• Published 29th Jun 2012
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Reunion of the Specialists - BioChemicalWolfGear

Specialists of Utopia seperate to create peace.

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Chapter 1: Equestria

Twilight Sparkle the new magic specialist joins all the specialists in the conference room. She has her own special chair for her to sit on since she can’t get onto a human chair. Utopia glides through the blackness of the void scanning for another parallel universe of Equestria that the Utopian specialists could arrive at. Though with so many universes that are now unorganized and deteriorating the specialists find themselves rather than saving collapsing societies, they keep a universe itself from collapsing. More than once a specialist had to build a special machine in the center of a planet or in the middle of a star that pulled the universe together before it expanded into the void.

“Well Twilight Sparkle. Now that you’re a specialist you have to get a new name.” Said Impulse at the head of the table.

“W-what? Why can’t I keep my name? It sounds magical.”

“Well it doesn’t say magical now does it? We all had first names…Time for you to fall in line with the rest of us. Mother found a name for you this morning and I think you may like it.” He said with a reassuring smile.

Twilight was about to retort when she realized that they all indeed went by their titles. “…Ok. What has mother named me?” Said Twilight sadly lowering her ears.

“Spell Caster.” When Impulse said Spell Caster Twilights ears shot up.

“T-that’s…Not bad.” She said with a smile. “Spell Caster. That’s a name I can live with.”

“Good now that we have your name out of the way. Nano Swarm.” Said Impulse looking over to a woman wearing heavy iron boots and in a tank top with blue jeans. She was lying back nonchalantly in her chair with her feet on the table.

“Yea?” She said in the dullest tone ever...

“You have to regenerate. You don’t have immortality so you’re going to have to do a few more solo missions in your home world Equestria.”

“Wait what? DID YOU LOOK AT MY FATHERS ARCHIVES?” She shouted at Impulse.

“Well yea. And he wasn’t your father, you are a clone of his so he could live forever. Now you need to regenerate your body in Equestria again so that you can improve on your abilities again.”

She froze when she thought about it and all her rage disintegrated into a silent blank stare. “Well…Oh shut up!” She said to Turmoil the gyro/turret specialist who was sitting across from her…laughing his ass off from the sudden ‘rage’ to ‘wut?’ expression on Nano’s face.

“It was pretty funny Nano!” Said a cheery voice coming from Sky Rider as she joins in the laughter. Impulse still isn’t amused but the other specialists join in. Binary and his maniacal laughter made the whole incident seem darker than it was.

“Well now that all those giggles are out.” Said Witch Doctor after everyone calmed down. “Sound Wave is pretty much useless…How about we regenerate her mind and Nano Swarm’s into the same body.” At this the entire room was silent.

“W-WHAT?! I’m not useless!” Said a female voice taking out her head phones and slamming a portable music player on the table.

“Yes you are. You can blow things apart with sound. However you don’t go outside to meet anyone and you would rather have them come to you. And when you do go out it’s always you trying to find a night club of some sort. So why not? I know how to combine your minds. I’ve done it on my own with different animals when you guys were busy.”

The whole room was quiet. As Spell Caster began to fully understand what Witch Doctor did a chill went down her spine. “UGH!” Exclaimed Spell Caster.

“What? NO I DIDN’T LITTERALLY SOW THEM TOGETHER! I took the brainwaves of one and placed those in the other mind. Then I improved its performance so it would be able to handle two thoughts at once. But I’ll need to install a coolant system since the overworking brain will generate more heat than the body could handle.”

“Ok umm Witch Doctor.” Said Nano Swarm. “I just want you to know I am not going to sleep for the next three weeks knowing you want to fuse me and Sound.”

“Oh…aw I was preparing the stasis chambers for weeks.” He said with a defeated frown.

“Peace Keeper?” Said Beast Master who noticed Peace Keeper deep in thought.

He looked up at Beast Master and said “Yes?”

“What’s your idea?”

“Well I haven’t thought of anything.”



“What is it?”

“We should all separate. All of us go to different universes and save people on our own. It will do the realms good. Nano Swarm will regenerate at the location of the next collapse and she will prevent it. I think we should also consider the idea of having our new specialist here have a go at a human reality to save. You know see the worst of the worst first.” He said with a serious tone and a blank face.

“Well we’ve been splitting up. But I’m guessing you suggest leaving Utopia to fend for itself in the void right?” Said Impulse as he glared at Peace Keeper.

“I guess.” Said Peace Keeper looking at the ceiling. “Oh Beast Master have you officially named your spirit guide?”

“Who Alpha?” Said Beast Master. “Yea he named himself after his old title rather than an actual name. Wolves don’t exactly give each other names. His new name is Mouse.”

“Mouse? Not bad. But why name him after a prey animal?”

