> Not Exactly Heroes, Are We? > by AngriestDislestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Summoned > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tirek sat alone in his cell. Being limited to such a tiny space, where one cannot hardly stretch their forelimbs, let alone stand up without getting a backache, was not fun. He growled deeply and glared across the abis he was forced to stare at day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, century after century...it was dark. With luminous, blinding spots scattered here and there, all with brightness, like the sun's, that would reach miles if not for thick stingy air. The air, when taken up by Tirek's weak, shallow breaths, smelled sour and heavy, so much so, that it left a nasty taste on his tongue. He was used to it by now, though at first he had wretched and wheezed for days on end. No matter how much he tried gasping for fresh oxygen, the air in tartarus was merciless. It never changed or moved. Not in temperature, density, humidity. Didn't even move place. It clung to him, weighing him down and making his frail body heavy. Despite all of this, Tirek still considered this place home. He still considered it great for him. Why? His thoughts were uninterrupted. There was no noise or ruckus to disturb him. Not one trying to make meaningless chit chat. No one whining or wailing, no one even moving around him. It was heavenly. Untill now. Suddenly, Cerberus began to bark loudly. The sound alone pierced the ground and shook the walls. Add this to the fact that Tirek's ears were accustomed to dead silence, and it was understandable that the racket caused deafening pain in his ears, which he grasped firmly in an attempt to block out the noise. "Oh pipe down you old mutt!" Tirek rasped in agony and annoyance. Being the first sound that came out of his throat in weeks, it remained fairly silent, and failed to achieve it's purpose in hushing the beast. Tirek groaned and looked toward the gate which, from the distance he was away from it, looked almost like a star. The natural light that shone through it was the yellowy white colour as opposed the ghoulish blue of hellfire. Tirek banged his scrawny fist against the bars, making a clanging noise. He repeated this demandingly, but still the mutt wouldn't shut it's yapping trap. Tirek looked again, squinting impatiently at the entrance for answers. He inhaled deeply and awaited some new presence. Who might it be? Scorpan? If only. Tirek knew not to wish for his brother, as it would reduce him to tears at one point or another. And by tears of course, he is referring to the spit that would spurt from his baboon jaw whilst shrieking in anger. No, both brothers knew better than to meet without notice. So who in Equestria and beyond was it?? Tirek's squint grew stronger. He could make out a fair few ponies, now. All wearing shiny armour. He hoped he wouldn't be seeing that unicorn. That would be mightily awkward. Not like Tirek made conversation with anyone anyway. As Cerberus began to quieten down, the old centaur became less tense, and he let go of his ears. Which were now crumpled and even more ragged than before. He rose in curiosity and his eyes opened up to see exactly nine guard ponies, all looking the part with their pretty metal and forced solemn expressions. Tirek's own expression became tired and gruff in dread and exhaustion. What did they want? The ponies came to a halt. There was one pony , in front of the rest, positioned in the middle of two rows of four more ponies. Oh, hoorah. It was that pony Prince. "Tirek, you have been summoned by Princess Celestia. You are to come with us without resistance or defiance. And you are to do this now." The white and blue maned unicorn spoke fearlessly, and yet Tirek couldn't quite sense hate in his voice. He blinked. "Oh." Tirek muttered, staring at the ponies in utter denial. Truthfully, Tirek was unsure if what was happening was actually happening. Maybe it were a nightmare. His blunt claws scraped up layers of dry skin from his opposite arm, allowing the blood trapped beneath to leak out freely. "Ow." "Ehem, without any type of resistance please." The pony spoke up once again. "I understood, I'm not a baby!" Tirek snapped suddenly, sending the guard ponies taking a few steps back. "Or deaf. Not yet." Tirek calmed and stared expectantly at Shining Armour, who gulped at the feeling of being challenged. "You have a key, do you not?" Tirek hissed impatiently. "No, we are to take you contained." Shining Armour informed calmly, standing tall and dominant. Tirek scowled and shrivelled back into his cursed cage. Awaiting the cage to be lifted from the fixed earth. With a nod, several different coloured magic auras loomed around the steel bars and the entire containment was steadily heaved from its plant. The feeling of movement was surprisingly pleasant and lord Tirek felt uplifted. Everything, even the air began to change. And all so immediately. Without any trouble...Why hadn't he caused any trouble!?! "Excu-" Tirek began, but, truth be told, he was enjoying the experience and would prefer it to not be ruined by any needless chit chat. He would find out where he was going and why soon enough. But for now, he revelled in the presence of Earth and that he would soon be gulping in fresh and air sweet smells. As well as soft colours and the sound of life. Though when he finally arrived in Equestria the sounds of life would not be nearly as subtle and calm. Equestria was the whole reason he enjoyed dead silence so much. Equestria was needlessly noisey. No- instead of dreading what was to come, he made himself focus on the immediate outside - which was calm, quiet and beautiful. "You what?!" Luna asked in disbelief. She had just finished lowering the moon, having breakfast, taking a shower when she'd heard. "I ordered for Ti-" "I