• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,731 Views, 116 Comments

The Chaos Within - StapleCactus

Dex, a human of the Solar Guard of Equestria, has more to deal with than ever before.

  • ...


I woke up feeling well rested, even with thoughts of failure constantly assaulting my mind. Dawn had just begun so I set about getting changed. It took me until I opened my door to remember the orders Celestia left me.

Alright, what do I have to do this time? I lifted the paper and scanned it multiple times. Rockton? That's on the edge of Equestria. Looks like I'm stuck with a train this time. As I walked through the castle, thoughts surfaced of my time at the small trading town. To think I have to go there again. I hate dealing with politics and Rockton is in the perfect position to be full of it. It seems like every time I go there, I have to deal with a random trade dispute or cultural issue. Ugh, well, if Celestia isn't going then I shouldn't have to worry. And, hey, I get to go to that bar again! Bumping into Twilight reminded me of where I was.

"Ack!" Twilight stumbled back and brightened when she saw who walked into her. "Ah, Dex! Good morning. I have everything ready for our trip." Our?

Oh yeah! ...Shit... "That's... good. How did Celestia take the news?" Apparently, I wasn't completely awake yet.

She shook her head slowly. "She doesn't like it either, but it's all we have. I've been told to separate you and your sword if anything seems off." Joy...

"Alright, well, we have a long trip. I'm going to get a bite to eat and stop by the hospital."

"Don't take too long. We'll need to take the nine o'clock train and ride it for a few days."

"Yes, Twilight, I'm aware of how far Rockton is. See you shortly." Why am I being snippy to Twilight? I strode past her and headed to the kitchen for food.

Thirty minutes later, I exited the castle to find Twilight waiting for me. She looked at me with a gentle smile.

"I hope you don't mind the company. Stone is a good friend of mine."

"No problem, I can't dictate who he sees." As I walked past her, she followed. Her voice was shaky, as if she was unsure of what she was about to ask.

"Dex, are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You aren't acting like you usually do. It's almost like you've become annoyed at my presence."

"No, just want to get this done." Or maybe this is how I always was and I was acting in front of you the whole time.

"Alright, if that's all, I won't push it."

"Good to know." We arrived shortly after the conversation ended. After speaking with the nurse at the counter, she was the same one as before, we headed back to Stone's room. I spotted Panacea checking him over.

"Pan, Stone, how are you two?"

"Morning you two, we just came to check up on Stone." Yeah, that. Thanks Twilight.

Pan turned to face us as Stone opened his eyes. If it wasn't for the wrapping on him, I could've sworn he was fit for duty. His breathing was normal and his eyes had a fire in them.

"Boy! Twilight! Good to see you!"

"Good morning Dex. Good morning Twilight." Pan didn't sound like she had gotten much sleep. I walked over to her and held her head up so I could see her better.

"You alright Pan? I thought you were going to rest?"

"I was, but then I got worried about everything. I'll be fine though, don't worry."

"If you say so." I let go of her gently and turned to Stone. "How about you Stone? You look great."

"Ah, I am. Sadly, these hospital types don't want to release me til my ribs heal."

"We also want to make sure your internal bleeding won't come back." Pan got back to work checking his vitals. "In any case, he'll be fine. Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, Celestia has me going to a border town this time. I'm going with Twilight here so everything should be okay."

"Ah, Twilight, you haven't spoken a word! Tell me, how has everything been?"

We talked for a few more minutes until Twilight reminded me we had to go. As we said our goodbyes, I heard Pan speak up.

"Dex, be careful. Something is troubling you, and I know you don't want to talk about it, but I'm worried."

"I'll be fine, Pan. We'll be back before you know it."

Twilight and I left the hospital and headed straight for the train. It was easy enough to board and find a seat, so we chose an area we could talk privately if we had to. The first hour of the trip was unusually silent, however. Hmm, strange. Normally she'd talk about what she learned or try to get me to talk about something. Not that I'm complaining though. Just when I thought we'd make it to our destination in silence, she spoke up, albeit quietly.

"So.... Panacea, huh?" Huh?

"...What about her?"

"Are you two not together?" Her too?

"Jeez, everyone thinks we're together. I didn't think you would too."

"It just seems like you two are... together..."

"Well, we aren't."

"Do you love her though?"

Beeeee.... Please stand by while your party is reached. Chk, ah, yes, hello? Good, we're back online. Begin love analysis... I thought of many things. Did I love her? Was it right to? What about society? Or my own twisted logic of it? Sure, ponies have generally accepted me by now, but what about inter-species relationships? The closest thing I thought of was interracial and even then it didn't come close. Am I sick to think of inter-species at all? Is it right or wrong? Error, incomplete data. Answer not found. Request further study.

"Dex?" Twilight was looking at me worriedly.

"...Maybe." I shook the blank look off my face and switched to a more neutral one. "Sorry, you kinda through me off for a bit there. I'm not sure and I won't know for some time. She's definitely a friend though."

"Oh... okay..." We rode in silence for a few more hours before getting some sleep. The train would take another two days to reach Rockton so I was content to relax.

"Dex, you awake yet?"

"Ugh, dammit Twilight, what is it?"

"It's the third day of the trip and we haven't discussed your changes at all."

"Mmmgh, what changes?"

"You know, increased chaos energy and changes in mood."

"We already talked about this before we left. The first is odd and the second I don't want to talk about."

