• Published 2nd Mar 2016
  • 754 Views, 31 Comments

EDM Death Machine - GenerousGhibli

Vinyl Scratch becomes a cyborg. She's... open to it. Others aren't, and they're real jerks about it.

  • ...

Chapter One: Contact

“You’re… kidding, right?”


“You’re leading a school pony tour?”

“No, Octavia, I’m leading five.” Vinyl Scratch paused, putting a hoof to her chin. “I think? It’s the same group… but I’ll be with them all five days. Does that count as five tours?”

Octavia Melody trotted around her roommate, blocking her path to the door. “It does, but… I’m confused… Why are you doing this? You hate hard work!”

“No, I hate boring hard work,” Vinyl clarified, attempting to step around Octavia. Still, her path was block as the grey mare stepped in her way again. With a sigh, Vinyl looked Octavia in the eyes. “Look, Octavia… What do I always say about the future?”

Octavia’s eyes shot to the floor. “You always say that the future is like the sky… full of brilliant stars,” she answered quietly. “But I don’t see what that ha–”

“Those stars are foals, Tavi. The future belongs to the young, and I'm going to make sure they can shine as bright as possible.”

“Vinyl… I’ve never seen you this serious about anything before…”

Vinyl gave a sigh and trotted past her. “The future’s some serious biz, you know? I’ll see you tonight; I gotta scram or I’ll be late.”

“I’ll be waiting,” she whispered, hanging her head. She promptly perked back up and gave her best friend a wide smile. “Good luck!” she said, trying to sound cheerful. It must have worked, because Vinyl turned to her and wrapped a foreleg around her neck in a half hug.

“Thanks, Tavi.” With that, Vinyl stepped out of their apartment and disappeared into the night.


Vinyl’s hoof tapped repeatedly against pavement as she stared patiently out over the train tracks, squinting under the harsh light of the platform’s lamps. They were late. She was worried about being late, but the school ponies’ train was five minutes late.

“Are they there yet?” a voice rang in her ear.

“No, Tavi, they aren’t,” Vinyl replied into the small microphone beside her mouth. She paused to bite her lip. “I’m starting to worry.”

“Relax,” a voice said to Vinyl’s right. She turned to see Twilight Sparkle approaching. She was wearing a black suit with a dark violet blouse and had a crescent moon pin on her jacket’s lapel. She had her mane done up in a simple bun with her bangs left to hang just above her brow. “They’ll be fine. Remember, Imperial trains are slower than ours. Oh and hi, Octavia!”

Vinyl touched the panel on her foreleg and switched her phone app to speaker mode. “Hello, Twilight!” Octavia said over the phone. “Vinyl, I’ve got to go. My show is in ten minutes.”

“Alright, later. And break a leg, Tavi!”

“Thanks, bye,” Octavia said before the line went dead.

“Not to be rude, Sparky, but why are you here?” Vinyl asked.

“Don’t call me Sparky,” she said a bit too quickly, her left eye twitching. “And I’m here as a chaperone.”

I’m their chaperone,” Vinyl replied sharply.

“And I’m your chaperone.” Twilight strutted past, flashing a sharp glare at her. “Her Majesty still doesn’t trust you completely after the Blood Fountain fiasco.”

“That was eight years ago! And it was pomegranate juice!” Vinyl protested, stomping a hoof for emphasis. “And everypony loved it, the princess included!”

That’s the problem, Vinyl,” Twilight explained as a steam train came over the horizon. “She’s afraid you’ll do something reckless again. Meanwhile, I’m afraid you’re going to take the foals to nothing but clubs and parties. You’ll corrupt them and teach them all the wrong things.”

Vinyl visibly flinched at the word corrupt, before narrowing her eyes. “…You don’t even know me.”

“I know enough, Vinyl,” Twilight snapped, looking back over her shoulder. “I know that you’re a bad influence on ponies.”