know!!! I know." Luna took a deep breath. "But...why?!" They stood face to face in Celestia's bedroom by her workspace. Luna was practically red in the face, while Celestia sat uneasily behind her desk. Wearing her spectacles in an attempt to appear more intelligent. It hadn't worked to say the least. "Luna...I have guard ponies, Twilight ...Twilight's friends. Nothing can go wrong!" Celestia smiled at Luna, whose face was distasteful and disaproving. "which means...things can only go right!" "With Tirek!? Tia! Nobody, at all, sees anything in him! Even if he could be good, how would that accomplish anything?! I mean...he won't be! A centaurs trademark is their stubborness so I wouldn't be expecting anything to go right if I were you!" Luna sounded downright exasperated. "Im not. All I'm saying is that we have nothing to lose!" Celestia gave Luna the smile. The smile so bright and radiant. The smile so warm. The smile that made Luna give up going against her sister. The smiled that, somehow, took back all doubt in Luna's mind. The smile that made Luna smile back. "Besides, I was looking for an opportunity to cancel my meeting with Twilight this afternoon." Luna's smile dissipated at the undeniable immaturity of her sister. Tirek felt as if he was strolling. Head high above the light green grass, he admired the open forest he was being taken through. He supposed how contrasting his own being looked against such an environment, and realised that he hadn't seen his own reflection in quite some time. He was sure of one thing, though; he looked devastating. Now, however was no time for vanity, and snapping out of that frame of mind had made Tirek suddenly crave something. "I don't suppose any of you ponies have any water, do you?" Tirek spoke calmly, gazing in need at the back of Shining Armour's head. "Water?" Shining Armour asked casually. The question had caught him off guard, and the way it had been said made him feel as if it was the start of any regular conversation, with any regular pony. He didn't feel the need, at all, to direct and suspicion or anger toward the caged beast. And he never had. Perhaps because he looked so pitiful and weak. "Yes. I would very much enjoy an indulgent gulp of cool, fresh water." Tirek replied, sounding very close to satisfied. "To complete this feeling of freedom which I am unable to obtain." Shining Armour squinted at the sound of Tirek's self pity. Or was it self pity? To be honest, the creature sounded more interesting in obtaining water than he was trying to make the unicorn feel sorry for him. There seemed nothing wrong about getting him a drink. Though Shining Armour's job was not to make deserving prisoners feel free, it was still just a drink. "Enjoy." Shining Armour almost smiled as his Fatherly instincts kicked in. He cleared his throat in an attempt to sound indifferent. Tirek didn't actually try to pay attention to how the unicorn was feeling, but he knew all ponies couldn't help but be warmed by the act of giving. Tirek did not say thank you, but the blissful sounds coming from his chest as he gulped were unquestionable sounds of appreciation. That was when Shining Armour did allow himself a small smile. The centaur felt the refreshing liquid flood effortlessly down his throat. Fresh water was so thin and light. It brought life to anything it hydrated. He truly felt free for that second. He knew full well that he did not look it, but he truly did feel it and it was the most wonderful thing in the world to him. Apart from -No. Enjoy this. What you feel right now. But magic is better. Yes. The similar, yet so much greater, feeling of drinking somepony's magic was making his eyes roll back slightly and his nostrils let out a deep lusty breath. He leaned against the bars of his cage and closed his eyes. He felt the warmth of the sun. He saw it too; in vibrant oranges and reds which danced beneath his eyelids. Reminding him of his own magical aura, which he had not seen in so long. Maybe he could - you can, it doesn't mean you should. Besides, nothing but failure would await you if you tried it - Just once. Once would be enough. None of these! No. Somepony less significant, who nopony important would notice. ...okay. We'll focus on that later. > Welcome > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Luna, what do you suppose would put Tirek at ease? What might he like?" Celestia pondered hoof on chin. "I'm sure he'd like your magic." Luna replied monotone. Celestia frowned. She could not give him her magic. She set down the board games that she had scourged, thinking of anything else he seemed to show any interest in. He had brought up his brother several times, but Celestia knew Scorpan couldn't be summoned for such a thing on such short notice. Other than that, though, his pastimes were a mystery. Perhaps she could treat him to a decent meal. Or maybe he would feel pleasure at simply taking a walk. This was Tirek, though. She should want to speak firmly to him and treat him as she would dirt. So why did she want him to feel good for a short time? Why did she not feel bitter about his crimes? Is it because they no longer effected the ponies? She was unsure. This was Tirek! He was evil! Tirek's joy had been thinned for quite some time now. He had been dragged through crowds of pathetic ponies, whose magic potential was to be hungered for. That potential was indeed wasted. Though, much to Tirek's admiration, some of the more passionate mares stepped forth to row. He only muttered replies of "if I were not in this cage, would you be nearly as confident?" Or "well, you should've told me when I was out of this cage...What in Equestria was stopping you?" Shining Armour was not pleased with these ponies or Tirek, but it were true: The mares that approached wouldn't be even the tiniest bit bold if Tirek were not in the cage. But he was