• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,731 Views, 116 Comments

The Chaos Within - StapleCactus

Dex, a human of the Solar Guard of Equestria, has more to deal with than ever before.

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We landed on the outskirts of town. It was more quiet than I was used to for Slade. I knew the townsfolk would take caution, but this was too much.

"Something isn't right here. Slade's normally a little more active than this at night," I said.

"Keep your wits about you, boy. What do you see?"

I saw boarded up windows. Every streetlight was on and anypony I saw hurried to his destination. They weren't panicking yet, but tensions were high. I told our drivers to rest at the inn while we looked around.

"What do you think Stone? Panacea?"

"Whatever is going on, we'd better keep an eye out. I'm thinking some creature is up to something here." Stone always thought it was something to fight; it didn't help that he was normally right.

"There's something sweet in the air. Most likely, weaker willed ponies are drawn to it. That's probably when they come back acting different." On the other side of the coin, Pan wouldn't fail to mention some plant or poison.

"Hmm, what if it's both?" I was trying to lighten the mood a bit. Pan just rolled her eyes and Stone gave me a bored look.

"You always say that, boy. Not one time has it ever been both. Come on, we'd better go rest." Pan and I followed him to the inn.

Slade's inn and tavern was the standard affair. With beds upstairs and a bar on the main floor, patrons didn't have to worry about what would happen after too much drink. I spotted our transporters at a table and waved my friends to join them. Hope y'all have fun tonight.

"What'll ya have?" An old mare was running the check-in counter. I secured three rooms and meals for five. As I headed towards the stairs, Stone stopped me from across the room.

"Dex! Where ya going boy!"

"You enjoy yourselves. I'm going headed to the room early." I tossed the other two room keys towards him. "Y'all figure out sleeping arrangements." At that, I headed upstairs, found my room, and flopped on the leftmost bed. Two beds per room, five people. I wonder how they'll figure this one out. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" A young golden filly came in with a tray on her back. Hmm. "Hey, I have a question for you." She slid the platter on a small table near the door and looked at me.

"Yes?" Her voice was quiet, but it had bite to it. Whoa... Bad day?

"Can you tell me anything about the past few weeks?" Information is information no matter the source they say.

She groaned and sat down with her silver tail wrapped around her. "I can tell you a lot of things. Be more specific."

"Having a bad day, Riches?" I still gotta use her nickname to get her to open up.

"Only too many questions being thrown my way. You're curious about the disappearances right?" She hopped on the bed with me and laid down. "I don't know much. The way everypony's talking, it sounds like a living shadow." A living shadow?

"That's all you know?"

"Yeah, sorry Numbers." She yawned. "Can I sleep here?"

Riches and I met when I first came to Slade. Since I had to stay at the inn, she would always be around and I started to enjoy her company. I eventually started calling her Riches, and she, in mock revenge, started calling me Numbers. Now, it was like we were siblings that only got to see each other on rare occasions. "Yeah, Riches, I'm going to eat."

Another yawn and she spoke. "Okay, it's carrot soup though. Night," and then she was off to dreamland. The soup had cooled by this point, so I quickly drank it and laid down with Riches after blowing out the candle.

So some sort of shadow is tormenting these ponies. What is this, Alan Wake? Ugh, what are we supposed to do, make a bonfire or something? Whatever, we'll kill it and be on our way soon enough.

I woke up with a peach in my face. Or rather, it looked like a peach. When I shuffled back, I saw Pan glaring at me.

"So what's this, hmm? Is there something you forgot to tell me, Dex?" The way she said my name was an instant warning flag. I looked down and saw Riches curled up next to me. I knew what Pan was getting at even in my half asleep state.

"Really Panacea? Really?" I just stared at her. It didn't take long for her to start squirming.

"Well, I thought..."

"Ahuh. So Stone didn't say anything to you?"

"I haven't seen him since he went to sleep in the third room." I did a double-take.

