• Published 2nd Jul 2016
  • 855 Views, 6 Comments

Poofy - nobody_in_particular

Once there was a princess with magical glowing hair. Her name was Pinkie Pie. Adagio Dazzle stole her and locked her in a tower far away. When the thief Cheese Sandwich comes to the tower, things get complicated. With the Palace Guards around every c

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Chapter 2

Pinkie Pie looked at the stallion. Mother had warned her about them. She claimed they were cruel and careless.

“What do I do with him? Mother can’t see this! She’ll think I’m not ready to leave!” Pinkie smiled. “Unless I make it look like I can handle myself.”She glanced at the wardrobe leaning against the wall. It was a good size, large enough for holding stallions…

She spent countless times trying to shove him in, but it never worked. Usually it had something to do with his mane or the tassels on his cloak getting shut in the door. There was also the fact that Jack was much bigger than her, which made him harder to move while unconscious. She pushed him in as hard as she could, and at last shut the wardrobe doors.

Pinkie’s tail started shaking.

The closet doors flew open and Jack fell on her. She pushed him back into the closet and put a chair in front of the doors so he couldn’t fall out. She waited for a moment to check if the chair would work. After proved success she sighed in relief and took a few steps back.

Pinkie caught a glimpse of herself it the mirror. There was nothing that different about her reflection, but something else had attracted her. She saw a brown bag in the corner of her eye, bearing much resemblance to a mare’s purse. There was something shimmering inside of the bag. She opened it up and found a crown. It was gold with pink and blue gems. She slowly set it on her head, amazed how the crown seemed to change her outwards appearance. She looked at herself in the long mirror. She didn’t say anything, only looked, as if trying to remember something she had forgotten long ago.

“Pinkie! Let down your hair!”

Pinkie snapped out of her trance and put the bag and the crown in a nearby pot. She ran over to the windows and leaned her head out. “Coming, Mother!” she called to the mare waiting at the bottom. Pinkie tossed her hair out. Adagio made a foothold and held tightly to her daughter’s hair as she pulled her up into the tower.

“So Mother,” Pinkie said. “I’ve been thinking about what you said lately.”

“I hope you’re not talking about those lights again.” Adagio said.

“The floating shapes. Yes, but I-“

“Because I really hoped we could move on from that, dear.”

“Please, just listen to me. You think I’m not strong enough to handle myself…”

“Oh, darling, I know you’re not strong enough to handle yourself.”

“Just hear me out.” Pinkie pleaded.

Adagio turned around. “Pinkie Pie, we’re done talking about this.”

“I need to tell you…”

“I’ve had enough with this! YOU ARE NEVER LEAVING THIS TOWER! EVER!!” Adagio yelled.

Pinkie backed away. Her mane deflated almost all the way. Adagio sighed at the sight.

“All I wanted to say was… I know what I want for my birthday now.” Pinkie said.

“And what is that?” Adagio asked, irritated.

“Um, new pastels. From the rocks you once gave me.”

“Well that is a very long trip. Almost four day’s time.”

“I just…I thought it would be a better idea than the lights.”

“Well, alright.” Adagio said with a defeated sigh. “Are you sure you’ll be alright here by yourself?”
Pinkie nodded. “I know I’ll be safe here.” Pinkie lowered Adagio back down the tower by her hair.

“Goodbye, my flower.” Adagio said. “I’ll be back in four day’s time.” Pinkie could see her mother waving at her from the bottom of the castle. She waved back.

Once Adagio was out of sight, Pinkie carefully removed the chair from in front of the wardrobe. Nothing happened, but she didn’t want to open the wardrobe right away.

Where would she even put the stallion? She looked at the chair, getting an idea.
She pulled him into the light. He was tied up to the chair with her hair being used as makeshift ropes.

Gummy crawled onto the thief’s shoulder. He bit Jack’s mane. Nothing hopped. He licked his cheek. Still Jack didn’t wake up. Gummy flicked his tongue out and stuck it to the orange pony’s lips. Mozzarella Jack opened his eyes at the uncomfortable sliminess against his lips. He cried out in shock at the little green reptile on him. Gummy hopped off of Jack’s shoulder and into the shadows.

Jack suddenly felt very itchy. He looked down and saw he was in a cocoon of what seemed to be a pink poofy substance. His party planning mode took over and he immediately bit into it, double-checking that it wasn’t cotton candy. What he bit into was not cotton candy, but some sort of hair. It did, however, taste faintly of strawberry shampoo.

“Ew! Did you just try to eat my hair? Whoops! I’m not supposed to say anything.” said a mare’s voice. A pink pony came out of the shadows, holding a frying pan up like a baseball bat.

“Ah ha.” Jack mumbled. Jack was a bit surprised. This mare did not recognize Canterlot’s Most Wanted criminal.

“Who are you?” The mare asked, raising the frying pan higher.

“I’m… Mozzarella Jack.” he said.

“Well, Mozzarella Jack-if that is your real name-how did you find my castle?” she questioned.

“Alright, Poofy.” he said.

“My name is Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie said through gritted teeth.

“Whatever. I was being chased by the Palace Rabbit, and I stumbled upon this place and decided to hide.”

“You were being chased by a bunny? How come?” Pinkie asked, lowering her weapon.

“Well, let’s just say I…” Jack started, before realizing the absence of his stolen prize. “Whoa, oh no. Where did you put my satchel?” he asked in a panic.

“I’ve hidden it. And you’ll never find it.” Pinkie said smugly, folding her hooves.

Jack looked around the room a bit, looking for possible hiding places. “It’s in that pot, isn’t it?”

