• Published 17th May 2016
  • 1,151 Views, 100 Comments

The Ghost Of Me - Bluecatcinema

The untold story of Black Knight Paladin.

  • ...

Release The Panic

After Black finished telling them about what happened in Las Pegasus, Fletcher and Caboose decided to continue their tour of the compound, having sufficiently rested themselves in the break room.

"Next stop, Armory's workshop." Black smiled.

Fletcher and Caboose were led into a large room filled with tools, weapons, armor, and various gadgets.

"Whoa." Caboose gasped. "That's a lot of stuff. I feel like I'm in the Bat Cave, after making love with Iron Stallion's workshop..."

Elite glanced at Caboose oddly.

"Not that I'd know anything about either of those..." Caboose said awkwardly. "I mean, what am I, some sad comic book geek?"

"Your friend really is quite... creative, isn't he?" Fletcher mused.

"Oh, thanks." Armory emerged from a side door. "You know what they say: You've gotta do what you love. And I love building gizmos, weapons and armor."

"Lucky for us." Black grinned. "I've lost count of the number of times your doodads have saved my hide."

"I was just happy to know my talents were appreciated." Armory smiled. "Even if it meant I had to spend more time tinkering than out in the field."

"I was always glad to have you at my side, pal." Black declared. "Especially when we took on that Sweet Tooth clown."

"Yeah." Armory said flatly. "Him."

"Who is this 'Sweet Tooth' you speak of?" Fletcher asked.

"Yeah, I've never heard of him." Caboose noted.

"You should count yourself lucky, then." Black grimaced. "That guy was a straight-up monster."

"No doubt." Armory admitted. "After running into him, my life was never the same again..."

Many years ago...

In the passing months, Black was pleased to be getting regular assignments again. Not only did he appreciate the renewed chances of action, but he was able to catch glimpses of his loved ones again. He was still determined to see White and Belle whenever he could, no matter what Ballista said.

As he made his way back from a fact-finding mission in Canterlot, Black took a detour to Dodge Junction. His current mission didn't come with a time limit, so he had no fear that he would be caught out.

Lowering the visor of his battlesuit and sticking to the shadows, Black starting looking around for White and Silver. He found them near the general store, talking with Cherry Jubilee. To his delight, he saw Silver carrying a foal; A Pegasus colt with a white coat and a tufted black mane.

'Is that what I think it is?' He asked himself, as he carefully moved in closer.

"Ooh, he's such a little cutie." Cherry tickled the foal's cheek. "You remember your aunt Cherry, don't you?"

"Eee!" The foal giggled happily.

"Of course he does." White chuckled. Why, you're practically family."

"Isn't that right, Shine?" Silver nuzzled her son.

'White's a dad.' Black smiled. 'Which makes me an uncle... How about that?'

"He's going to be a handsome one, mark my words." Cherry grinned.

"Just like his father." Silver smirked.

"Here's hoping." White joked.

'Shine Paladin.' Black thought. 'It's a good name. With a dad like White, that kid's bound to do some great things when he grows up...'

Satisfied for the moment, Black returned to the headquarters. After dropping off the information he'd gathered over at Micro's office, eh headed back toward his quarters for some well-deserved rest, but along the way, he bumped into Armory.

"Hey, Black." Armory smiled.

"Hey." Black nodded.

"Back from your trip, I take it." Armory nodded. "How was it?"

"Eh, same old, same old." Black shrugged. "Kicked some flank, gathered some info... the usual."

"You didn't happen to see anything interesting on the way back, did you?" Armory asked.

"That depends on what you mean by 'interesting'." Black said, unnerved by the look on Armory's face.

"Oh, you know." Armory smirked. "Like bumping into old acquaintances. or even watching them from afar."

"...I don't know what you're talking about." Black frowned. "And besides, I'm pooped. I'm gonna take a nice, long nap."

As Black tried to leave, Armory stood in front of him.

"Let's just cut to the chase, Black." He said, his face impassive. "I know you were at Dodge Junction."

"Wh-what?" Black laughed nervously. "What would give you that crazy idea?"

"Oh, not much." Armory shrugged. "Except for the fact that I planted a tracking device in your suit during the last upgrade."

"You what?" Black frowned. "You never said anything about a tracking device."

"I figured I'd keep that one to myself." Armory admitted. "Anyway, I know for a fact you went to Dodge Junction after leaving Canterlot. Going to check on White, were we?"

"...Okay, yeah." Black admitted. "I was."

"And am I to assume you've also been checking on Belle whenever you had the chance?" Armory grinned.