Vinyl said nothing as Twilight levitated a neatly folded sheet of paper out of her coat pocket. “Now, I’ve got a very educational itinerary planned out. First, we’ll visit the observatory and study star charts and then we’re going to tour the Rider’s-Prance packaging pla–” Twilight was cut off as her list burst into bright blue flames. She snapped around to see Vinyl glaring at her with her horn glowing. “What do y–”

“You listen here, Sparky,” Vinyl all but spat, stepping up to Twilight. “I know the princess didn’t send you. I cleared this with her myself weeks ago. She seemed to trust me just fine.” Vinyl pulled her own list from the inside of her pleather coat, unfolding it and thrusting it in Twilight’s face. “This is my job. I earned this gig fair and square, and you are not taking it from me.”

“You want to go to the observatory for a laser show?” Twilight scoffed, glaring at the list. “That’s kind of foalish, isn’t it?”

“They are foals, Twilight,” she pointed out. “You want to show them technology in a way that makes it seem boring and uninteresting. I want to show them what technology is truly capable of, the way it impacts the daily lives of everypony in the Division. I want them to be excited about learning; you just want to make them learn.”

As Vinyl stared down Twilight, the train pulled into the station with a loud hiss, sending steam rolling over the platform. “We’ll try this your way, Vinyl,” Twilight hissed, turning towards the train. “But when you fail, and I do mean when, I will be there to pick up the pieces and guide them.”

The door on the lead car opened and two mares stepped out, and through the train’s windows, she could see a familiar prismatic mane as its owner searched the luggage racks. After the mares, nearly two dozen foals spilled out of the car and started looking around nervously. One of the adults, a mare with a fuchsia coat and a two-tone pink mane, trotted forward slowly and stopped in front of Twilight. “Are you the tour guide?”

“Aaaactually,” Vinyl cut in, bumping Twilight aside with her flank. “That would be me. Twilight’s just a tight wad that didn’t think I could handle the job.”

“And why would she think that?” the mare asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“We were college buddies,” Vinyl said shortly, glaring sidelong at Twilight. “Although, buddies might not really be the right word.”

“Ah, say no more,” the mare said, holding up a hoof. “I had my wild college days as well. I’m Miss Cheerilee, their teacher.”

“Nice to meet you. Name’s Vinyl Scratch.” Vinyl held up a hoof, which was promptly shaken by Cheerilee.

“It’s a pleasure, Miss Scratch,” Cheerilee replied. “In our correspondence, you said that you’d work out transportation and board. I don’t see a carriage anywhere.”

“Actually,” Vinyl said, pointing to a large hover transport some distance away in the station parking lot. “That’s a carriage. It floats.” She whispered the last part, savoring the teacher’s expression.

Miss Cheerilee looked like her jaw was about to unhinge, it dropped so hard. “No way… are you messing with me?”

“No lie, Teach. C’mon, let’s get introductions done and get out of here.”

The teacher shook her head and turned to the students. “Alright, everypony, gather round!” All of the foals promptly stopped whatever they were doing and trotted up to Miss Cheerilee. “My little ponies, this lady here is Miss Vinyl Scratch, and she is your tour guide. You are to show her the same respect you show me, Miss Rainbow Dash, and Miss Applejack.”

“Yes, Miss Cheerilee,” the class said as one, nodding and turning to Vinyl. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Well, that was mildly unsettling,” Vinyl said quietly as another mare stepped up to her.

“Howdy, there!” she said cheerfully. “Name’s Applejack!”

“Good to meet you,” Vinyl said, matching the mare’s vigor. She promptly shook hooves with Applejack, before the mare took note of Vinyl’s Datapad.

“That’s some odd looking jewelry ya got there,” she said pointing to the screen Vinyl’s foreleg.

“Um, that’s not jewelry…” Vinyl said slowly, not sure how to play this. She’d dealt with Imperials before, but she’d never had to explain what a Datapad was… “It’s, uh… hard to explain. Let’s get the foals to the hotel, and then we can talk.”

“Alright, but where’s the carriage?” Off to the side, Rainbow Dash chuckled as she trotted away from the train.

Vinyl sighed and offered a gentle smile. “Just follow me,” she said, turning towards the school ponies, who had begun whispering excitedly amongst themselves. “Aright, little ponies, follow me!” she called to the group. They immediately perked up and looked to her with excited smiles.

“Where are we going first?” a pink filly with a lavender and white mane in a fur coat asked as she trotted to the front of the group. Two more fillies and a much smaller colt trotted up next to her.

