• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 160 Views, 2 Comments

Acidic Randomness - Shine Flash

Adventures of Shine Flash, Kitten Feather, and her friends turn into a fight.

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Part 1 Chapter 1: Death of the Green Pony

Death of the Green Pony

Two mares, one known as Shine Flash and the other known as Kitten Feather, approached a green stallion with smirks on their faces. Shine cleared her throat. "Try not to take it personal, but..."

Kitten Feather joined in. "We're gonna kill you, We're gonna kill you, We're gonna kill you, We're gonna kill you, We're gonna kill you, We're gonna kill you, We're gonna kill you! We're gonna kill yoooou, We're gonna destroy you more than Sour Sweet ever could! We're gonna destroy yooooooou!"

Shine's horn lit up. She shot a magic laser at the green pony. With a oooooooooh neeeeeew, oooooo the stallion disappeared into Tartarus, but all four of his legs were still there.

Shine stared confusedly at the limbs that were now laid down on the ground. She realized what spell she had used, and she grinned at Kitten Feather. "Well. Look at that, we got his legs!" she said.

Kitten Feather laughed and yelled, "WOO HOO!" A few ponies who were passing by stopped to stare at the two.

Kitten levitated the limbs, but Shine took them with her magic. "These are my new socks." She trotted away.

Finally, Kitten Feather caught up with Shine Flash. She noticed that she had put the limbs onto her hooves as if the were socks. Kitten stopped and gasped.

"Whoa! Let me get this straight. You killed someone, and you took their fur off? What the f*ck?" Kitten yelled. Once again, ponies around them stared.

Shine used her alicorn magic to pull up her front left sock. "Yeah. I liked his color, so I decided to use his fur as socks."

Kitten was stunned by how casually Shine said it. "Oh my GOSH! That is the most messed up thing I have ever seen!"

Shine started to walk away. "I know that. I just like the color."

Kitten started to get angry. "Seriously. You killed somepony, and now you're using their fur as socks. What could be worse?"

Shine turned her head back to Kitten. "Oh, I don't know, how about how you gave that carrot to somepony to eat? The carrot was alive, and you just watched it die in the pony's mouth!"

Kitten blushed, but still kept the furious look on her face. "Yes, but I was trying to teach the students at the School for Gifted Unicorns about digestion!"

Shine was satisfied just by the blush on Kitten's face. "Let's just go."

A young blue pegasus and Shine were sitting. Shine had her socks with her, but she did not have them on.

"Hello, Shine!" the pegasus said. His name was Preputation.

"Hello, Preputation." Shine shifted in place.

Preputation looked down at Shine's hooves. "What are those things you have there?" He gestured with his wing to the green socks.

Shine looked up. "Oh, these are just my new socks."

Preputation smirked. "Can I try them on?" he said.

Shine rolled her eyes. "Well, they may not be your size, but here." She levitated the socks to him.

Preputation used his wings to put them on. Once he finished, he said, "Ooh they feel nice, thanks for that." He took the socks off and pushed them back to Shine.

Shine Flash levitated the socks back to herself. "You're welcome."

Preputation began to trot away. "I need to go."

Shine stood up quickly. "Preputation, wait!" Preputation looked back. "Can we go to the Crystal Empire store together? I need to buy carrots and I want your money. I MEAN don't take that the wrong way."

Preputation narrowed his eyes. "I won't take that the wrong way. I know you just want my bits so we're not going to the store."

Shine groaned. "Nice try. I'm going to the store, and I am taking your bit pouch, thanks for that."


"You took my bit pouch?" Preputation yelled.

Kitten Feather levitated herself in with her magic. "Ooooooh, neeeeew..." she oohneewed.

Shine looked up at the floating unicorn. "Thanks for that," she said.

Kitten saluted with her front hoof. "I shall go now," she said. But before she floated back the way she came, she looked back and repeated, "Oooooh neeeeeew!"

Preputation slapped her hard with his wing and yelled, "GET OUT OF MY FACE!"

Kitten floated away.

Shine looked after her with a stunned look on her face. She recovered from the shock quickly, and she turned to Preputation. "But yeah, like Kitten said, 'Oooooh neeew!'"

Preputation formed what was the mother of angry scowls. "I told you all to get out of my face," he growled through clenched teeth.

Shine blinked. She then burst out singing to the tune of unleash the magic. "I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna kill you brutally, I want to destroy your fur, you stupid Preputation."

Preputation was flying with a few pegasi in uniforms that looked like burritos toward Shine. "You're gonna regret threatening to kill me," he said.

Preputation motioned towards his army. "This is Burrito," he said pointing to a burrito with his hoof, "This is Burrito After Mouth," he motioned toward a pony in an outfit similar to crushed burrito. "This is Chyme," he looked toward the green one and nodded, "This is Pooprito." A brown-furred pegasus chuckled at his stage name.

Preputation flew towards the last pegasus. "Oh, and this is Hydrochloric Acid."

The cream colored pony cleared his throat and mimicked maniacal laughter. "Mwahahaha I am the Hydrochloric Acid, and I am going to break

Shine did a very slow flip in midair. "Oooooh, neeew" she oohneewed while trying to hold back a laugh.

She threw the six pegasi back with her magic and knocked them out. "You're gonna die," she said to Preputation.

Shine electrocuted him with her magic.

And that was the end of the blue pegasus Preputation.