• Published 14th Aug 2016
  • 698 Views, 9 Comments

Not Exactly Heroes, Are We? - AngriestDislestia

Tirek is summoned by an optimistic Celestia, in hopes of at least making amends to their currently bitter, enemy relationship. Will Tirek be open to Celestia's preaching?

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Tirek sat alone in his cell. Being limited to such a tiny space, where one cannot hardly stretch their forelimbs, let alone stand up without getting a backache, was not fun.

He growled deeply and glared across the abis he was forced to stare at day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, century after century...it was dark. With luminous, blinding spots scattered here and there, all with brightness, like the sun's, that would reach miles if not for thick stingy air. The air, when taken up by Tirek's weak, shallow breaths, smelled sour and heavy, so much so, that it left a nasty taste on his tongue. He was used to it by now, though at first he had wretched and wheezed for days on end. No matter how much he tried gasping for fresh oxygen, the air in tartarus was merciless. It never changed or moved. Not in temperature, density, humidity. Didn't even move place. It clung to him, weighing him down and making his frail body heavy.

Despite all of this, Tirek still considered this place home. He still considered it great for him. Why? His thoughts were uninterrupted. There was no noise or ruckus to disturb him. Not one trying to make meaningless chit chat. No one whining or wailing, no one even moving around him. It was heavenly. Untill now.

Suddenly, Cerberus began to bark loudly. The sound alone pierced the ground and shook the walls. Add this to the fact that Tirek's ears were accustomed to dead silence, and it was understandable that the racket caused deafening pain in his ears, which he grasped firmly in an attempt to block out the noise.

"Oh pipe down you old mutt!" Tirek rasped in agony and annoyance. Being the first sound that came out of his throat in weeks, it remained fairly silent, and failed to achieve it's purpose in hushing the beast. Tirek groaned and looked toward the gate which, from the distance he was away from it, looked almost like a star. The natural light that shone through it was the yellowy white colour as opposed the ghoulish blue of hellfire.

Tirek banged his scrawny fist against the bars, making a clanging noise. He repeated this demandingly, but still the mutt wouldn't shut it's yapping trap.

Tirek looked again, squinting impatiently at the entrance for answers. He inhaled deeply and awaited some new presence. Who might it be? Scorpan? If only. Tirek knew not to wish for his brother, as it would reduce him to tears at one point or another. And by tears of course, he is referring to the spit that would spurt from his baboon jaw whilst shrieking in anger. No, both brothers knew better than to meet without notice.

So who in Equestria and beyond was it?? Tirek's squint grew stronger. He could make out a fair few ponies, now. All wearing shiny armour. He hoped he wouldn't be seeing that unicorn. That would be mightily awkward. Not like Tirek made conversation with anyone anyway.

As Cerberus began to quieten down, the old centaur became less tense, and he let go of his ears. Which were now crumpled and even more ragged than before. He rose in curiosity and his eyes opened up to see exactly nine guard ponies, all looking the part with their pretty metal and forced solemn expressions. Tirek's own expression became tired and gruff in dread and exhaustion. What did they want?

The ponies came to a halt. There was one pony , in front of the rest, positioned in the middle of two rows of four more ponies. Oh, hoorah. It was that pony Prince.

"Tirek, you have been summoned by Princess Celestia. You are to come with us without resistance or defiance. And you are to do this now." The white and blue maned unicorn spoke fearlessly, and yet Tirek couldn't quite sense hate in his voice. He blinked.

"Oh." Tirek muttered, staring at the ponies in utter denial. Truthfully, Tirek was unsure if what was happening was actually happening. Maybe it were a nightmare. His blunt claws scraped up layers of dry skin from his opposite arm, allowing the blood trapped beneath to leak out freely. "Ow."

"Ehem, without any type of resistance please." The pony spoke up once again.

"I understood, I'm not a baby!" Tirek snapped suddenly, sending the guard ponies taking a few steps back. "Or deaf. Not yet."

Tirek calmed and stared expectantly at Shining Armour, who gulped at the feeling of being challenged.

"You have a key, do you not?" Tirek hissed impatiently.

"No, we are to take you contained." Shining Armour informed calmly, standing tall and dominant. Tirek scowled and shrivelled back into his cursed cage. Awaiting the cage to be lifted from the fixed earth.

With a nod, several different coloured magic auras loomed around the steel bars and the entire containment was steadily heaved from its plant.

The feeling of movement was surprisingly pleasant and lord Tirek felt uplifted. Everything, even the air began to change. And all so immediately. Without any trouble...Why hadn't he caused any trouble!?!

