• Published 12th May 2016
  • 3,912 Views, 28 Comments

Daddy Discord: Princess Twilight - Zubric

Discord decided the perfect way for Twilight to unwind woudl be to be a foal for a while. Lucky for him he got Fluttershy to help.

  • ...

A Deal of Good Intentions

A monstrous stack of papers floated lazily through the air by a familiar lavender aura before being set upon an old spruce desk. The desk let out a loud creak in protest of the sheer mass upon it, the sound echoing effortlessly through the crystal library.

A frazzled Princess Of Friendship emerged from behind the intimidating stack her mane easily mistaken for a porcupine that had rested upon her head. To say that the particular perfectionist princess was overworked, would be a far understatement to say the least.

Twilight took a seat at the desk, her eagle eyes scanning the current paper before her, spotting a slight miscalculation within the sea of numbers. Without a hint of hesitation, her quill lept from its ink well and danced across the page fixing the blatant disregard for one's multiplication tables. Upon completion of her task, her horn lit up placing the corrected form on top of the finished pile sitting on the floor.

A heavy sigh escaping her lips as she looked around her quiet library sanctuary wiping sweat from her brow. While it was true she could have just as easily used her throne room, or any number of empty rooms within her castle, Twilight felt far calmer and focussed being surrounded by books. To her , it was the perfect atmosphere for such a tedium of a task. The worst part about all this, however, was that the enormous stack of words before her was just the tip of the iceberg.

Twilight picked up her tea nearby taking a sip of the honey blend inside. She would have perffered the biter taste of coffee, but having maxed out her caffeine limit for the day she was stuck with having a tea substitute. The exhausted princess' body craved for more energy as she pushed herself onward through the long haul. "Just one more hour and then I'll take a nap," she said, her left eye twitching from inner stress. "You know unless something comes up at the last minute...again!" Her gaze fell upon her assistant Owlicious who simply sat on his pedistal idly preening his feathers without a care in the world. She took another long sip of her hot beverage, ignoring the scalding pain as she took a breath to vent once more. However, gravity decided her fate pulling her down as her body suddenly collapsed onto her desk from exhaustion

Two hours of sweet uninterrupted sleep passed before a certain party pony loudly awoke her from slumber with a thundering thud of the door being swung open. "Hey Twilight!"

Twilight nearly fell off her seat at Pinkie rather blunt intrusion into her library. She regained her composure quiickly looking Pinkie in the eyes."Gah Pinkie, how many times do I have to tell you to not sneak up on me like that?"

Pinkie rubbed her neck retorting with a sheepish grin. "Sorry Twilight, but I was really excited and I need your help. You're like the only one that can help me "

Twilight sighed looking at the mess of papers that had gone flying when the party pony had rushed over. Restacking the paperwork, she gave her friend all the attention she could muster given she had just woken up. "What kind of help? No wait, let me guess," she tapped her chin while aligning the pile to be exactly straight. "You want a spell that can be used at one of your latest parties."

Her somewhat arrogated tone confused Pinkie. Had she done something wrong? "I'm not a unicorn silly, but I do need some of your magic." Before Twilight could ask for a clarification as to why she continued bouncing on her hooves. "You see there's this mare in town, and her two kids have just moved out to college. So now her house feels really empty and lonely. So then I started to talk with her to you know cheer her up and then she mentioned how she just loved being a mommy when they were younger. Then I got the great idea great idea about being her foal for a while to make her happy for a while."

Twilight rubbed her forehead, trying to process the information her friend had blurted out within a single breath no less. She shoook her head a few times to focus. "No Pinkiie, I can't use the age spell on you. It's too advanced for me, even as an alicorn." She let out a tired groan. What could be next, turn water into wine?

"What?," Pinkie tilted her head puzzled. "No that's not what I was going to ask at all," she paused seeing Twilight's frazzled mane. "You okay, Twilight? You don't look so good."

"I-im fine," her statement could not be farther from the truth. "Just...busy." Her eye twitched when she looked at the pony height stack of forms remaining on her desk. Attempting to avoid the inevitable she turned her attention back to Pinkie Pie. "Anyway, what is it you needed? I still have no idea what you meant by being her foal."

