
by nobody_in_particular

First published

Once there was a princess with magical glowing hair. Her name was Pinkie Pie. Adagio Dazzle stole her and locked her in a tower far away. When the thief Cheese Sandwich comes to the tower, things get complicated. With the Palace Guards around every c

Story challenge by MissKoiFishPony

Based on the Disney movie Tangled. Pinkie Pie was a princess, the only daughter of Queen Celestia and King Sombra. She had magical glowing hair that could cure the sick and heal the wounded. In honor of her birth, the king and queen released a floating lantern into the sky, and a thousand on her birthday each year.

One night the evil Mother Adagio stole the princess from the palace and raised her as her own daughter. Pinkie had always dreamed of leaving the tall tower that Adagio had never let her leave. Every night on her birthday Pinkie could see the glowing lights in the sky that she could never explain. Then started the inexplicable urge to see them up close.

When the wanted thief Mozzarella Jack comes to the tower, they make a deal. Now Pinkie is on a journey with Jack and her pet alligator, Gummy, to see the lanterns, and for Jack to get his fame and glory. Little do they know that their adventure will take a slight detour.

Chapter 1

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Pinkie Pie as Rapunzel.
Cheese Sandwich as Flynn Ryder.
Adagio Dazzle (pony form) as Mother Gothel
Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk (pony form) as the Stabbington Brothers.
Gummy as Pascal.
Fluttershy as Captain of the Royal Guard.
Angel Bunny as Maximus.
Celestia as the Queen.
Good Sombra as the King.


Alone in the forest was a tall tower. An old mare, almost as old as time itself, was falling from the tower.

“How did it all come to this, you ask?” Cheese Sandwich’s voice said. “My end…well, the old woman’s end too, let’s say our end. We weren’t together, if that’s what you’re thinking. Far from it. Well, maybe it wasn’t my end, but it kind of was.”

“Cheesy!” Pinkie Pie’s voice said. “Can you tell the story now? And besides, you’re starting it wrong.”

“I am?”

“Uh huh.”

“It didn’t start with Mother Adagio, it started with the sun.”

“You know this story better than I do. I think you should tell it.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie cleared her throat.

“Once there was an island. There was nothing great about it. But then a few ponies came by and formed a kingdom. There were two rulers: Queen Celestia, her husband King Sombra, and their sister Princess Luna. The three ruled together in harmony.

“One day Celestia was raising the sun. She was going to have a baby, so she was getting weaker. She used as much magic as she could. One drop of magic came from the sun and landed on a hillside. Most ponies would have thought it would be a golden flower, but it was pink! Just like me!

“One woman found the flower. Her name was Adagio Dazzle. She found the magic power in the flower. Hee, hee. That rhymed. Anyway, she used to flower to keep herself alive for hundreds of years. All she had to do was sing a song. Meanwhile, Celestia was getting too weak. Luna raised the sun and moon. Celestia was losing time.

“The palace guards searched for something to heal the queen. They found the flower and made it into a magical elixir. It saved the queen and a healthy baby princess was born. With magical pink hair that had the power to heal the sick and cure the wounded. They named her Pinkie Pie because everything on her was pink. It was about the time that I decided to stop narrating.”

Celestia and Sombra held their daughter in their hooves. In memory of her birth, they launched thousands of pink lanterns in the air. They raised a special one bearing three balloons. It seemed as though everything was perfect, until one night when Adagio snuck into the castle. She silently walked over to the crib where the newborn princess lay. She held a strand of hair and sang the song quietly.

“Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine.” She became younger as she sang. She lifted up a pair of scissors and cut the hair she was holding. Adagio gasped as the hair turned dark pink and it went straight. She grabbed the child and raced out of the castle and into the night.
She found an old tower that was hidden within walls of boulders with a secret passageway to get in. She locked the child within the tower and raised her as if she were her own daughter.

This time she was determined to keep the girl safe.

18 years later

Pinkie Pie was 17 and tomorrow was her 18th birthday. She already knew what to wish for. It sounded strange when you say it out loud. She wanted to go see the pink shapes in the sky. And they had to do it tomorrow. The things only came out on her birthday. She didn’t know why. She tried to shake away the feeling that it meant something. That maybe those floating colors were for her.

Pinkie Pie couldn’t find much to do. Mother Adagio was currently out getting some food for dinner, so she was alone for a while. She looked over at her paints. She was pretty sure that every inch of the tower (or every place on the tower that she could reach) was painted.

She flopped down on her bed and sighed. She didn’t even try brushing her mane. The last time she attempted it on her own the brush ended up shattering.

“Pinkie Pie.” called Adagio’s voice. “Let down your hair!”
Pinkie’s eyes lit up. “She’s home! Do you know what this means, Gummy?” she said to her pet alligator. As usual, he gave no answer. She kissed him on the snout.

“Pinkie?” asked Adagio.

“I’m coming, Mother!” she ran down the small set of stairs and to the window. She opened it up and threw her hair out. The pink hair was so long that it almost touched the ground. Adagio held tightly to the ropes hair while Pinkie pulled her up into the tower.

“I have something to tell you.” Adagio said cheerfully. “So do I!” Pinkie Pie said, thinking of her birthday wish. Once Adagio was in the tower, Pinkie pulled all her hair inside, then turned to Adagio, ready to tell her mother exactly what was on her mind.
“So, Mother,” Pinkie started. “I finally know what I want for my birthday.”

“You know, Pinkie,” Adagio interrupted. “Mummy’s feeling a bit down right now. Would you please sing for me?” Pinkie nodded, noticing her mother's hair was going a bit grey. She grabbed an armchair out of thin air and sat Adagio down in it. She sat down on a stool in front of her mother and put a clump of her knotty hair in her mother’s hooves. Then Pinkie stated singing the song as fast as possible.

“Sweetie, wait!” Adagio said. She levitated a brush over and tried to start brushing her daughter’s hair.
“Flower, gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse; bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt, change the Fates’ design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine.”

Suddenly Adagio's hair was blown back like a burst of wins came through a window. Her grey hair and slight wrinkles disappeared instantly.

“So *gasp* Mother. *Gasp* I… know what I want… for my birthday*gasp*!” Pinkie choked out.

“Pinkie Pie, do calm yourself.” Adagio said disapprovingly. Pinkie nodded and caught her breath. “So, what I wanted to tell you was, I wanted to go see the floating shapes in the sky for my birthday.” she said.
Adagio gasped. Her eyes were small and her mouth fell into a perfect 'o'. Her mind was racing with lies she could blurt out. She couldn’t let Pinkie go into the town and risk losing her eternal youth. “Oh, darling. Those are nothing but Pegasi clearing the skies.”

“But Mom, these don’t have wings. They aren’t the shape of Pegasi.”

“Then it must be the sun. It’s making you see things.”

