• Published 14th Aug 2016
  • 698 Views, 9 Comments

Not Exactly Heroes, Are We? - AngriestDislestia

Tirek is summoned by an optimistic Celestia, in hopes of at least making amends to their currently bitter, enemy relationship. Will Tirek be open to Celestia's preaching?

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Celestia turned with bright eyes to the centaur behind her, with what he interpreted as a childish pride. He prepared himself for the inevitable girly ponyness waiting within with a dreading submission.

"Would you please assist me with the doors, Tirek?" She smiled hopefully. He grunted.

"Last time I opened pony doors, they snapped in half." Tirek scowled. Celestia gave him a playful glare and her magic shone round the doors, looking ever so tasty to Tirek. He gulped helplessly, staring in awe at the plentiful magic she wasted on door opening.

"So be it." She replied, holding her head high, pretending to not notice the look of starvation on the centaurs face.

The doors swiftly swooped open, revealing...Celestia's mare cave...It was a fairly mundane looking place and Tirek liked that, but was sickened by the sweet treats and candy lying about. How a pony could enjoy such poison was beyond him, and his stomach churned at the very thought. There were comfy looking chairs with sweetly coloured cushions and the walls were a soft cream. He pondered why a princess used to such grandness would enjoy hiding away in such a dull pit; but he supposed that was the point. She enjoyed the plainness of it, and Tirek honestly related to that. Sacred simplicity.

"Welcome, Tirek. Welcome, truly." She smiled respectfully at him and though he did not initially scowl, a bitter look seeped through his features. "Was this what you were expecting?"

Tirek looked thoughtful. "I was expecting bright pinks and blues...This is far more tolerable then what I was expecting."
"Good." She said as her features calmed. She was not smiling quite as rediculously anymore. Infact she was hardly smiling, and yet her contentedness was spread clear on her face. It was a warm look and unlike the others it made Tirek feel almost at ease. Untill he remembered where he was. Celestia had sat on a rocking chair and Tirek gathered he was to sit opposite. They rocked together as a pair of old worn out immortals for a short time. It didn't feel quite right.

"Why, exactly, am I here, Princess Celestia?" Tirek asked with a faint scowl, that seemed more concerned than anything.
"Because I invited you."

"Why?" Tirek's voice grew slightly louder and he looked into her eyes with a more demanding outlook.
"Does that matter?" Celestia's voice, too, raised slightly. Only she was perfectly calm.

"I think so!" Tirek replied. "Otherwise its a pointless waste of time."

"Don't be silly, you have plenty of time to waste." Celestia muttered.

"oooh for-" Tirek groaned and leaned back heavily in the chair. "I suppose you just want to talk, hey?"
"Why, that's a lovely idea! What would you like to talk about?" She leaned in curiously. He raised a brow at her and took a deep breathe.
"I don't care much for chat personally." Tirek grumbled.

"Ah yes; regrets. Do you have any?" Celestia asked casually.

"I regret that I didn't kill Twilight when I had the chance." Tirek said dryly.

"hmm." Celestia pondered, her face fell. At first Tirek thought she was disappointed in his response. "I regret...having to send my sister to the moon. I mean...maybe not sending her to the moon but I regret that, in some form, I hurt her so badly that she felt the need to live in darkness for ponies to love her.. I regret I didn't love her enough, I regret that I was so ignorant and that in the end she was the one who received punishment...;my little sister. I regret she was corrupted by a monster... I regret not saving her." She finished with a genuine sad look. The first sad look he'd ever seen from a pony that was from regret: Self disappointment. The only sad look he'd gotten from ponies was because they knew they were too weak to help themselves but this... This look was indifferent to those petty concerns. It was not a self concern. It was guilt. The only being who wouldn't forgive this mare...was the mare herself. To think; his own brother was pure and strong in comparison to all of them; Celestia himself and Luna. He saw the good everywhere and he never seemed to do any thing wrong...but betrayal. In that way he saw scorpan as the Celestia and himself as the Luna.. Only he himself was the older sibling and was not desperate to be loved...or was he?

Tirek sat silent and glared at the floor. Celestia knew better than to press him. It would come.

