• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 1,785 Views, 32 Comments

Dazzling Rainbow - VitalSpark

When Rainbow Dash opened the door to see Adagio Dazzle standing there, she could have never predicted the adventure, romance and pain that went with it.

  • ...

Five X's

Rainbow rolled over to face the ceiling before blinking her eyes open, the bright sun through the cracks in the curtains greeting her. "Ugh. What time is it?" she asked aloud, unsure if Adagio was in the room or not.

"Half past ten," Adagio answered calmly. "You've been asleep for almost eleven hours."

Rainbow frowned lightly. "Well, that wasted almost half my day," she said, sitting up, her stomach rumbling. "Heh, perfect timing," she grinned.

Adagio rolled onto her side to face Rainbow. "Your body probably still needs rest to recover from everything it's been through." She grinned. "I woke up hours ago."

"That, or I'm just tired," Rainbow said, still grinning. "Anyway, it's kinda hard to concentrate on much with an empty stomach."

Adagio ignored Rainbow's concerns. "But I've been… errr… keeping myself busy."

Rainbow blinked. "What? Busy with what?"

"Oh, nothing," Adagio said. She climbed out of bed. "Oh, I hope you don't mind me borrowing these clothes. Let's go downstairs and have some breakfast."

"Breakfast," Rainbow said with a chuckle. "Not entirely sure if 'breakfast' means the first meal of the day or the meal you have in the morning. In one case, it is not breakfast time." She hopped off the bed and walked towards the door.

Adagio hurried to get in front of her and lead her to the kitchen. There on the table was a basket of croissants, pain au chocolate, and other pastries, along with pots of jam and spreads, a stack of toast, and a bowl of fresh fruit. "Sorry… the umm… toast will be pretty cold by now," Adagio said.

"Wow," Rainbow said, "you've been keeping yourself busy alright. Thanks!" She sat down and looked around at all the food, before her eyes rested on the croissants.

"Uh… what's that?" she asked, looking back at Adagio.

"Croissants… I'm surprised you haven't tried them before… I got them from that bakery just around the corner from you. That's why I needed to borrow your clothes. And also because it feels weird preparing food naked. They're just a pastry thing. You can have them with jam or cheese or ham… oh crap… I forgot to get the cheese and ham. Never mind."

"We have a bakery around the corner?" Rainbow asked. "Eh, must be new," she said before picking one and taking a bite just by itself.
"Yeah, it's next door to the fruit and veg shop," Adagio said, sitting down at the table.

Rainbow blinked. "Well, they're pretty good."

"So, sit yourself down then, and eat some breakfast," Adagio suggested.

"Heh, right." Rainbow sat down and grabbed herself a plate, filling it with food.

Adagio put a couple of croissants on her plate and spooned a dollop of strawberry jam onto it. She proceeded to tear chunks of the pastry and dip them into the jam before eating them. "So, what should we do today?" she asked.

"I… I don't know," Rainbow said. "I never really thought about it," she added as she started to eat.

Adagio shrugged. She had an idea, but wasn't sure whether Rainbow would be interested. "Well, this is probably a stupid idea, but a couple of days ago I got sent a two-for-the-price-of-one voucher for a theme park. I suppose because it's winter they're trying to get as many people into the park as possible."

"Really?" Rainbow said excitedly. "Where is it?"

"About half an hour in the car," Adagio said. "It's just outside Trottingham."

"Sweet! We should go then! It's been a while since I've been to one of those places!" Rainbow said.

Adagio cleared up the breakfast things and put the plates away in the sink. "Is it okay if I pop home, get showered and changed and pick you up in about an hour?" she asked.

"Of course," Rainbow said. "I should get ready too. See ya soon!"

Adagio gave Rainbow a kiss on the cheek and turned to go to the door.

Rainbow smiled and watched her leave, before racing upstairs to get ready. Or, well, as fast as she could race.


Adagio drove home a little unsure about Rainbow's feelings for her. They'd had a nice date, and she'd gone to a lot of effort with that breakfast, but she felt like something was holding Rainbow back. Maybe their history was too much? She sighed as she pulled into the driveway.