“I’m not seeing things!” Pinkie Pie said without thinking.

“Don’t talk back to me, young lady!” Adagio snapped.

Pinkie’s mane deflated a tad. “Yes, Mother.” she said glumly.

Adagio sighed. “Well, for your birthday tomorrow I’m making cookie-dough frosted brownies.”

Pinkie’s mane poofed back up. “Yum!” she said. “Thank you, Mother!”

“Dinner should be ready in a few minutes.”

They ate daffodil and daisy sandwiches with Crystal Empire corn on the cob.It was made expertly, with only the freshest of food.
Pinkie yawned, setting down her fork. She had been playing with Gummy almost all day. She was kind of exhausted.

“I think I’m ready to hit the hay.” she said through yawns.

“Already?” her mother asked incredulously. “Well, alright.”
Pinkie trotted up the small set of stairs to her bedroom. She lay on her bed and closed her eyes. It seemed almost immediately after she closed her eyes she was opening them, and it was morning. Pinkie sat up, stretching her back and hooves. Her pink and purple dress was on a hanger nearby. She slipped it on and walked downstairs.

The tower was desolate and there were no signs that Mother Adagio was anywhere around at the moment. On the kitchen table were a note and a Crystal Berry brownie. Pinkie ate it in one bite and read the note.
‘Happy Birthday!’ was written in Adagio's fancy hoof writing.

Meanwhile, in Canterlot...

Mozzarella Jack, the wanted thief of Canterlot was galloping on the castle roof along with Aria and Sonata, the Stabbington Sisters. They were on their next mission: stealing the Lost Princess’s crown. Jack was the fastest, on account of his long legs. He worse a traveling cloak and carried a saddlebag on his back.

Sonata tripped over her own light blue hooves and face-planted on the roof. “Sonata, you are totally the worst.” Aria groaned. Sonata stood up and brushed herself off. “No, you are.” she retorted. Jack rolled his eyes at the two. This happened all the time.

“Whatever. Let’s just do this.” Aria said. She opened a trap door on the roof. It opened conveniently over the prized crown. Aria and Sonata lowered Jack down on a rope tied around his waist into the castle.
Jack gazed in awe at the piece of jewelry. It was sitting in plain sight, on a velvet pillow that was resting on a marble pedestal. He grabbed the crown and put it in his bag. In front of the crown there were about 6 guards keeping watch. The one nearest to him, Daring Do, sneezed loudly.

“The Trots?” Jack asked, leaning on the pillow. Daring Do looked over her shoulder at him. “Yeah.” she answered. She gasped and did a double take and saw Jack on the roof, escaping with the crown. “Hey, you can’t do that!” she said angrily. Upon hearing her outburst, Captain Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash turned around.

“Not on my watch.” Fluttershy growled.

The three bandits were running through the woods when the Royal Guard caught up to them. They came to a small, rocky mountain, about 10 feet tall. They would have to climb. Sonata lifted Aria up on her shoulders and Aria lifted Jack up on hers. Aria had the saddlebags around her for safekeeping. Jack climbed to the top of the cliff and looked down at the Sisters.

“Now help us up.” Aria said, extending a purple hoof.

“Sorry, guys.” he said. “But I’m already carrying stuff.” he held up the bag, smirking down at the earth pony.
Aria down looked at her back and stomach. No saddlebags. Jack made a run for it while she wasn't looking.

“Mozzarella!” Aria bellowed in the distance.

Jack laughed as he ran. All too easy. He gasped as he heard hoof beats behind him. Daring Do, Rainbow Dash, Gilda, Night Glider, Fast Clip, Crescent Moon, Cloud Kicker, Lightning Dust, Sassaflash, and Thunderlane were all chasing him. Captain Fluttershy was in front, with Angel Bunny hopping In front of her. He was small, but he could sniff out anypony, and his teeth were razor sharp. Angel was a fast hopper, and Jack was a fast runner. Not even Rainbow Dash or Lightning Dust could keep up. Soon Fluttershy lost sight of the two.

“Angel will catch him.” Fluttershy said.

Angel bit on Jack’s tail, causing him to trip. The satchel flew out of his hooves and landed on a small branch on a large, think tree trunk that hung over a cliff. Angel hopped over Jack’s back and was about to grab the satchel when Jack got back up and pushed Angel aside and grabbed the satchel just before it slid off of the branch. There was a loud cracking sound and the tree trunk snapped in half, taking the stallion and the rabbit down with it.

Pinkie Pie

Meanwhile, Pinkie was awaiting her mother’s return. “Oh, Gummy.” Pinkie said. “Since I'm now officially 17, I was going to ask Mom if I could go out. But I don’t know how to do it!” She looked at the alligator. “Would you help me?” she pleaded.

Gummy blinked.

“Great!” Pinkie said.

Soon, Gummy was sitting on the bed with an orange poufy wig on.

“Mother.” Pinkie said to Gummy. “As you know I’m 17 now. I feel like maybe I’m old enough and strong enough to go out into town. I’ll only go out this once. I just want to meet someone. Maybe have some friends for once!”

Gummy licked his eye.

“I’m sorry, Mother! I’ll do better! I didn’t mean to upset you!” She was sobbing. She stopped for a moment and cracked her eyes open slightly.
Gummy just blinked.

Pinkie started crying again. After a moment she stopped suddenly. “That was great, Gummy!” she said in her usual cheery tone.
Jack opened his eyes. His head ached and his body was sore, but nothing seemed broken or seriously injured. He heard squeaking noises that could only belong to Angel.

In that moment he panicked, trying to decide where to hide before Angle got there. He glanced over at a wall of vines. He ran through it, only hoping that there wasn't a huge boulder behind it. Luckily there wasn't and he held his breath as Angel hopped up in front of the wall. Jack stayed silent as the bunny sniffed around. Angel ran away.

Jack breathed a sigh of relief before looking around. It looked like he was in some sort of cave. He kept walking deeper into the cave and came to a large clearing with a few rivers and lots of flowers, perfectly hidden by large rocky mountains. But what really caught his attention was a very large tower in the middle of the clearing, about a 70 feet tall. It looked like there was no door or any stairs, save for two open windows near the very top. Jack quickly opened his satchel and brought out a bottle of bubbles. He blew one that was about two times his size. He sat on it and he floated to the top of the tower. He jumped onto the balcony and walked inside. It seemed as though nopony was there.

He opened the satchel and lifted the crown out. “Finally, you now belong to me.” he said to the crown. He didn’t notice Pinkie Pie behind him with a frying pan in between her teeth.


Chapter 2

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Pinkie Pie looked at the stallion. Mother had warned her about them. She claimed they were cruel and careless.