"Yes." Black sighed. "So, go ahead. Read me the riot act. Tell me I'm breaking the rules, and that if I don't stop, you'll report me to Elite. I already heard it from Ballista, just stick to the bullet points, okay?"

"Oh, I'm not going to tell anypony." Armory declared.

"I knew i- Wait, what?" Black gaped. "You're not going to rat me out?"

"Of course not." Armory smiled. "You're my friend, Black. I don't care what the rules say, I won't betray you. Besides, after everything you sacrificed for us, I'd say you have every right to see your family every once in a while. Your secret's safe with me."

"I... I don't know what to say." Black declared, amazed by Armory's loyalty. "Thanks, Armory. I owe you one."

"Forget about it." Armory grinned. "That's what friends are for."

"Sure are." Black nodded. "And to be honest, friendship was always one commodity that was in short supply for me. But the friends I did have, I treasured. And that goes for you too, pal."

"Aw, thanks, Black." Armory grinned. "Who knew you were such a softie."

"Well, don't spread it around." Black frowned. "I do have a rep to maintain, you know."

"Just consider it another secret for me to keep." Armory grinned. "I won't tell a soul."

"And I appreciate that." Black nodded. "But enough mush. Like I said, I gotta rest up, so I can be on top form for the next mission."

"You'll need to be, that's for sure." Armory nodded. "Who knows what the Forefathers are planning right at this moment..."

Back at Infinity, Sam and DeRose were in big trouble. With the dismantling of their operations in Las Pegasus, as well as the destruction of the carriage, Loveless had volunteered to give them the tongue lashing of the lifetime. They were in shambles after their flight from Las Pegasus, Sam moustache short and singed from his encounter with he dynamite, and DeRose's mane in complete disarray and sporting a gnarly bruise on his face.

"Unbelievable. Un-bucking-believable." Loveless growled as the three stood in his office in one of Infinity's many labs and workshops.

"Now, Mr. Irons, in our defense-" DeRose tried to explain.

"What defense? You bucked up big time! And you wrecked my carriage!" Loveless roared, gesturing to the carriage in question, which laid in ruin outside, "Just look at it! It's completely totaled. Do you have any idea how long it took to design and build that?!"

"It ain't mah fault!" Sam protested. "Them meddlers were sneaky. An' how wuz Ah ta know their carriage could fly?"

"Now there's a point." DeRose added. "Why couldn't your carriage fly? That thing had to have been designed by that Armory fellow, and I was under the impression that you were far smarter than him..."

Loveless glared at him viciously... before tapping a button. A boxing glove instantly darted out and slugged DeRose in the chest before reeling back in.

"OH!" DeRose groaned as he keeled over.

"That... is aside the point." Loveless growled. "It doesn't change the fact you wrecked a highly valuable piece of advanced tech equipment! And on top of that, Black and his comrades got away with your recipe! Which mind you, was a completely dumb idea in the first place! Mind-washing cologne... what a joke..."

"Oh yeah, because you hadn't come up with it first." DeRose sneered weakly.

Loveless reached for the boxing glove button again, only for DeRose to cower.

"The Forefathers do not approve of failure, and incompetence such as yours will not be tolerated. You will both face the conseq-"

Suddenly, there was screaming outside.

"What in Sam hill..." Loveless frowned.

Loveless wheeled his way outside the office, followed by Sam and DeRose, as a bunch of scientists and agents ran past them, looks of terror in their eyes in their eyes.

"He's loose!" One agent screamed, half-crazed with fear.

"We're all gonna die!" A scientist screeched.

"I'm sorry I was such a bad pony!" Another pony wept. "please, don't let me end up in Tartarus..."

The trio glanced in confusion as they turned towards the direction in which they were fleeing from.. only to gape in shock.

None other than Pike was making his way through the laboratory, but he was not alone. Tailing right behind him was a big and somewhat chubby orange-brown Earth Pony stallion, wearing a nightmarish clown mask, with only one red eye, as the other was covered up (presumably lost a long time ago). He was wearing polka dot trousers with leather straps that connected at the middle of his chest, and gloves on his front hooves... and most notably, his bald head was on fire.

Loveless froze as he looked upon the masked pony.

Sam and DeRose however...

"No, please..." DeRose coweredin fear.

"Dagnabbit..." Sam quivered in fear. "It's that goldurn lunatic! It's all over! We're finished! Goin' to that great round-up in the sky!" He cackled madly.

"Heh-heh... still got it..." The clown-masked stallion laughed evilly.

"Pike... what is he doing out of his cage?" Loveless asked, the fear in his voice prevalent.

"Funny, I was about to ask you the same, Mister Half-Stallion." The stallion sneered mockingly.