"Excu-" Tirek began, but, truth be told, he was enjoying the experience and would prefer it to not be ruined by any needless chit chat. He would find out where he was going and why soon enough. But for now, he revelled in the presence of Earth and that he would soon be gulping in fresh and air sweet smells. As well as soft colours and the sound of life. Though when he finally arrived in Equestria the sounds of life would not be nearly as subtle and calm. Equestria was the whole reason he enjoyed dead silence so much. Equestria was needlessly noisey.

No- instead of dreading what was to come, he made himself focus on the immediate outside - which was calm, quiet and beautiful.

"You what?!" Luna asked in disbelief. She had just finished lowering the moon, having breakfast, taking a shower when she'd heard.

"I ordered for Ti-"

"I know!!! I know." Luna took a deep breath. "But...why?!"

They stood face to face in Celestia's bedroom by her workspace. Luna was practically red in the face, while Celestia sat uneasily behind her desk. Wearing her spectacles in an attempt to appear more intelligent.

It hadn't worked to say the least.

"Luna...I have guard ponies, Twilight ...Twilight's friends. Nothing can go wrong!" Celestia smiled at Luna, whose face was distasteful and disaproving. "which means...things can only go right!"

"With Tirek!? Tia! Nobody, at all, sees anything in him! Even if he could be good, how would that accomplish anything?! I mean...he won't be! A centaurs trademark is their stubborness so I wouldn't be expecting anything to go right if I were you!" Luna sounded downright exasperated.

"Im not. All I'm saying is that we have nothing to lose!" Celestia gave Luna the smile. The smile so bright and radiant. The smile so warm. The smile that made Luna give up going against her sister. The smiled that, somehow, took back all doubt in Luna's mind. The smile that made Luna smile back. "Besides, I was looking for an opportunity to cancel my meeting with Twilight this afternoon."

Luna's smile dissipated at the undeniable immaturity of her sister.

Tirek felt as if he was strolling. Head high above the light green grass, he admired the open forest he was being taken through. He supposed how contrasting his own being looked against such an environment, and realised that he hadn't seen his own reflection in quite some time. He was sure of one thing, though; he looked devastating. Now, however was no time for vanity, and snapping out of that frame of mind had made Tirek suddenly crave something.

"I don't suppose any of you ponies have any water, do you?" Tirek spoke calmly, gazing in need at the back of Shining Armour's head.

"Water?" Shining Armour asked casually. The question had caught him off guard, and the way it had been said made him feel as if it was the start of any regular conversation, with any regular pony. He didn't feel the need, at all, to direct and suspicion or anger toward the caged beast. And he never had. Perhaps because he looked so pitiful and weak.

"Yes. I would very much enjoy an indulgent gulp of cool, fresh water." Tirek replied, sounding very close to satisfied. "To complete this feeling of freedom which I am unable to obtain."

Shining Armour squinted at the sound of Tirek's self pity. Or was it self pity? To be honest, the creature sounded more interesting in obtaining water than he was trying to make the unicorn feel sorry for him. There seemed nothing wrong about getting him a drink. Though Shining Armour's job was not to make deserving prisoners feel free, it was still just a drink.

"Enjoy." Shining Armour almost smiled as his Fatherly instincts kicked in. He cleared his throat in an attempt to sound indifferent. Tirek didn't actually try to pay attention to how the unicorn was feeling, but he knew all ponies couldn't help but be warmed by the act of giving.

Tirek did not say thank you, but the blissful sounds coming from his chest as he gulped were unquestionable sounds of appreciation. That was when Shining Armour did allow himself a small smile. The centaur felt the refreshing liquid flood effortlessly down his throat. Fresh water was so thin and light. It brought life to anything it hydrated. He truly felt free for that second. He knew full well that he did not look it, but he truly did feel it and it was the most wonderful thing in the world to him.

Apart from -No. Enjoy this. What you feel right now. But magic is better.

Yes. The similar, yet so much greater, feeling of drinking somepony's magic was making his eyes roll back slightly and his nostrils let out a deep lusty breath. He leaned against the bars of his cage and closed his eyes. He felt the warmth of the sun. He saw it too; in vibrant oranges and reds which danced beneath his eyelids. Reminding him of his own magical aura, which he had not seen in so long.

Maybe he could - you can, it doesn't mean you should. Besides, nothing but failure would await you if you tried it - Just once. Once would be enough. None of these! No. Somepony less significant, who nopony important would notice.

...okay. We'll focus on that later.

Author's Note:

I really am not a great writer! I would appreciate all opinions of the concept, which I plan to make far more adventure based as that's my stronger point in writing (It think, haha :rainbowlaugh:). ALSO IT WOULD BE VERY FUN!!!! Celestia and Tirek the adventurer!!! :raritystarry:

Though, warning; this will be a slow progressing story, haha. I have fairly litlle spare time (that I like to spend writing :twilightblush:)