“What do I do with him? Mother can’t see this! She’ll think I’m not ready to leave!” Pinkie smiled. “Unless I make it look like I can handle myself.”She glanced at the wardrobe leaning against the wall. It was a good size, large enough for holding stallions…

She spent countless times trying to shove him in, but it never worked. Usually it had something to do with his mane or the tassels on his cloak getting shut in the door. There was also the fact that Jack was much bigger than her, which made him harder to move while unconscious. She pushed him in as hard as she could, and at last shut the wardrobe doors.

Pinkie’s tail started shaking.

The closet doors flew open and Jack fell on her. She pushed him back into the closet and put a chair in front of the doors so he couldn’t fall out. She waited for a moment to check if the chair would work. After proved success she sighed in relief and took a few steps back.

Pinkie caught a glimpse of herself it the mirror. There was nothing that different about her reflection, but something else had attracted her. She saw a brown bag in the corner of her eye, bearing much resemblance to a mare’s purse. There was something shimmering inside of the bag. She opened it up and found a crown. It was gold with pink and blue gems. She slowly set it on her head, amazed how the crown seemed to change her outwards appearance. She looked at herself in the long mirror. She didn’t say anything, only looked, as if trying to remember something she had forgotten long ago.

“Pinkie! Let down your hair!”

Pinkie snapped out of her trance and put the bag and the crown in a nearby pot. She ran over to the windows and leaned her head out. “Coming, Mother!” she called to the mare waiting at the bottom. Pinkie tossed her hair out. Adagio made a foothold and held tightly to her daughter’s hair as she pulled her up into the tower.

“So Mother,” Pinkie said. “I’ve been thinking about what you said lately.”

“I hope you’re not talking about those lights again.” Adagio said.

“The floating shapes. Yes, but I-“

“Because I really hoped we could move on from that, dear.”

“Please, just listen to me. You think I’m not strong enough to handle myself…”

“Oh, darling, I know you’re not strong enough to handle yourself.”

“Just hear me out.” Pinkie pleaded.

Adagio turned around. “Pinkie Pie, we’re done talking about this.”

“I need to tell you…”

“I’ve had enough with this! YOU ARE NEVER LEAVING THIS TOWER! EVER!!” Adagio yelled.

Pinkie backed away. Her mane deflated almost all the way. Adagio sighed at the sight.

“All I wanted to say was… I know what I want for my birthday now.” Pinkie said.

“And what is that?” Adagio asked, irritated.

“Um, new pastels. From the rocks you once gave me.”

“Well that is a very long trip. Almost four day’s time.”

“I just…I thought it would be a better idea than the lights.”

“Well, alright.” Adagio said with a defeated sigh. “Are you sure you’ll be alright here by yourself?”
Pinkie nodded. “I know I’ll be safe here.” Pinkie lowered Adagio back down the tower by her hair.

“Goodbye, my flower.” Adagio said. “I’ll be back in four day’s time.” Pinkie could see her mother waving at her from the bottom of the castle. She waved back.

Once Adagio was out of sight, Pinkie carefully removed the chair from in front of the wardrobe. Nothing happened, but she didn’t want to open the wardrobe right away.

Where would she even put the stallion? She looked at the chair, getting an idea.
She pulled him into the light. He was tied up to the chair with her hair being used as makeshift ropes.

Gummy crawled onto the thief’s shoulder. He bit Jack’s mane. Nothing hopped. He licked his cheek. Still Jack didn’t wake up. Gummy flicked his tongue out and stuck it to the orange pony’s lips. Mozzarella Jack opened his eyes at the uncomfortable sliminess against his lips. He cried out in shock at the little green reptile on him. Gummy hopped off of Jack’s shoulder and into the shadows.

Jack suddenly felt very itchy. He looked down and saw he was in a cocoon of what seemed to be a pink poofy substance. His party planning mode took over and he immediately bit into it, double-checking that it wasn’t cotton candy. What he bit into was not cotton candy, but some sort of hair. It did, however, taste faintly of strawberry shampoo.

“Ew! Did you just try to eat my hair? Whoops! I’m not supposed to say anything.” said a mare’s voice. A pink pony came out of the shadows, holding a frying pan up like a baseball bat.

“Ah ha.” Jack mumbled. Jack was a bit surprised. This mare did not recognize Canterlot’s Most Wanted criminal.

“Who are you?” The mare asked, raising the frying pan higher.

“I’m… Mozzarella Jack.” he said.

“Well, Mozzarella Jack-if that is your real name-how did you find my castle?” she questioned.

“Alright, Poofy.” he said.

“My name is Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie said through gritted teeth.

“Whatever. I was being chased by the Palace Rabbit, and I stumbled upon this place and decided to hide.”

“You were being chased by a bunny? How come?” Pinkie asked, lowering her weapon.

“Well, let’s just say I…” Jack started, before realizing the absence of his stolen prize. “Whoa, oh no. Where did you put my satchel?” he asked in a panic.

“I’ve hidden it. And you’ll never find it.” Pinkie said smugly, folding her hooves.

Jack looked around the room a bit, looking for possible hiding places. “It’s in that pot, isn’t it?”

Pinkie was at loss for words.

“Well.” she stuttered. “Aw, shoot. You’re right. Oh well.” She raised the frying pan up and smacked him in the head.
Jack opened his eyes again, only to find Gummy with his tongue on his lips. Jack shook him off and tried to wipe his mouth off.

Now you’ll never find it.” Pinkie said. She circled him.

“So, what do I have to do to get my satchel back?” he asked, wanting to get this over with.

She thought for a moment and bit her bottom lip. This was going to be awful risky, but she had to do it. She walked over to a painting she had done. It was a picture of her riding in a hot air balloon. She was looking out at the pink glowing shapes in the starry night sky.

“Do you know what these are?” she asked, motioning to the painting.

“You mean that lantern thing they do to find the princess?” Jack asked.

“I knew they weren’t Pegasi.” she said. “Well, tomorrow evening they will light the night sky with these lanterns.”

Lanterns. The word sounded almost foreign on her tongue.

“You will act as my guide, take me to see the lanterns, and return me home safely, and only then will return your precious satchel.”

“Yeah.” said Jack. “I don’t think I can do that. You see right now the kingdom and I aren’t exactly simpatico, so I can’t take you.”

“If you ever want your satchel, you will.” Pinkie said.

“Well, there’s only one way to settle this.”

“You don’t mean?” gasped Pinkie.

“Yes. A staring contest.”

They both opened their eyes wide and looked straight at each other.

It went on for about five minutes, and pretty soon their eyes were watering like crazy. Jack couldn’t help it. He was looking straight at the lizard-thing on the mare’s head, and it kept blinking. It looked so tempting.

“Fine.” he groaned.”I’ll take you to see the lanterns.”

“Wait. You have to Pinkie Promise. It goes like this: “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Pinkie did the motions as she said the promise. Jack followed.

