• Member Since 20th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 1st, 2020

Flint Easthoof

I... Am... Guy that doesn't have enough time to write anymore... For now.


Flint Easthoof, resident Hard Cider smuggler of Ponyville. Born in Cloudsdale he grew up much like those of the Apple Clan who held hard work in high praise. Since discovering his talent, he was kicked out by his parents due to the nature of his cutie mark. Now he lives on the outskirts of Ponyville working side by side with Big Macintosh distilling and distributing said cider for all the alcoholics of Ponyville.

Check out the up and coming prequel 'Business Partners' by Ascended Wings himself here! http://www.fimfiction.net/story/49280/Business-Partners

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 120 )

Poor him, thrown out by his own family because of his cutie mark.

734373 Not sure if that's supposed to be sarcasm or genuine empathy...

734387 You mean Flint Easthoof :derpytongue2:

734426 Ah, well did you like it regardless? (assuming 'the former' means option a.)

734475 Saweeeet, working on chapter 2 right meow, if you have any comments, questions, concerns and/or ideas to contribute please do so. I want my readers to enjoy this as much as possible.

734424 yeah right that's good old eastwood

I was wondering when you would write the next chapter of "From Death to Life.". But now I see. :pinkiegasp:

A quick mechanical note: Add periods at the ends of sentences, and split up your independent clauses with commas and coordinating conjunctions.

Seems good, marked to read later.

735477 dude i'm a high school drop out, only thing I understood was add periods lol

735158 From Death To Life was a one shot fic. Not completely tied with this.

Think Dash will try to get some Cider through Big Mac? never really see much interaction between them. Unless I'm looking for that ship. but yeah..

740149 I didn't think about that one o.O it may just happen, or somethin' like that. Who knows, I don't we'll just have to wait and see what my mind decides later on haha

haha I've been waiting for this story! damn good so far

741996 expect to see more of Reverb.

802154 Yeah, but don' tell nobody. lol glad you're liking it, I'm working on changing my style up a little bit by adding more description to scenes as well as including more 'action' so to speak.

DUN DUN DUUUUUUUH! Sorry had to be done, I'm going to guess Flint's the father?
Good chapter dude, and good timing, just finished chapter 2

802158 'Action' eh you mean the....*cough cough* 'Rolling in the Hay' Action *cough*

802166 Negative, tis no clop-fic, there may be a 'flashback' to how it all came to pass but definately no 'fapping material'. haha

802170 That's good then:P Looking forward to the next chapter:pinkiehappy:

802205 Hopefully I can figure somethin' out for that soon, until then if you have any suggestions or whatever be sure to let me know :P

Remember me? I'd like my OC in there somewhere. :pinkiehappy:
Good stuff by the way, some grammar errors, but otherwise, it's great. :moustache:
Ascended Wings, Pegasus, blue, steam punk wings, quiet and reserved, lived in Cloudsdale, former Captain of the Cloudsdale Guard.


Cant wait 'till next chapter, however short or long it is. :D :pinkiehappy:

806619 806667 Since you have requested it, I shall do what I can. I'll probably start on the 4th chapter tomorrow, as far as grammatical errors and such go, you can point em out, but if they're in the dialogue itself then there's no problem.

And i'll do your requested artwork. :pinkiecrazy:

810002 Shweeeeeeeeeeeet lol I might need to get Ascended's personality traits real quick though so PM em to me. I get kinda forgetful XD

885239 I figured you'd like that :P I'm downloading GIMP right now cause SUMO seems to be offline, who knows maybe I'll be able to make even better shtuff via the program now.

885247 Sweet as always good stuff, can't wait for more

885273 Well good, I'm working on the 5th installment as of now, Ascended is a main character and yeah... Exciting ideas I have in store.

942171 The question is will he face her like a Stallion or will he run (as you suggested) like a frightened Colt? We'll find out in the next chapter of Business is Good! Remember any ideas, comments, questions, concerns or suggestions you may have for the story let me know, if I remember correctly somebody wanted clop and I'm looking for an author t do just that.

942203 It's AppleJack mad....I'd run for the flipping hills!

942213 Yes, this is quite true. Plus he pissed off Rainbow so they may just team up to catch him. Hmmm....

942275 But the story is far from over :pinkiehappy: be sure to let any bored readers know about this fic.

Ok, NOW Flint is screwed, A pissed off pregnant AppleJack, an angry RainbowDash and BigM threatening him. Welp nice knowing you Flint.

991209 The worlds out to get him don't ya know?

Oh Ditzy...you little tiger you. :pinkiehappy:

Flint better help AJ of so help me god i will no be happy. :twilightangry2:

1191704 I'm a terrible person ain't I? Flint has become a conniving little shit, a ferret of sorts. I wonder what this chapter will bring to your minds that will utterly change the story forever much like you guys did with 'A Flight to Remember' (which btw will be the next fic I update).

1191711 I kind as see Flint as one of those who does bad but realizes what he is doing and tries to correct it, but only when the Beds have been Made.

1191731 Yeah more or less, I've got an idea for the ending and whatnot but I'm not quite sure. By the by, Ascended Wings (user not character) is writing a proquel to this story, basically Flint and Ascended in flight school when they were friends with Spitfire and Soarin. So when he gets that up I'm gonna put up a link for you and everybody else to go give him some lovin'. I'm sure you can all help him just as much as you do for me.

1191751 Awesome, i'll look for that then:raritywink:

1191759 You can probably add him to your watch list, he's right up there in the comments. Also, if you need any artwork done, you should hit him up, he's amazing.

Quite the intro so far! I have a little trouble picturing tobacco and alcohol in the ponyville from the show, but this works very well as a semi 'alternate universe' story.

My only suggestion would be to add descriptions of the characters. Even though we all know what Big Mac and Rainbow Dash look like, it would be nice to hear it from Flint's perspective. It would get us in his head a little more.

Looks like Flint's lifestyle is about to catch up with him! Dun dun dun

1222713 Considered, noted and applied. I've always kinda figured that was one of my downfalls in writing, a lack of substance and description for things. haha

1222732 And that's where Ascended Wings comes in, you can read about him later.

Dun dun dun! It was hinted pretty early who the father was, but still lol, it should be fun to see the reveal. Although...if AJ doesn't know how she got pregnant...what does that imply...? :rainbowhuh:

1222748 You're just commenting as you go along ain'tcha? lol

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