• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 2,805 Views, 124 Comments

A Pair of Rare Shies - shortskirtsandexplosions

Rarity and Fluttershy keep their love relationship a secret for thirty days.

  • ...

Fourth: Bathing Beauties

"And it was at that point that the zebra cleric took it upon himself to say, 'No, correction, you are the one who is in possession of chicken mouth!'" Rarity said, smiling.

"Heeheehee..." Fluttershy giggled, sitting beside the mare inside the tiny, wooden cubicle. Steam rose from a bed of hot coals, filling the bath house with a relaxing warm mist that soothed and cleaned their pores. "Oh Rarity. No matter how many times you share that one, I still do not get it." She smiled, eyes thin, warm. "But I find it cute all the same."

"I will most certainly never understand why."

"Because you said it. And everything you say sounds lovely."

"Awwww..." Rarity adjusted the towel wrapped around her mane. She sported a fuzzy white terry cloth robe bearing her initials, as did Fluttershy. "Now you're just being flattering."

"Mmmmmm... maybe I can't help it."

"One of these days you're going to have to explain precisely why you are smitten with me," Rarity said. "Unless—of course—it's my money."

Fluttershy had to suppress a giggle once more. "You aren't exactly what I would call Filthy Rich."

"Mmmmmm..." Rarity squeaked, fidgeting where she sat. "I have a swiftly growing entrepreneurial empire, darling!"

"Oh, but of course!" Fluttershy bit her lip, glancing away. "I-I didn't mean to suggest you weren't successful. I'm sorry."

"No no—none of that!" Rarity waved a dainty hoof. "For what it's worth, I'm quite pleased you don't envision me as a bits before beauty kind of mare."

"If you ask me, you're rich at heart," Fluttershy said. "From your cutie mark to your dazzling eyes."

"Yes, well..." Rarity tucked a few purple bangs back beneath the towel. "I've often thought that if I spent my entire free time searching and digging up jewels, then I'd probably be a great deal richer than I am now."

"Hehe... really?"

"Alas..." Rarity exhaled. "I find my days better and more enthusiastically spent in the process of making dresses." She winked. "It's one thing to feel rich at heart, but one absolutely must feel fabulous as well! They're two halves of the same ruby, so to speak."

"I see." Fluttershy smiled, brushing her bangs aside. "I really admire your work ethic. It stands out among the rest of Ponyville."

Rarity stifled a laugh. "Oh! Dearest... can you truly, honestly say that when we both live in the same town as Applejack."

"Applejack is a wonderful pony," Fluttershy said. "But she does what she does out of loyalty. You do what you do out of ambition." She adjusted the sleeves of her robe. "That... is a great deal more courageous, I believe."

"How so?"

"Well, it's like taking a leap of faith every day. And you know how mesmerized I am by ponies who can do a hop, skip, and a jump."


"Applejack's chosen a path that will support her family and friends. But you?" Fluttershy smiled sweetly. "You take risks. You explore the mysteries and opportunities of life, pushing to make yourself known in every household. I find that very brave." She gulped. "Not to mention something I would absolutely love to emulate someday."

"Awwwwwwwww..." Rarity leaned across the steam to nuzzle her. "Well, you are most certainly welcome along for the ride."

"Heehee... I know it." Fluttershy's cheeks went red. "The fact that you include me in your modeling makes me feel very... nice."

Rarity smiled, rolling her eyes. "There you are—once again in love with that undying word."

"Mmmm... and special too, I suppose." Fluttershy swallowed. "Th-that I can share the center of your world for even a little bit while you aim for the horizon."

"Well, I wish to be rich and fabulous at heart." Rarity fluttered her eyelashes. "I find that rather difficult to do without you, darling, now that I've had a taste of the finer beauty of this world."

Fluttershy giggled.

"Oh, goddess..." Rarity fanned herself. "...if only we weren't in a public establishment right now."

"Shhhhhh..." Fluttershy's ears drooped as she glanced nervously at the door. "Don't even pretend, Rarity."

Rarity laughed. "Relax, darling. I would never... ever put you in such an uncomfortable situation."