and the anger from those ponies was understandable. Though somehow, Shining Armour did not find it something Tirek deserved. Tirek, however, enjoyed the challenging, but it didn't last very long and the trip was mostly an eye witness account of how useless ponies were. Stupid worthless creatures. Soon enough, they were approaching the castle. Which is when Tirek's curiosity truly kicked in. It was a pretty castle, but you all know that. Thankfully, the noise had dulled down considerably upon reaching the royal steps and Tirek's gaze lingered on the door. Any second, that beautiful, fair mare would make a subtle approach. How ponyish. Of course they would have a beautiful ruler. Tirek rolled his eyes and though he liked beauty in nature, beauty in other creatures was nothing more than deception to him. Like the tropical frogs he'd heard of. He grunted in frustration. Why did he anticipate her so? Her magic was astounding! The sight of it made his thirst unquenchable and the thought made him moist to the lips. The look on his face was monstrous; wide eyed and hungry looking. As if he would rip the princess apart with his savage baboon jaws. The aggression in his expression was insane and his small muscles were flexed. Fingers tapped and fidgeted quietly in impatience and Shining Armour was growing cautious. "Perhaps, we could suggest that Celestia does not see Lord Tirek alone..." Shining Armour leaned forward and whispered to one of the castle's guards, who nodded and swiftly went inside. Before Shining Armour could even stand back in line, he heard the oh so slightly (if not to be rude) heavier footsteps of Princess Celestia. She seemed to walking at an eager pace. "Ehem! The Princess will see you now!" A guard pony's voice cracked as his companion returned, looking slightly baffled. Together they nodded and opened the door slowly with their magic, allowing Celestia to take graceful steps into the open. The guards stood impatiently, Shining Armour gulped and Tirek squinted at her. She seemed taller, brighter and her mane wavier - oh her mane, it glistened more than a leaf coated with untouched droplets of water on a frosty morning. Her pure white coat almost left a tiny trail of sparkles it seemed, as it glowed so alluringly. Or maybe it was her magic shining through. Whatever it was, it was strong and full. Tirek took a deep breath and became less tense, admiring the Princess less obviously. By Celestia, he hoped she hadn't noticed. "Before I give my greetings, I would like to rid my ponies of grief." Celestia's smile was genuine and warm, as she stared directly into Tirek's eyes, almost knowingly. One of Tirek's brows raised in curiosity. Not because of what she'd said. Celestia then turned to Shining Armour. "You have no need to worry. One on one I think I can quite handle myself; Tirek needs a fair amount of drained magic to even be able to drain mine. As in, even if I let him, even if he wanted to, he could not, at this point, drain my magic." Celestia looked again to Tirek in the same way and chuckled. "Isn't that right, Lord Tirek?" She asked cheekily. Why she asked in a knowing five year old manner and not in bitter mocking had Tirek slightly taken aback. Tirek scowled at her suspiciously and shrugged. To which Celestia let out a single laugh through her nose. "And Welcome!" She approached grandly and fearlessly disintegrated the front row of bars with her golden aura. She was certainly not afraid of Tirek, that was for sure. And he had to admit it; she had his admiration! ...but not his respect. She was still just a pony and no matter how astounding she was on the outside, it couldn't make up for the simple, straight-out oblivious, ignorant nature of what she was; a pony. Tirek scowled. How dare she be so welcoming toward him. Was it mockery? No, ponies were not smart enough for that! "Come along." Celestia kept up her smile, but it was a wise, subtle and motherly smile. The centaur stared as she walked away, trying to judge her composure. Confident. Yes, again, fearless. He took a deep breath and crawled from his cage. It was still floating slightly, so that when his front hooves hit the ground, his legs would be standing straight. He looked cautiously at the ground, which was about a foot below, and gulped. He hadn't been able or even tried to stand up in some time. With assistance from his frail arms, his forehooves slid out from beneath him, causing whatever muscle he had to ache and bones click. He grunted and winced slightly. Grasping the bar beside him, he slowly lowered one forehoof onto the ground. He groaned in his throat as his leg straightened for the first time in months...or maybe a year! When his hoof touched the ground, he gave a sigh of relief. But he hadn't noticed the looks being given to him. By now, Celestia had turned back around and watched patiently and respectfully as Tirek got out. Shining Armour had went to assist him out of unbearable pity, but Celestia knew that Tirek would want to do this "simple task" on his own. He didn't want pity. He didn't need it. His potential was unmatched. Which made looking at him so weak and frail all the more disturbing to the guard ponies. Still, Tirek continued. He leaned some weight back and forth on that hoof before ambitiously dropping down his second one. Most of his body weight now hung on the two planted legs, which wobbled slightly. His grasp on the bar grew stronger and the centaur lord gulped. He began walking with his front legs, and finally came about a yard out of his cage. His entire top half was liberated, upright and straight. He felt even taller. But there was still the issue of his back legs, which were still flumped in the cage. He grew uneasy. His arms were now unable to reach for support, if he, with four legs, was still unable hold his weight, it was guaranteed that he would tumble. He