“Well, we’re going to the hotel, which is all the way across the city,” Vinyl explained, noting that one of the fillies beside her, an orange one with pink hair, had a pair of antique-looking headphones on. “Come on, everypony! This way to the transport shuttle!”

As she led the group over to the craft, many of the students looked around in confusion. It was understandable, since the hovercraft was the only thing in the lot, and many of them wouldn’t even know what a hovercraft was.

The back of the transport opened, causing most of the foals to stop and stare at the empty space lined with multiple rows of seats. “Everypony, hop onboard!” Vinyl called as she stepped up into the passenger bay. “You do not want to miss this!”

They were hesitant. Rainbow Dash hopped up and flew over the group, landing with a loud clank on the loading ramp. “Come on, guys! I rode in one of these last time I was in the Division; It’s totally safe!”

That seemed to be enough for at least a few of them, as the pink filly and two of her friends cautiously stepped forward onto the metal ramp. The one with the headphones hung back, her eyes closed and her head bobbing to whatever jam she had fired up.

“Go ahead, Vinyl,” Twilight whispered as she stepped up beside her. “Grab them with your magic and yank them off. I know you want to. Bonus points if you break them.”

Vinyl sighed for what had to be the tenth time in the last hour. “No, I’ve got a better idea,” she whispered back, trotting back down the ramp. As she drew near, the filly looked up and scowled. “Hey, there.”

“Hey,” she said bluntly, glaring at Vinyl.

“Why so angry?”

“Because I didn’t wanna come,” the filly snapped, pulling a cassette player out of her jacket. She quickly swiped a wheel on the side, and the sound of swing jazz permeated the air.

“I see.” With a soft smile, Vinyl turned and stepped back up into transport, signaling for the filly to follow. She did, stepping cautiously onto the ramp, and then trotted over to sit down by her friends. One by one, each of the school ponies ventured in after them. Once the chaperone’s checked to make sure everypony was onboard, they followed and took the two seats behind the cockpit, looking out over the students.

Twilight cut her eyes. “What was that?”

“You’ll see… Sparky, if you would please, get their seat belts?” Vinyl said politely as the rear hatch closed, causing the entire bay to go utterly dark. A soft violet aura enveloped all of the ponies’ seats, shortly before a large number of clicks sounded throughout the transport. Soon after, everypony, the adults included, began protesting. “Okay, so who can see anything? Show of hooves, who is completely blind?” All of them. Save for Vinyl and Twilight, everypony was blinded. “Well, we’ve got a remedy for that!” Vinyl touched a few spots on her Datapad, bringing up the transport’s controls. “See, centuries ago, doctors found that pony eyesight was becoming more and more adapted to function in lower light. They decided that that was a bad idea, since Division ponies would often visit the Empire. Pretty soon, THESE were developed!” A calm blue-purple glow filled the bay, eliciting excited murmurs from all of the foals. All except one, that is. The little pegasus filly with the headphones widened her eyes, then shut them tight and turned her head to the floor. “These lights are called shadow lanterns, and you’ll find them in every home, business, and even in the streetlights! They’re soft enough not to hurt Division ponies’ eyes, but clear enough that Imperials can see when they visit! These also have a number of medical purposes, but I won’t bore you with all that boring science-y stuff!”

The pink filly in the fur nudged her friend and glared at her. She muttered something, but the pegasus shook her head and turned away.

Rainbow Dash stood up behind her, but a raised hoof from Twilight stopped her. Vinyl promptly arched her eyebrow at the other mare. Her response was to mouth out, “I’m curious.”

As Vinyl turned back to the class, she tapped a spot on her Datapad and smirked. “We all set up there, Captain?”

“Aye-aye, Ma’am!” a chipper voice said though the small device. All of the students immediately started looking for the source of the captain’s voice, but were incredibly unsuccessful.

“This, ponies, is called a Datapad,” Vinyl announced, holding her foreleg up to show the students. “It does a lot of cool stuff. For one, it lets me talk to other ponies, like you just saw. It also functions as a Trotmare, a film projector… kind of… and a bunch of other stuff! I can even read comic books on it! And well… regular books too, but nerd stuff like that’s Twilight’s thing.”

“Hey!” Twilight protested playfully, causing all of the students to laugh. Both she and Vinyl noticed that the headphone filly had slid one of the speakers over behind her ear.