"I know. And I'm glad." Fluttershy took a deep breath and smiled timidly at Rarity. "I... still need help relaxing in some areas."

"If you insist." Rarity looked up and down. "I must say... you look positively scrumptious in that robe."

"Huh?" Fluttershy fiddled with the sleeves. "In this?"

"Mmmmmmm..." Rarity smiled intoxicatingly. "Like a fuzzy angel fallen into my presence."

"It's... Rarity..." Fluttershy broke out, snickering. "It's just a robe. You've dressed me in far, far prettier things..."

"I suppose it's the simplicity of it," Rarity said. "The way the collar and sleeves match your eyes." She smiled brilliantly. "The way it makes me want to hold you really close and snuggle-wuggle-you-all-uppppp..." She said this while rubbing her cheek against Fluttershy's.

Fluttershy protested with breathy giggles. "Rarity! Pleeeeeeease..." She hissed, looking over her shoulder. "Remember what you said about—"

"Cannot help it, darling." Rarity leaned back. "Please, say something to distract me before I lose control and do something unladylike."

"Uhm. Okay." Fluttershy cleared her throat. "So, this morning, Angel threw up on the living room rug again."

Rarity grimaced hard. "Okay, maybe not that distracting."

"Since he had eaten celery with his carrots, the strings had tangled up and given the regurgitated material an appropriate consistency, allowing for easy clean-up—"

"Ew ew ew ew ew!" Rarity flinched heavily. "Oh, Celestia, what have I unleashed!"

Fluttershy laughed. "I'm s-sorry..."

"I'm going to need three dozen more baths for every word!" Rarity grimaced, looking paler. "Ohhhhhhh... what's wrong with me?!"

"I'm sorry." Fluttershy said, nevertheless smiling. "For what it's worth, I adore the fact that my animal friends trust me so closely that they let me clean up after them so."

"I'll n-never understand your enthusiasm over getting messy!"

"It's not about getting messy, Rarity. More than anything, caretaking for animals is about the opposite."

"Yes, but you still have to get your hooves soiled, you poor dear!" Rarity pouted. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but sometimes I wish you were a unicorn—only so that you wouldn't have to get so physically deep in the mire!"

"It's nothing like that, Rarity," Fluttershy said in a softly chiding tone. "And—no offense to you—but I wouldn't trade being a pegasus for anything."

"Even with as much as you detest to fly?"

"I think having feathers makes me more appealing to my animal friends," Fluttershy said. "I come across as more... more..."


Fluttershy rolled her eyes. "The word I was looking for is 'natural.' I can relate to most fowl, and mammals." She shook her head. "There aren't many magical creatures who dwell in the forest near my cottage. Plus, being a pegasus means I have to get in close with them, which allows us to bond on a very sweet, gentle, personal level."

"But of course." Rarity nodded. "I'm sorry, dearest. I did not mean to undermine your race nor your possession."

"I know that, Rarity." Fluttershy smiled. "And, if you're so concerned about me getting dirty... well... I do believe there's a magical solution to that."

"Oh?" Rarity blinked. "Like what?"

"Well, quite simply, you can come on over to the cottage and help me sometime!" Fluttershy winked. "I certainly wouldn't mind having your spells around the house so I can take care of the animals more swiftly!"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Rarity fidgeted in her robe.

Fluttershy winked. "Is... is that asking for too much?"

Rarity clenched her eyes shut, shuddered... then relaxed with a long sigh. "Fluttershy..." She opened her eyes, smiling calmly at her. "Anything to make you happy." A gulp. "I'm game."

"You're certain?"

"If... you w-wouldn't mind my borrowing your bath immediately afterward." Rarity bit her lip. "For... an hour... maybe two."

"Heeheehee... it's a deal!"

"Alas..." Rarity nuzzled the mare again. "The things I do for love." Her eyes blinked. "Erm... you did wash up after taking care of your bunny rabbit this morning, yes?"

"Rarity, we're in a bath house right now!"

Rarity squeaked, "Well, it's the thought that counts, darling!"

And Fluttershy laughed.