"Easy, Needles." Pike held up a hoof, as he faced Loveless, "As for your question, Loveless... I let him out."

"You what?!" Loveless, Sam, and DeRose gaped.

"Pike, what have you done?" Loveless demanded.

"Only what needed to be done." Pike declared.

"You needed to release this psychopath?" Loveless growled, "Did you forget why we locked him up in the first place?!"

"To my understanding, it was because I was 'out of control'." The clown grunted. "You only murder like, a thousand ponies, and everypony throws a fit over it."

"Look, he is our best chance we have at taking down Black." Pike pointed out. "I would ask 'you know who'... but he's out in Bostable doing what he does best... 'reaping'."

"Lucky for me." The clown grinned darkly.

"You can't be serious..." Loveless shook his head. "Who even gave you the authorization to release him?"

"He's a Black Sheep. I'm his leader. That's authorization enough." Pike said bluntly.

"You mean to tell me that there is really no one else?" Loveless asked.

"No one that can take Black down, no." Pike growled. "Idiots like these two are going to cut it." He glared at Sam and DeRose.

"Hey!" Sam and DeRose yelped.

"Tell me I'm wrong, you two!" Pike challenged, "Tell me!"

The two scowled in silence, unable to come up with a retort.

"So, this is what it has come to? You're willing to risk letting this... 'creature' off his leash, all just to take down Black?" Loveless asked.

"Yes, so?" Pike asked, "Is that a problem?"

"Well, it just doesn't seem like you, Pike." Loveless said shrewdly, "Given your past, I'd have thought you'd want to avoid such an extreme."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Pike glared.

"What do you think it means?" Loveless challenged. "The Pike I've come to know wouldn't go this far just to kill a single bounty. There's something about Black, is there? Something that reminds you of somepony who was once close to you?"

Pike's face went taut, visibly flustered by Loveless' remark.

"Well... am I wrong?" Loveless asked.

"Look, we did not come here to be questioned!" Pike snapped. "We are here because I was told that Needles' stuff was kept here. Now, would you kindly tell me where the buck it is, so we can get on our merry way?!"

"...Very well." Loveless nodded firmly. "It's in storage. Big crate, towards the entrance, marked 'Sweet Tooth'. You can't miss it."

"Thank you." Pike snarled, "Come on, clowny."

With a glance at the trio, Pike and the clown pony left to go to storage. As soon as they were out of hearing distance...

"What the hell was that about?" DeRose asked.

"That is none of your business." Loveless sighed, as he then turned to face them. "Now... as I was saying..."

"Oh, buck." The two groaned...

As Pike and the clown stallion made their way to storage, Pike turned to the pony, hoping to take his mind off what Loveless said.

"Okay, Needles, once we get your tools, we need to come up with a plan of attack." Pike announced. "This guy managed to outwit Talbolt and those two dumbasses, so you're going to have to-"

"There's no need." The stallion hissed. "I already got a plan..."

"Wha- already?" Pike gaped, "You haven't been out for more than two hours!"

"Let's just say I heard quite a bit about this Black character." The stallion chuckled evilly. "And trust me, when I am through with him, there won't be a piece of him left..."

A few days later, Black was lying in his quarters, listening to his mixtape.

I don't mean to, to alarm you
Can't you see now, it overtakes you
You're declining, disintegrating
You're gonna lose it all
This time you're wasting

Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe in, breathe out
Let your panic out

Let it out, let it out
Release the panic
Oh, release the panic
Get it out, get it out, get it out
Release the panic
Oh, release the panic

'Cause you're trapped in the countdown
And your days are numbered
Don't you know that you're done for
Right now, lights out
Let your panic out

You can feel it, but you're ignoring
It creeps upon you, without a warning
You think you're thriving
But you're decaying
You're gonna lose it all
There's no escaping

Let it out, let it out
Release the panic
Oh, release the panic
Get it out, get it out, get it out
Release the panic
Oh, release the panic

'Good old Armory.' He smiled, still pleasantly surprised that Armory had pledged to keep his sidetrips a secret from everypony. 'What would I do without you...'

Black's musing was interrupted by a knock on his door.

'Typical.' He thought as he removed his headphones. 'I start to get my groove on, and something happens to interrupt. Never fails...'

Black opened the door to find Shadow behind it.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Elite needs us all in the meeting room." Shadow declared. "He says it's urgent."

"I'm sure it is." Black sighed. "But just once, I'd like urgent to not happen during my downtime..."

Black and Shadow rushed into the meeting room, where the others were already gathered.

"Fellows, we have a major problem." Elite announced. "Ballista?"

"Mere hours ago, the RDL received a threat from a deranged stallion known as Sweet Tooth." Ballista declared.

