• Published 7th Feb 2016
  • 9,934 Views, 29 Comments

All Dolled Up - Zubric

Rainbow Dash while heading home from a Wonderbolt show, stops to rest on the roof of one of the factories in Manehatton. However something catches her attention and her curiosity soon get her in trouble.

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Crinkle crinkle

Rainbow Dash spun about, doing various flips through the air as she made her way along the skylines of Manehatton. The sun was beginning to set, Dash deciding to take a quick break on a rooftop nearby. Being the industrial side of town, the area around her had various chimney stacks and wire crisscrossing about. “Gah can’t believe I got lost,” she grumbles, “At least the Wonderbolt show was nice.”

As she sat to take a short break, her ears moved about listening to the calmness that came over the evening cityscape. With most factories closed, the area was very surreal. Her glance soon spotted the open skylight window nearby, and with nothing else to focus on she peeked inside. Far below Dash could see a maze interconnected assembly lines each housing all kind of toys and doodads. The warehouse itself was quiet and despite everypony having left already, the lights still illuminated the factory floor. Normally Dash would have gotten bored of such machinery, but at the last second her hawk-like eyes spotted something off in one section.

“Hmm?” She looked about quickly, “A quick look can’t hurt, not like I'm stealing,” she silently drifted down getting a better look at what she had caught her eye. Her hooves landed on one of the belts as she stared at the life-sized unicorn plush doll. “Wow, that's...kind of creepy.” She touched the figure, feeling the soft fuzzy fabric, almost felt like real fur. With her curiosity satisfied she opened her wings to take the air, only to be stopped by some glowing blue magic.

Rainbow gasped fearing she been caught by some security guard and frankly looked around for the unicorn holding her. “I swear I wasn’t stealing.” But to her shock, all she saw was a mechanical arm with a large round gemstone attached to the end of it hanging above her. The gem glowed constantly admitting the energy that was holding her. “Eep, hey let me go!” The arm didn’t respond as the magical magnet plucked her static body up and took her along down the rail to an adjacent conveyor belt. She continued her struggle to get free soon seeing more gem tipped arms extending out along the line. Each arm had some kind of box next to them containing who knows what. The magic tugged on her forcefully planting her on the belt upon her back and within moments the belt began to move until it reached the next station.

Dash squirmed, helpless as she saw a large poofy pink garment being brought over in the machine’s magical glow. “Hey help, anyone!’ It was no use her yells drowned out by the hum of the machinery around her. She tried wiggling, but yet again, the magic held her in place as her forehooves were now held above her head while the diaper was unfolded before her. She grunted and pushed against the invisible grip as her rump was lifted off the conveyor belt. As much as Dash wanted to move her tail to stall the inevitable diapering, the magic had control of that too. Soon her tail was threaded it into the back of the diaper, the leak guard hugging her dock. Rainbow squeaked at the oddly soft sensation as the padding sat against her rump firmly and crinkled once she laid back down. ‘No stop!’ She blushed watching as each of her legs was moved to the side as the darker pink tabs are secured into place ensure a seal. Dash observed that the tabs were large for easy gripping, but not like Dash could move to undo them.

As the belt moved her to the next station, she took a second to examine the padding now secured around her rump. the bulk was excessive, meant to look cute more than anything. Dash doubted she could even get her legs to close properly now. “Ugh this is so embarrassing,” she whined. The now diapered mare came to a stop as arms once more extending from the station reaching for more of her new dress up attire. A small whimper escaped her lips as four silk lavender booties are brought over, their frills on them surely the envy of every filly doll. One by one, each hoof is bootied the small strings tied taut. In the back of Rainbow’s mind, somewhere hiding behind her shock of what was happening, she found the booties quite soft and comfy to wear. But right now, she was embarrassed beyond belief. Her cheeks turned an even brighter shade of red as a snow white onesie is brought out with pink highlights along the diaper hatch and the logo of Miss Potty on the front. “No!” she yelled to no avail as her body was sat up and the fabric pulled over her head. The magic tingled as the hatch was buttoned up bulging the diaper trapped underneath. Every time her body was moved the diaper responded with loud crinkle, a constant reminder of the pegasus predicament.

As the belt moved she began to think of how this could get any worse, however, her inner thoughts were soon answered as a large pacifier with a white mouth guard was shoved into her mouth. To make matter worse it apparently had a strap which was swiftly fastened behind her head. This feature was probably to make sure the paci didn’t fall out during production. But for Dash, the new living doll, it was a rather effective gag muffling any yelps she let out. Her eyes went wide as she saw the large pink blanket being laid down. Her captive body was set upon it right in the middle. She once more tugged against the magic whining and screaming muffled calls for help. in the dim light, she could see a packaging device as her body is wrapped up like a burrito in the soft fuzzy blanket. Much like a normal foal swaddling, she could only kick lightly and was unable to move her head as it put into the hood segment.

“Mmmph!” She squirmed, feeling the magic once holding her cease. The blanket was snug and with her current getup slowed her down. Her newly swaddled form is picked up and slid in a colourful pink box with other items that were placed alongside her. The front was made of clear plastic to show off the toy inside. Rainbow kept muffling as twist ties went over her tummy and tightened behind the box pressing her into the backboard. Escape became impossible as she heard adhesive applied to the top before being closed. The package was grabbed in a magic field once more and soon set on the third shelf amongst the other life-sized dolls.

As Dash made more despite attempts to move, she noted the doll across the aisle. It looked almost exactly like her, or at least the head part did. Its light blue fur stood out amongst the dim light along with the soulless plastic eyes staring back at her, albeit a light green instead of her velvet. With her mane tucked under the swaddling, she looked exactly like one of the toys. She saw the large baby bottle along with two spare diapers in the box along with the writing, “She really goes potty”

In a different set of circumstances, Dash might have found her outfit and blanket comfy. But right now, she was panicking on what to do. She grunted, desperately attempting one last time to break free. All of her attempts tired herself out and she exhaled through her nose. Her cheeks never stopped blushing as the lights turned off one by one, darkness consuming the warehouse. Dash could only hope someone would find her and get her out, it be super embarrassing, but was her only hope at the moment. She sighed and closed her eyes kept warm by the clothes. She would miss her train but there was always tomorrow and hopefully, she could restore her dignity. It took no time at all for her to nod off leaving the only distinction from the other toys being her slow breathing as the warm garments kept her safe as a foal.