• Published 14th Aug 2016
  • 698 Views, 9 Comments

Not Exactly Heroes, Are We? - AngriestDislestia

Tirek is summoned by an optimistic Celestia, in hopes of at least making amends to their currently bitter, enemy relationship. Will Tirek be open to Celestia's preaching?

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"Luna, what do you suppose would put Tirek at ease? What might he like?" Celestia pondered hoof on chin.

"I'm sure he'd like your magic." Luna replied monotone. Celestia frowned. She could not give him her magic.

She set down the board games that she had scourged, thinking of anything else he seemed to show any interest in. He had brought up his brother several times, but Celestia knew Scorpan couldn't be summoned for such a thing on such short notice. Other than that, though, his pastimes were a mystery.

Perhaps she could treat him to a decent meal. Or maybe he would feel pleasure at simply taking a walk. This was Tirek, though. She should want to speak firmly to him and treat him as she would dirt. So why did she want him to feel good for a short time? Why did she not feel bitter about his crimes? Is it because they no longer effected the ponies? She was unsure.

This was Tirek! He was evil!

Tirek's joy had been thinned for quite some time now. He had been dragged through crowds of pathetic ponies, whose magic potential was to be hungered for. That potential was indeed wasted. Though, much to Tirek's admiration, some of the more passionate mares stepped forth to row. He only muttered replies of "if I were not in this cage, would you be nearly as confident?" Or "well, you should've told me when I was out of this cage...What in Equestria was stopping you?"

Shining Armour was not pleased with these ponies or Tirek, but it were true: The mares that approached wouldn't be even the tiniest bit bold if Tirek were not in the cage. But he was and the anger from those ponies was understandable. Though somehow, Shining Armour did not find it something Tirek deserved. Tirek, however, enjoyed the challenging, but it didn't last very long and the trip was mostly an eye witness account of how useless ponies were. Stupid worthless creatures.

Soon enough, they were approaching the castle. Which is when Tirek's curiosity truly kicked in. It was a pretty castle, but you all know that. Thankfully, the noise had dulled down considerably upon reaching the royal steps and Tirek's gaze lingered on the door. Any second, that beautiful, fair mare would make a subtle approach. How ponyish. Of course they would have a beautiful ruler. Tirek rolled his eyes and though he liked beauty in nature, beauty in other creatures was nothing more than deception to him. Like the tropical frogs he'd heard of.
He grunted in frustration. Why did he anticipate her so? Her magic was astounding! The sight of it made his thirst unquenchable and the thought made him moist to the lips.

The look on his face was monstrous; wide eyed and hungry looking. As if he would rip the princess apart with his savage baboon jaws. The aggression in his expression was insane and his small muscles were flexed. Fingers tapped and fidgeted quietly in impatience and Shining Armour was growing cautious.

"Perhaps, we could suggest that Celestia does not see Lord Tirek alone..." Shining Armour leaned forward and whispered to one of the castle's guards, who nodded and swiftly went inside. Before Shining Armour could even stand back in line, he heard the oh so slightly (if not to be rude) heavier footsteps of Princess Celestia. She seemed to walking at an eager pace.

"Ehem! The Princess will see you now!" A guard pony's voice cracked as his companion returned, looking slightly baffled. Together they nodded and opened the door slowly with their magic, allowing Celestia to take graceful steps into the open. The guards stood impatiently, Shining Armour gulped and Tirek squinted at her.

She seemed taller, brighter and her mane wavier - oh her mane, it glistened more than a leaf coated with untouched droplets of water on a frosty morning. Her pure white coat almost left a tiny trail of sparkles it seemed, as it glowed so alluringly. Or maybe it was her magic shining through. Whatever it was, it was strong and full. Tirek took a deep breath and became less tense, admiring the Princess less obviously. By Celestia, he hoped she hadn't noticed.

"Before I give my greetings, I would like to rid my ponies of grief." Celestia's smile was genuine and warm, as she stared directly into Tirek's eyes, almost knowingly. One of Tirek's brows raised in curiosity. Not because of what she'd said. Celestia then turned to Shining Armour. "You have no need to worry. One on one I think I can quite handle myself; Tirek needs a fair amount of drained magic to even be able to drain mine. As in, even if I let him, even if he wanted to, he could not, at this point, drain my magic."

