• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 3,778 Views, 192 Comments

A Marty Stu invades the Multiverse (Chess Game of the Gods) - Keairan

A Human who has seen most everything has once more been dropped into a newish world

  • ...

Reconciliation or Tearsss

I slithered in the door, looking in to see if Violet was around. I found her laying on the floor, asleep. She occasionally kicked and whimpered, obviously a bad dream. Not knowing how much sleep she had the night before, and planning on skipping going to the forge today, I picked her up gently, and began to carry her. "Ssshhh, dear one. Nothing is going to hurt you." She calmed down a little at this, but still shifted in her sleep constantly.

I carried her to her bed, tucked her in, and then curled up next to her myself. I decided to meditate for a while, to try and clear my head while she slept.


A few hours passed, and Violet stirred. "Good morning, Vi. How'd you sleep?" I calmly asked.

Violet started, and turned to face me quickly. "Oh Celestia, don't do that!" She huffed for a moment, then continued. "You came home?!" She said, starting to tear up.

"Violet, I said I would." I said simply, wrapping her up in a hug. "The only way I wouldn't have is if I physically couldn't. You're my best friend on this world, and also more or less my roommate." Please don't latch on to the qualifiers. I prayed to the cosmos.

Violet looked at me, then buried herself into the hug. She whispered softly "You came home."

I stroked her mane gently, watching as she gave herself over to the relaxing feeling. I then started to massage the scalp of her mane, something that seemingly every species I've ever encountered has loved.

We laid there for some time longer, merely enjoying each others company, unspoken apologies for the night before radiating between us. Then my stomach growled. "Heh, looks like I'm hungry." I said nonchalantly.

As soon as I finished my statement, a low roar sounded through the room. Violet flushed a deep crimson. "Yup, I'm hungry. Lets go eat something."

"Lead the way, my dear." I bent over, my hand outstretched in the direction of the hallway.

Violet trotted to the kitchen, and blew the horn for food. "Wow, I'm hungry." Was the last thing I heard from her before she started to devour what the horn had placed in front of her. I began to eat my breakfast as well, enjoying the feeling of my stomach filling.

We ate without much conversation, enjoying the food. When we finally finished, and the magic had dissipated, we sat down to think, and perhaps to talk. I noticed one of her violins off in the corner, and got a horribly nostalgic feeling. "Violet, do you mind if I play a quick song on your violin?"

She looked at me and smiled. "No, not at all. If we can think of something, how does a duet sound?"

"That sounds wonderful." I reached down and took out a beautiful Stradivarius-type violin, a deep amber sealant on the body. I tuned each string to what sounded like perfection to my ear, then brought it up to my chin, and I then ran the bow across the strings. A mellow tone filled the room. "I love your violin. I've always preferred the more mellow sound to bright tones.

"Well, I do have a bright violin, but the mellow sound blends better with the orchestra. I generally use the brighter one for solo work." She explained happily.

"Makes sense." I said as I prepared to the first thing that popped into my head. An adagio movement from a Bach piece. Perfect.

'My' bow glided across the strings, filling the room with sweet, melancholic music. Shift, shift, accidental, shift, shift, accidental... and so on filled my head as I played.

After some time, I finally came to the end of the movement, exhilarated. "Either Equestria wants me to play well, or I haven't lost as much skill as I thought I had."

Violet looked at me. "Must they be mutually exclusive of each other?"

"No, no they do not." I replied evenly.

I took the violin back up in my hands, running through some scales and arpeggios, getting the feel for the violin back into my fingers, despite my warm-up piece.

Violet reached down, and brought out another violin. "I think I have a piece for us to go through. I even have sheet music for both parts."

I brightened at that. "Awesome! This should be a lot of fun to play together, even if our timing is completely off!" I said excitedly.

"Of course it will. Let's begin." She said with a pleasant smirk.

A piano began to play out of nowhere, an intro to a delightful duet. We began to play after a short period of time, inter-weaving ourselves with the unseen piano.

The three movements to the piece where themselves dances, and our instruments danced in time to the music. My fingers flew across the strings, a few minor mistakes showing my rustiness. Violet, on the other hand, appeared to have become one with her instrument. The bow was a part of her right hoof, and her left skimmed across the strings, creating a show in of itself.

Our duet sadly came to an end, and we both put down her instruments. The dissipating music left a magic all it's own, one I was loathe to disturb.

We sat there in the silence for a little while, when Violet finally said something. "That was awesome, no?"

"Completely." Was my reply.

We continued to make music for the rest of the day, which led to some very pained fingers for me by the end of it.

"I don't think playing that much was a good idea for me. I'm going to have to build up some calluses before I can play like that decently often."

"Yes, yes you will. What's a callus?" She asked noncommittally.

I gave her a quick explanation, then went to go summon dinner.