Pinkie was at loss for words.

“Well.” she stuttered. “Aw, shoot. You’re right. Oh well.” She raised the frying pan up and smacked him in the head.
Jack opened his eyes again, only to find Gummy with his tongue on his lips. Jack shook him off and tried to wipe his mouth off.

Now you’ll never find it.” Pinkie said. She circled him.

“So, what do I have to do to get my satchel back?” he asked, wanting to get this over with.

She thought for a moment and bit her bottom lip. This was going to be awful risky, but she had to do it. She walked over to a painting she had done. It was a picture of her riding in a hot air balloon. She was looking out at the pink glowing shapes in the starry night sky.

“Do you know what these are?” she asked, motioning to the painting.

“You mean that lantern thing they do to find the princess?” Jack asked.

“I knew they weren’t Pegasi.” she said. “Well, tomorrow evening they will light the night sky with these lanterns.”

Lanterns. The word sounded almost foreign on her tongue.

“You will act as my guide, take me to see the lanterns, and return me home safely, and only then will return your precious satchel.”

“Yeah.” said Jack. “I don’t think I can do that. You see right now the kingdom and I aren’t exactly simpatico, so I can’t take you.”

“If you ever want your satchel, you will.” Pinkie said.

“Well, there’s only one way to settle this.”

“You don’t mean?” gasped Pinkie.

“Yes. A staring contest.”

They both opened their eyes wide and looked straight at each other.

It went on for about five minutes, and pretty soon their eyes were watering like crazy. Jack couldn’t help it. He was looking straight at the lizard-thing on the mare’s head, and it kept blinking. It looked so tempting.

“Fine.” he groaned.”I’ll take you to see the lanterns.”

“Wait. You have to Pinkie Promise. It goes like this: “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Pinkie did the motions as she said the promise. Jack followed.

“Aright, now you can’t break the promise!” Pinkie Pie warned. She ran to the window and opened it up.

Jack cleared his throat.

Pinkie turned around. “Oh, right.” she said sheepishly. She tugged on her hair and made Jack’s chair spin around like a top. It unraveled Jack and also made him super dizzy. He fell on the ground. “I might need a few minutes.” he said weakly.

A few minutes later Cheese was floating back down on a giant bubble he had blown with his emergency bubble wand. He looked up at Pinkie. She was still up in the tower looking down at the ground.

“Are you coming, Poofy?” he asked.

Pinkie nodded nervously. Everything about the ground looked so welcoming. She took in a big breath. Gummy bit on to her mane so he wouldn’t fall off when Pinkie jumped. She had her frying pan under an arm and her hair was on a hook so she wouldn’t break something when she jumped. She held on to her hair and jumped before anything could stop her. Pinkie giggled as she fell through the air. She stopped a few feet above the ground. She could climb back right now and forget this ever happened.

But she didn’t.

Jack walked over to her.

Pinkie lowered her back hooves to the ground. The grass was warm and soft. She giggled. The feeling of the soft grass on her hooves was so comforting. She leaned down and looked at a white puffy dandelion.

“Just smell the grass, the dirt! Just like I dreamed they’d be.” she sang to herself. Pinkie watched the puffs on the flower fall off, and watched as they were carried by the wind.

“Just feel that summer breeze, the way it’s calling me.” She followed the tufts until she felt water on her hooves, She looked down and saw that she had walked into the stream.

“For, like, the first time ever I’m completely free!” She scooped up some water and tossed it above her head. Birds circled around her and flew to where Adagio would use as an exit. Pinkie Pie looked at it. She walked towards it at a slow pace.

“I could go running, and racing, and dancing and chasing.” She picked up pace as she went. “And leaping, and bounding, hair flying, heart pounding.” She was at a full run now. “And splashing, and reeling, and finally feeling! That’s when my life begins!”

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie said happily. “I can’t believe I did this!” She got a scared look on her face. “I can’t believe I did this. Oh, mother would be so furious.”

“It’s okay,” she said as she sat by the duck pond. “What she doesn’t know won’t kill her.”

“Oh my gosh.” she said frantically “This would kill her.”

She kicked up a pile of leaves. “This is the most fun I’ve had ever!”

Jack walked up to Pinkie, who had her face buried in her hooves and was crying softly.

“You know, you seem to be a bit at war with yourself here. I’m just picking up bits and pieces. I mean, this is serious stuff.” he said. Pinkie looked up at him.

“But let me ease your conscious. I mean, disobeying once in a while, a bit of adventure. That’s good.”

“You think so?” Pinkie asked.

“I know.” Jack said. “Does your mother deserve it? Probably not. Would it crush her soul and break her heart? Of course. But you've just got to do it.”

Pinkie stood up. “You’re right. She would be heartbroken.”

“I am, aren’t I? Oh, bother.” Jack said, putting an arm around Pinkie’s shoulders. He sighed. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m letting you out of the deal.”

“What?” Pinkie asked. “No way. You promised.” She shook his arm off of her shoulders

“Let’s just get you and your reptile back to your tower.” He said, handing Gummy and her frying pan back to her.

Pinkie’s mane deflated all the way. Her eyes were cold and hard. There was fire in her eyes. “Nopony breaks a Pinkie Promise! NOPONY!!” She screamed.

“Oh, come on.” he said, all out of patience. “What will it take to get my satchel back?”

Pinkie Pie held up her frying pan. “I. Will. Use. This.” she threatened.

Jack gulped. “Fine.” he said. “I’ll take you to see the lanterns.”

Pinkie’s mane poofed back up. “Thank you!” she said, and embraced him tightly. Jack had to admit, he liked the feeling.