Opening the door to her house, she found Sonata and Aria playing cards in the living room.

"You've been with Rainbow Crash this whole time?" Aria asked as she walked into the room. "She must be good in bed."

"Shut up, Aria!" Adagio said, mounting the stairs. At least they hadn't commented on the fact that she was wearing Rainbow's clothes. She locked the bathroom door and stripped off before turning the taps on the shower. Once the water was at the right temperature, she stepped inside and washed herself.

After towelling herself dry, she returned to her room and got dressed. Jogging trousers and a hooded top seemed a sensible choice for a trip to a theme park in the winter. She glanced at the alarm clock — still half an hour before she needed to leave to pick Rainbow up. She sighed — oh well, should spend some time with those idiots, she thought, I've barely seen them the last few days.

She went downstairs to find Aria and Sonata.

Aria placed down her cards with a smirk: she had all four aces. Sonata smirked even wider and placed down four jokers. Aria groaned and Sonata grinned, snatching up the last of the lollies in front of Aria.

"Hey, Adagio. Bet you can't beat me," Sonata said, folding her arms proudly.

"Ugh! I don't have time for your petty card games, Sonata," Adagio answered. "I came looking for some advice. I wanted someone wise — someone experienced in matters of love and life — who could help me make sense of what's going on. Someone I can trust. Someone who would be able to give me good advice. Someone who can ease this aching feeling I have in my chest. Unfortunately, all I have is you two."

Sonata looked away. "Well, that's not very nice. But..." She looked back with a smirk. "I'll promise to help you if you play with me. Just one game!"

Adagio sighed. "Fine! What are we playing? Please tell me it's not Go Fish."

"Nup! Snap!" Sonata grinned.

"Urgh!" Adagio groaned, shuffling the pack. She looked around for Aria, but she'd already made her escape. Adagio dealt the cards into two piles. "You go first then."

Sonata flipped over her first card and placed it down onto the table, the whole time keeping her eyes glued on the cards.

Adagio put a card on top of Sonata's, not really paying any attention. "So, the other night… Sunday night, it was… hard to believe it's been almost a week… things got a little… steamy between Rainbow and I… but since then, well, we've been hanging out almost constantly, but I feel like she's holding back from me a little. And I don't know what it is… could I have done something wrong?"

"Hmmm…" Sonata thought about it as she placed a card down. "Nope. It's not you," she said simply. "Have you been with her the whole time since you got together?"

Adagio shrugged, putting down another card. "Well, obviously not the whole time. She had school that one day… half a day. She stayed over here during the worst of the snow storm. The next day she went back to hers, and it was the following night I picked her up for our date at that tapas place. And I've been with her the whole time until… I dunno… 40 minutes ago?"

"Maybe she's getting texts from a secret admirer, and they confessed, and she doesn't know what to do because she really likes you but at the same time she's liked this person before as well and wants to give it a shot but doesn't want to hurt your feelings and so she's worried that she might make the heartbreak worse and doesn't want to go too far!" Sonata took a deep breath and placed down another card. "Or it could just be what you said. After all, we are the evil sirens who tried to take over the school. Ooh, snap!" She slammed her hand down and then grinned, picking up all the cards for her own.

"Maybe…" Adagio said, about to put down another card. "Oh, you said snap, so you get to go next. Gah! You're making me paranoid. Me! Paranoid!"

Sonata giggled and placed down a card. "Well, you asked."

"I suppose I did," Adagio answered, "I just didn't expect you to be so brutal with the truth… I suppose a lot of people underestimate you though, Sonata." She glanced at the wall clock. "Sheesh! Is that the time? I'm gonna put down all my cards. Go all in. Final card wins." Adagio had no idea how that would work in Snap, but she just wanted to get the game over with.

Sonata giggled. "That's not really how the game works. It's fine, Dagi. You can go. Have fun!"

Adagio leapt up and headed out the door. "Bye, Nata," she called.

She trudged to the car, opened the front passenger door, closing it again when she realized Rainbow wasn't here. She rolled her eyes, thanking her lucky stars that Aria didn't see that — she'd never let it go. She went round to the driver's side, got in, started the car, and drove to Rainbow's house.