"Wait, what? How did you guys decide the sleeping arrangements?"

"....I lost a bet...." She started blushing.

"So... you had to sleep here... while Stone got his own room..."

"Um... yeah... " Blushing reaching maximum levels!

"And you didn't wake me up then because..."

"Would you two just kiss good morning already?!" Apparently, Riches was up the whole time. The question also caused Pan to seize up.

"We aren't like that Riches. Since you're up, would you care to explain why you were under the covers with me? I seem to recall you didn't like sheets."

"No. Have fun with your girlfriend, I have to get ready for work." Riches then hoped out of bed and left. I got up and stretched; as I got to the door, I looked back at Pan.

"Yo, Pan, I'm heading down," I said and left. Silly Pan. It's funny how easy it is to mess with these ponies.

Thirty minutes later, Stone and I were discussing various avenues of investigation when Pan came down the stairs. She didn't say a word as she shot me a glare, ate, and headed towards the door. A look was shared between Stone and me, then we hurried after her.

We spent the morning and afternoon gathering what little information we could. Other than points towards where the missing ponies appeared from, we had no luck. Panacea was quiet the entire time. Stone spoke up as we walked towards our last stop, the other side of town where the ponies reappeared.

"Oy, Panacea, what happened? Did the boy come onto you last night?" I know you're working for a laugh Stone, but it's not helping.

I sighed and preceded to explain. "...And that's what happened. Now, are you going to continue to grump up the place or are you going to help us figure this out?"

"I'm not being grumpy! I'm just... tired, that's all."

"Tired? You should have told me before we left! I wouldn't have made you go." I felt bad then; I didn't want my friends thinking they had to join me on command.

"Not that kind of tired." There was a pause. "Us. I'm tired of the jokes about us, Dex." Oh...

"Well, um... I got nothing. Stone?"

"Don't look at me, boy! This is your problem not mine." I didn't get a chance to respond. A large shadow blanketed us. When we looked up, I saw a ..thing. There was nothing to describe it. It's form never stayed as one shape and was solid black. Panacea jumped back as Stone and I prepared for battle.

We split up, Stone going left and me going right. I drew my sword, he drew his. We came back together and sliced at the thing. It roared in pain and swiped at Stone. He dodged and jumped on it's exposed arm. I ran around and attacked from behind. The thing's form shifted. I heard a cry of pain and ran back. Stone was down.

"Stone!" I ran in front of the beast and sheathed my weapon. Alright, don't think. Feel. I felt my anger build and my mind slip. Once I couldn't add any more anger, I let myself go. Release.

I rushed forward. Sidestepped left. Slashed up and to the right as I drew. Its form changed and swung. I parried the blow to the right. I followed through with it. One appendage lost. Another swing and I held my sword out. It's other arm split down the middle. When it fell, I ran forwards. I stabbed my sword through it's head. The beast grew still.

I left my sword embedded in the beast and ran back to the others. "STONE!" I dropped to my knees and looked him over.

Blood trickled out of Stone's mouth as he looked up to me. "Don't worry about me, boy. Right, Panacea?" When I looked up to her, I saw her horn glowing.

"A cracked rib and some internal bleeding, but he'll be alright. It would be best if we hurried back to Canterlot. Slade's medical supplies aren't very useful here." Right.

I nodded and got up to retrieve my sword. The monster was missing and my sword laid on the ground. What...the...? Shaking it off as nothing, I reached for the katana. There was a slight jolt when I grabbed it, like I was hit with a static discharge. What happened? Did the monster turn to particles like in a game or something? I need to tell Celestia. My weapon was sheathed, our ride arrived, and Pan placed Stone in with her telekinesis.

"Be careful, stallions. Stone is injured and too much rough flying can make him worse," she warned. We boarded and we were on our way once more. "Dex, are you alright?"

"Hmm? Yeah, thinking." The more I think about it, it was like a video game...