• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 4,743 Views, 87 Comments

Two Cybertronians Walk Into A Movie Theater - Solphestus

Two teenagers dressed as their favorite Transformers walk into a movie theater, before being spirited away to a land full of colorful equines! Shenanigans ensue.

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Chapter 2 - Feelings...

“Rainbow! Are you okay!?” Fleetfoot yelled as she landed next to the cyan pegasus.

“I’m fine.” Rainbow said, wincing a bit as she got to her hooves. “What the buck was that!?” She demanded.

“I don’t know. We should tell Admiral Spitfire.” Fleetfoot said. “Can you fly?”

“I think so, but I’m certain that doesn't belong to the empire now that I have seen it up close.” Rainbow said as she slowly lifted off the ground. “Though I may need a little help.” She admitted sheepishly as sparks began coming off of her cybernetic wing.

“I’ll take you back to Time Turner.” Fleetfoot said. “Hop on.”

Rainbow Dash sighed as she lay herself across Fleetfoot’s back before tucking her wings in for the ride to the repair shop.


“I’m getting addicted to these lasers!” Skywarp laughed as he shot a tree with his laser cannon.

“Could you please cut it out? Ever since you figured out how to use them you have been destroying things left and right! I’m surprised the ponies haven’t come after us yet!” Arcee groaned, “Did you even consider that using your lasers would deplete your energon reserves? Seeing as you were the one that was the most worried about that little tid bit in the first place?”

“...” Skywarp stopped. “Right…”

“You forgot, didnt you…” Arcee deadpanned.

“I got caught up in the moment…” Skywarp looked down like a guilty child.

“Uh-huh.” Arcee said, smiling at Skywarp. “Just get your metal but over here and give me a ride across the water.” She said pointing to the ocean behind her that some mountains could be seen on the other side of if they strained their optics.

“Looks promising. Sure.” Skywarp said, landing. “Hey, do you think I could make energon with diamonds?” He then suddenly picked Arcee up bridal style and hovered to the other side.

Arcee blushed at how she was being carried by Skywarp but tried to ignore it. “Y-you should be able to… I mean, if we gain animal forms we can produce our own energon by eating what the creatures we scanned eat…” She replied, looking away from him to hide her blush.

“It works like that? Hmm…” Skywarp said. “Is something wrong? You seem tense.”

“I-it’s N-nothing!” Arcee responded, a bit of panic in her voice as she moved her hands to cover her face.

“Uh… Alice, we’re best friends, you can tell me anything.” Skywarp said. “Sorry, Arcee.”

“I-it's ok…” Arcee sighed, giving up as she moved her hands away from her face to reveal her face consuming blush. “But this goes into the territory of more than just friends…” She muttered.

“You mean like family?” Skywarp asked.

“A little different than that…” Arcee grumbled. “Could we please not talk about this right now?” She begged as she tried to give him a pouty face, sadly the look she ended up ended up with was more attractive than pitiful due to her blushing.

Skywarp would have blushed if he could. “Sure. Whatever you want, but I’m here for you. You know that right?”

“Y-yeah…” Arcee replied while thinking ‘By primus that was too close! I don't even know if he feels the same way about me as I do him yet!’.

Skywarp landed and set Arcee down. “Okay… Hey, if I’m a Decepticon and you’re an Autobot… What’s our ‘roll out’ call? Like, Prime says roll out, and Megatron says take flight.”

“...” Arcee just stared at Skywarp for a few moments as she realized what he meant. “Umm… Good question… but why do we have to be Autobot and Decepticon? It would basicly be begging for something to happen resulting in us having to fight one another…” She said as she began to panic.

“That’s not something I’m worried about… We should figure out a group name, in case there are others like us.” Thad said, getting excited.

“Why didn't I think of that!” Arcee exclaimed as she began to calm down, “We can just start our own faction! Now what to call it… It needs to be something neutral so that we don't get dragged into fights…”

“We’ll just call ourselves SkyCee for now.” Skywarp said.

“That sounds like the name to a horrible shipping pun…” Arcee commented as she started to blush again.

“I fused our names! Fine, no name. But we’ll pick this up later.” Skywarp said.

“Fine, as long as it doesn't have anything to do with deception or evil.” Arcee said, agreeing to continue the subject at a later date.

“I’ll scout up ahead!” Skywarp yelled, transforming into his jet mode and soaring into the sky.

“Wha… Wait!” Arcee shouted in vain. “Urgh, why is he always so impulsive…” She sighed, reminiscing of how they first met.

