• Published 13th Dec 2016
  • 1,459 Views, 22 Comments

Gift Givers - Art Inspired

Maud sends Rarity a gift of her affection. Does Rarity feel the same way as Maud does?

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Part Five: To Ponyville

The morning Rarity’s gift to Maud arrived at the Pie family rock farm, the sun's light shined brightly upon the cottage. Everypony except for Maud seemed more energetic that day, too, and whether or not that was because of what the landslide brought didn’t matter very much. Maud was content with seeing her family like this, even if she couldn’t join them in their fond mood. It was just unfortunate that Maud couldn’t stop worrying about Rarity and what she thinks of her gift. Had her ambove not shown up a little bit before noon, Maud might’ve gone to her room during her free time. Instead, she’d end up spending it with Marble.

When it did arrive, Marble was the first to get to the door, so she’s the one who signed. Then, she made her way to her sister, and after Maud saw what it was, she couldn’t help but give a little gasp. They both hurried along to Maud’s upstairs bedroom to open it. Locking the door behind her, Maud said, “I just want to make sure we aren't disturbed. It's from Ponyville, right?”

“Well,” Marble started. “It says that it’s from the Carousel Boutique.”

“That’s Rarity’s shop, which means…” Maud had to take a moment to settle down, but how could she? Rarity had responded in possibly the most positive way imaginable. Maud did her best to breathe, but Marble giving it over to her wasn’t helping. It wasn’t like Maud could wait much longer anyways, though, so she began slowly. One covering was lifted after another, and soon, the color of red painted the two muzzles that were so close to the cracks. Just as Rarity did when she got hers, Maud went limp. This warmth inside her chest overtook her being, and soon, she found it all too hard to fight back her tears.

“It can’t be…”

“Maud?” Marble asked in concern.

“It’s an Ambove…”

Even though Maud’s voice was as plain as ever, there still remained hints of joy in the way she spoke, and her eyes were definitely wider when looking at the red and yellow trinket. Maud’s head tilted to get a closer look at its sides, but she stopped after starting to feel those trickles of water go down her cheeks. Still staring at the Ambove, or more closely at her reflection in it, she felt her dampened face. Her sister had never seen Maud cry before. With a smile, Marble asked Maud, “Are you going to be alright?”

Maud nodded with a smile of her own, and then pulled out a note found on the bottom. Maud read, “Dearest Maud Pie… I’m so grateful for the diamond you sent me. You have no idea. Please, accept this gift of friendship as I do yours. Please, do visit ponyville, or more specific the Carousel Boutique soon. Rarity Belle.”

She held the note close, and grabbed some napkins while she was thinking of it. “How sweet,” said Marble.

Although Maud knew better, and that Rarity probably didn't send this because of her love for Maud, she replied, “Yes, it was… I suppose I’m off for Ponyville. Hope Rarity doesn’t mind me showing up so suddenly.”

As shy as she was, Marble wasn’t afraid to ask, “What’ll you do to get permission?”

More like herself, Maud answered, “I’ll take care of that.”

As Marble left, she managed to help her sister even further by saying, “I recommend checking on how Pinkie’s doing, too. I’d come with you, but I’d rather make sure Big Mac is alright with it first.”

Maud made the suggestion of asking that in Marble’s next letter, and then thanked her for all her help. The last thing Maud did before headed down stairs was write a letter to Pinkie. She wouldn’t mail it off to her, but instead just leave it in Pinkie’s mailbox when she got there. Maud was stopped by Igneous downstairs who stood from the hall. Maud was just about to enter the living room which lead to the entrance of the house, not that she’d just up and leave of course.

“Maud? Where are you going?” Igneous walked up to her, and looked his daughter up and down. She wore a saddlebag, and judging by one of her better dresses, she was definitely ready to go some place. At that time, he already concluded that he would probably fail at stopping her had he tried.

All Maud had to do was say in her usual tone of voice, “I’m visiting a friend. Sorry for leaving you short-hoofed here on the farm, but this is really important.”

The father made his scowl. “Very well,” he forced through his slightly gritted teeth. “Just…” He relax, and put his hoof on Maud’s shoulders. “We’re almost done rounding up the last of the muck that landslide left us with. Do you think you could help us finish scooping up the last little bits before you go?”

Maud smirked, and nodded. “The train doesn’t arrive until another hour, so sure.”

Thanks to Maud’s help, it only took the team a little over half an hour to finally collect the last of it all. Once finished, Maud would be on her way to the train station. After saying goodbye to her parents, she and Marble walked together down the road, listening to a brook that streamed right along side where they were going. Birds chirped in the tree tops above, and a nice, light wind graced them both with every step. Marble not often being the one to spark up a conversation remained silent, so Maud took it upon herself to do so.

“When I get there, I might end up seeing Pinkie Pie first. If I do, is there anything you’d like me to tell her?”

Marble at first jokingly went, “Mmhmm…” Then, after a moment, she said, “Just tell Pinkie that we all miss her greatly, and to visit the farm more often. It gets boring without her.”

After promising to do so, Maud noticed they had finally reached the train station. “We’re here.”

Once Maud had gotten her ticket and hopped aboard, Marble waved her goodbye. They watched each other as the train departed from the station, but once out of view, Maud was quick to make her way to her booth. The ride would be somewhat long and winding, and knowing this from her last visit to Ponyville, Maud made sure to take a good nap on the way there. Thanks to all the work she had done on the farm, it would be a much more restful slumber than Maud had anticipated despite all the lumps in her seat.