" I...would quite like for my brother...to..." Tirek snorted angrily, crossed his arms and shook his head "burn in tartarus!"
Celestia sighed and nodded.

"I too was hateful of Luna for a time for leaving me in the dark from her emotions, but you realise...our younger siblings rely upon us and require our utmost tolerance, forgiveness and understanding. No matter the terrible acts. For we as older siblings are forever trusted even when we ignore or use."

Tirek frowned and nodded. Why, exactly, she was telling him this was unclear. Perhaps it was subtle pursuasion or manipulation, or maybe she was attempting to gain his "friendship". He felt more like she just needed somepo-...something to talk to. But why in Equestria him!?
"I don't suppose you get lonely, Princess?" Tirek murmured dully, scraping his fingertip gently on the armrest of the chair. Celestia gazed at him strangely. Her eyes were too serene to be insulted, but her mouth was smirking slightly.

"Not as much as you." Celestia's tone was rebellious but her words spoke her defeat, her submission. In a strange, playful way.
The words hung in the air like a bad smell in Tartarus, but the atmosphere was not awkward. The peace occupied the mare cave and settled softly in-between the two immortals and their thoughts. It was lovely.

"Waaah!" A foal's cry was suddenly heard from the room across, from which their was no door...yet for some reason, Tirek assumed it was an ensuite. His eyes opened wide in dread and confusion. If that was why he was here, he must've been out of it when they were at it; he'd swore he had never had such affairs with anyone. Tirek's heart for some reason began racing as he rose up slightly. Celestia sighed and lifted herself to the wails.

"Don't be afraid, Tirek. It's just a foal." Celestia teased, calming his nerves slightly.

"Why?" Tirek asked, raising a hand in disgust.
"Did your parents never tell you?"
"Why do you have one here?" Tirek asked confused.

"I offered to babysit for Cadence." Celestia said, walking proudly back into the room cradling the sweetly colored alicorn. She sat down with her and rocked, calming the crying. "I was actually looking forward to trying out parenthood; I wished for a child over anything when I was young. I wanted to be the best mummy in all of Equestria. Turns out young foals just sleep eat poop and cry."
Tirek sniggered slightly at the last sentence and leaned over with feline curiosity.

"What a ridiculous looking spawn." Tirek held out a finger. The filly laughed and giggled at Tirek, blowing all manner of bubbles across herself before taking the tip of Tirek's finger in her mouth. He smiled slightly as Celestia chuckled. "What is it called?"

"SHE is called Flurry Heart. She's Twilight's niece." Celestia gazed lovingly upon the foal, demon finger in mouth, eyes shining bright and pure.

"Everponys everywhere..." Tirek mumbled to himself. "They should've called her 'megaladon'" he tugged his finger from her gums and squinted at his finger in search for any marks. "She has a very strong jaw."

"Or perhaps you have weak fingers." Celestia teased. He looked at her in disapproval; she should not feel comfortable enough to mock him without retaliation. He decided to change that.

"Perhaps. It wouldn't surprise me seeing as how you ponies TOOK ALL of MY MAGIC!" Tirek roared despite his frail state. Celestia's eyes for the first time opened wide and she leaned back in disgust. How dare he raise his voice so suddenly and disrespectfully? She was just about to respond when-

"WAAAAAAAAAAH!" Flurry Heart's wails pierced the very skull and made Tirek writhe and shudder. Celestia frowned at him.
"Look what you did!" She seemed angry; it appeared that he had broken through her inpony side which was unfazed through all odds.

Celestia strode angrily to her cot and settled Flurry Heart down on the bed. She rocked the filly back and forth, not removing her eyes from the glare they had on Tirek's. He, who sat in the opposite corner, was awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact, but Celestia continued to stare.

"hmph!" Tirek crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head up, denying her any acknowledgement. Celestia smirked. He would give in eventually.

Nope, I will not, Tirek thought, but beads were surfacing above his brow and the temptation was too unbearable; he had to glare back. So he did, and when he did, the two's glares lasted for an insane time, so insane that Flurry Heart would fall asleep in that time.

And so did they.