(13 years ago…)

“Stupid boys, they think I can’t explore and do cool stuff just because I’m a girl!” Alice muttered to herself as she stomped through the forest. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't see the cliff edge until she tripped on a tree root and fell over it. “Ahh…!” She screamed as she fell before landing on her head and blacking out.

Thad walked through the forest blissfully. He didn’t like being around others, so the forest was perfect. As he walked, he noticed indents in the soggy ground and let his curiosity get the better of him. He followed them, noticing they started to look like footprint of someone his age. Part of him wanted to just leave them, most likely being some stupid kids disturbing the peace of what he considered his forest.

He came to a stop when he saw a cliff edge. Thad took a look, and saw a girl unconscious in a shallow pond. He went down and grabbed her, before dragging her out of the ditch.

He laid her down and started poking her with a stick he found.

“Mmm~” Alice moaned as she rolled over a bit.

“Hey, wake up.” Thad said.

Alice grunted and rolled over again, this time stopping when she was facing Thad before her eyes began to flutter. “Huh? Where am I?” She asked as she groggily sat up.

“You fell into a pond. You okay?” Thad asked.

“M-My head hurts…” Alice whimpered as a trickle of blood started running down her face from the top of her head. “Who are you?” She asked as her eyes began to grow heavy.

“Thad Stive.” Thad said, pulling out a box of bandages. “Here.” He pulled one out and used in on her wound.

“Thanks...” Alice muttered shortly before passing out again.

Thad picked her up with difficulty and headed towards the exit of the forest.

As Alice began to wake up she noticed she was in a hospital room as her hearing kicked in.

“-Lucky to be alive! If it wasn't for that boy who found her your daughter would have died!” The doctor shouted.

“I-Is she g-going to be ok?” Alice’s mother asked, grief stricken that her only child could have died.

“Sadly Ms. Simmons she suffered a severe concussion, she’s not likely to ever be the same…” The doctor said, calming down as Alice’s mother began to cry.

In the meantime alice had only one thought, ‘Thad… I owe you my life…’ as she blushed at the memory of the boy...

(End flashback…)

Skywarp transformed and slammed down. “Okay, female dragons are on the farthest mountains. I suggest a teenage dragon.”

“Wha?” Arcee said before shaking her head as she snapped out of her flashback. “Sorry about that… I was remembering stuff.” She said sheepishly.

“It’s okay. The female dragons are on the farthest mountains. Find one you like and scan ‘em.” Skywarp said. “There’s a pathway along the side of the mountain. I’ll watch out in case any dragons try to kill you. They won’t last five seconds.”

“Thanks I guess…? By the way, did you scan one for yourself while you were at it?” Arcee asked before transforming.

“Nah, I wanted to get you through the path before I got a form that confuses me.” Skywarp said. “There were some weird creatures… Hey, can you use any guns?”

“I think so? But I will figure that out later.” Arcee replied as she started driving towards the path Skywarp had indicated.

Skywarp transformed and started circling her in a protective manner. After a while Arcee had managed to get to the path and slowly traversed it, though she gained the attention of many a curious dragon as she passed them as quickly as she could. If any male dragon got too close, Skywarp shot his purple lasers near them.

“Almost there!” Skywarp yelled. “Go up here and scan whichever dragoness you want!”

“I know!” Arcee called back teasingly. She then reached the end of the path and transformed before crawling over to a cliff edge.

Skywarp transformed and landed next to Arcee. “Hey, I have a question.”

“Yeah?” She responded as she glanced at all the female dragons, trying to decide which one to scan.

“Are you into girls?” Skywarp asked.

Arcee froze for a second before slowly turning towards Skywarp. “And what makes you think that?” She asked with a deadpan glare.

“You never talk about guys like most girls I know do. David, one of my friends in math class said if a girl doesn’t show interest in guys she’s secretly into girls.” Skywarp said, shrugging. “I’m no expert, but it kinda makes sense.”

Arcee’s eye twitched as she continued to glare at Skywarp. “I’m not into girls… Why are you even asking?” She demanded as she returned to looking for a dragon that suited her to scan.

“I’m only asking. I feel kinda bored being so serious all the time…” Skywarp was resting his back on the side of the mountain, hands behind his head.

“Oh really?” Arcee hummed as she decided on one of the dragons below her. “Then tell me what you think of this.” She said as she started scanning her targeted dragon. A few moments later she finished scanning the dragon before transforming...