"'Sweet Tooth'?" Black snorted. "Doesn't sound like a problem to me."

"You have no idea." Micro declared. "That fellow is a murderous psychopath of the highest level."

"Seriously?" Black asked.

"Without a doubt." Elite nodded. "He's one of the most prolific serial killers in history. He started out as an ice cream pony, before he suddenly snapped, put on a clown mask, and killed his own family. He's been known to slaughter countless innocent victims, even carting their corpses around in a custom built ice cream carriage."

"That monster is infamous for all manner of killing sprees." Ballista added. "So much so that he's even earned himself nicknames for them. One of his favorites is "Needles," which he got after killing half a dozen ponies riddling their bodies with acupuncture needles."

"Okay, point taken." Black grimaced. "He's one sick puppy. So what's the big threat?"

"He sent us a letter, written in cut-out newspaper and magazine letters-" Ballista started.

"Never understood why anypony did that." Black snorted. "It's such a hassle. Why not just use a typewriter?"

"He wrote that he will coming to the Whinnyapolis central hospital at three o'clock today." Ballista continued, ignoring Black's interruption. "And once there, he will murder every patient, every staff member, everypony there."

"He really is nuts." Black snorted. "Announcing that he's about to commit a crime? He's pretty much begging for a beatdown." He smirked widely. "And if that's what he wants, that's what he's going to get. I'll take down this whackjob."

"Alone?" Shadow frowned.

"Are you sure that's wise?" Micro asked.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Black replied. "I think I can handle some lone nutbar."

"I'm afraid Sweet Tooth is no ordinary psychotic murderer." Elite said solemnly.

"Got that right, chief." Ballista turned to Black. "According to rumor, that nutter got himself cursed by a dark magic-wielding wizard. That curse makes him nigh-impossible to kill."

"Please." Black snorted. "I don't believe in that voodoo mumbo-jumbo. We'll see how his 'curse' holds up against a crossbow bolt to the brain."

"I suppose it's our best option." Elite sighed. "If I sent in several soldiers, Sweet Tooth could simply start killing indiscriminately. But he won't be expecting one stallion."

"...Make that two." Armory stood up.

"Say what?" Black frowned.

"Seriously, mate?" Ballista frowned.

"Two against are better odds." Armory pointed out. "And from the sound of things, Black's going to need all the help he can get."

"Some sound logic, I'll admit." Micro nodded.

"A little back-up sure wouldn't hurt." Shadow agreed.

"Ruff!" Titan barked.

"No, no way." Black shook his head. "You're not coming with me."

"Why not?" Armory frowned. "Don't you think I can handle it? I helped you take down Stable, remember?"

"That was different." Black retorted. "He was just some corporate big-wig in a fancy suit. This Sweet Tooth guy sounds like a total psycho. I can't let you throw yourself in against that guy."

"And who decided that it's up to you?" Armory scowled. "I'm a part of this team too, ya know!"

"Armory has a point." Elite admitted. "Having him as back-up could provide you with the edge you need."

"But-" Black started.

"Look Black, you're going to need some help out there, whether you like it or not." Armory said firmly. "So I'm coming along, no matter what you say."

"Okay, fine." Black sighed. "But whatever happens is on your head."

"Duly noted." Armory nodded. "Just give me a few minutes to gear up, and we can get going."

"Good luck, both of you." Elite declared. "You're going to need it...."

After equipping themselves, Black and Armory took the automated carriage (which had been repaired after the crash) to Whinnyapolis, arriving a couple of hours before the deadline.

"First, we have to evacuate the hospital." Armory declared.

"And how do we do that?" Black asked.

"Leave that to me." Armory grinned.

Armory marched into the hospital, bearing a false badge for the Disease Containment Department.

"I am Agent Sceptic of the Disease Containment Department." He announced. "I'm afraid there is a very high possibility that this hospital has been contaminated with contagions from a rare disease known as Erebuseria. You must evacuate immediately, so my team can decontaminate the building."

"My word." The head doctor gasped. "Is it that serious?"

"Deadly serious." Armory nodded. "Everypony in this hospital is at major risk. You must leave at once, before the contagion spreads."

"I've never even heard of this Erebuseria." One of the nurses frowned. "It's not in any of the medical books."

"It's a recent discovery." Armory declared. "And extremely dangerous. Every moment we waste could be a potential disaster."

"You heard the stallion." The head doctor declared. "Let's clear everypony out, now!"

"Yes, sir!" The staff agreed.

Within the hour, the entire hospital had been cleared out. Armory had made it a point to tell everypony to keep a good distance from the hospital, having all the blocks around the hospital quartered off, to 'lessen' the chances of infection.