"I know I said I wouldn't push it, but I believe the two are related. It's a matter of Equestrian safety now."

"Dammit... Fine." I sat up and glared at Twilight. "Ask and I shall answer."

"What's wrong?"

"Too vague, with what?"

"Dex! You know what I mean. Why are you acting like this? You weren't like this before and you were always kind when you came to Ponyville."

"Stone got hurt, it's my fault." I looked away and stared out the window. Grass, rocks, grass, more rocks... It didn't matter what I saw, I just wanted to watch the scenery go by.

"You know that's not true. Chaotic Shades will change form to confuse their attackers, that is how he got hurt. He's fine too, so what is really wrong?"

"Logic isn't the same as emotions, Twilight. I know what happened, but I feel like it was my fault anyway. Besides, I'm tired of doing this." Oh look, another rock.

Her voice grew concerned. "What? Dex, you told me just last month you loved working with the princess."

"Meh, it doesn't matter now, we're here."

I didn't truly feel that way, I just didn't want to talk about it. Twilight thankfully dropped the subject as the train stopped into the station. Together, we silently grabbed our stuff and stepped out on the platform.

Rockton started as a small rock quarry inside a canyon on the edge of Equestrian land. It soon became a trade depot between ponies and griffons. It wasn't as large as other trade points, but it was the only one within a few hundred miles. The ponies here built their houses into the rock as they dug so it looked like a large quarry eel nest instead. Occasionally, a griffon or a caravan would stay a few nights before either returning home or heading into Equestria. It just so happened that the first person we met was a griffon.

"Sup, griff?" Surprisingly, most of the griffons I came across weren't like Gilda at all. With their mix of species, I'd have thought them violent and aggressive, but what did I know?

"Griff? Ah, the human. What brings you here?"

Twilight was scanning the area with her magic, so I figured I'd do all the talking. "Royal business. You staying here or just visiting?"

"Eh, I've been here for a few weeks, why?

"I'm investigating the strange happenings around here. Any leads?"

"Yeah, I do."

I sighed and handed him a few coins. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the royal business... "So?"

The information he supplied was identical to Slade, only this time, griffons would disappear as well. He pointed me towards where they appeared and I decided to head straight there.

"Dex, aren't you going to investigate further? He could have only part of the truth or lied."

"Twilight, everything he said is the same as Slade." We stayed on the canyon floor, as the reappearances were on the other side. "I'm willing to bet that once it gets dark, the thing will show up right where he said ponies and griffons were appearing."

"But the data isn't complete. What if it's different this time?"

"We have time. If it doesn't appear, we'll continue the investigation. Now, since it will be awhile, any tips on defeating a CS?"

"The Chaotic Shade? Hmm..."

It took us an hour to get to where the canyon opened up into the plains denoting griffon territory. In that time, Twilight shared all she knew about Chaotic Shades and their weaknesses. The problem was, they had no real weaknesses. Every time their form changed, the head or heart could be in a different position and the fight could extend until the one fighting it would tire. Twilight's spell would also need to hit in a certain spot for it to work, so that was out unless I could distract it.

We stood there as the sun went down. The stars came out to keep us company as the last rays of sunlight bled away to darkness. A few times, Twilight looked like she wanted to say something, but the look on my face must have kept her silent. Just as I was about to turn around, the unsightly thing appeared.

"And that, Twilight, is your Chaotic Shade." I looked to her with a smirk on my face. "Is it everything you thought it was?"

She was shaking, but had a determined look in her eyes. "Are you going to talk or attack? This thing needs to go down."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm getting to it." The thing actually stood there and let us talk. I thought it was hilarious. Just like the villain in a show! As I strolled forward and calmly drew my blade, it shifted into something like a tiger and pounced. A blast from Twilight sent it flying before it could reach me.

"Dex! Would you take this seriously?!"

I looked back at her. "Hmm? Oh, sure." She can defeat it and I can defeat it. As long as she-

My thoughts were cut off as a black sphere rolled into me. The softness of it confused me, but complaining would have been stupid. Alright, fine, I'll deal with you. I got up and set my feet. The Shade's form changed into a large bear. Let's do this!

I let the bear charge me and jumped right. My blade was extended where I was, but it saw this and stopped. A paw swiped across my chest. Pain seared through me as I felt air rush past me. A blast shot over me when I met the ground and it hit the Shade. Alright, I should probably stop playing around. I hate anger so much, but if it kills it... I thought of Stone and past failures. Dammit! I stood for round two.

Its form changed again. Release. My mind switched to a reactionary state. The Shade charged again. I ran and it turned to follow me. Another blast of energy hit. It stumbled and I swung. I hit a leg as it morphed. A rear leg kicked out and hit my shin. I fell to my knees. With the sword still buried in its leg, I forced it through until I hit it's chest. It let out an unearthly roar and leapt away. I threw my sword after it. The blade met skull and the Shade fell limp. It dissolved before my eyes.

Panting, I stood and winced at the pain in my chest and leg. I limped over and picked up my sword. Another shock ran through me and I felt good, like I never got hurt. Twilight was using her magic to study what happened and waved me over. Oh! Is it, 'I know what's going on time?'

"Are you alright?" She was panting from magic strain.

"Yeah, fine. You?" Getting healed after a battle... More video game references!

"Tired, but," Twilight looked up and smiled, "I know what's going on."