Her scales were mostly blue, with a few of them being silver around her stomach and front neck. She had two long horns on her head which were pink, with dozens of smaller pink spikes that went down her spine. Her claws were sharper than the male dragons Skywarp saw, and her body was much sleeker and feminine. The bottom of her wings looked pointy, while the rest of them seemed slimmer. The body was small like she was, and had a teenage feel to it.

“You look like a dragon from a children's cartoon.” Skywarp teased, “You look good. Kinda sexy~” He then transformed and shot away towards the male section.

Arcee’s face flushed red after she heard Skywarp’s compliment. “Damn it, Thad!” She shouted shaking a tallon at where he had been moments before, finding it extremely annoying that he seemed to like toying with her emotions while not realising it.

Skywarp landed on the outskirts of the male dragon’s hoard. His eyes widened when he saw the teenage dragons jumping in lava.

“... The hell?” Skywarp’s head hurt. He looked around to see a dragon that matched his size. He saw one that looked like they were a young adult and scanned him. Skywarp then transformed into his new form.

The form he took was black scaled and red eyed. He had a dark grey underbelly with thicker spine spikes on his back then Arcee’s. His claws were shorter than hers, but looked tougher and more blunt. He felt the row of teeth he had were also made for a more wide damage than Arcee’s longer and sharper form.

Skywarp wasn’t that bulky either, but compared to Arcee, he was twice her size. His wings were also more mature than Arcee’s, with a purple undertone to them. All in all, he felt kind of barbaric, which he wasn’t used to… He also wasn’t that into it either. Skywarp was more of a reserved person.

At the very least, he didn’t have ripped muscles. A body builder body always looked unappealing to Skywarp. And neither did he look like a skinny freak with his ribcage showing. He already looked menacing enough.

An idea came to Skywarp’s mind, that made him grin. He ‘looked’ through his battle computer and mentally cheered.

“Flamethrower!” Skywarp shot fire out of his mouth into the air. It was oddly purple, but it looked cool anyway.

Skywarp grinned and checked his wings. After a minute of trial and error, he was able to fly. Skywarp felt a bit hollow without the speed of his jet form though.

“I… *huf* finally found… *huf* you…!” Said an exhausted looking Arcee as she flew clumsily up to Skywarp.

“You okay?” Skywarp asked, having changed back to his robot form before she arrived.

“I… *huf* will never… *huf* understand your obsession… *huf* with flight...” Arcee complained as she collapsed onto the ground right next to Skywarp before transforming back to her robot mode.

“When you don’t have to flap your wings, you’ll see.” Skywarp said. He then transformed into his dragon mode. “What do you think?”

“Looks like you.” Arcee teased as she regained her composure, “Big, blunt, and goofy.”

“I’m not blunt.” Skywarp glared slightly. “I am goofy though.”

“Uh-huh.” Arcee giggled as she rolled her eyes. She then shakily got to her feet before transforming into her dragon mode.

“Your form suits you too, small, quick, and… I suppose clumsy.” Skywarp said, bopping her on the nose with his tallon.

“Whatever.” Arcee huffed, puffing out her cheeks. She then spread her wings before smirking at Skywarp. “I’ll race you back to the forest.”

“With those flimsy excuse for wings? I could fly circles around you… But first, I’m taking some gems.” Skywarp said. “Also…” Skywarp shot out fire from his mouth into the sky. “Flamethrower!”

“...” Arcee just stared at Skywarp for a minute before her expression morphed into a pout, “Showoff.”

“Oh yeah?” Skywarp smirked. “I got it when I got this form, try it out.”

“How?” Arcee asked, tilting her head to the side.

“Check your battle computer.” Skywarp instructed.

“Battle computer?” Arcee said, blinking owlishly at Skywarp.

“It’s how the transformers fight… At least in G1…” Skywarp said.

“I’m guessing you figured out how all your new body's systems work already…” Alice groaned.

“Pretty much. But don’t worry,” Skywarp patted Arcee’s head. “You’ll get it eventually.”

Arcee just rolled her eyes at Skywarp, being too exhausted for some reason to deal with his antics. “Whatever… Let's just go already.” She sighed before a growling sound came from where her stomach would be if she was an actual dragon. “…”

“Why don’t you go to the female section and eat.” Skywarp suggested.

“I’m not hungry...” Arcee said turning her head away from Skywarp. Her ‘stomach’ then growled again, causing her to blush from embarrassment.

“Your energon is low. I’ll carry you if I have to.” Skywarp said, switching to his robot form.