"I gotta say, Armory." Black declared as the two walked back into the hospital. "That was pretty clever. Now it'll be just us and the whackjob."

"Yeah." Armory nodded. "I almost feel sorry for him..."

As three o'clock rolled around, everything was silent around the hospital... but that was about to change as Sweet Tooth marched towards the hospital, having bypassed the quarantine through the sewers.

His head still blazing, Sweet Tooth kicked the doors to the hospital in, as he strolled in. He looked around, a bit disheartened to see no pony around.

"Helloooo?" He called. "Anypony home?!"

"Nope, just us."

Black and Armory stepped out of the shadows, glaring at the psychopath. The clown only glanced at them silently.

"What's the matter? Expecting more victims?" Armory asked. "Well, tough luck, because we cleared this place out before you could get here."

"What did you expect, when you let ponies know what you were gonna do before you did it?" Black sneered. "Thanks to you, we had time to clear out all the ponies."

"So much for the guy who killed a thousand ponies!" Armory taunted.

Sweet Tooth stared at them both... as suddenly, he began laughing.

"Hey, what's so funny?!" Black snarled.

"Yeah, we just foiled your plan!" Armory glared.

"You fools..." Sweet Tooth chuckled. "I'm not a moron... you really think I would let you know that I was going to kill ponies? Oh no... I sent you that note because I wanted you to clear out the hospital."

"...Wait, you did?" Armory gaped, "But... but... you're a serial killer..."

"That I am." Sweet Tooth shrugged, "And trust me... if I had it my way, I would have loved to burn this place down... but I have my orders... I am here only to kill you, Black."

"Wait... you want me?" Black asked.

"Of course." Sweet Tooth nodded. "I was let out just to kill ya, after all."

"Let out?" Armory asked. "By who?"

"The Forefathers." Sweet Tooth revealed. "They let me out just so I could kill you. And if I am to remain free this time, I must rip you apart..."

"The Forefathers... I should've known they were involved..." Black frowned.

"But enough talk." Sweet Tooth pulled out a serrated machete. "I am here to gut ponies and lick ice cream... and I'm all out of ice cream."

"Bring it." Black nodded. "Let's see if your nose goes 'honk-honk'!"

The two stallions charged at each other.

"It's play time!" Sweet Tooth swung his machete.

"Aren't you a little old for that?" Black dodged the swing, then punched Sweet Tooth in his mask's hideous smile.

"You're never too old for some good, old-fashioned, bloody fun!" Sweet Tooth sneered.

Sweet Tooth swung his machete again. Black wasn't able to dodge that time, and the blade struck his armor, carving a gash right in it.

'What the-?' Armory gaped. 'That armor should have easily been able to shrug a blade like that...'

"Not bad, for a clown with his head on fire." Black admitted. "Now take this!"

Black fired his armor's built-in crossbow. But despite their close proximity, Sweet Tooth managed to dodge all the bolts.

"My turn." Sweet Tooth growled.

Sweet Tooth kicked Black hard, knocking him against the counter. He then raised his hoof, looking to slam it down on Black's face. Black dodged, and Sweet Tooth's hoof struck the counter, shattering it to dust.

'Whoa...' Armory gaped.

Black took advantage of the miss by headbutting Sweet Tooth, sending him stumbling back.

"Too bad for you, my head gear's a lot tougher than yours." Black smirked. "Though that fire trick is impressive..."

"I'll be happy to show you how it works... with your own mane." Sweet Tooth snarled.

"Not today, thanks." Black smirked.

Black tackled Sweet Tooth again, sending them both into an elevator. As they struggled, a flailing hoof struck one of the buttons, and they moved upwards.

"Oh, buck..." Armory cringed. He kept his eye on the numbers, so he could follow.

The elevator opened on the third floor. Black was sent flying out of it, followed closely by Sweet Tooth.

"Come on, tough guy!" Sweet Tooth roared. "The Forefathers say you're trouble. I wanna see it!"

"Ask, and ye shall receive." Black declared.

Black charged at Sweet Tooth, and they clashed once more. Black dodged the machete swing, and struck Sweet Tooth hard in the face. Sweet Tooth retaliated with a powerful mule kick, which Black felt right through his armor. Black stumbled back, then kicked Sweet Tooth in his exposed chest.

"Ugh..." Sweet Tooth grunted. "Not bad. I'm starting to see why you've been causing the Forefathers' such trouble.

"Oh, I'm just getting started!" Black roared.

The fight continued. But while Black had the edge in skill, Sweet Tooth's savagery and mindless attacks made him hard to read. And while Black started to wear out, Sweet Tooth seemed as energised as ever, his madness granting him levels of adrenaline like nothing Black had ever seen before.