“Aright, now you can’t break the promise!” Pinkie Pie warned. She ran to the window and opened it up.

Jack cleared his throat.

Pinkie turned around. “Oh, right.” she said sheepishly. She tugged on her hair and made Jack’s chair spin around like a top. It unraveled Jack and also made him super dizzy. He fell on the ground. “I might need a few minutes.” he said weakly.

A few minutes later Cheese was floating back down on a giant bubble he had blown with his emergency bubble wand. He looked up at Pinkie. She was still up in the tower looking down at the ground.

“Are you coming, Poofy?” he asked.

Pinkie nodded nervously. Everything about the ground looked so welcoming. She took in a big breath. Gummy bit on to her mane so he wouldn’t fall off when Pinkie jumped. She had her frying pan under an arm and her hair was on a hook so she wouldn’t break something when she jumped. She held on to her hair and jumped before anything could stop her. Pinkie giggled as she fell through the air. She stopped a few feet above the ground. She could climb back right now and forget this ever happened.

But she didn’t.

Jack walked over to her.

Pinkie lowered her back hooves to the ground. The grass was warm and soft. She giggled. The feeling of the soft grass on her hooves was so comforting. She leaned down and looked at a white puffy dandelion.

“Just smell the grass, the dirt! Just like I dreamed they’d be.” she sang to herself. Pinkie watched the puffs on the flower fall off, and watched as they were carried by the wind.

“Just feel that summer breeze, the way it’s calling me.” She followed the tufts until she felt water on her hooves, She looked down and saw that she had walked into the stream.

“For, like, the first time ever I’m completely free!” She scooped up some water and tossed it above her head. Birds circled around her and flew to where Adagio would use as an exit. Pinkie Pie looked at it. She walked towards it at a slow pace.

“I could go running, and racing, and dancing and chasing.” She picked up pace as she went. “And leaping, and bounding, hair flying, heart pounding.” She was at a full run now. “And splashing, and reeling, and finally feeling! That’s when my life begins!”

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie said happily. “I can’t believe I did this!” She got a scared look on her face. “I can’t believe I did this. Oh, mother would be so furious.”

“It’s okay,” she said as she sat by the duck pond. “What she doesn’t know won’t kill her.”

“Oh my gosh.” she said frantically “This would kill her.”

She kicked up a pile of leaves. “This is the most fun I’ve had ever!”

Jack walked up to Pinkie, who had her face buried in her hooves and was crying softly.

“You know, you seem to be a bit at war with yourself here. I’m just picking up bits and pieces. I mean, this is serious stuff.” he said. Pinkie looked up at him.

“But let me ease your conscious. I mean, disobeying once in a while, a bit of adventure. That’s good.”

“You think so?” Pinkie asked.

“I know.” Jack said. “Does your mother deserve it? Probably not. Would it crush her soul and break her heart? Of course. But you've just got to do it.”

Pinkie stood up. “You’re right. She would be heartbroken.”

“I am, aren’t I? Oh, bother.” Jack said, putting an arm around Pinkie’s shoulders. He sighed. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m letting you out of the deal.”

“What?” Pinkie asked. “No way. You promised.” She shook his arm off of her shoulders

“Let’s just get you and your reptile back to your tower.” He said, handing Gummy and her frying pan back to her.

Pinkie’s mane deflated all the way. Her eyes were cold and hard. There was fire in her eyes. “Nopony breaks a Pinkie Promise! NOPONY!!” She screamed.

“Oh, come on.” he said, all out of patience. “What will it take to get my satchel back?”

Pinkie Pie held up her frying pan. “I. Will. Use. This.” she threatened.

Jack gulped. “Fine.” he said. “I’ll take you to see the lanterns.”

Pinkie’s mane poofed back up. “Thank you!” she said, and embraced him tightly. Jack had to admit, he liked the feeling.

Chapter 3

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Pinkie and Jack walked down an underground road, thankful to finally be of that ride.

At the same time the two ponies’ tails shook uncontrollably, and they ran as fast as they could. A huge boulder crashed down right where they had been standing.

“Whoa!” they said at the same time. “How’d you do that?” Jack asked Pinkie.

“I just got a Twitchy Tail, which means something will fall, and something fell.”

“Me too!” Jack said. “Maybe we’re more alike than we thought.”

Pinkie gave him a grin that stretched from ear to ear… literally.

Above was the Carousel Boutique. Rarity gasped as the ground beneath Tom gave out and he fell beneath the ground.
Adagio was arriving at the spot Iron Will had talked about. She hid behind a rock when she heard someone coming.

The Stabbington Sisters were walking by.

“It’s your fault he got away, Sonata.” Aria was saying.

“How is it my fault?” Sonata asked. “You were the one that didn’t tighten the satchel enough.”

“I can’t believe you wanted to recruit Mozzarella Jack on our team. I told you he would be trouble. I was right, wasn’t I? When I see him I’m gonna kill him. He’ll regret everything he did.”

Mother Adagio smiled. She had gone to the tower and found the crown that Pinkie had hid.

“Oh, girls!” she called.

The sisters turned and saw Adagio standing there.

“I have something that might interest you.” she said, holding out the satchel. Aria unsheathed her sword. Adagio chuckled and tossed it to them.

Sonata smiled as she held up the crown.

Pinkie and Jack walked down an underground road, thankful to finally be of that ride.

At the same time the two ponies’ tails shook uncontrollably, and they ran as fast as they could. A huge boulder crashed down right where they had been standing.

“Whoa!” they said at the same time. “How’d you do that?” Jack asked Pinkie.

“I just got a Twitchy Tail, which means something will fall, and something fell.”

“Me too!” Jack said. “Maybe we’re more alike than we thought.”

Pinkie gave him a grin that stretched from ear to ear… literally.

Above was the Carousel Boutique. Rarity gasped as the ground beneath Tom gave out and he fell beneath the ground.

Adagio was walking to the spot Iron Will had talked about. She hid behind a rock when she heard someone coming.

The Stabbington Sisters were walking by.

“It’s your fault he got away, Sonata.” Aria was saying.

“How is it my fault?” Sonata asked. “You were the one that didn’t tighten the satchel enough.”

“I can’t believe you wanted to recruit Mozzarella Jack on our team. I told you he would be trouble. I was right, wasn’t I? When I see him I’m gonna kill him. He’ll regret everything he did.”

Mother Adagio smiled. She had gone to the tower and found the crown that Pinkie had hid.

“Oh, girls!” she called.

The sisters turned and saw Adagio standing there.

“I have something that might interest you.” she said, holding out the satchel. Aria unsheathed her sword. Adagio chuckled and tossed it to them.

Sonata smiled as she held up the crown.

“You know, I was going to offer you something even better than that old piece of jewelry, but you seem content.” Adagio said.