“I-I’m fine!” Arcee said, stumbling a bit as she tried walking forward before falling over and faceplanting. “…” She then just laid there, glaring at the ground as her face turned red as a tomato.

Skywarp laughed. He then walked over towards Arcee and picked her up, before he tossed her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

“Not. A. Word.” Arcee groaned as she hung limply over Skywarps shoulder, still in her dragon mode.

Skywarp flicked Arcee’s tail. “I wonder if this’ll be a recurring theme.”

“I fear the day that happens…”

“You fear it?” Skywarp asked, on the verge of laughing. “It’s happening right now sweetheart~!”

Arcee silently whimpered as her blush intensified, too ashamed and weak to fight back.

“Hey, there’s nothing wrong. You must’ve been low on energon when we arrived.” Skywarp said sincerely. “One day you’ll be carrying me for whatever reason. This stuff just happens.” Skywarp patted Arcee’s rear.

Arcee suddenly flinched as what looked like steam started coming off her face. She then audibly gulped before saying, “T-thad… C-can you p-please put me down f-for a sec?” As whatever counted as her ‘heart’ started to race.

“Sure thing, Alice.” Skywarp said as he set her down so she was leaning against a rock. “Something up?”

“NO! I mean… Um… I need to pee!” She stammered before deciding to lie as she went through the motions of taking deep breaths to try and calm herself down, even though she didn't have to breath.

“Alice… Transformers can’t- oh… You want to be alone…” Skywarp stuttered. “I-I’ll just go g-get something to restore you-your energon.”

“Y-yes please…” Alice muttered as she tried to drag herself behind a nearby boulder out of shame, feeling betrayed by what was now her body.

Skywarp started hitting his head and he changed into his dragon mode and went to the dragon’s hoard. “Stupid… Stupid… Stupid… That was a stupid move… Making fun of her… Why’d I even do that!?”

He stuffed a few into his ‘mouth’ and used them to feed his hunger for energon. After he felt full, he grabbed a handful of them and ran back to Arcee.

“Hey Alice! Here are some gems!” Skywarp yelled.

“T-thanks… just set them right here…” Arcee said, one of her talons appearing from behind a boulder and pointing at a spot right next to it.

Skywarp laid them where she pointed, before making another run for more gems.

Arcee sighed as she heard Skywarp leave. “I guess I'm going to have to tell him…” She muttered to herself, feeling horrible that she upset Skywarp even if the current situation was his fault.

Skywarp finally came back with a third bunch of diamonds. “There. Eat up.”

Arcee shyly reached from behind the boulder and grabbed each of the gems one by one as she slowly ate them. After she ate the last of the gems she felt her energy reserves slowly restoring themselves before she wobbled out from behind the boulder, the time alone having allowed her to cool off and recompose herself.

“Let’s head back. Maybe we can find some more gems on the way.” Skywarp said.

“O-ok…” Arcee stammered before she spread her wings.

Skywarp took to the air. “Hey, uh… Sorry about making fun of you… I-I can carry you if you’re still weak though, I won’t even talk!”

“N-no, I’m fine… This is all my fault in the first place anyway…” Arcee sighed as she slowly started flying before managing to catch up with Skywarp.

“It’s not your fault. How the heck were you supposed to know we’d get turned into Transformers?” Skywarp said.

“But if I hadn't of taken you to see that stupid movie we wouldn't be going through all of this!” Arcee cried, “My stupid plan wasn't worth causing you to go through this…”

“Your plan?” Skywarp asked. “Oh right… I forgot about that. Hey…” Skywarp took her head in his hands. “You couldn’t have known… I’m not mad. Heck, I’ve become my favorite character! Even losing my vehicle mode hasn’t put a dampener on my spirits! Or, spark if you will.”

Arcee blushed a bit from his reassurance as she pulled her head out of his tallon, but steeled herself for what she felt she had to do next. “Um, Thad? I need to tell you something…” She said while looking away nervously, trying her best to keep flying.

“Yeah?” Skywarp asked. “What is it?”

“It’s about that plan… You see, I asked you to come with me because…”

“Go on…” Skywarp encouraged.

“U-um… A-a-after the m-movie I…” Arcee stuttered, her blush beginning to grow.

“If you don’t want to tell me, it’s okay.” Skywarp said.


Author's Note:

Hello folks! Solphestus here, and boy things sure do seem to be heating up around here don't they? Well buckle up, because now that we have gotten to know Alice and Thad a bit things are going to get bumpy!