As Armory reached the third floor via the stairwell, he arrived in time to see Black starting to falter.

"Yah!" Black swung a hoof, but the slowness of his swing allowed Sweet Tooth to avoid it.

"Mind if I cut in?" Sweet Tooth sneered, slashing through Black's chest armor with his machete.

Black reeled backwards. He barely dodged Sweet Tooth's next blow, which shattered a pane of reinforced glass. But the blow after that knocked off his helmet.

'Black...' Armory fretted.

Sweet Tooth was relentless in his assault, pummelling Black with his hooves, and even slamming a table on his head. Black couldn't defend himself from the fiend's deranged onslaught.

With one solid kick, Sweet Tooth knocked Black to the ground.

"Ah!" Black groaned, collapsing in agony.

"This is pathetic!" Sweet Tooth taunted. "After all I've heard about you, I was expecting a tougher fight! The Forefathers made you out to be this super-stallion... hell, the Black Sheeps were afraid of you..."

"Wait... the Black Sheeps?" Black grunted in pain.

"That's who we are... a whole bunch of freaks and savages, looked down upon by the Forefathers because we are willing to bloody our own hooves... not like those pansies..." Sweet Tooth explained.

"Wait... were Talbolt and those two..." Black realized.

"Sadly, yes..." Sweet Tooth grunted. "And you know who the leader is? You should know him..."

Black glanced at him in confusion... only for a light bulb to go off in his head.

"Pike..." Black whispered. "He's your leader?"

"That's right." Sweet Tooth declared, as he then pulled off one of his gloves, revealing a black tattoo of a ram's head. "We are Black Sheep, the outcasts of the outcasts, and we believe in only one line... 'It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again'"

"...Wait, did you just quote Hannibal Lectrot?" Black gaped, trying to get up.

"Bingo." Sweet Tooth chuckled darkly, as he then kicked him back down.

"Ack... why are you telling me all this?" Black hissed. "I don't think they'll be happy with you sharing trade secrets..."

"I'm telling you because you're going to be dead soon..." Sweet Tooth sneered, kicking him hard. "You really aren't as tough as everypony made you out to be, and I'm going to bring 'em back your head to prove it..."

'This can't be happening.' Black thought, as he struggled to move. 'I can't be taken out by some psycho in a clown mask...'

"This last joke's always a show-stopper." Sweet Tooth smirked, as he raised his machete.


Sweet Tooth turned to see Armory standing before him, defiant.

"Well, what's this?" He smirked. "Has the sidekick finally decided to do something?"

"You'd better believe it." Armory nodded.

"I'll be with ya in just a sec." Sweet Tooth turned back to Black.

"What, you've never head of multi-tasking?" Armory snorted. "Or are you just too stupid to focus on more than one victim at a time?"

"What did you say?" Sweet Tooth growled.

"You heard me, clown boy." Armory sneered. "Nice dress sense, by the way. What, did you rob a discount circus or something?"

"You think you're funny, huh?" Sweet Tooth spat.

"You're the one with the face for comedy." Armory jeered. "Why else would you hear a hideous mask like that, if you weren't trying to hide an even more hideous face?"

"Armory, don't..." Black tried to get up, but failed.

"That's it." Sweet Tooth snarled. "Just for that, you get to die first."

"Then come and get me!" Armory snarled.

"No!" Black yelled, as Sweet Tooth advanced on Armory.

"I'll cut that smart mouth of yours right off!" Sweet Tooth raised his machete.

"Mind if I smoke first?" Armory threw one of his knockout gas bombs.

The gas enveloped Sweet Tooth, but when it dissipated, he was still standing.

"Nice try." Sweet Tooth sneered. "But I've got a breather in the mask for this sort of thing. Hope that's not all you've got."

"Not even close." Armory declared. "Try these!"

Armory threw some miniature throwing stars, but Sweet Tooth deflected them with his machete.

"Ready for a little trip?" Sweet Tooth threw Armory right through a wall.

"Argh!" Armory groaned.

"Get up!" Sweet Tooth kicked him. "I'm not done yet!"

"Wanna bet?" Armory zapped his foe with a taser.

"Heh, it tickles." Sweet Tooth snickered.

"Oh, come on..." Armory cringed.

Sweet Tooth punched Armory hard, then tackled him through another wall.

"You're pretty tough for a gear head." He admitted. "Let's see just how tough..."

No matter what Armory tried, he was unable to repel Sweet Tooth. The mad clown shrugged off everything he tried to throw at him, and hurled him through more walls, and even windows, in return.