looked to the wall desperately. If only they were stood by it. He growled; this was all taking far too long! Impatiently he rushed forward and his back legs were dragged out. The hooves plonked on the ground heavily. The entirety of his girth and thighs were thrust on his hips and hooves. He could barely contain a whimper. But there he was; standing! A small, unnoticeable smile forced its way onto his face before he shook it away. "Well!? Where the hell are we off to!?" Tirek spat, his arms taking an impatient pose leaning on his back. Celestia smiled inwardly, how she wanted him to believe no one noticed! "Oh sorry. You're far too quick for me that I forgot to ask!" Celestia began. Oh, ha ha, Tirek thought. "Where would you feel most comfortable?" Tirek stood unimpressed. Why would she care? He raises an eyebrow at her in disbelief. "On the throne." He began flatly. Celestia began to smile at the unexpected playfulness of the centaur. "Whilst watching you and all of your ponies wretch your guts out in Tartarus!" Tirek bared his fangs as he spoke, and his yellow pupils shrunk to a primitive size. Celestia's smile was diminished, but she didn't appear shocked or threatened. She looked bored. "Well, to my mare-cave it is, then." Celestia maintained a flat composure, whilst the beast before her slunk. She turned around haughtily, expecting Tirek to follow like a dog. His arms were crossed and he narrowed his eyes on her... Nothing ever got to that Princess. Not ever! "Is it just me, or does he keep staring at her plot?" One of the guards whispered to the stallion beside him, whom merely nodded, eyes following the sun on her flank. "Creep!" Tirek rolled his eyes and plodded behind her. Hmmph...mare-cave. > Bonding? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia turned with bright eyes to the centaur behind her, with what he interpreted as a childish pride. He prepared himself for the inevitable girly ponyness waiting within with a dreading submission. "Would you please assist me with the doors, Tirek?" She smiled hopefully. He grunted. "Last time I opened pony doors, they snapped in half." Tirek scowled. Celestia gave him a playful glare and her magic shone round the doors, looking ever so tasty to Tirek. He gulped helplessly, staring in awe at the plentiful magic she wasted on door opening. "So be it." She replied, holding her head high, pretending to not notice the look of starvation on the centaurs face. The doors swiftly swooped open, revealing...Celestia's mare cave...It was a fairly mundane looking place and Tirek liked that, but was sickened by the sweet treats and candy lying about. How a pony could enjoy such poison was beyond him, and his stomach churned at the very thought. There were comfy looking chairs with sweetly coloured cushions and the walls were a soft cream. He pondered why a princess used to such grandness would enjoy hiding away in such a dull pit; but he supposed that was the point. She enjoyed the plainness of it, and Tirek honestly related to that. Sacred simplicity. "Welcome, Tirek. Welcome, truly." She smiled respectfully at him and though he did not initially scowl, a bitter look seeped through his features. "Was this what you were expecting?" Tirek looked thoughtful. "I was expecting bright pinks and blues...This is far more tolerable then what I was expecting." "Good." She said as her features calmed. She was not smiling quite as rediculously anymore. Infact she was hardly smiling, and yet her contentedness was spread clear on her face. It was a warm look and unlike the others it made Tirek feel almost at ease. Untill he remembered where he was. Celestia had sat on a rocking chair and Tirek gathered he was to sit opposite. They rocked together as a pair of old worn out immortals for a short time. It didn't feel quite right. "Why, exactly, am I here, Princess Celestia?" Tirek asked with a faint scowl, that seemed more concerned than anything. "Because I invited you." "Why?" Tirek's voice grew slightly louder and he looked into her eyes with a more demanding outlook. "Does that matter?" Celestia's voice, too, raised slightly. Only she was perfectly calm. "I think so!" Tirek replied. "Otherwise its a pointless waste of time." "Don't be silly, you have plenty of time to waste." Celestia muttered. "oooh for-" Tirek groaned and leaned back heavily in the chair. "I suppose you just want to talk, hey?" "Why, that's a lovely idea! What would you like to talk about?" She leaned in curiously. He raised a brow at her and took a deep breathe. "I don't care much for chat personally." Tirek grumbled. "Ah yes; regrets. Do you have any?" Celestia asked casually. "I regret that I didn't kill Twilight when I had the chance." Tirek said dryly. "hmm." Celestia pondered, her face fell. At first Tirek thought she was disappointed in his response. "I regret...having to send my sister to the moon. I mean...maybe not sending her to the moon but I regret that, in some form, I hurt her so badly that she felt the need to live in darkness for ponies to love her.. I regret I didn't love her enough, I regret that I was so ignorant and that in the end she was the one who received punishment...;my little sister. I regret she was corrupted by a monster... I regret not saving her." She finished with a genuine sad look. The first sad look he'd ever seen from a pony that was from regret: Self disappointment. The only sad look he'd gotten from ponies was because they knew they were too weak to help themselves but this... This look was indifferent to those petty concerns. It was not a self concern. It was guilt. The only being who wouldn't forgive this mare...was the mare herself. To think; his own brother was pure and strong in comparison to all of them; Celestia himself and Luna. He saw the good everywhere and he never seemed to do any thing wrong...but betrayal. In that way he saw