Pinkie rolled her eyes followed by a smirk. "You know wearing diapers, being cared for like a foal, and play foalish games. You know that kind of stuff. But since I know it is only going to be for a day and I don't really know of any adult foal stores I was hoping you had someway to size up things she has in her nursery. "

Adult foal...what..." She groaned and put her hoof to her chest before taking a deep breath to exhaled. "Yeah I think I got what you need. I'm guess you want it infused into an object you can use?"

"That be super usefull considering she's a pegasus."

Twilight nodded gesturing her friend to follow. Honestly she was glad to have a distraction from her duties. If only she had known the mountainous task she had agreed to help with in advance, she might have said no. But how could she possibly refuse Princess Celestia. Even with her renowned ability to work herself to the bone, this task alone was driving her to her limits. To add icing to the cake, Ponyville citizens had been coming to her for advice , and while she enjoyed being a sage of sorts, it was becoming just too much. But she perceived she wasn't a pony that would give up afterall. Spike probably would have told her to take a break by now, but he wasn't here. Every moment of his free time had been spent helping Rarity with her latest project. She just couldn't find it in her to tell him no. There was no harm in it after all. Rarity did like his company, or maybe just free labor, she could never tell.

After finding one of Spike's gem baskets, she plucked out a few well-cut gemstones and set them on the desk. As quick as a flash the book she needed floated over to her by instict. "This shouldn't take long."


From his hiding spot, Discord watched the two elements talk, his interest peaked when the pink one asked for a favor. More intriguing however was that Pinkie had mentioned being a foal for somepony else. He silently chuckled. Aww, I see Fluttershy is not the only one wanting to be a foal. While he still wasn't completely sure where he stood on the whole foal-play thing, he had rather enjoyed his daddy time with his shy friend. Not to mention the blush on Fluttershy's face had been adorable when she had used her diaper for the first time. I wonder if any of the other bearers would like being foaled.

His thoughts were abruptly cut short as Pinkie Pie popped her head up in front of him. The action startling considering he had been hiding as a vase the whole time. "Hey there Discord, what you doing?"

With a quick flash of light, he reappeared as his normal self with a bewildered look upon his face. His jaw dropped. "How? How did you know that was me? I looked like every other vase in this hallway."

Pinkie shrugged. "Don't know, I just had this feeling. I guess it is like my Pinkie sense only different." Discord blinked a few times. "Anyway, why are you at the castle?"

"Watching Twilight,” Pinkie blinked and tilted her head, but before she can ask more, he cut her off with a simple finger pressed on her lips. “She does look awful stressed doesn’t she?"

Pinkie adjusted her saddle bag, something jingling inside. "I know right, she could really use a break. Oh I know I'll throw a small party at my place and invite our friends, oh you too of course."

Discord crossed his arms thinking it over. "That's a great idea,” he then cuts to the chase. ”Oh and did I hear you're going to be a foal." He smirked.

Pinkie blushed and backed up. "Oh you heard that?"

"Oh I did indeed," he laughed. "How cute." He pinched her cheek with a smirk. "A little pie in the oven, figuratively speaking."

Pinkie giggled at the pun before her cheeks flared again. "Well I-uh mean I've watched the twins and well--"

Discord suddenly snapped his fingers, a light bulb appearing above his head. "Oh that's a great idea. Pinkie PIe, you're a genius." He rubbed his hands together standing proud.

Pinkie titled her head again. "Huh? I am, for what? All I mentioned was the twins."

"Yes, yes, them that's how I will spend some personal time with Twilight. I mean after leaving her out that one weekend, it is the least I can do for a friend right?"

Pinkie simply scratched her nose confused. "I don't think Twilight would make a good foalsitter, that and I don't beilieve she trust you that well."

The spirit of chaos scoffed, picking her up by her forelegs like she a foal in her mothers hooves. "Ye of little faith, it won't be Twilight who will be foalsitting, Twilight is going to be the one being foaled." Before Pinkie could ask anything, he dropped PInkie on the ground and continued . "Do tell Fluttershy to come to the castle for me." Without hesitation, his tail snapped sending Pinkie off with a flash.