“Better than the crown? What is it?” Sonata asked. Suddenly her whole face lit up. “Tacos?” she asked excitedly.

“Even better than tacos. It comes with a side of revenge on Mozzarella Jack.”

Aria smiled wickedly.
Pinkie was walking down the never-ending path when she realized that Jack was not with her.

“Jack?” she asked.

She saw him inspecting something on the cave wall.

“Oh no!” he said as he started shaking.

“Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch!” Pinkie said.

They hid behind a rock as a secret door flew open and three Pegasi flew in.

“Well how was I supposed to know?” the yellow mare asked. “You’re names are always confusing!” she had a bit of an accent, a sort of mix between British and southern.

“We all have abnormal names.” said the blue stallion. His voice resembled one of a colt who was right in the middle of his voice changing.

“Yeah, but your names are so confusing when we’re cloud busting. You should wear name tags so we can tell what anypony is talking about.” the yellow one said.

“You’re always so critical. Maybe if you would actually learn our names, things would be easier!” the pink mare said. Her voice was very, very high, and she sounded like a sweet little girl with the voice of an angel.

“We’re on a budget, Clear Skies. Lamination costs a lot. Cloud busting doesn’t pay great.” the first one said.

“But of course you wouldn’t care!” said the second.

Pinkie and Jack listened to the three bicker until they were out of hearing range and sight.

“Yay!” Pinkie said. “We can use the secret door!”

She was about to turn the handle when jack stopped her hoof.

“We don’t know what could be on the other side of that.” he said.

“Those three Pegasi used the door, didn’t they? They seemed fine.”

Jack considered this. He had never seen the three as part of the Royal Guard, and Celestia only hired more ponies if it was a dire emergency.

“I suppose you’re right. On three. One, two…”

Pinkie opened the door before Jack could finish. They were in a forest just outside of the town.

“It’s a forest!” Pinkie announced.

“Pinkie!” Jack said. “I didn’t say three!”

“It’s too late now.” Pinkie said as she hopped into the forest. Jack just hoped there were no guards around.

They had only walked a few meters when a low growl could be heard.

“Manticore!” Pinkie screamed. She hid behind Jack. A cat walked out of the bushes with a confused expression.

“That was a close one.” Pinkie said.

A white unicorn walked over to them. “Opal, you know better than to run off.” she said. She took notice of the two ponies. “I apologize if my dear Opalescence caused you any harm.” Opal reached forward and slashed Jack’s arm.

Rarity gasped loudly. “Opal!” She levitated the cat into the air, making sure to keep her away from any of the ponies.

“I’m so sorry sir.” the unicorn said. “It’s fine.” Jack reassured her.

A dog jumped out of a nearby bush. The unicorn was so startled that she dropped her cat.

A farm pony jumped out of some bushes.

“Applejack!” the unicorn screeched. “Keep that beast away from dear Opal!”

Applejack growled. “Rarity! It ain’t his doin’! It’s their nature!”

“I’ll sure say it is.” Rarity scoffed. “The same nature as your own.”

“You take that back!”


“I guess I should have known that one of yall Canterlot snobs would never accept a southern pony.”

“Snobs!? We Canterlotians may be first-class, but we are not snobs.” They took their pets and walked away from each other.

“Discord was right.” The two mares muttered under their breaths.

“I don’t know how much more of this day I can take.” Jack thought. Luckily the town was nearby.

He grimaced as his cut stung.

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie said, taking notice. “I’ve gotta show you something.”

She sat him down on a rock. He raised an eyebrow as she started wrapping hair around his cut. It felt so soft, but kind of hurt against his scratch.

“I’ve been keeping something from you, and now I think it’s time to tell you the truth.”

“Flower gleam and glow. Let your power shine.”

Jack watched in shock as her hair glowed bright pink.

“Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. Change the Fates’ design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine.”

He unraveled the hair and gasped when he saw there was no cut.

“I have magic hair that glows when I sing.” she admitted.

“I’ve seen lots of magic in my days, but an earth pony with magic… not the first item on my bucket list.” He looked up at the sun.“It’s getting late. I’m gonna find some berries or water or something.” Jack said. “You stay here.”

“Okay.” Pinkie said. “I’ll be waiting for you.”

She watched as Jack walked off.

“Well, he was bound to leave sooner or later, my flower!” said a voice behind Pinkie.

Pinkie gasped and turned around, seeing a unicorn in a black cape.

“Hello, Pinkie Pie.” Adagio said.

“Mother?” Pinkie asked. “How did you find me?”

“You’re not that hard to find.” She grabbed Pinkie’s hoof. “Let’s get you out of here.”

“Wait.” Pinkie said. “I’m not ready to go. I haven’t even gone to the town yet. I need to wait for my friend.”

“A friend? Really, Pinkie? You think he’ really your friend? How do you know he’s not like the others, coming after you for your hair?”

Pinkie bit her lip. “Because I know him. He wouldn’t do that, not ever.” Pinkie pulled her hoof out of her mother’s grasp. “And I’m staying with him.

Adagio looked at Pinkie, her lips curling into an evil smile. “Oh, really? Well, I see how it is now.”

“Pinkie knows best, Pinkie’s so mature now. Such a clever grown up Miss.” She patted Pinkie on the head.

“Pinkie knows best. Fine if you’re so sure now go ahead and give him this!” She held up the satchel

“But how..?” Pinkie asked.

“This is why he’s here! Don’t let him deceive you!”

Pinkie knew it couldn’t be true, but something told her that her mother was right.

“Trust me, my dear.” She teleported closer to Pinkie. “That’s how fast he’ll leave you. I won’t say ‘I told you so’!”

Pinkie didn’t really consider why Jack had agreed. He did lose to a staring contest, which was a huge deal. You couldn’t break a Pinkie Promise.

But you physically, actually could. So why hadn’t he? Had he really said yes just so he could get his satchel back?

He had seemed friendlier, though. But what if he never came back from finding food? What if he didn’t want her to come so he could slip away?

“No, Pinkie knows best! Fine, if he’s such a dream boat, go ahead and put him to the test!”

“Mother, wait!” Pinkie said.

“If he’s lying, don’t come crying! Mother knows best!” Adagio disappeared in a puff of smoke.

When she heard hoofsteps from behind her, she stuffed the satchel in her mane.

“Hey, Pinkie.” said Jack. “I brought back some stuff.”

He was holding two cups (made out of wood) full of water and some honeycomb.

“Ooh!” Pinkie said.

It was close to noon.

They skipped into Canterlot (Actually, only Pinkie was skipping) and Pinkie was smiling brightly.

She trotted ahead of Jack and ran into the town. Everything was so beautiful. She flinched and cried out as she felt ponies walking over her mane. She and Jack picked up armfuls of it. They looked around and saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders braiding each other’s manes.