scorpan as the Celestia and himself as the Luna.. Only he himself was the older sibling and was not desperate to be loved...or was he? Tirek sat silent and glared at the floor. Celestia knew better than to press him. It would come. " I...would quite like for my brother...to..." Tirek snorted angrily, crossed his arms and shook his head "burn in tartarus!" Celestia sighed and nodded. "I too was hateful of Luna for a time for leaving me in the dark from her emotions, but you realise...our younger siblings rely upon us and require our utmost tolerance, forgiveness and understanding. No matter the terrible acts. For we as older siblings are forever trusted even when we ignore or use." Tirek frowned and nodded. Why, exactly, she was telling him this was unclear. Perhaps it was subtle pursuasion or manipulation, or maybe she was attempting to gain his "friendship". He felt more like she just needed somepo-...something to talk to. But why in Equestria him!? "I don't suppose you get lonely, Princess?" Tirek murmured dully, scraping his fingertip gently on the armrest of the chair. Celestia gazed at him strangely. Her eyes were too serene to be insulted, but her mouth was smirking slightly. "Not as much as you." Celestia's tone was rebellious but her words spoke her defeat, her submission. In a strange, playful way. The words hung in the air like a bad smell in Tartarus, but the atmosphere was not awkward. The peace occupied the mare cave and settled softly in-between the two immortals and their thoughts. It was lovely. "Waaah!" A foal's cry was suddenly heard from the room across, from which their was no door...yet for some reason, Tirek assumed it was an ensuite. His eyes opened wide in dread and confusion. If that was why he was here, he must've been out of it when they were at it; he'd swore he had never had such affairs with anyone. Tirek's heart for some reason began racing as he rose up slightly. Celestia sighed and lifted herself to the wails. "Don't be afraid, Tirek. It's just a foal." Celestia teased, calming his nerves slightly. "Why?" Tirek asked, raising a hand in disgust. "Did your parents never tell you?" "Why do you have one here?" Tirek asked confused. "I offered to babysit for Cadence." Celestia said, walking proudly back into the room cradling the sweetly colored alicorn. She sat down with her and rocked, calming the crying. "I was actually looking forward to trying out parenthood; I wished for a child over anything when I was young. I wanted to be the best mummy in all of Equestria. Turns out young foals just sleep eat poop and cry." Tirek sniggered slightly at the last sentence and leaned over with feline curiosity. "What a ridiculous looking spawn." Tirek held out a finger. The filly laughed and giggled at Tirek, blowing all manner of bubbles across herself before taking the tip of Tirek's finger in her mouth. He smiled slightly as Celestia chuckled. "What is it called?" "SHE is called Flurry Heart. She's Twilight's niece." Celestia gazed lovingly upon the foal, demon finger in mouth, eyes shining bright and pure. "Everponys everywhere..." Tirek mumbled to himself. "They should've called her 'megaladon'" he tugged his finger from her gums and squinted at his finger in search for any marks. "She has a very strong jaw." "Or perhaps you have weak fingers." Celestia teased. He looked at her in disapproval; she should not feel comfortable enough to mock him without retaliation. He decided to change that. "Perhaps. It wouldn't surprise me seeing as how you ponies TOOK ALL of MY MAGIC!" Tirek roared despite his frail state. Celestia's eyes for the first time opened wide and she leaned back in disgust. How dare he raise his voice so suddenly and disrespectfully? She was just about to respond when- "WAAAAAAAAAAH!" Flurry Heart's wails pierced the very skull and made Tirek writhe and shudder. Celestia frowned at him. "Look what you did!" She seemed angry; it appeared that he had broken through her inpony side which was unfazed through all odds. Celestia strode angrily to her cot and settled Flurry Heart down on the bed. She rocked the filly back and forth, not removing her eyes from the glare they had on Tirek's. He, who sat in the opposite corner, was awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact, but Celestia continued to stare. "hmph!" Tirek crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head up, denying her any acknowledgement. Celestia smirked. He would give in eventually. Nope, I will not, Tirek thought, but beads were surfacing above his brow and the temptation was too unbearable; he had to glare back. So he did, and when he did, the two's glares lasted for an insane time, so insane that Flurry Heart would fall asleep in that time. And so did they. > What Is Going On? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tirek's eyelids pulled slowly apart like they were freshly glued together, as his chest rose in deep intake of breathe. The breathe inhaled more plentiful oxygen and much more pleasant smells than Tirek was expecting or remembered, and when his eyes focused, he remembered why; he was in the ruler of Equestria's marecave. Not in a dingy cell of Tartarus. His still tired eyes and mind gazed upon a white figure, who he eventually recognised as Celestia. His sleepy mind wasn't fazed easily and this caused him to gaze thoughtlessly upon her for some moments. He took in her white fur, kaleidoscope main and tail, and cutie mark, which was when he realised he was staring and shook his head in frustration, wishing and waiting upon an awake mind. Rubbing his face, he grunted. He never used to be interested in the time, but now he found himself curious of it. It would be humerous for the Princess to miss her queue for night time. He sniggered once and got up to search for a clock. Upon inspection, the lengths of this princess mundaneness was