“But this little gizmo here doesn’t begin to compare to the other stuff we have here in the Division,” she explained, tapping her hoof on the floor. “Like this carriage, for example.”

“This isn’t a carriage!” the headphone filly shouted, furrowing her brow. “It’s just a dumb box with a bunch of chairs in it!”

“Scootaloo!” Miss Cheerilee shouted, unbuckling her seat belt and standing up. “What did I say abo–” she was cut off by Twilight putting a hoof on her shoulder.

“Relax, Ma’am. I think my friend has a plan,” she whispered, causing the teacher to glance over at Vinyl, who was ignoring the small disturbance.

“You said before that you didn’t want to come to the Division,” Vinyl said calmly, walking casually over to the filly. “Why is that, Scootaloo?”

Scootaloo’s face flushed red as Vinyl came closer, but she grit her teeth and glared at Vinyl. “Because the Division is just a place full of nothing but cold, hard science and technology, where everything is done by machines and nopony ever has any fun!” she shouted, causing Vinyl’s eyes to widen.

Vinyl blinked a few times, shocked by the filly’s seemingly mature views. “Well, those are good reasons, or they would be, if they were right.”

“You saying I don’t have a good reason?!”

“No, I’m saying you don’t know anything about the Division. Who told you all of that stuff?”

“My dad!” Scootaloo answered, unfastening her seatbelt so she could stand up in the chair. “He told me all of that!”

“Has he ever been to the Division?” Vinyl asked simply, sitting down. “Because it doesn’t really sound like it.”

“Well, n-no… But that doesn’t mean he's wro–” She was cut off as Vinyl held up a hoof and smiled warmly at her.

“Except, it does mean he’s wrong. He’s so very, very wrong, Scootaloo,” Vinyl explained as she levitated a pair of white and blue headphones off of her neck. “Do you know what these are?”

“H-headphones… But they don’t look like mine…”

“Because they’re not like yours.” Vinyl snapped them over the filly’s ears before she could process what was happening, and then sparked up one of her own songs. It was called ‘Music to My Ears,’ and it was arguably her biggest hit. After a minute passed, Vinyl removed the headphones from the filly’s head, leaving her shocked and staring wide-eyed at her in awe.

“What… what the hay was that?” she asked, putting a hoof over her chest.

“It’s called dubstep, and it’s a prime example of you being wrong.” Vinyl stepped back up to the front of the carriage and tapped a few places on her Datapad. The transport’s side windows immediately cleared up and revealed a view of the parking lot. “Thing is Scootaloo, I’m not a scientist, or a doctor, or a programmer. I’m a musician, and a dang good one. If the Division were anything like you’d said, then I would be one of those other things. But I’m not. And we’re about to fly.”

The entire class seemed confused, but Scootaloo just looked angry. Vinyl knew why, too. She’d read the student profiles Miss Cheerilee had mailed her. Scootaloo suffered from a birth defect and her wings weren’t developed properly. That was why Vinyl had chosen a hover transport, instead of the more common wheeled transports.

“Captain, lift off.”

“Ay-aye, Ma’am!” the pilot said over the radio. The entire craft lurched and rattled for a minute before it stabilized, floating gently a few dozen hooves from the ground. “Proceeding now to the Moon’s Glow Hotel.”

“My little ponies…” Vinyl said loudly as the transport tilted forward, moving towards the hill at the edge of the parking lot.

“Welcome…” The transport lifted up to the peak of the hill as Vinyl tapped a few spots on her Datapad, preparing to activate the craft’s ‘tour mode.’ They lifted over the hill and many of the ponies, including the chaperone’s, were looking around frantically, trying to see the city out of the side windows.

She hit the final command point on her Datapad, prompting the walls, roof, and floor to seemingly turn transparent, revealing the City in all its urban glory.

“…to the Lunar Division!” Vinyl shouted, holding a foreleg out dramatically. “Well, its capital, Elara, at least.”


The student’s all gasped, several of them in fear, as the floor disappeared from beneath them. Scootaloo in particular stared down at it in shocked silence. She… she was flying.

“Scoots, look!” Scootaloo raised her head at Diamond’s prompt, and her heart stopped. The Division’s capital… It was beautiful!