Discord rubbed his hands together smiling summoning up a white top hat and cane gesturing dramatically. "It's showtime."


Twilight wiped her brow, clearing off the droplets of sweat from her forehead. ‘Phew, that spell took more out of me then it should have. I guess i do need a break,” she glanced at the pile of paperwork. “Just a few more sheets.” As the quill left her ink pot and touched the parchment, a bright flash appeared in front of her desk as Discord appeared.

“Good afternoon, Twilight,” he held a pocket watch in his claw snapping it closed before looking at her glare. “May someone snappy today.”

She groaned. ‘I don’t have time for your games!” her voice dripped with venom, as she scrawled her name across the parchment before her.

Discord leaned on a black and white can, being sly as he spoke. “Touche. I just came on by to hang out was all and here you are being all rude about it. Not very princess like is it?” he mocked, a smile upon his face.

The princess put her hooves to her face, letting out a loud grumble. She finally looked up at the spirit of chaos, her glare softened a little. “Give me a break. I’ve been under a lot of pressure as of late, and I don’t need any of your wild shenanigans to make it worse.”

Discord scoffed feeling a little hurt. “Well excuse me princess, I was just going to offer you just that. A break that is.”


“Oh don’t give me that look Twilight, i’m only offering to help you unwind,” he appeared behind her suddenly cranking up a wind up screw that had appeared on Twilight”s back.

Twilight shifted and eeped as her body reacted rising up and marched around the room on its own as the crank turned. “Gah Discord!” After a walking in a wide circle the crank vanished, causing the princess to fall to the floor.

Discord snickered and offers a claw. “See this is what happens when you get all...wound up,” he smirked, taking her hoof to help her up.

“...” her glare returned, cold as ice as she stood up.

“Oh come on, that joke was hilarious. I’m only trying to help, give me a chance.”

Twilight rubbed her forehead for a few more seconds before returning to her desk. “Okay, okay fine. What are you offering?” She tried taking a sip of her tea, only to find her pot had run dry.

Discord smiled, and poofed up a simple white elegant tea pot. He poured some mint tea into her cup setting it down in front of her. “So, what has got you all worked up?” He wasn’t about to mention he had been watching her for a while, that would just come across creepy. What she didn't know wouldn't hurt her right?

“A project I agreed to help Celestia with,” she sipped the amber liquid, taking in the sweet honey scent.

“Well no reason to be more rattled then a rattlesnake over a simple project,” he teased pinching her cheek playfully only for it to be slapped away. “Anyway, I was going offer a way for you to relax, or rather a surprise.”

“I don’t know.” She raised an eyebrow.

“Just give me your time till oh let's say tomorrow evening? Surely you can take one day off.” He twiddled his hands smiling.

Twilight took another long sip of her tea, thinking it over. Couldn’t be that bad, she was at her limit after all. After a momentary pause, she looked up from her cup. “Fine but no funny business.”

‘Pffft, it like you don’t know me at all Twilight. Where is the fun in making sense? So here is the deal, for the next 24 hours give or take, you’ll be my responsibility. Deal?” He held out his claw looking honest as possible.

The princess wasn’t quite sure what he meant by that but was willing to give him the benefit of a doubt this time. “Deal,” she reached out and shook his claw. As Discord gripped her hoof magic rush down her foreleg swirling around it like a snake. She gasped, and tried to pull away as the rainbows swirled around her, cocooning her in some sort of spell. She felt him let go as she began to spin around in place, getting dizzy as all she could see were vibrant colours blinding her. “Gah Discord!” she yelled, feeling something was off as she came to a stop moments later. As her senses returned, her whole body felt tingly feeling almost alien as her vision gradually returned to normal.

As she looked up at Discord to scold him, she let out a small shriek. Something was definitely not right.

Author's Note:

Hope this idea pans out the way it does in my head. Also the beginning bit meant to tie in with another story I will make. Just look at the one blog with the images. Hope it won't take me forever to make the next chapter.