almost as long as his; dusty books which she never really found interesting or was going to read and old gifts from people who she no longer knew particularly well. All things that should suposedly be dear to one, but to an immortal...those things just lost their meaning and were about as special the immortal found themself. Not very. Memories were plentiful and too many were bad. She had been so open to him and yet he had not shown her even a small amount of trust. Worse yet, here he was snooping. Not that he felt bad or was liking the Princess, he had just felt like ruining her sleep. He couldn't find a clock. Tirek leaned over the Princess, who was slouched against the side of the filly's cot, and stretched his finger to meet her shoulder. "Excuse me." Tirek cleared his throat and rubbed his hand on her back, trying to shake her slightly. "Your highness" Tirek mocked. It was at that moment, the Princess made an adorably feminine noise. The one where a female is waking up and they sound slightly startled and annoyed. The one that is almost the same as a cats reaction to being woke up. "Mm?" The tired mare asked, shakily forcing herself off the floor. Just looking at her made him feel tired. "Are you aware of the time?" Tirek asked, and soon after he did, he realised he had said something slightly too different from what he meant. "Mm!?" Celestia's voice pitch rose and she stood on all fours stiffly. "We slept for four hours! Hopefully Luna will have lowered the sun for me." Darn it. Tirek had not thought of that. Celestia left the sleepy filly safe in her cot and headed swiftly for the exit. "Hopefully she hasn't" Tirek mumbled underneath his breathe as he seconded the Princess out of the mundane marecave. "I heard that." -- Strolling through halls, Celestia noted a lack of pony guards, but if it were night, maybe there were fewer and she showed no signs of concern, which would stop Tirek from noticing anything wrong. Untill it became obvious that something was wrong. As they reach ground level, they realised it was still bright outside; understandable only...there was no moon in sight. Maybe Luna, too, had fallen asleep. Celestia shrugged and supposed that she would do both. Trotting hastily to her room, from which she oversaw her kingdom and set the sun, she noticed Tirek in slight puzzlement. She continued to play it cool, but by now she definitely should've come across at least 5 ponies. "Where are we rushing to?" Tirek queried from behind. "We're not rushing." Celestia replied firmly. Tirek raised a brow and hand to his chin. "Where are all your ponies?" Tirek may as well have shot her in the heart. Celestia's eyes filled with sorrow. "They're not MY ponies, they are their own, and judging by the time, they may be asleep." Celestia's voice became shakey as she reached the doors to her chamber. Judging by the colour scheme and items, Tirek knew where he was. "Tis your sleeping quarters?" He asked. The question was dismissed with a nod and Celestia rushed to her balcony to look over ponies. As Tirek peered around her room, Celestia stood terrified above her kingdom. ...it looked empty. Abandoned. What had happened to everypony? Where were they!?!?!? The look on her face was soon noticed by the centaur and he trotted over. "Are you struggling to raise the moon?" He asked. Celestia gulped and shook her head. "Oh no...i um- I just remembered that I left Flurry Heart down in my marecave." She sighed and swiftly lowered her son, making way for the rising of the moon. She then turned to quickly rush back to the filly, in, what she saw as, foalish worrying that she, too, may disappear. But where did u get the idea anypony has disappeared!?! Nopony has disappeared! The hall was now dark and it stopped her. She lit her horn but darkness was a always a deep fear in her, and she was already creeped out enough. She again went back on herself. "Tirek?" He whacked the air with his hand dismissively. "No more running around! We were safe down there, she'll be safe down there." Tirek huffed aggressively. "Who says anypony isn't safe??" Celestia's voice rose in fear. Tirek leaned back with confused expressions. "Well...its night. I know she's a foal and she needs attention during the day but at night it should be safe to leave her alone in a crib."Tirek looked slightly concerned. "That's all I meant." Celestia took a deep breathe. "Oh..." Her panting continued for a while, much to Tireks confusion. What had her so worked up? "Are you okay?" Tirek was surprised how much it sounded like he cared. No, it was just unusual for the Princess to seem this way. Celestia blinked as she realised her actions. She rose and calmed. "I'm fine! Running straight after waking up sure isn't a good idea!" She smiled. "No..." Tirek sceptisized. He should be ten times as tired as her. Celestia gulped, fully aware Tirek didn't fall for her act. "Well, I suppose we can return to sleep now." Celestia strolled over to her bed and neatly lifted the covers. She climbed in and almost lowered the covers on herself before realising Tirek had no where to sleep. "Oh, sorry." She climbed off her bed and held the covers again. "Have my bed." Tirek had not been invited on to such a comfortable looking bed in all his life, and fully leapt onto the chance of stealing it from the mare. He did not say thank you, because he didn't want to. He climbed slowly onto the bed with a heave here and grunt there, but eventually found comfort in a position, then Celestia lowered the covers on him, and although he didn't show it, that was the most pleasant and comforting feeling he'd felt in his life. He had had no mother to tuck him in, nor any female to act so nurturing. Not even when he was a young boy. And since it was too late in his life to find much joy in the new, he carried his bliss with a shakey sigh. Noticing she had no place to