Jack whistled as loud as he could, and the four girls looked up at him. They gasped as they saw the armfuls of hair.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders extreme mane braiders!” they chorused.

Pinkie finally looked behind her and saw he mean done up in a big braid. She had candy decorated in it, and a yellow headband.

“It’s beautiful!” she said.

The four fillies looked at their, flanks, but disappointment crossed their face when they saw nothing had shown up.

Chapter 4

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Fluttershy was outside the throne room. The queen had requested to speak with her,

“The Queen will see you now.” Thunderlane said as he stepped out of the throne room.

Fluttershy tried to look brave as she entered the throne room.

“Fluttershy,” Celestia said. “I fear you are working too hard to find Mozzarella Jack. I request you take the day off.”

Even though she wasn’t in trouble, Fluttershy felt bad about having to take the day off.

“Yes my Queen.” Fluttershy whispered before departing.

She walked out of the throne room, but bumped into somepony. She looked up and saw Rainbow Dash standing there.

“Watch where you’re going, why don’tcha?” Rainbow snapped.

“You have no business just standing in the middle of the hallway.” Fluttershy said angrily.

“Says who? You can’t tell me what to do.” Rainbow retorted.

“Well I’m the Captain. So you have to do what I say!”

“Today you aren’t! Spitfire’s taking your place.”

As if on cue, Spitfire emerged from an open door and stood next to Rainbow Dash.

“…And what she says goes. Right Captain?” Rainbow asked.

“That’s right, Lieutenant.”

“What? But Daring Do is Lieutenant.” Fluttershy said. “And if she’s gone, then it’s Gilda.”

“Well, Spitfire’s the captain now, and what she says goes.” Rainbow repeated. The two started laughing.

Fluttershy flew so fast her armor flew off and she flew until she reached a spot she hadn’t been to in years: It was an old stump that was hollowed out to make a little seat.

She sat there and sobbed. After she had ‘broken up’ with her old friends, she became Captain. It had made her braver. She hadn’t cried in years.

She wished for a friend. Someone she could be herself around. She didn’t see the pony walking up behind her.
Pinkie was looking at almost everything in town. It was all so new.

She looked at a big mural made with what looked like candy wrappers. It was of the king and queen holding a small filly. Pinkie looked at the child for a moment. She saw a small colt holding a rose with a purple ribbon tied around the stem.

“It’s for the Lost Princess.” he explained to the older mare standing next to him, whom Pinkie could only assume was his mother.

Jack was walking away from Sugar Cube Corner. He had just bought some brownies frosted with cookie dough and sprinkled with bits of chocolate. He knew Pinkie would love them.

He saw Pinkie In the middle of the square, dancing. Pinkie took Pipsqueak by the arm and danced with him. She even got Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy to dance. She linked arms with a purple unicorn.

Pinkie never noticed that the five’s coats were sort of dull, compared to the other ponies’ vibrant colors. She watched as Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and the unicorn’s coats turned vibrant.

She saw Fluttershy dancing with a grey stallion. He had a twister Cutie Mark.

Pretty soon almost everypony was dancing to the music. Octavia had started playing her cello, while Vinyl played some dubstep along with it on her bass canon.

Pinkie motioned for Jack to come over, but he just shook his head. Pinkie went over and grabbed his arm and dragged him over to the dance circle.

At one point Pinkie was dancing with the grey stallion, and Jack was dancing with Fluttershy. Jack wanted to run, but Fluttershy’s grip was firm. He was waiting for her to drag him to jail, but that moment never came. He noticed that her mane and coat were more vibrant today. That was weird.

Then the music stopped. The Mane 5 galloped over to one another and hugged.

Most of them had tears rolling down their cheeks and were all frantically apologizing to one another.

“You.” the purple unicorn said, walking over to Pinkie. “Thank you so much. You’ve made us happy again. We are in debt to you. My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“Aww, it was nothing.” Pinkie said, blushing lightly.

“No, really.” Twilight urged. “We would be honored to be to your friends.”

“Really?” Pinkie asked. “Now I have 6 friends!”

Later that evening.

Pinkie was standing out on a dock while Jack was carrying a canoe over.

“So, what are we doing now?” Pinkie asked.

“Well, it’s the best day of your life, right?”

Pinkie nodded.

“I figured you should have a good view.” he said.

They sat in the canoe, watching the sunset. Gummy sat on a knob in the boat.

“I’m so nervecited!” Pinkie said happily.

Celestia was also getting ready for the big night. It had been 18 years. Pinkie Pie still hadn’t shown up.

Sombra came up behind her. He wiped away a tear trickling down her cheek. They walked out onto the balcony together, neither saying a word.

The pink lantern with Pinkie’s Cutie Mark sat there, waiting. Together they lifted the lantern into the sky. One by one more lanterns filled the sky, these ones appearing from all corners of the kingdom.

From the boat, Pinkie gasped at the sight. It was so beautiful. Every bit of the sky lit up. She looked back at Jack and saw that he was holding two lanterns.

“I have something for you, too.” She took out the satchel.

“I wanted to give it to you before, but I was afraid you’d leave me.” Pinkie explained.

“It doesn’t matter to me anymore.” Jack said.

They each took a lantern and lifted it up into the sky.

Pinkie saw a lantern about to hit the water, and at the last minute she slipped her hoof under it and lifted it back up into the air. She didn’t notice the three balloons in the pattern of her Cutie Mark.

She looked back into his eyes. They just stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments until they both started moving closer.

The gap between them was almost gone when Jack spotted something. A green light shone on the shore with the shapes of Aria and Sonata.

“I need to do something real quick.” he said, pulling away.

“Okay.” Pinkie said, slightly hurt.
Fluttershy sat there. Why did Rainbow Dash always have to ruin things?

She had no friends, and no job. She was quitting. She never wanted to see that cyan pegasus again.

She was so caught up in her sorrows she didn’t notice the approaching pony until he had sat down next to her.

Fluttershy’ heart started racing, not sure what to expect. She looked over and saw the stallion she hadn’t seen in years. She started grinning like a maniac, looking at her closest friend.

“Discord! You’re back!” she exclaimed, throwing her hooves around his neck. Discord smiled and returned the gesture, holding her tightly.

He was just as she remembered. He was always so warm and smelled strongly of cotton candy and chocolate milk.

“Are you staying here?” Fluttershy asked.

“If that is what you wish, my dear.” he said.

Fluttershy smiled.
Present time

Jack tied the boat to a tree.

“Wait here.” he instructed. “I’ll only be a second.”

“O-okay.” Pinkie stuttered. This wasn’t like him, and she couldn’t help doubting that he wouldn’t come back. It didn’t help that he took the satchel with him.

Pinkie watched Jack until he was out of sight.