The massive, sprawling metropolis was, in itself, luminescent, lit up by so many blue and purple lights. Signs that seemed to be actually made of light hung from the sides of buildings, giving a cool glow to the buildings themselves. Even some of the buildings themselves seemed to be made of light, with long, blue beams shooting up their sides and corners. Countless other flying machines soared through the gaps between massive towers that seemed to big to be real, while what had to be thousands of carriages in just as many shapes rolled along the streets, all without a single pony pulling them.

The carriage they were in shifted, tilting sideways and started flying towards the ground. It swooped down between two of the towers, then soared down the streets, the building zooming by quicker and quicker as they went.

Just what in the world was this place?

“Guys?” Scootaloo asked quietly, prompting her friends to turn to her. “Are you seeing this?”

“Well, yeah,” Pip said from a few seats over. “It’s outstanding, isn’t it?”

“I’ll say… It’s breathtaking,” Diamond Tiara added, staring at all of the wild clothes the ponies below were wearing. “Look at the local fashion!”

“Prettier that a perfectly picked apple!”

“J-just making sure…” Scootaloo whispered, putting her headphones around her neck. “I guess I won’t need these after all…”


“Welcome to the Moon’s Glow Hotel!” a mare called cheerfully from the front desk as the class entered the building. “How can I…” Her eyes went wide at the sight of Vinyl.

“Hey, we have a reservation,” Vinyl said as she trotted up to the desk. “It’s under ‘Scratch.”

“Uh, I, um…Of… of course, Miss Scratch!” the mare manage to choke out, typing a command into her keypad. “How… how many nights?”

“It should say,” Vinyl replied, leaning over the desk. “Yeah, see right here?” She pointed at the hologram screen.

“R-right…” the mare muttered, her ears folding back. “Sorry… I don’t normally meet a lot of… celebrities…”

Vinyl only offered a soft sigh and a smile, before fishing her wallet out of her coat. “It’s cool. Look, I already have an account here. Let’s go ahead and confirm it’s me, I’ll give you my card, and we can go on with our lives.”

“O-of course, Miss Scratch… CIDVN, please?” the mare asked, pulling another screen up beside the other.

“Vinyl Scratch, Citizen Identity Verification Number 509b-as-in-bolt327c-as-in-clop-614-f-as-in-fly318.”

The mare read the serial back to her, having to restart twice because she stumbled on a number and a letter. “Is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Alright, checks out,” the mare confirmed, blushing as Vinyl slid her card over the desk’s top. She ran it through the scanner and hoofed it, as well as the requested four extra bio-keys, back to Vinyl. “Wow, I can’t believe THE Vinyl Scratch is staying at the MGH… My girls are not going to believe this!”

“Well, here’s some proof,” Vinyl said with a smirk, trotting around behind the desk. She wrapped a leg around the mare and held the other up in front of them. “Smile and say Holy crap I met someone famous today!”

“H-holy crap I met someone famous today!” the mare said with a bright, excited smile. With a flash, the photo was taken and Vinyl bumped hooves with the mare to share it to her Datapad. “I can’t believe this is happening… a week here and I already met a celebrity!”

Vinyl chuckled as she trotted back around and stood in front of the group. “Alright, fillies and colts, let’s get you to your rooms,” she said as she gestured for Miss Cheerilee to hold up her hoof. “This is called a bio-key. It goes on your hoof and uses your genetic information as a passcode. I won’t lie, this is gonna sting a bit.”

“A bit?” she asked as Vinyl used her magic to strap the device to her foreleg.

“Yes, a bit. You’re gonna wanna clench your teeth now.”

“Wh– OW!” Miss Cheerilee winced as a small needle pricked her and drew a milliliter of blood. “Why would somepony make a key like this?”

“Well, much like the CIDVN, it’s intended for more high profile citizens,” Twilight explained as she strapped Applejack’s and Rainbow Dash’s bio-keys on. Both of them winced as their blood was taken. “It’s the most secure key type on the planet. After all, only you have your specific genetic code.”

Applejack quirked her brow. “High profile? What’re you talking about? And why was that mare gettin’ all gushy over Miss Scratch?”

“It’s not really important…” Vinyl muttered, glaring at Twilight. Either she didn’t get the message, or she ignored it.

