, his eyes urging me foreword. For that instant, it was almost like we were friends. Something... happened yesterday." My hand involuntarily crept towards my new tattoo. Then something I really didn't expect happened.

"Wait... oh, buck. Please tell me... you didn't skip class in science yesterday... did you?"

Okay, this wasn't normal. It was as if he could read my mind. "Alex, how did you...?" I took a step back. I didn't know what was going on. For all I knew, maybe this was an alien impersonating Alex, or he had been spying on me. Don't judge, I really had no idea. It made as much sense as everything else!

Alex took a step closer. "In that forest... something happened to you, didn't it? Please say no, I don't want to be right. You saw something. Something scary. Something extraordinary. Something... magical."

I did the only logical course of action I saw. I ran. Honestly, I didn't know what was happening, I still don't now. All I knew was that something was very wrong here, and my instincts told me to run. I trust my instincts, and I ran. Whatever that girl did to me, the fire-thing made me faster than before. I should've escaped, no problem. Then I looked back and saw Alex running after me, keeping pace step for step. So this demon-Alex apparently had super-speed or something. And was he limping? Probably just seeing things. Anyways, yeah, he had super-speed.


I knew if I reached my car, I would get away. Alex wouldn't dare get in. He's too honest for his own good, I know that much. Kinda weird he can keep a secret so well but never break a rule, if you ask me. Anyways, back to the chase scene.

I got to the stairs and tore down them, four at a time. It was 4 stories down, but I got down them in maybe 10 seconds. Weirdly, I didn't hear footsteps behind me. Then Alex landed in front of me as I rushed out of the staircase and beelined for the door. As in, jumped down 35 feet vertically, landed gracefully without even rolling to stop the forces of gravity, and turned to me. As in he didn't have a scratch on him after a 35 foot fall! He seemed to be literally glowing, although that might just be faulty memory. I was stunned momentarily, and he used that opportunity to talk to me. "Caleb, listen to me. I know what happened because-"

He suddenly stopped talking because he looked around and saw a crowd of people. You don't jump down 35 feet unscathed without attracting one, after all. His own stunned silence snapped me out of it. I pushed through the crowd to make my getaway. Alex tried to follow, but was stopped by the swarm of kids asking him questions like "Wow, how do you do that? Why did you do that? What were you talking about?" I ran to my dad's car and got in. I went home, and filmed this.

But... I have more to say. Alex, before I got away, got a note to me. I don't know how, he was still indoors when I left. But by the time I got home I found a note in my pocket. I actually never opened it. I don't really know why I was scared before. I think I was kind of overwhelmed. I acted cowardly. I needed to think it over. And now I have. On camera. Yeesh, when I say it like that, it's almost like I'm in a found-footage film. Hey guys, I'm just gonna carry this camera around and chronicle everything, K? Don't question it. Anyways, now that I've thought it over, I know Alex wasn't trying to hurt me. I don't know why ever I though that. I was being dumb. Tomorrow I'll talk to him and not run away again. Actually, I should check what note he gave me...
*Crinkling sound*

Wow, this is bad handwriting. Okay, I'll try my best... "No time to write. Watch MLP. It will explain."

...What the heck is MLP? Now I really wish I had Alex's phone number, I could get more information. I guess this is all I get for not listening. Alex had to scribble this note down and do who knows what to get it to me. I really feel bad now. I could have just listened, but I was a coward instead.
Anyways, I'd better go research what MLP is.
*Sounds of typing*... (from off-mic) "REALLY? MY LITTLE PONY?"

*footsteps* You know what, maybe I shouldn't feel bad for Alex. Maybe he was trolling me this whole time. He had better have a damn good explanation for this tomorrow, cause I aint watching that show. Really Alex? My little pony? If that show has any relevance whatsoever, I will... I don't know, eat my hat or something. Maybe I'll write a bad fanfiction. Wow, where the hoof did that idea come from? Whatever, sure, if this show has anything to do with anything, I'll write a bad fanfic. This is stupid, I can't believe I felt sorry for that punk.

End of Transmission

Author's Note:

Now that you've read all the already completed chapters, I'll be uploading bi-weekly to weekly, depending on school, with occasional mini-chapters as well, usually giving a different perspective on a completed day. I hope the probably 3 people reading this enjoy it!