Celestia looked again to Tirek in the same way and chuckled.

"Isn't that right, Lord Tirek?" She asked cheekily. Why she asked in a knowing five year old manner and not in bitter mocking had Tirek slightly taken aback. Tirek scowled at her suspiciously and shrugged. To which Celestia let out a single laugh through her nose.
"And Welcome!" She approached grandly and fearlessly disintegrated the front row of bars with her golden aura. She was certainly not afraid of Tirek, that was for sure.

And he had to admit it; she had his admiration! ...but not his respect. She was still just a pony and no matter how astounding she was on the outside, it couldn't make up for the simple, straight-out oblivious, ignorant nature of what she was; a pony. Tirek scowled. How dare she be so welcoming toward him. Was it mockery? No, ponies were not smart enough for that!

"Come along." Celestia kept up her smile, but it was a wise, subtle and motherly smile. The centaur stared as she walked away, trying to judge her composure.

Confident. Yes, again, fearless. He took a deep breath and crawled from his cage. It was still floating slightly, so that when his front hooves hit the ground, his legs would be standing straight. He looked cautiously at the ground, which was about a foot below, and gulped. He hadn't been able or even tried to stand up in some time. With assistance from his frail arms, his forehooves slid out from beneath him, causing whatever muscle he had to ache and bones click. He grunted and winced slightly. Grasping the bar beside him, he slowly lowered one forehoof onto the ground. He groaned in his throat as his leg straightened for the first time in months...or maybe a year! When his hoof touched the ground, he gave a sigh of relief. But he hadn't noticed the looks being given to him. By now, Celestia had turned back around and watched patiently and respectfully as Tirek got out. Shining Armour had went to assist him out of unbearable pity, but Celestia knew that Tirek would want to do this "simple task" on his own. He didn't want pity. He didn't need it. His potential was unmatched. Which made looking at him so weak and frail all the more disturbing to the guard ponies.

Still, Tirek continued. He leaned some weight back and forth on that hoof before ambitiously dropping down his second one. Most of his body weight now hung on the two planted legs, which wobbled slightly. His grasp on the bar grew stronger and the centaur lord gulped. He began walking with his front legs, and finally came about a yard out of his cage. His entire top half was liberated, upright and straight. He felt even taller. But there was still the issue of his back legs, which were still flumped in the cage. He grew uneasy. His arms were now unable to reach for support, if he, with four legs, was still unable hold his weight, it was guaranteed that he would tumble. He looked to the wall desperately. If only they were stood by it. He growled; this was all taking far too long! Impatiently he rushed forward and his back legs were dragged out. The hooves plonked on the ground heavily. The entirety of his girth and thighs were thrust on his hips and hooves. He could barely contain a whimper.

But there he was; standing! A small, unnoticeable smile forced its way onto his face before he shook it away.
"Well!? Where the hell are we off to!?" Tirek spat, his arms taking an impatient pose leaning on his back. Celestia smiled inwardly, how she wanted him to believe no one noticed!

"Oh sorry. You're far too quick for me that I forgot to ask!" Celestia began. Oh, ha ha, Tirek thought. "Where would you feel most comfortable?"

Tirek stood unimpressed. Why would she care? He raises an eyebrow at her in disbelief.

"On the throne." He began flatly. Celestia began to smile at the unexpected playfulness of the centaur. "Whilst watching you and all of your ponies wretch your guts out in Tartarus!"

Tirek bared his fangs as he spoke, and his yellow pupils shrunk to a primitive size. Celestia's smile was diminished, but she didn't appear shocked or threatened.

She looked bored.

"Well, to my mare-cave it is, then." Celestia maintained a flat composure, whilst the beast before her slunk. She turned around haughtily, expecting Tirek to follow like a dog. His arms were crossed and he narrowed his eyes on her... Nothing ever got to that Princess. Not ever!

"Is it just me, or does he keep staring at her plot?" One of the guards whispered to the stallion beside him, whom merely nodded, eyes following the sun on her flank. "Creep!"

Tirek rolled his eyes and plodded behind her. Hmmph...mare-cave.

Author's Note:

I am actually ENJOYING writing this! ANY AND ALL FEEDBACK WELCOME haha! :rainbowlaugh:

I would reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaally appreciate it! :twilightsmile: