• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 2,276 Views, 120 Comments

Business is Good - Flint Easthoof

Flint Easthoof, resident Hard Cider smuggler of Ponyville. Want a drink?

  • ...

You Poor Thing

“You can't be serious.” Rainbow Dash eyed Applejack suspiciously, hoping that in some way it was all a terrible joke when she knew all too well the intentions of the Element of Honesty.

“Ah'm afraid not, that's why Ah gotta go talk to Flint.” Applejack trotted behind Rainbow Dash, her breathing gradually growing more and more labored.

“So you're telling me he got you drunk, knocked you up and just left without a word?”

“Thas how Ah remember it.” Applejack shook her head. “Ah don't know what Ah'm gonna do RD, the whole prospect of havin' a foal kinda scares me.”

“Well duh, Sweet Apple Acres isn't exactly rolling in bits and having a newborn foal around isn't gonna do you guys any better. You should probably just pawn it off on Flint, let him raise it.”

“Rainbow Dash! How could ya'll say such a thing? Ah know it's gonna be hard but I can't just take the easy way out. That ain't the Apple family way, ya'll should know that.”

“I don't know what to tell you then, it's the only thing I can think of aside from having you and Flint raise it together.”

“Ah never actually thought of that.” Applejack put a hoof to her chin and began pondering the possibilities.

“Thought of what?”

Applejack remained silent walking alongside her friend. She mulled everything over in her mind, all the pros and cons that could and most likely will, come with being with Flint. She looked back up at Dash and grinned halfheartedly.

“Gettin' to really know Flint... Lettin' this here youngin' a grow up good an proper.” Applejack looked down at her swollen belly and smiled. “He can't be that bad of a guy when ya get to know him right?”


“Mac. You do realize who you're talkin' to right?” Flint stood up and eyed Big Macintosh warily. “The lil' shit will be better off without me around, you know that just as well as I do.”

“Flint, Ah don't rightfully care, it's you responsibility since ya'll gave into your carnal desires an slept with AJ. Ah reckon she's on her way here right now to have a couple words with ya.” Mac turned around and opened the door to the shed. “I'll be right outside this door, you ain't goin nowhere till the two of you talk this out. Understand?”

“Yeah sure whatever...” Flint watched as his friend lumbered out the door and quietly closed it behind him. He waited until he was sure Mac wasn't listening before he finally broke down. “Shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT! What am I gonna do? I can't take care of a foal, much less a mare! Shit!” Flint was in a dead-set panic trying to find some sort of alternative solution to his dilemma.

“But I can't run either, that's not right. GAH!” Flint buried his head in his hooves and collapsed to his rump. “I'm screwed, there's no way for me to wiggle my way out of this one.” Just then, a gloriously terrible idea came to Flints mind. “If I just take the kid under my wing, I won't have to worry about paying AJ any money!”

Standing up, he sauntered over to a nearby bench and sat down, awaiting Applejacks arrival.

Outside the door, Big Macintosh sat quietly thinking about the whole situation. He knew Flint, he knew of all his shortcomings and personal flaws. Flint was, in his opinion, not the most honorable or noble of ponies, something that had always backfired on him throughout life. Sure, the pegasus has his moments, but even then those were rare occasions.

“What am I gonna do with you Flint?” Mac mumbled quietly to himself. “Yer one of the few true friends Ah got...” Big Macintosh heard footsteps and immediately looked up to find Applejack and Rainbow Dash headed straight for the shed. He decided it best that he go meet them halfway to give them a small margin of time to discuss the situation.

“So Ah take it the little feathered rat is in that there shed?” Applejack stated rather blatantly. “No offense RD.” Rainbow simply shrugged it off and kept to her hovering.


“Alrighty, well Rainbow, I hate to ask. But could ya'll stay out here with Big Macintosh? This conversation is gonna be pretty personal.”

“No problem AJ, I can probably show Mac here some of my tricks anyway.” Rainbow turned to make and gave him subtle wink, one that hadn't phased him on the outside, yet on the inside, seemed to set his heart ablaze.

Applejack waltzed through the door, a minute later, Rainbow and Mac bared witness to a one sided shouting match that would rival Princess Luna’s 'Royal Canterlot Voice'.

“So... Dash. Can ya'll show me some o' them fancy tricks ya'll like to do so much?” Rainbow couldn't see it, but Big Mac was blushing harder than a school filly who had just been asked to Prom.


“So what time do you get off work then ms. Doo?” If Ascended was trying to be smooth, Ditzy was the only pony that would have noticed as she seemed to cling to his words for dear life.

“Oh I can leave right now, all the important stuff is done already.” It was all too apparent that Ditzy was head over fetlocks for this new stallion, even if Ascended himself couldn't quite tell.

“Oh... Well where would you like to go? I don't know of many places in this town, so you'll have to be my guide of sorts.”

“We don't have to go anywhere special, I'm a modest mare who likes the simple things in life. So if you'd like, we could just walk around town. Maybe get to know each other a little better.” At this point, Ditzy had walked out from behind the desk and was edging ever closer to Ascended. She wore a look of pure sultry desire on her face, yet to Ascended she just looked a bit sleep deprived.

“I'd like that. Shall we go then?” Ascended trotted over to the door and opened it motioning for Ditzy to take the lead.

“And a gentlecolt too. Oh Mr. Wings, could you be any more of a charmer?”

“I don't know, I'm just doing what every stallion should do.” Ditzy gave a soft smile and traipsed out the door, making sure to flip her tail up beneath the nose of Ascended. The result was a slightly flabbergasted Captain of the Guard watching the backside of a mare sway to and fro in an almost hypnotized state.

“Well, are you coming? Or are you just gonna stare at my flanks all day?” She elicited a slight giggle shaking Ascended from his stupor.

“Ah... Yeah, I- I'm sorry...”

“I don't mind. Not one bit.” She waited for Ascended to catch up to her. When he had finally matched her pace, she took the initiative to lean against him, it was time to bring out her 'A game'. “After all, I'm sure being the... Captain... of the guard must be a VERY lonely profession. Am I right?”

“Well, there are some nights where-”

Time to play the trump card, she thought. “Oh you poor thing!” she nuzzled closer to him, giving him as much affection as she could possibly muster. “What ever can I do to make your stay here a pleasant one?”