“Because I like mice…”



Twilight, now Spell Caster, heads to the great library through the Utopia’s tram system…The great golden city known as Utopia. She couldn’t believe she was here infinitely away from home. No distance between here and home and yet no way to go there. Utopia’s core had a mind of its own and at times it whispered random commands that she obeyed without question. At times she went to the core itself and gazed at the white dwarf that gave the station life. Utopia was a city…But it had only thirteen people living there. And an entire army of golden soldiers…Golems. Golem God the golem specialist was able to make magic golems. They resembled unicorns only they rivaled the height of Celestia herself and they were just as powerful as the sun goddess. But none compared to the power Spell Caster was gifted to by when Utopia accepted her.

Spell Caster reaches the great library after five minutes of commuting and went inside to learn more about humans before she had to go and solve their problems.

She found out of the ethnic cleansing and other things like that. She noticed how religion was capable of driving people to kill in many forms. And after about a week of studying culture she realized how difficult it would be for her to convince the world to become peaceful with each other. She had only one choice now…Appear as a god to them and they will fall in line. Use faith as a weapon of peace rather than its more than often uses for war.

“Spell Caster you still in the library?” Said a voice from behind her that rips her away from the holographic displays.

“Who?” Said Twilight in confusion at the name.

“You forget your own name?” Said Nano Swarm leaning against the tall gold and bronze doors of the library.

“Oh Nano Swarm.” She said a smile appearing on her face, then she blushed. “Oh yea that’s my new name isn’t it?”

Nano moves next to Spell Caster and sits down next to her. “We are almost ready to send me to Equestria again…Did you know I wasn’t born? I was created.”

“Yea I heard about that…You’re a female version of John Cole…You became a female because of the DNA from Rainbow Dash…I’m still impressed reality allowed that mix to create a human rather than a mutated mix between pony and human.”

“Well I’m not all life form…I’m mostly made up of machines so they have the blame for the shape of my body. Witch Doctor cleaned out my bones and my veins so I could carry material inside them and increase my density to an impressive level…I can carry Equestria inside me if I have to.”

“Wow that’s amazing! When you get back I want to learn how to make another you. Maybe I should get whatever upgrade you were born with that allowed you to fall and not break bone when you literally slam into the ground.” They sat there for a while remembering the first time they were in Equestria.

“Hey Spell Caster? Which specialist did you meet first? Or see first, whichever.”

“Sky Rider. She was riding on a dragonfly golem. The only one with a saddle.” She giggled.

“Yea…Sky Rider is pretty cute don’t you think.” Said Nano Swarm.

Spell Caster faltered for a moment. “A-are you…”



“Good. And it’s mainly because of my dad really…Or John Cole. Whichever you want to think of him as.”

“Oh so does that mean you have more hormones than a regular female?”

“…Well yea I guess. Never really thought about that. Didn’t really care. Anyway I’ve got to go get ready for the transformation in Witch Doctor’s stasis chambers…I’m going to become grand. I have a lot of new abilities right now and I can’t wait to use them when I absorb enough Equestrian material.”

“Hey Nano?”


“Don’t force yourself on Fluttershy.” She said while holding back a laugh.

“Ha I won’t…” She leans in close to Spell Caster. “She’s not my type.” Whispered Nano. “Now Rainbow…” She said with lust in her eyes. They both started laughing.

“Have fun Nano Swarm.” She said after they stopped laughing. She turns back to the holographic displays and she starts going through more data about humans.

Nano Swarm gets up and almost reaches the door before Spell Caster calls after her. “MAKE FRIENDS! AND DON’T KILL MINE!”

“HAHAHAHA! I’ll make sure I don’t kill ponies but if any royal guard get in my way to a donut shop then I’ll crack some skulls.”

“YOU BETTER NOT!” Said Spell Caster in a royal Canterlot voice.

“Was that your Luna impression?” They remained in laughter as Nano Swarm walks out the door.


Sky Rider and Turmoil both worked on a new capsule that would take a small party to any dimension that they chose to go to. Golem God also gave it six legs so it can tail Nano Swarm if ever she needs assistance of any kind. Sky Rider gave it the ability to fly. Turmoil gave it the shape of a golden bullet. It almost looked like a jelly fish only it was ten feet tall, and thirty feet tall if it stood on the tips of its spiked legs. It had a golden insectoid feel to it.

“W-what’s this?” Said Nano Swarm as she enters the hanger where it is being made.

“It’s the capsule we’re sending you in with!” Started Sky Rider. “It can fly like a jet and can follow you around when you think of it for assistance! It also makes a golden trail behind it. Pretty neat huh?”

“Yea that sounds pretty cool I guess. But can it get me to an area that has iron? Or even platinum?”

“Well I’ll see if Watchman or Binary has a system or program that can detect that for you.”

“All right. Turmoil you think you can convince Beast Master to send Mouse with me? I might need a spirit guide. I’ve never really been first to make conversation sooooo…”

“No.” Said a very tall man in black heavy combat armor.

(Turmoil used to be on life support. His that contained him was a heavy armor suit that was made for him to live in. Now that Witch Doctor got him new lungs he doesn’t need to be in his suit. However he clings to old habits and patrols around Utopia wearing it at times.)