Rainbow quickly showered, then marched into her room with her towel wrapped around her to choose what she was going to wear. She rummaged through her drawers, but after five minutes of checking and rechecking, she couldn't decide.

She fell back on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. "Come on! I'm going to a theme park! How can it be so hard to just wear something?" she called out, lifting her arms in the air before flopping them down by her side.

"Hmmm…" she looked to the left and saw a notebook to her left. Frowning in confusion, she slid across her bed and picked it up to the front page. Rarity's phone number, written in a sparkly pink pen, covered the whole page. Rainbow blinked and rolled her eyes, closing it again.
Wait a second…

She took the book and headed back downstairs, grabbing the phone and hesitating for a second, before finally dialing Rarity's number.

"Hello, Rarity's House of Fashion, Miss Rarity speaking," Rarity said, answering the phone. It was something new she was trying.

"Uh… Rarity? What are you doing?" Rainbow asked, tilting her head.

"Is that you, Rainbow? Well, it won't be long before I graduate, so I've decided to take a more professional approach to my fashion interests. How I answer the phone is just one facet of the overall scheme," Rarity answered. "But I'm sure you didn't call to discuss my telephone manner. I always have time for you, darling, but I am rather busy, so if you could get to the point, that would be appreciated."

"Uh, sure. Sorry to bother you, but I'm going out on a date to the theme park and I'm having trouble deciding what to wear," Rainbow said, her cheeks slightly red.

"A… date? I take it this is with Adagio Dazzle again? Applejack has been texting me non-stop about that. I've tried to calm her down, but I don't know how successful I've been. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was… no, doesn't matter. So, a theme park…" Rarity thought for a bit. "It's warmed up slightly since the snow. You might be able to get away with a microskirt if you pair it up with thick leggings and thigh-high boots to stop your legs getting cold. And a big, baggy woollen sweater can hide a multitude of other layers underneath to keep you warm. That combination should be attractive on you, but still practical for rides and the like."

"Thanks Rarity!" Rainbow said. "Sounds great! So, uh, were you going to say something?" she asked, curious.

"No, it was nothing," Rarity muttered. "I was just thinking about how Applejack and Cloudy Kicks had that massive falling out a couple of weeks ago, and now they're friends again, but Applejack is suddenly anti-Adagio… well, not suddenly. Obviously the rivalry goes way back to the Battle, but… I don't know… headcanons," she laughed.

Rainbow shrugged and grinned awkwardly. "I see..." Has she been hanging out with Pinkie too much? "Well, thanks for your help Rarity. See ya." She placed the phone down. Applejack and Cloudy Kicks had an argument? When did that happen?

Rainbow walked up to her room and, with Rarity's outfit plan in mind, pulled out the corresponding items. She was halfway through pulling on her boots and tights when she heard a beep. Frowning, she looked around the room and found her phone stashed underneath the bed. Oh, so that's where it was! She picked it up and checked the notification.

"Sunset?" she said, opening it up.

The text read: Hey, Rainbow. Are you doing anything today? I thought maybe we could hang out and discuss strategy for the Friendship Games. Sunset xxxxx

Rainbow frowned lightly and thought for a bit. She was going to hang out with Adagio, but surely she wouldn't be at the park for too long. Besides, Adagio would understand if she told her.

Rainbow texted back: Sure. I can see you after lunch. You okay with that?

She peered closer at the text. She didn't think that putting 'xxx' was something friends did. But five x’s? She shrugged.

Rainbow pressed send, then quickly finished getting dressed, heading downstairs to wait for Adagio.

Adagio knocked on the door or Rainbow's house, a little hesitantly. Could there be something in what Sonata was saying?

Rainbow smiled and opened the door. Well, best not think about it now. "Hey Adagio! Let's go," she said, grinning.

Adagio raised her eyebrows, seeing Rainbow. Wow! she thought. This was so unlike how Rainbow normally dressed. So… feminine… but still practical. After a moment she collected her thoughts. "Come on," she said, leading the way to the car. She'd had to park a little way down the street because there were no parking spots close to Rainbow's house. But she'd parked as close as she could because she was aware that walking was still a strain for Rainbow.

Rainbow nodded and followed her down, thinking as she did. Though, I still have to tell her about the meeting. "Hey, Adagio?"

"Yes, Rainbow?" Adagio asked, opening the car door for her.

Rainbow sat in the car and waited for Adagio to sit in the seat next to her. "Umm, I got a text from Sunset asking to meet up with me today. I said I'd meet her at lunch, but totally forgot what the time was. I really don't want to rush our time together, but I don't want to be too late either. Is it okay if we cut it short a little?"

"Ummm…" Adagio thought for a moment. "My voucher is a 2-for-1 deal, but it doesn't limit the number of tickets. Sunset could come with us too, if you like. We could bring a fourth person too and they'd get a free ticket."

"Really?" Rainbow looked around, then remembered. "Uh, guess I better call her then. I'll be right back." She got out of the car and headed back inside to the phone to call Sunset. Quickly dialing her number, she leaned against the wall and waited.

"Hey, Rainbow," came the voice on the other side of the phone. "I was just getting ready to meet you."

"Uh, yeah, about that. See, it turns out my date was gonna be longer than I thought, so Ad- I mean, my date suggested that you come along with a friend. You don't need to worry about the money," Rainbow said.

"Come along where?" Sunset asked.

"Oh, right. Theme park!" Rainbow said.

"Cool. Are you going to come around and pick me up? Is your dad driving?" Sunset asked.

"Uh, my date is. But sure, we can do that!" Rainbow said. "See ya."

Sunset hung up the phone and thought about who else she'd like to invite to the theme park. She had to pick someone. It would be weird if it were just she, Rainbow, and Rainbow's date. Awkward. Having someone else there would take the pressure off. She dialled a number and waited for them to answer.

Pinkie happily stirred around the mixture for her cake, smiling happily. She was interrupted by the sound of the phone ringing.

"Hello! Pinkie Pie here!" she said happily.

"Pinkie, are you busy today?" Sunset asked.

"Nopey dope!" Pinkie replied. "I've been making cakes all day! That's how unbusy I've been!"

"You make cakes when you're busy, you make cakes when you're free," Sunset laughed. "How would you like to come to the funnest place on earth?" she asked, trying to really sell the idea.

Pinkie gasped happily. "Would I ever?! When? Where? Ooh, this sounds so exciting!"

"It's some theme park… Rainbow's invited us along. I think… I think Adagio's going to be there. She wouldn't say, but… they've been spending a lot of time together."

"Ohhhh! That's fine! I love theme parks! I'll see you guys there then!" Pinkie replied, grinning.

Rainbow climbed back into the car. "I told Sunset we'd pick her up," she said, buckling her seatbelt.

"Sure thing," Adagio said. "But you'll need to give me directions." She started the car and drove.

"Yep," Rainbow said, pointing out the way as they headed to Sunset's house.

They soon pulled up outside Sunset's house. She was waiting outside for them. She walked over to the car, seeing that it was indeed Adagio, as she suspected, that was Rainbow's date.
She opened the back door and climbed in, trying to act relaxed about sharing a vehicle with her once enemy and now rival. "Hi guys," she said in a casual tone, "how are you?"

"Very good," Adagio answered politely.

"Great!" Rainbow replied. "What about you?"

"Better now," Sunset answered, smiling at Rainbow.

Rainbow frowned lightly and tilted her head. "That's, um, great." She turned back, confused. What was that just now? Is she trying…? Nah, she wouldn't be.

Adagio started the car. "Are we picking anyone else up?"

"Yeah… no actually. Pinkie said she'd meet us there," Sunset answered, not knowing how Pinkie knew which theme park they were going to. Just Pinkie being Pinkie, she supposed. "Should we put some music on?" she asked. "It will make the journey go faster."

Adagio switched the radio on and said, "look, why don't you choose the channel?"

"Okay!" Rainbow complied to do so, grinning as she recognized the song. "Sweet! I love Rihanna!"

"Oh, yes, I know this one," Adagio said. "Round and around and around and around we go," she sung along.

Sunset sat in the back seat. I hope I don't have to put up with this singing all the way there, she thought to herself. She sounds really bad without that amulet.

"Ohhh now tell me now tell me now tell me now you know," Rainbow sang, smiling.

Sunset groaned. Duets? This is going to be a long journey.


Pinkie looked left or right as she waited for the girls, grinning. Pinkie being Pinkie again, she had gotten there before them. She waved happily as she saw the girls pull up as the entrance.

Rainbow waved back and climbed out as soon as the car stopped. "Hey, Pinkie!"

"Hiya! So… you and Adagio, huh?"

Sunset climbed out of the car, interested in hearing Rainbow's response to this. Just how close are Rainbow and Adagio?

Adagio locked the car and stretched her legs. She smiled at Pinkie's question. Perhaps Rainbow is going to make it 'official'.

Rainbow bit her lip and looked back at Sunset. "Uh… I–I guess," she said awkwardly. "I–I mean… never mind, let's just go." She walked in ahead of them.

"Okay!" Pinkie said, following her.

Neither Adagio nor Sunset were very pleased by Rainbow's response. They both followed Rainbow and Pinkie a short distance behind.

At the gates, Adagio handed over the voucher and paid for the tickets.

"I don't mind paying for me and Pinkie," Sunset said.

Adagio shook her head. "No, it's fine. Maybe you can buy us all a snack and a drink later?"

They all walked into the theme park. Rainbow shook away what happened before when she saw all the really big rides ahead of them. "Woah. This is gonna be awesome!"

Pinkie looked around, grinning and agreeing.

"Err… yeah," Sunset said, shuffling her feet and staring up at the rollercoaster towering over her. "Awesome is the word…"

Adagio grabbed Rainbow by the hand. "Let's go on that one first!" she said, pointing.

Rainbow looked up and grinned. "Yeah! Sunset, Pinkie, let's go!"

"Sure!" Pinkie said happily. "I love roller-coasters!"

Adagio and Rainbow led the girls to the queue for the roller-coaster, which was thankfully quite a short line.

Sunset followed nervously from behind. "Yeah, roller-coasters are great," she said with mock enthusiasm. Still, maybe if I could somehow manage to sit next to Rainbow, it might be okay.

Pinkie ran ahead of Rainbow, who looked back at Sunset. "Bit of a slow poke are we?" Rainbow asked with a apologetic grin. She walked back to stand with Sunset.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous… for you… with your leg injuries, will you be okay?" Sunset asked. "I wouldn't mind waiting down here with you while they went on the ride."

"I'm sure I'll be fine," Rainbow said. She looked forward at where Adagio and Pinkie were.
"Come on, we gotta catch up." She took Sunset's hand and walked forward.

Sunset enjoyed the warmth of Rainbow's hand. It was a comforting feeling. They stood in line behind Adagio and Pinkie. It was hard to see how many people were in the queue in front of them because there was a lot of hair in the way.

"Okay! How much further?" Rainbow asked either Adagio or Pinkie, trying to see in front of them.

"Oh, we're next!" Pinkie said cheerfully.

"Sweet!" Rainbow said.

Adagio climbed into the roller-coaster carriage. She turned to look for Rainbow, but Pinkie was right behind her and climbed into the next seat. Rainbow and Sunset sat in the seats behind.
"Hold on tight, girls, this looked like a wild ride," Adagio said.

Sunset held onto the bar in front of her so tight that her knuckles turned white. Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead.

Rainbow kept the grin on her face as the roller-coaster slowly started moving forward.

Pinkie jingled in her seat. "Ooh, this is gonna be so fun! Oh, gotta take some selfies at this part!" She took out her phone and held it up as the carriage neared the drop. "Okay, everyone, scream as loud as you can!"

"Arghhhhhhh!" Adagio screamed, not really trying to honour Pinkie's suggestion… more because of the enormous drop she was teetering on the edge of.

Sunset sat with her eyes tight shut, but could tell from the screams of the people around her that something bad was about to happen.

Rainbow held her arms up and Pinkie snapped the photo just as the roller-coaster zoomed down to start the wild ride, in which Rainbow quickly held onto the bar again. Sunset opened her eyes just a crack and quickly regretted it, screwing them shut again. She grabbed hold of Rainbow Dash and buried her face in Rainbow's shoulder.