Jack found Aria and Sonata sitting behind a large rock. Sonata was sharpening her knife, while Aria sat flipping a silver coin in her hoof.

The lantern cast a light directly on their faces, making them seem deadly.

He just wanted to get this over with and be back to Pinkie as soon as possible.

“Well.” he started. “I just wanted to tell you that you were right, you do deserve the crown. And you can have it, no catch.”

He tossed the satchel over to Aria. He expected her to catch it, but she let it fall to the ground.

“We don’t want the crown, Jack.” Aria said. She walked slowly over to him, stepping on the worn leather.

“As you may have noticed, we are so ordinary. Always thieving, but we’re not much concern. There’s nothing amazing about us, although we are quite attractive. We’ve been watching you Jack. And we couldn’t help but notice that little mare alongside you.”

“Stay away from her!” he said.

“You and what army?” Aria asked. “That mare could make me rich. Everypony would remember Aria Blaze, the girl who captured the freakshow.”

Jack narrowed his eyes.

Pinkie was thinking that Jack would never return when she saw a silhouette coming nearer.

“Oh, there you are. I should have known you wouldn’t leave with the crown.”

She gasped in shock as the large pony separated into two smaller ponies walking side by side.

They were both mares. One was purple with a dark purple mane, and the other was blue with a dark blue mane.

The blue one was giggling madly, and the purple one had a wild look in her eyes.

“He did.” the purple one said. She pointed to a boat which a stallion was at the wheel, steering.

“Jack?” Pinkie called out to him. There was no response. “Jack!” she said frantically.

“Sonata, how much do you think somepony would pay to stay young and healthy forever?”

Pinkie turned around in time to see a sack being produced from the inside of the jacket the purple earth pony was wearing. It was the size of a full grown pony.

“No!” Pinkie cried as she took off running into the black of night.

Chapter 5

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Jack opened his eyes. The last thing he remembered was being knocked out by Aria…

He gasped. “Pinkie!” he called out. “Pinkie!”

Soarin and Fleetfoot were half asleep. They had the night shift, and they were too tired to continue. They awoke to the sound of somepony calling out.

They saw Mozzarella Jack tied to the wheel of a boat, the crown tied to his hoof.

“The crown!” Fleetfoot gasped.

Jack struggled as hard as he could as the two guards carried him into his prison cell. “You don’t understand!” he cried. “I need to get back to Pinkie Pie!”

More guards appeared and fought against Jack.

He saw the cell with the Stabbington Sisters. He grabbed Sonata’s neck and pulled her against the sell bars. “Who told you? How did you know about her?” he demanded.

“It wasn’t us,” Sonata said. “It was the old lady.”

“Old lady…” Jack whispered in wonder. The guards pulled him away from the mares and forced him to walk down the hall.

Jack turned his head slightly and saw a picture of the Mane 5 from long ago lying on the ground. He gasped as the door in front of them shut.

“Open this door!” Spitfire said, banging on the door angrily.

“You’re not coming in!” a familiar voice said form the other side.

“Rainbow Dash! What do you think you’re doing?” Spitfire demanded.

“Not letting you in, that’s what I’m doing!” Rainbow said from the other side of the door.

Spitfire growled angrily. “You have five seconds, 5, 4, 3...”

Hooves reached out of nowhere and grabbed the guards, pulling them away before they had time to react. When Spitfire turned around she was surprised to see only Jack standing there.

A banging sound echoed through the halls and Spitfire fell to the ground. Twilight stood there levitating a frying pan with her magic.

“Frying pans!” Jack exclaimed. “Cool, right?”

“There’s no time.” Twilight said. “You have to go.”

Jack didn’t waste a second. He took off speeding down the hallways.

Some guards appeared out of Celestia-knows-where, but were cut off as Applejack charged them with her head down, as if she were a bull. They screamed and dropped their weapons.

Another group of guards were running around, trying to find Jack. A large blanket of fabrics dropped down in them, making them run into each other.

He ran out to the garden of the castle.

“Stand here.” Rainbow Dash said, pushing him to the side. “Get ready for it!” he called to him.

“Ready for whaAAA!” his last word was cut off as he was launched into the air.

He felt his hooves hit the ground, and he was brave enough to open his eyes. He was in a little wagon. In front was a little pegasus mare on a scooter. Tied to the back were three fillies. One was a unicorn, the others Earth Ponies. He recognized them as the ponies who had braided Pinkie’s hair that one day. They were on the castle wall.

“Let’s go!” the pegasus said. She let out a battle cry as she started flapping her wings like propellers. The two ponies tied to the back of the cart ran as fast as they could.

Jack closed his eyes as the mare on the scooter jumped off the castle wall and landed on the roof on Berry Punch’s house.

Right then, said mare was sprawled out on her couch with an ice pack to her head, drinking a glass of water. As the cart banged across her roof, she winced, setting down the glass. That tequila must have been stronger than I thought.

They were speeding through the town now. Everything looked like blobs of color, no identifiable shapes. He yelled out directions to the four fillies.

Soon they arrived at the wall of vines. Jack jumped out of the wagon and ran into the wall, praying Pinkie was okay.

Chapter 6

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Pinkie ran as fast as her hooves could carry her.

She couldn’t see anything around her, for it was too dark. She expected Aria and Sonata to jump out in front of her at any minute.

She wasn’t thinking about anything about getting away from those ponies. She could hear them getting closer. She could barely breathe at this point. Her hoof caught on a rock and she tripped, scraping her chin as she landed.

She was waiting to be scooped up in a sack, dragged to the town, and be sold for an outrageous amount of bits. She heard a few cries of pain from behind her. She turned her head and saw Adagio leaning over two unconscious mares, club in hand.

“Mother?” Pinkie asked.

“My darling Pinkie!” Adagio said, running to the girl and wrapping a hoof around her shoulders.

“Come on, Pinkie. Let’s get you home.” Pinkie followed her mother. There was nothing that could make her stay.

Pinkie sat on her bed as Adagio picked the candy out of her hair.

Adagio was collecting the sweets in a basket. She put the last bubble gum in the basket.

“There. It never happened.” Adagio looked over at Pinkie, who looked more depressed than ever. Adagio sighed at the sight of Pinkie, her shoulders slumped and her eyes cat down at the floor.

“I tried my hardest. I tried to warn you about the world. It is a cruel and awful place.” Adagio walked down the stairs, leaving Pinkie alone.

Pinkie lay down and closed her eyes. Suddenly she remembered something, a little memento she had gotten in town. It was a small flag with a picture of the Two Sisters on it, the flag of Canterlot.

She looked closely at the design, taking in the detail. She put the flag down and sighed.

She looked up at all of the paintings she had done on the walls and ceiling. Back then everything was so easy. She never had to make decisions like one she had made in the last three days.