sleep, a smirk crept slowly onto his face. She had lowered herself onto the floor and was lying with her head on a cushion, levitating the rug atop her shivering nerves. Tirek sniggered slightly at her discomfort, and she turned around to him slowly, frowning, disappointed by his gesture of selfishness. "Goodnight." She said firmly, staring with her still disappointed look in to his eyes. "Sleep tight." He spat, smiling back. Celestia knew that she had to wait it out untill morning before conclusions and actions could be made, and the best way for this was definitely sleep! And with a few pressured thoughts, she fell into it. Tirek had no worry in the world at this particular moment in time; he was in a Princess' bed, in a Princess' castle in the most cozy - pathetic - Kingdom on the planet. The sheets were fresh, the covers kept him warm and the pillows were so soft his boney face and arms sunk softly, resting in what felt like a warm, dry cloud. And to top it off, one of his enemies gave it up for him! How noble. How pointless. How pathetic. A worthless offer really, though it would provide some sweet rest. The sight of her made him smile cruelly and he decided that for the first time in a long time, his night visions would indeed be sweet dreams. ---- Celestia woke at a certain time of night as automatically as an alarm clock, and so when her eyes shot open she knew that now was the time. Moment of truth. The sleep had not swept any fear away, though had persuaded her slightly that keeping her cool no matter the odds was the top priority. There was always a solution for every problem, and problems would always occur! Only she hadn't been the one to sort them for quite some time now and it wasn't like Tirek could be of much help. But what would she do if everypony was gone? Sit around helpless as usual waiting for Twilight and her friends, or Starlight and her friends, race to the rescue. It made her feel utterly useless and her brows furrowed in stress. Thoughts of aggressive contemplation took her to the balcony once more, and she gazed over. To see nopony. Still, she thought, they could still be sleeping. That would be normal. Only where Luna was was a mystery. Celestia gulped. She didn't concentrate much on the making of day. The job was fairly rushed and impatient, and she longed to see ponies waking and leaving their houses, getting on with their everyday lives. She sighed and began waiting, occasionally glancing to Tirek who looked ever so cozy in her bed. Even when frail and "small" for him, his limbs sprouted off the bed. He didn't seem like the type to sprawl themselves and he wasn't; being a centaur just involved many a limb! It was then she realised that her bed was too small. It was also then when she remembered a certain somefilly. "Oh goodness!" Celestia gasped and rose fast to attend to Flurry Heart, whose cries became louder as she raced down the castle, leaving Tirek all alone. Celestia's gasp had slightly shook him from his sleep, of which he was used to lots, but didn't fully awaken him. Small slow thoughts entered his mind. How warm but not hot it was, how revived his dead body felt, and how extremely he had overslept. Lovely. With a frail tug and slide, Tirek flopped from the bed, curious as to whether or nit the Kingdom was any more lively than yesterday. He peered slowly over the edge. It didnt fill his own being with dread but what he had seen, he knew, was something that meant bad news. There was nothing. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "But you do not use them for anything." Tirek replied monotone, which made it unclear whether he was once again calling her ponies useless or genuinely being dense. "Tirek. I do not use them." She took a shuddery breathe of fear and frustration. "However, as I am the leader they bestow their trust upon me to keep them safe." "You do not know they're in danger." "Tirek! They have disappeared with no warning, completely vanished with no trace, do you really think they're safe?!?" Celestia cried ridiculously. "Luna may have evacuated everyone in the night." He said plainly. Celestia guffawed. "And why would she do that?" Celestia spoke at almost a level of insanity. "Well, say there was a dangerous criminal brought to a Princess for seemingly no reason. Say she seemingly disappeared - only to be in a juvenile hideout - a marecave perhaps! - with the criminal. Say, if you will, she had a new guard, or that her guards were unaware of certain living quarters. Say they couldn't find the Princess, and the criminal hadn't been taken away or seen. Say, rumour of certain empire's new filly Princess also had disappeared." Tirek smirked knowingly. He praised his own intellect and adored his quick wording - he felt proud! To have made the Princess look responsible for such terrible things and also look foolish was as hard making a cow appear to be flying.  Tirek's torso rose in sudden earned dominance as he approached the Princess. "Say..." He began to chuckle " It'd be mightily humiliating for that Princess!!! HaHAAAAA!" Fury grew as Tirek was beginning to successfully "win" against Celestia. She lowered her head and scowled up at him, she snorted a warning. "If you have done ANYTHING with my little ponies" she breathed and calmed herself as she stood straight. "You'll be sent to a worse place than Hell, I guarantee." Tirek still smiled slightly, both at the sound of anger and the sudden crying of the little foal Celestia now carried. "You doubt my theory then?" "Ooooh what can I do, what can I do?" Celestia paced. "What am I going to do?!?!" ..."Sorry, were you talking to me?" Tirek sat cosily on a plush chair wrapped in blankets, with Flurry Heart at the bottom of the bed - having scared Tirek off of it -, giving goo goo eyes to the centaur. He was a reading a book. Celestia glanced at him briefly and shook her