"Woah!" Rainbow looked to her left. "Sunset, are you okay?" she shouted loud enough for her to hear.

"Yes," Sunset answered, opening her eyes and looking at Rainbow. "I'm… fine." She was surprised at the truth in her own words. Looking into Rainbow's eyes, everything really did feel fine.

"Good, because we're getting to the highest part," Rainbow said, turning back at the front.

"Holy crap!" Adagio exclaimed, seeing the climb in front of them.

Sunset peeked through the gap between Pinkie's poufy hair and Adagio's wild mane, and gritted her teeth. Well, maybe she wasn't fine, but at least better with Rainbow by her side. She clung onto Rainbow even tighter.

"Ugh, Sunset, can't breathe," Rainbow said, but too quiet for anyone to hear over the sounds of everyone's screaming.

"Hereeeeee we goooooo!" Pinkie called out, grinning widely.

The roller-coaster plummeted downwards before doing a loop-the-loop. Everyone screamed.
Finally it came to a standstill at the end of the ride. The bars holding everybody in lifted, and Adagio stood and stretched her legs. Sunset seemed unable or unwilling to let go of Rainbow.

"Sunset. Hey, Sunset!" Rainbow said, pulling herself away from her grasp, almost falling out of the carriage. "What was that? I didn't mind you gripping onto me, but you could've at least given me room to breathe! Gees. You know, if you were scared, you didn't have to ride."

"Sorry about that. It was just… I wasn't scared… I just needed to… hold on… for safety," she tried to explain.

Adagio took Rainbow by the hand and glared at Sunset. "Come on, let's go and find another ride."

"That's what the bars are for, Sunset." Rainbow added, following Adagio.

Pinkie blinked and turned to Sunset. "Wanna try the Twister?" she asked.

"I don't even know what that is," Sunset admitted, imagining some kind of candy, "but sure."

"Oh, it's a ride that spins around really fast! Come on!" Pinkie took Sunset's arm and raced off.

Sunset watched as she was dragged away from Rainbow and Adagio. She supposed they'd meet up again soon. Still, spinning didn't sound as bad as what she'd just been through… I mean… how fast could it be?!

Adagio led Rainbow through the theme park until they came to a ride where you sit on boats the shape of swans. "Oooh… look!" she said. "It's called The Love Tunnel. Let's go on that… you know, ironically."

"Uh, sure," Rainbow said, following her into the queue.

Soon Adagio and Rainbow were at the front of the queue. Adagio helped Rainbow into boat and got in herself. The swan started sailing by itself along the ride's "river". It soon went into a heart-shaped tunnel. Adagio scooted over to sit a little closer to Rainbow, and put her hand on Rainbow's stripy tights.

Rainbow half smiled, but it was starting to feel a little awkward. And honestly, the ride was boring. But she kept her mouth shut, since they were already on the ride; no point in complaining.

Adagio moved her hand and put it around Rainbow's shoulder. "I know this ride is silly but… it's nice, just the two of us, isn't it?" The tunnel was lit with pink lights.

"I–I guess…" Rainbow said. "I was honestly enjoying myself better with the other two, even if Sunset was strangling me… I mean, not that I don't like spending time with you, but a theme park is more fun with loads of people."

"Oh, okay," Adagio answered, crossing her arms.

Rainbow sighed. "Sorry. It's nice," she replied, honestly not sure if he meant it or not.

"Honestly, it was just a bit of fun, Rainbow. I thought you'd see the funny side of… this!" Adagio gestured at the walls of the tunnel which were painted with flowers, and hearts, and rainbows, and unicorns, and stars, and for some reason what looked like bottles of beer, but… they must have supposed to have been champagne or something. Classical music blared out of tinny speakers. "Come on, it's pretty cheesy!"

Rainbow half smiled. "I guess."

"Anyway, it'll be over soon, Rainbow. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel," Adagio chuckled.

"And I last I see the light," Rainbow sung quietly for no particular reason than the light at the end of the tunnel.