She looked at a picture of a Breezie she had seen in a book. Pinkie sat up suddenly.

In between the group of Breezies was the form of the Two Sisters. The shapes some streamers were making were in the shapes of the Two Sisters. All around her, she saw shapes of the Canterlot flag, hidden within her paintings.

Suddenly she remembered. The moment she had tried on the crown, when she had seen the mural for the first time, when she had lifted the lantern with her Cutie Mark on it.

It was all so clear. She tried to stand, but her back legs started to give out and she fell against her vanity.

Adagio could hear the crash from where she was downstairs.

“Pinkie?” she called. “Are you alright? What’s going on up there?” She walked up the stairs and saw Pinkie coming out of her room, her knees shaking.

“What’s the matter?” Adagio asked.

“I’m the lost princess,” Pinkie whispered to herself.

“What?” Adagio asked.

“I am the lost princess, aren’t I?”

Adagio did not respond.

“Was I unclear, mother? Or should I even call you that?” Pinkie scowled.

“Why Pinkie, that’s absurd! You, of all ponies!” Adagio said, walking towards Pinkie.

“It was you! It was all you!” Pinkie said, pushing Adagio out of the way. “All my life I’ve been hiding from the world when I should have been hiding from you!”

Adagio narrowed her eyes. “Where will you go? He won’t be there for you.”

Pinkie looked worried. “What did you do to him?”

“That criminal is to be killed by order of the Princess.”

Pinkie gasped. Her mind was racing. Jack was one of her best friends. She didn’t know what she would do without him. There was still so much she didn’t know about the world.

“It’s alright, darling. Everything is as it should be.” She lifted her hoof to pat Pinkie’s head, but Pinkie grabbed the old woman’s hoof and prevented her from reaching any further.

“No… You were wrong about the world. About me! You took me away from my home... and now,” She locked her gaze with Adagio. Her eyes were glowing. “You’ve taken the life of my best friend!” Pinkie pushed Adagio away as hard as she could, making the unicorn trip over the mirror and making it shatter.

Pinkie walked into the shadows, with no intention of getting away.
Jack stood at the base of the castle.

“Pinkie!” he cried. “Pinkie let down your hair!”

Nothing happened. He was about to start climbing the tower himself when he heard the shutters creak open. He looked up and saw a wave of bright pink hair falling from the window.

As quick as he could he climbed the hair and made it into the tower.
“Oh, Pinkie I was so worried.” he started, but saw Pinkie Pie tied up and a gag over her mouth. She was screaming something, but he could not understand her, hence the gag.

He shrieked as a sword penetrated his back. Adagio was standing there behind him, a bloodthirsty look in her eyes.
The only thing he could see was Pinkie. There was a waterfall of tears streaming down her face.

“Now, look what you’ve done, Pinkie Pie.” Adagio said, motioning to Jack, who was on the ground and writhing in pain.

“Now we are going where you’ll never be able to escape, and where nopony will ever find you again!” She dragged the chain that was connected to Pinkie’s front hooves.

Pinkie pulled back as hard as she could, but Adagio was much stronger than her. Finally she stretched the gag out enough that it fell around her neck.

“No.” Pinkie said. “I will never stop trying to get away from you. For every second I will fight. But just let me heal him. I’ll come with you. I’ll be your daughter again. Just let me heal him.”

Adagio’s expression was unreadable, although a hint of anger flared in her eyes. She let go of the chains.

Pinkie went as fast as she could to Jack’s side. “Jack.” she said. “Jack.” Blood was dripping down his front and his back.

“Pinkie.” he whispered. He brushed the hair out of her face with his hoof. In his other hoof he held a shard of glass from the broken mirror. He leaned forward and chopped off all of her hair, and now it was the average length for a mare.

“Jack, what..?” she said, feeling her mane with her hoof.

“No!” Adagio screamed. She tried to gather up as much hair as she could, but that did not stop her from turning as old as Equestria itself.

“What have you done?” she screamed. “What have you done?!”She put the hood of her cape over her head and started walking backwards. She tripped over a fallen over chair and fell out of the still-open shutters.

“No!” Pinkie screamed as Adagio fell.

Pinkie ran to the window and watched.

As Adagio hit the ground hundreds of feet below, she turned into dust, leaving nothing but a black shawl.

Chapter 7

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Pinkie sobbed. What was she to do now? Her ears perked up when she heard a soft moan from behind her. She saw Jack moving slightly. She ran over to his side.

He opened his eyes slowly. “Pinkie.” he whispered. His eyes shut and his body went limp.

“No.” Pinkie cried out “No!!”

She would be stuck here forever with no way out. She wouldn’t be able to get down without somepony’s help, and there was nopony else there.

One tear fell right on his wound. The tear was bright pink. Not your average tear.

Pinkie opened her eyes upon hearing a vibrating sound. She looked down and saw the outline of a heart on Jack’s chest.

The vibrating sound grew louder and louder. A bright white light illuminated the room.

When the light had died down, Pinkie uncovered her eyes and saw Jack lying there. He was moving slightly. One last sliver of hope glimmered inside her.

He opened his eyes slowly.

“Jack!” Pinkie exclaimed happily.

“Cheese. My real name is Cheese Sandwich.” he said quietly.

Pinkie giggled. Without thinking, she leaned forward and kissed him-right on the lips. She finally realized what was happening. She pulled back, a blush on her cheeks. “Oh, Cheese, I’m so sorry, I didn’t-” Cheese leaned forward and locked their lips together again.

Celestia and Sombra were sitting on their thrones when Sassaflash burst in. “She has returned.” she said.

The king and queen walked out to the roof of the castle to see a mare and a stallion. Pinkie looked over at them. She ran toward them as fast as she could and threw her arms around their necks.

“The kingdom rejoiced.” Cheese narrated. “The princess had returned. Everypony celebrated. I can’t remember much of what happened.”

“I remember!” Pinkie said happily. “Twilight and Flash Sentry, one of the guards got married. And so did Rainbow Dash and Soarin. And Fluttershy and Discord. And Rarity and Fancy Pants. And Applejack and Spike. And of course, me and Cheese!”

“And so, everyone lived happily ever after!” Pinkie said.

The scene changed. Pinkie and Cheese were sitting in front of a group of students. Cheerilee had asked them to tell their story for her class in celebration of Hearts and Hooves Day.

The fillies and colts clapped their hooves.

“Alright class, settle down.” Cheerilee said. “It’s almost time to start going home.” All of the kids groaned, wanting to hear more from the Prince and Princess.

The couple walked out the doors of the classroom.

Watching them leave was a purple mare with a birght blue mane leaning against a tetherball post. She looked towards the screen.

“Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, everypony.” she said before disappearing in a flash of light. Her laugh echoed throughout the area.