Before long, Armory found himself backed up against a window on the edge of the hospital. Wounded and exhausted, he could barely stand.

"Time to end this." Sweet Tooth advanced on him, lifting up his machete.

"With a machete?" Armory asked. "Seriously?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sweet Tooth sneered.

"Oh, nothing." Armory snorted. "I just thought a badflank killer like you would want to finish me with your bare hooves. Not only is it more personal, but you can draw things out way longer. That machete will end things with just a couple of swings. Not much fun there, right?"

"Right." Sweet Tooth tossed aside his machete, as he then picked Armory up by the throat. "I wanna see you bleed, I wanna watch you... die..."

"Oh, we'll see about that!" Armory held up one of his hoof, which had the 'Homer' latched on, and fired it into his neck.

"Urgh!" Sweet Tooth groaned, dropping Armory. "You little-"

With surprising speed for his wounded frame, Armory grabbed the wire connecting the dart to the Homer, and wrapped it around Sweet Tooth's neck, jumping onto his back.

"Who's stupid now?" Armory taunted his foe as he tried to choke the life out of him.

"That... would be... you!" Sweet Tooth wheezed.

Sweet Tooth reached up and grabbed Armory. He then turned towards the window.

"Wait, what are you-" Armory struggled to free himself.

"Die, scum!" Sweet Tooth threw Armory into the window.

"Waiiit!" Armory yelped, as his body smashed through the glass.

Sweet Tooth had only a moment to smile in triumph beneath his mask, before realising that the dart was still in his neck, and the other end was falling with Armory.

"Guhhhh!" He gagged, finding the wire around his neck tightening like never before.

"Like I said... stupid!" Armory yelled, as he dangled a few stories above the ground.

"Gotta... cut this!" Sweet Tooth grabbed a nearby scalpel, and try to sever the wire.

"That won't work!" Armory taunted. "That's special 'armor thread', made of my own design!"

"You..." Sweet Tooth wheezed, as the wire started to cut into his neck, blood seeping through.

"Sweet Tooth!" Black, recovered at last, rushed in to confront the mad stallion.

"Black!" Armory called.

"What the-?" Black frowned. "Armory? Where are you?"

As Sweet Tooth fell to his knees, hooves desperately struggling with the wire, Black got in close enough to peer out the window, and saw Armory below.

"How did-?" He gaped.

"I'll explain later!" Armory called. "Just get me back up!"

"Oh, I will." Black declared, as Sweet Tooth weakly flailed at him with one hoof. "I just have to make sure clown-boy here doesn't get in the way..."

Black grabbed Sweet Tooth's machete, intending to finish him off.

"End of the line, you monster." He growled, raising the machete. "Let's see that curse get ya out of this..."

Just before Black could lower the weapon, the wire completed its journey through Sweet Tooth's neck. The killer's head separated from his body in one clean movement. As the head dropped out of the shattered window, so too did the wire, and its owner.

"AHHHHHH!" Armory yelled, as he dropped toward the ground.

Black watched in horror as the scene seemed to play out in slow motion, Armory's terrified face matching his own.

Armory crashed down onto a medical carriage, the metal buckling on impact. His limbs flopped down, lifeless, as a blood of blood flowed from under his body.

"NOOOOOOO!!" Black screamed. "Armory! Armory!!"

Black rushed down to ground as quickly as he could. He climbed on the carriage's twisted body, and held his friend's broken body in his hooves.

"Armory..." He whispered. "No, please... Not like this. Not like Rookie..."

Armory stirred slightly, a soft moan emanating from his mouth.

"You... you're still alive..." Black gasped. "Yes! Hang in there, buddy! You're going to make it!"

Black carried Armory's body as quickly (yet carefully) to their carriage, then took off at top speed for the headquarters.

"Guys!" He yelled, carrying Armory's prone form. "We've got a stallion down!"

"Bloody hell... what happened?" Ballista asked.

"No time!" Black yelled. "Get him to the doc!"

Armory was rushed to the medical unit, which was operated by their resident medic, a pale green Unicorn with an electric blue mane, orange eyes and a Cutie Mark of a pair of a stethoscope, named Triage.

"Triage, we have an emergency!" Elite declared, as they rushed in.

"So I see." Triage noted. "Quickly, get him on the operating table."

Black quickly complied.

"What happened to him?" Triage asked, taking note of Armory's wounds."

"Long story short, he got beat up by a psychopath, then fell two stories onto a carriage." Black declared. "...Can you help him?"

"I'll do my best." Triage donned a surgical mask. "Now, a little privacy, please."

The others all stepped outside, where Black filled them in on what had happened.

"Oh, my." Micro shook his head. "How awful."

"I know. I was there." Black scowled.