“Vinyl here is a famous musician, and has her own CIDVN,” she explained, smiling at the foals.

“No way!” the filly in the fur shouted, bounding forward towards Vinyl. “Do we really get to hang out with a celebrity?!”

Vinyl’s face flushed bright red as more of the foals came up to her. “Well, um…” She was used to ponies that knew she was famous… she was even used to paparazzi, but ponies that suddenly found out about her? That was new. But… maybe she could make it work. “As a matter of fact, yes! I am a celebrity! I’m best known for pioneering electronic music.”

“What’s electronic music?” one of them asked, looking up at her with wide eyes.

“Well, I use machines to make music…”

“How do you do that?” a colt asked, bouncing up over his classmates.

“It’s actually kind of complicated.”

Miss Cheerilee stepped up beside her and cleared her throat. “Now, now. I’m sure you have a lot of questions, but I think it’s best we get to our rooms.”

They protested, of course. “Come on, kids, y'all need your sleep; it's a big week ahead of you,” Applejack said sternly. Her face shifted as she seemed to realize something. “Uh, Miss Scratch? Where are the stairs?”

Vinyl smirked and pointed towards a large semi-circular area near the entrance. “We don’t use stairs unless it’s an emergency. That over there is an elevator. Since this is a VIP hotel, you ponies get another view of Elara as we head up. Come on!” Vinyl said as she started off towards the elevator. “Trust me; it’s almost as cool as the transport.”

“Well…” Miss Cheerilee said calmly to Applejack as she started after the guide. “She hasn’t led us astray yet…”

“I dunno, that carriage-thing made me a might bit queasy.”

“Remember AJ, they do things a lot different here,” Rainbow said as she glided overhead.

“Miss, no flying in the lobby!” the mare at the desk called.

“Sorry!” Rainbow replied, falling to the floor with a loud thump. “Case and point, a lot of places, you can’t fly indoors. If you just acclimate yourself to that concept, you’ll do fine in the Division.”

“I understand that things are different here, Dash,” Applejack replied. “But... I dunno, it just don’t feel right to me, is all…”

Once everypony was in the elevator, Vinyl tapped her Datapad a few times, accessing the system’s control’s, then sent the elevator up.

“Does everypony use their um… Datapad… like that?” Miss Cheerilee asked, peering over Vinyl’s shoulder at the Device. “Does everypony get control of the machines like this?”

“Ordinarily, no,” Twilight cut in, glaring at Vinyl. “In accordance with Princess Nightmare’s policies, Vinyl has been given special access to the city’s infrastructural computer network.”

“The… The what?” she asked, tilting her head.

“The network that connects all of the machines in the city,” Vinyl clarified. “Since I’m ‘aiding in strengthening the bonds we share with the Solar Empire,’ I was given special access to that network.” Vinyl paused for a moment and pawed at the ground. “Just… kind of enjoying it a bit too much, I guess.”

Twilight smiled and stepped over to the window as the tops of the nearby buildings came into view. “You’re fine, Vinyl. Just don’t get carried away.”

“I’ll try not to,” she replied with a smirk, before turning to the foals. All of them, Scootaloo included, practically had their faces glued to the elevator’s massive window. “So, Sparky, still think I’m not cut out for the job?”

“I’m… coming around to the idea of you being in charge.”


Author's Note:

So, first chapter down. Yes, it is an exposition dump. I am sorry for that, but I felt like I should do a bit of world building first. I tried my best to make it interesting. If you came here for the cyborgs, but were disappointed, don't fear. It'll happen in a couple of chapters.

The CIDVN is, as you probably guessed, like a social security number, only more complicated to remember. It works exactly the same way, and because it's so hard to remember, it's difficult to replicate. The more high profile you are, the more complex your CIDVN is. Vinyl is close to top tier, which would have five sections and four letters. Example: 000x000x000x000x000. This exists for a specific reason that will come into play in later chapters. Twilight is actually a top tier, but for a different reason than Vinyl. Also, you can pronounce CIDVN as Cid-Vin.

One more bit, Rider's-Prance is a play on Snyder's-Lance, who pretty much have a monopoly on snack foods. I used to work at one of their factories. It's nothing special, really.