“Aw why not?”

“I don’t mess with the spirit world. That’s Golem’s area of expertise. And I don’t think it would be a good idea to take Beast Master’s spirit guide away from him anyway. He may need him when going to another Equestria.”

“Ugh fine…can you come with?”

“…No. I’ve got to go to yet ANOTHER Equestria…I’m really getting tired of the simplicity of that world.”

“Well you and me both…Well I guess it’s a good place to start right? I’ve done this before but I don’t like explaining myself to a…crowd.” She shuddered.

“Y-you have stage fright?” Said Turmoil felling thankful he’s in a suit…He was grinning ear to ear.


“Now how do you know that?”

“Didn’t. You just admitted my suspicions.”



Nano Swarm exits the stasis chamber and looks around. Only to find she can’t see.

“Witch Doctor? What did you do?” She said barely containing her rage.

“I took your site so you must rely on your Swarm. You can produce thousands of drones in seconds now. That means they can send you data about your surrounding area without you needing to see or hear it.”

“So you made me blind…And super senses? Some fucking trade off you piss cake!”



When the capsule was done all the specialists met up in the hanger to see off Nano Swarm. All the thirteen specialists were there. Peace Keeper, Spell Caster, Impulse Power, Beast Master, Binary, Sound Wave, Witch Doctor, Sky Rider, Turret Turmoil, Watchman, Smoke Machine, Golem God.

“Good luck friend.” Said Golem God. “Make Equestria prosper in the name of Utopia. And improve those new abilities I heard about.”

“Yea about those. FUCK YOU WITCH!” Shouted Nano Swarm still incapable of seeing. With Sky Riders help she got into a black cloak and put a black blind fold on. She looked pretty bad ass really. But she couldn’t tell, Sky Rider could have put her in pink for all she knew.

“Nano Swarm I’m disappointed.” Said Golem God. “It does not matter if you can see your environment. As long as you can understand it. You can still trip on obstacles when you have eyes to see them with. But when you have senses to feel them you can’t miss them.”

Everyone stared at him in silence. That was possibly one of the most intelligent ramblings Golem God has ever come up with when it came to inspirational speeches. Well it wasn’t a speech but it sure as hell calmed Nano Swarm when she heard it.

“Ok Witch I won’t kill you now.”

“That’s an improvement.” Said Turmoil.

“Bye Nano!” Shouted Sky Rider with an animated jump that you would expect from Pinkie…In fact she may have gotten that from her.

“Hey Nano.” Said Spell Caster. “Don’t come onto Rainbow to hard ok? You’ll creep her out.”

“It’s ok Twilight. Cole was able to sleep in the same bed with her so I know what her limits are.” At this Spell Caster froze up and just pondered life. Or her joke was skull fucked so hard it broke her logic.

“Ok Nano I’m going to start up the dimensional rift.” Said Impulse.

“Oh Nano Swarm!” Said Watchman. “Gold isn’t subtle so I changed the trail to blue and you would look like a comet coming down. We can’t put you on the surface so we’ll put you in space. You will have all the time there to get comfortable and figure out a game plan. I’m basically sending you into orbit around Equestria so you won’t need to worry.”

“How will I get down?”

“You would be able to command the capsule through your mind. Just ask it to go down and it will.”

“All right anything else?”

“Yea hurry up. The ponies below won’t know what to think about a comet that’s spinning around Equestria for days on end. Oh and try not to kill or piss anyone off.”

“Got it.”

The capsule closed with Nano Swarm inside. It was comfortable. The seats didn’t need to be reinforced because Nano Swarm more recently got a gravity stabilizer to keep her tons and tons of compressed material in her body from weighing her down. She waited for there to be something noticeable that she’s left and on cue there was a rumbling in the small cabin.


“Arriving at destination.” Said a computerized female voice.

“All right. Now to think.”

Nano Swarm sat there in the cabin for just a few hours of brain storming before a force started to interact with the capsule. It shook the cabin as it started to pull the capsule toward the earth.

“WHOA!” Shouted Nano Swarm as she hit the atmosphere at great speeds. It lasted a good thirty minutes until the force slowed the capsule down and it eventually started to slow to a steady descent. It then stopped…



Both Celestia and Luna examine the golden six legged comet. The legs were moving around as if trying to escape before giving up and seemingly longing to be on the ground.

“What should we do Tia?” Said Luna.

“I’m not sure. Maybe we should let it go in hopes it will return to where it’s from. Then we will only need to wonder its purpose.”

“True but it seems pony-made and I want to dissect this specimen to learn its secrets on space travel.”

“That seems like an interesting idea…” Celestia cocks her head to the side still examining the creature. “…But I don’t know. Maybe we should hold onto it for now.”

“Very well. We will discuss its fate when we are ready to-“


Black smoke appeared below the creature and a blind folded two legged creature appeared from the mist.

“HEY WILL YOU LET GO OF MY POD!” It said in an angry tone.