While we ate, a topic came up that I hadn't occurred to me earlier. "Hey Violet, you know how my abilities can do all sorts of freaky things?"

"Yes, why do you ask?" She said, puzzled.

"Well, I don't know if you heard about my instant long-distance teleportation ability or not, but it can do some crazy things if you don't know about it."

"I heard a little bit of what you where discussing with Inspector Missy, but I didn't hear much in the way of details."

"Alright, why I'm talking about this is that I might occasionally make a gateway into the house, by the doorway, and I need to make up a safety protocol for you." I took hold of the power, and then continued on. "The point that these three chimes..." I set off my incoming gateway chime "... emanates from is going to quickly become dangerous to be in."

"Dangerous? How?" She looked downright curious at my statement.

"As in it will cut almost anything in half dangerous. In fact, the only substance I know of that it won't cut through is what the plating of my armor is made of." I let go of the power after saying this.

"Ah, definitely move out of the way of the three chimes. Got it." She said in all seriousness. She looked down for a moment, then back up. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Well, I said that I was going to help out Inspector Missy with her anti-slavery ring, and I might just happen to have a lead for that. A little place called Mustang." I said with a slight bit of mischief.

"Mustang! You won't find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. You should be cautious if you go there!" She said, wearing a serious expression.

I looked at her for a moment, and then started to laugh. I was laughing and laughing and laughing. Tears came to my eyes and I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard.

Violet began to giggle nervously at my display, wondering if she'd inadvertently shorted out my brain. "Okay, Marty. What's so funny? I merely spoke the truth. That place is dangerous!"

I finally began to calm down, and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Violet, just trust me. What you said was hilarious to someone with my background. It probably would've been funny to a lot of folks without my background, too."

"Ooookay then. Moving right along. So you want to go to one of the most dangerous towns in Equestria just to look for leads for a cow that you don't even really know?" She shook her head. "That sounds kinda stupid."

"Yeah, it does sound kinda stupid, but it's the right thing to do. If I can help shut down the slave trade, then I'll have done something worthwhile." I said full of resolve.

"I suppose I can't argue with that logic. You be careful when you go there, you hear?" She said, truly serious.

"Oh, I'm not going to leave until the day after tomorrow. I need to make sure Steel Link knows about this. I already dropped work today, can't just go gallivanting off without telling the poor bull."

"Good point. I'm glad that you're not just going to leave without making preparations. I'll run to the market to get some groceries tomorrow, because I assume you're going to take your horn with you."

"Yeah. Being a carnivore in Equestria is rather difficult, and just in case something goes horribly wrong, I'd rather have that come with me, rather than not have that in the next world." I told her bluntly.

"I can live with that." She replied.

The rest of the evening passed without much in the way of trouble, the two of us going to bed after some time.

We woke up the next day, with (thankfully) no bad dreams on my part. We went through our morning affairs quickly and without trouble. I slithered out the door, and headed over to the forge to talk to Steel Link.

"Morning Steel. Sorry about not coming in to work yesterday. I had a fairly bad argument with my roommate and decided to try and make up yesterday." I said sheepishly.

"Marty, I understand completely, and you told me about the fight when we were drinking absinthe together. This was before your impromptu drinking song, and when you danced with a coat rack. You're a really fun drunk, by the way."

I looked at him, puzzled. "So that's what I did. I can't remember a damn thing while drunk, which is really quite nice, by the way. I'm glad I didn't do anything too embarrassing." I then started to work on the days orders, not wanting to spill the beans to Steel quite yet.


"So Steel, I apologize for this, but I'm planning on heading off for a few days."

"You're already going to go on a romantic getaway with Violet Melody? Wow, your relationship is moving fast." Steel marveled.

I blinked at him a couple of times, and then laughed. "Heh, no. Remember that airship that showed up not that long ago?"

"I remember, what about it?"

"Well, the folks on that airship work for the Equestrian government, and they asked me to work with them on eliminating the slave trade here in Equestria."

Steel looked shocked. "Really!? That's astounding!"

"Yup, and I think I have a potential source of information. I was planning on leaving tomorrow to go check it out. Hopefully I won't be gone more than a few days."

"Well, with the work you've done, I should be fine to work the forge single-handedly for a few days. Good luck, son." He nodded at me, then returned to working the forge.

"Thank you. Hopefully I won't need it." I then returned to my work as well, finishing up several pieces for the various orders the townsfolk had for the two of us.


"So I have everything set up with Steel Link to be gone for a few days. He seemed quite understanding." I shrugged my shoulders, then returned to eating my piece of deer.

Violet looked over at me, then nodded. "Good. I'm glad he didn't make a fuss."

I smiled "Well, I did play the 'I got tapped to help out the government' card. That tends to help with the whole 'I'm not going to be around for a little while' thing."

"I'd say." She smiled at me.

We finished up dinner, enjoying the natural flow of conversation that followed, then went to bed.