• Published 26th Jan 2017
  • 487 Views, 10 Comments

Video Journal, Day 1: WTF is Going On? - MLfan

Is this thing on? Look, I was just skipping class. Then the voice of Twilight Sparkle entered my head. And a timberwolf attacked. And now I have magical parcour skills. What the F just happened to my life? Oh, and I apperently can't swear, either.

  • ...

Day 1.5: Midnight chapter because I can't sleep.

Author's Note:

This is a mini-chapter. I might do one of these every once in a while when I want to do a story, but don't have enough content for a full chapter. These won't count towards my bi-weekly count, by the way. I could still release two chapters and one of these.


Whatever was in that dose of magic didn't wear off. I feel like I have to move. My mind is racing. I feel so alive! In other words, I have insomnia. It is currently one AM. I've been laying in bed for 3 hours, and had not a wink. It's not because of normal insomnia. My brain chemistry has been completely changed due to this... magic. Yeesh, I still won't admit magic isn't real to myself even though I have firsthand proof. What is wrong with me? Anyways, I can't stop my mind from racing at 5 million miles an hour with no stop. It just won't stop thinking. Whatever spell was used on me didn't only make my body faster, I guess. You know what? I have an idea. If I can sneak out, maybe I can run 50 miles or something until my energy is drained. It's so crazy, it might actually work. Now I just need to sneak out, and test my powers...

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow.

It was going so well for the first 15 minutes. I ran, faster than I ever had before, with literally inhuman stamina. I could parkour like a badass, when before I just couldn't parkour period. I ran up a wall a few step, then backflipped off of it, landing gracefully where I began. It might not be too impressive to some experts, but for me, someone with no practice... imagine what I could do with practice?

Well... then I got cocky. I went too far. I guess I assumed my new body could do anything. I leapt from the garage to the house, climbed up the house, then dropped 25 feet. If it weren't for my new powers, I might've died, or at least broken something. Instead, I just sprained my ankle. Honestly, I consider myself lucky that I didn't break anything else. Still, though... ow. I guess I shouldn't of assumed this body has no limits. I suppose it's good I learned this now. Imagine if I embarrassed myself when showing off the others. I know I'm not invincible now. Oddly enough, that's a comforting thought for me. I'm still human.

So, if you're me, you might be wondering why my powers are so obvious now, when I didn't notice them for hours before. I don't know before, but I'll give my best guess. I'm pretty sure that I didn't notice because my brain already runs fast, like everyone else's brains. I wasn't thinking about how much faster my brain was running, I was thinking about school, and not thinking about science. You don't think about how fast your brain runs, you just don't. And I didn't notice my added stamina because I was preoccupied. I also walked home, so I didn't have to use my powers. I didn't have any opportunity to think about any of it. But now... it's clear as day. I have magic. I finally fully accepted it wasn't a dream when I described my agility aloud in my last broadcast. I realized I still felt it. That's what banished my doubts. Why am I even talking about this? I'm the only person who really cares why I didn't feel it earlier. I'll probably just scrap this recording later... I'm not rerecording it now, though. I just want to get to bed... WAIT! I want to get to sleep! It worked! I'm tired! Ugh, I hope I don't have to run around for thirty minutes if I want to get to sleep, now. *Yawn* Well... good night, video diary! See you tomorrow! Wait, It's 1:30! I guess see you later today, then.

- - -End of Transmission- - -