Yet another mundane day in the quiet Equestrian town of Ponyville, birds chirped and flew around without a care. A light breeze flowed through bringing with it the scent of apples from Sweet Apple Acres. Through town strode a lone Pegasus, well what WAS a Pegasus at one point. Now after some extensive surgery and genetic bionics he was once again able to fly, but his iron clad wings were hard to miss with the way they contrasted his pale blue coat. Ascended Wings, captain of the Cloudsdale guard, was here for one reason and one reason only: To snuff out and eliminate the 'moon shining' that had been brought to his attention.
One could ask 'Why is he here?', but they would likely not receive the gratification, or even a casual glance in their general direction, for at this moment he was headed to town hall in search of records for current Ponyville Citizens, one in particular. He pushed open the simple wooden doors leading into the lobby of Town Hall and approached the front desk.
“I presume you are the Mayor’s receptionist?”
“Why yes, how may I help you sir?” A young pale green mare sat behind the desk looking rather bored.
“I need to access your records for the past ten years.”
“You'll have to get that cleared with the mayor, you can make an appoint-”
“I have been requested by the mayor to snuff out an illegal operation within Ponyville,” he interrupted. "And I intend to do so. Now if you would be so kind as to show me to them. That would be greatly appreciated.”
“Yes sir, right this way.” The mare seemed a bit unnerved by Ascended Wings assertiveness but he shrugged it off as he always did. “Here you are. This book here will tell you where to locate anything you are looking for.”
“Thank you, I'll be a while so you won't need to check up on me.” The receptionist nodded and backed out the door leaving Ascended to his duty. “Alright Easthoof, where can I find you...”
“I smell a smelly smell... It smells, smelly...” Flint took the cigarette from his mouth and sniffed at random intervals. “You smell that Mac?”
“Whacha think it is?” Flint tossed his cigarette to the ground and grabbed his flask containing a bit of Cider from a previous batch.
“Dunno, might wanna go check it out though.”
“Go for it, I'm watchin' the still.” Flint waved his hoof as if to dismiss Big Mac while he sat back on his haunches. “Make sure nopony follows you back though.”
“Ah know Flint.”
“If ya see her bring AJ back here, I haven't seen her in a while an’ I bet she'd be interested in this operation we got goin'.”
“Will do if'n I see her.” Mac pushed the shed door open and trotted outside. “Flint ya'll need a real job. Somethin' that won't get you tossed away for doin' everyday... Like buckin' apples an’ such.”
“Ya know you ain't that quiet when ya whisper!” Flint yelled from inside the shed having overheard Macs short lived monologue. “An’ you know I can't buck apples for shit!” Big Macintosh laughed quietly to himself and set out to 'sniff out' the unknown odor that had piqued their interests.
“A PEGASUS?! What in tarnation are y'all talkin' about?!” Being pregnant was in fact a rather odd thing for Applejack, but the fact the foal she was carrying held the traits of a pegasi it stirred up numerous questions inside her that she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answers to.
“I'm afraid so, and as I'm sure you're aware, there's only one way for this to have happened.” Twilight looked her country friend in the eye, calm as ever. “You slept with a Pegasus and you're carrying his child.”
“Ah ain't slept with nopony! Ah... Ah'm still a virgin!” Applejack had grown both confused and frightened at the prospect of being a mother, something she wasn't ready for yet.
“You're wrong on both accounts I'm afraid. Knowing you, you probably got drunk and went to bed with a rather unsavory character.”
“Ain't there somethin' y'all can do to make it stop?”
“APPLEJACK! How could you ask such a thing? From ME of all ponies! You KNOW I would NEVER practice black magic even for my best friends!” Twilight, for the first time since their friendship began, was infuriated with Applejack; she had never been known to make such dark requests even during her most stressful of times. “I know you don't think you're ready to take on this responsibility but you have to, there's no other way.”
“Ah'm sorry Twi, Ah'm just scared, what if Ah ain't a good mother? Or Ah can't take care of it, what then?” AJ had begun to shed tears now and was crying almost as hard as she did when she lost her father.
“That's what friends are for.” Twilight moved over to Applejack and wrapped her foreleg around her. “Whenever you need help, we'll be there. No matter what you're struggling with, we'll do our best to help, especially Rainbow; she is the Element of Loyalty after all.”
Flint sat alone in his shed as his still went through its steps to create the intoxicating elixir he and Mac had brewed. The only sound to accompany him was the boiling liquid inside the pot and the soft breeze outside coaxing the leaves on the trees.
Opening the flap on his shirt, Flint studied the small golden trinket pinned to the inside. “Sure hope you're enjoying the high life Spitty. Wish I could've made it to the big times with you...”
885239 I figured you'd like that :P I'm downloading GIMP right now cause SUMO seems to be offline, who knows maybe I'll be able to make even better shtuff via the program now.
885247 Sweet as always good stuff, can't wait for more
885273 Well good, I'm working on the 5th installment as of now, Ascended is a main character and yeah... Exciting ideas I have in store.