head in dismission. He was now officially completely harmless with no unicorn to be seen. "I suggest starting by closing your balcony doors." He said with a frown, wrapping the blankets tighter and over his head. "Eurgh! I wanted to help you!" She fell to the floor in defeat, and Tirek rolled his eyes. " And now...everypony is gone....all the lives knocked out of place...disharmony...AND YOU DONT CARE!" "You're right, I do not care about ponies or harmony in the slightest. However I am old and would prefer you shut those doors." He worded expectantly, but Celestia only twinged. "YOU close them!!!" Tirek's eyes widened slightly. A very hidden, small smile popper onto his face. He almost appeared sheepish. "And how about you stay quiet if you're not going to help! Take yourself back to Tartarus, im sure its hot there!" He began to blush. He'd never seen Celestia flustered and her fight was humourously cute to him. "Awww, are you a bit angry they're gone? Well why don't you go find them. But be quiet about it, you don't want this little pink princess to start crying again!" ... "I will!" She turned to him and smiled. " And you're coming, too! It'll make a reforming experience i'm sure!" Tirek suddenly was filled with dread and regret. He should not have said that - he couldn't believe that he hadn't thought of it! She probably was used to relying on Princess Twilight. Ha. Only not ha! He found himself being lifted by a golden aura, which he beat his scrawny fists at in retaliation. "No, im too old! Let me read!" Tirek rasped. "Oooooh, Tireeeek! We're going on a journey! Just you - my new best friend and meeeeeee!" "Why are u acting so silly?!?" "Tireeeeekyyyyy! Immuna pack my bag and you will see! How much fuuuuuuun this adventure will beeeeee!" She smiled wickedly at him. "Just you and me!" "You're acting creepy." "we'll have fun, you'll see!" "Don't suggest that to me!" "You're my new buddy!" "You're my old enemy!" "And now we're freeeeneeeemiiiiieeeees, coz we will beeeeeeeeeeeeee, having fun, Whoopie!" Celestia finished her song with great triumph as she turned to Tirek with a smile. "2/10" He said plainly. The little filly began giggling and clapping her hooves. "Get your things packed, Tirek! We'll be leaving soon!" Celestia announced, using her aura to summon things from her wardrobe, ensuite and storage. Tirek huffed and sunk deeper into the chair. He wasn't going. When Celestia had finished, she looked to him. "Remember to take a toilet break!" She said vanishing into the toilet. Tirek pondered. If he did go, he would need a warmer coat. Or five. His eyes searched around the room for one. He must get ready, he thought. ...No you don't! He reminded himself that he didn't intend to spend countless days searching for ponies he didn't like. And he would not help a princess! He stared at Flurry Heart. She was staring at him. "Cen-taw (centaur)" she said pathetically enough to make Tirek smirk. Celestia then came out soon after and held the door open for him, to take his turn. "Don't bother, im not going." Tirek grunted. Celestias face remained calm and unsurprised. "You must." She said plainly. ("ooh mus!" Flurry Heart mimicked) "Well why must I?" Tirek bickered, closing his book and glaring into her eyes. "Because if you don't, Tirek, I'll be all alone." Celestia spoke softly ("Awown" Flurry Heart mimicked again). "No one can accomplish anything entirely by themselves." Though Tirek's eyes widened in acknowledgement of how relevant the preach was to him - and how clever it was of her to sneak it in -, he already knew that. "Yes, but im a nightmare. A demon from a nightmare realm. Are you sure you'd rather me tag along than to be alone?" His smirk grew surprisingly serious, as did Celestia's. "Yes, Tirek. Being alone is the worst punishment ever, I would rather spend eternity with you in Tartarus than be alone." Celestia stared him in the eye. "..." Tirek looked almost touched but blinked and growled. "Oooommmfffff-fine!" He said marching into the bathroom. "Get me a warm coat!" Celestia smiled smugly. She high-hoofed Flurry. Perhaps the centaur had a low insulation, or a fever, or perhaps he was so used to the burning heat of Tartarus that anything below kettle water heat seemed cool to him. Either way, he refused to quit complaining. "Can't we wait for summer?!" He exclaimed. Celestia looked back in disbelief. "It IS summer, Tirek." She told him. "Look at the sky; my day is beautiful." The sky was blue and clear, with the sun shining strongly onto the Earth. It was not cold in the slightest. "Beautiful things have a habit of being cold." Tirek mumbled, staring hatefully at Celestia. "Why thank you, Tirek." Celestia stated smugly. Tirek's expression became disgusted and sheepish; she understood the reference! A slight embarrassed blush appeared on his cheeks; how infuriating! "However now is hardly the time. We must search for hints as to which direction everypony left in..." She pondered. "If I check the homes from each side from middle to outskirt, I should be able to use the states of the homes to deduce which ponies where left first and last. The ones in a worst state means they had less time, which means that they left last...Yes...That should be right." Tirek decided to withhold the fact he could see the reminance of magic, which would prove helpful. He already knew which way they had went. "...but that doesn't tell me which way they went...Unless they were running from something...In which case the worst state homes will be in the general direction that they left... But if not???" They had went North East. He was curious if she would deduct it correctly. So Tirek waited with Flurry heart for hours, watching Celestia traipse around the city cluelessly. It was highly amusing, and Tirek had learnt plenty of patience in Tartarus. The time went by relatively swiftly. For him.