"At least you took down Sweet Tooth." Shadow pointed out.

"Thanks to Armory." Black sighed. "He saved me. If he doesn't make it... I don't know what I'll do. Seriously, I can't take another death on my conscience."

"Don't worry, Black." Elite smiled. "I know Armory will pull through."

"Sure he will." Ballista smirked. "Little blighter's tougher than he looks."

Their words did little to comfort Black, who waited desperately for any news regarding Armory. After what seemed like an eternity, the medical unit's doors opened.

"Well, I've done everything I can." Triage removed his operating mask.

"And?" Black urged. "Is Armory gonna make it?"

"His injuries were severe, but we've managed to stabilize him." Triage announced. "He will heal, but it's going to take a while."

"Oh, good..." Shadow smiled.

"Except..." Triage frowned.

"There's more?" Micro gaped.

"Armory's bones and muscles will eventually knit themselves back together, but there will longstanding, possibly even permanent damage." Triage confessed. "He won't be an invalid, but he'll never be as... active as he was before."

"No..." Black shook his head. "No, no, no, no..."

"Come on, Black." Elite comforted him. "It could be worse. At least Armory is alive, and on the road to recovery."

"Yeah, mate." Ballista nodded. "I think we can all agree it's better he be on a hospital bed than a mortuary slab."

"You can't argue with that logic." Micro sighed.

"I'm just glad he's still ticking." Shadow declared. "We all should be."

Titan whined plaintively.

"Yeah, I guess..." Black sighed. "Let's just hope the life he lives after this is worth it."

After the surgery, Armory was moved to the recovery room. The next morning, Elite and the rest of the Taskforce entered the room. Armory was covered in casts and bandages, but he was fully awake and aware.

"Hey, guys..." He croaked.

"Hello, Armory." Elite smiled. "Triage told us you were finally awake. We thought we'd come and visit. Show you some friendly faces."

"Better than just seeing the same four walls all the time." Armory smiled.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, Armory." Black told Armory, eyes fraught with guilt. "If I had only been tougher..."

"Don't blame yourself, Black." Armory smiled. "It was my choice. And I know I made the right one."

"You saved my life." Black smiled weakly.

"What are friends for?" Armory grinned, "Besides, at least I can say that I killed a psychopath."

"Oh, speaking of which..." Ballista pulled out a box, "I found the guy's bloody head while doing clean-up and I decided that for saving Black's arse and killing this son of a draft horse... I brought you a little trophy..."

"...You didn't get me his head, did you?" Armory grimaced.

"Of course not!" Ballista frowned, as he then opened the box. "I brought you his mask."

"Oh... thanks." Armory cringed at the blood-splattered souvenir. "A freaky clown mask. Just what I always wanted..."

"At least you didn't see the guy's real face." Black joked. "Trust me, that's the real nightmare fuel..."

"So, what did you do with Sweet Tooth's body?" Armory asked, putting the mask aside. "A lot of ponies might want to know what happen to the guy."

"Don't you worry, Black, I got that covered." Ballista smirked. "After the good job me and the boys did, the hospital is just as we left it, and the local news station is about to get a lead..."

Meanwhile, back in Infinity, in a dark room, a TV was showing the broadcast of said news station.

"The body of notorious serial killer Sweet Tooth was discovered in an alley in south Whinnyapolis, having been decapitated by an unknown weapon." A female Pegasus reported. "The psychotic murderer had not been seen for years, which only increases the mystery of his death. Though there are no leads, local law enforcement believe it may have been a vigilante killing, or mob execution. Though this reporterI doubts there are many who will mourn the passing of such a monster..."

Pike was the only one watching theTV, with a glass of whiskey in his hoof...

"Son of a-" Pike snarled, his hoof clenching his hoof so hard that the glass shattered. "AUGGGH!

The present...

"Faust, that must have been terrible for you." Fletcher sighed.

"It wasn't exactly a banner day for me, that's for sure." Armory nodded. "I was never the same again. Never fit for field work after that, so I just stuck around and did what I was best at. Still, I did miss being able to contribute to the Taskforce's work personally..."

"I feel for ya, pal." Caboose declared. "I can't imagine what it'd be like, not being able to keep being in on the action..."

"It was still worth it, though." Armory admitted. "I saved the life of my comrade, and rid Equestria of a twisted psychopath. I'd say that's worth being crippled for life... but only just."

"I never forgot what you did for me, pal." Black smiled. "Having a friend like you really helped me through when things got rough."

"I only wish I could have helped you more." Armory sighed. "Considering what was coming, me being out of commission really didn't help..."

Author's Note:

"Release the Panic" is the property of Red.