Adagio and Rainbow passed out of the tunnel and their swan boat took them back to the place they'd first gotten on the ride. There was no queue for other people to come on The Love Tunnel, so the attendant running the ride called out, "want another turn?"

Rainbow looked around at other rides before her stomach let out a loud rumble. "Heh, didn't expect that," she said.

"We should go find Sunset," Adagio suggested. "She was going to buy everyone some food, wasn't she?"

"Yeah, good idea," Rainbow said. "It could take a while though, I don't know where she went."

"I think Pinkie said something about a twisty thing?" Adagio asked.

"Oh, okay. We'll look for that then," Rainbow replied.

"Already spotted it!" Adagio said, pointing to a sign saying "The Twister" in the distance.


Pinkie stopped in front of the ride while it was running, since people were still out. She grinned and quickly dragged Sunset to the line. "This is gonna be so much fun!" Pinkie grinned as the ride slowed down and everyone who was on climbed off. The line started to move forward.

Sunset followed Pinkie onto the ride. "Sure… fun." She didn't like the look of the people coming off the ride. Most of them seemed unable to walk straight.

Pinkie skipped happily up the steps into one of the two person carriages, motioning for Sunset to sit in next to her. Sunset sat next to Pinkie. She hoped it wouldn't go too fast. "Okay!" Pinkie called as the ride slowly started up. "Here we go! Oh, more selfies!" She dug her phone out again and held it up.

Sunset felt the ride starting to slowly turn. This didn't seem too bad.

"Ooh, ooh, it's speeding up!" Pinkie said as she took the picture, grinning.

Sunset's face turned into a grimace as the ride got faster. "Pinkieeeee! Why didn't you tell me it got so faaaaasssttt?!"

"Hehe, whoopsie!" Pinkie said, grinning. "It's not that bad! You'll get used to it!"

Sunset's head began to spin and her stomach began to churn. After several grueling minutes that felt like hours, the ride began to slow down.

Pinkie giggled and hopoed out of the carriage when the handle went up. "So, how was it?"

Sunset stepped off the ride in no mood to eat. She walked a little unsteadily. "I can't feel my legs!" she said. "And I wish I couldn't feel my stomach."

"Oh," Pinkie said. "Very unsmile indeed. Do you think you'll be okay?" she asked, following her.

"Yeah, I just need to sit for a minute," Sunset said, looking around for a bench or a low wall.

"Oh, okay," Pinkie said, looking around.

Although Sunset couldn't see a bench, she did spot a small area of lawn and staggered over to that, sitting cross legged on the ground.

Rainbow and Adagio caught up with them. "Is everything alright?" Rainbow asked. She turned to Sunset. "Woah, Sunset, you're looking a little pale."

"Hey Rainbow," Sunset said, smiling. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just need to sit on solid ground for a while. Ground that isn't spinning. I'll tell you when the ground stops spinning." She saw Adagio standing behind Rainbow. "Hi, Adagio," she added, her smile dissolving.

Adagio nodded at her and turned to Pinkie. "Hi, Pinkie, I'm glad to see somebody has the guts to go on rides like that." She gestured to The Twister.

"It was sooooo much fun! I wanna ride it again!" Pinkie said happily.

"Yeah," Adagio said, looking at Sunset. "Let's all go on it together." She grinned.

Sunset looked less enthusiastic about the idea than the others. "I… I think I'll sit this one out. Could somebody stay with me?" She looked pleadingly at Rainbow.

Rainbow looked down at Sunset, bit her lip, then turned to Adagio and Pinkie apologetically. "I think I'm gonna stay with Sunset. You two go ahead."

"Okay!" Pinkie said and grabbed Adagio's arm, running off. "Seeee yaaaa!" she called.

Sunset lay back on the grass and looked up at the clouds. She was mostly feeling better now anyway, but didn't really fancy subjecting herself to that awful ride again. "Am I still looking pale?" she asked Rainbow.

"A little bit, yeah." Rainbow held out her hand. "Will you be fine to walk now?" she asked.

Sunset sat up straight. "Yeah, I think so. I should be asking you the same question! How are your legs now?"

"They hurt a little after long periods of time, but it's really just a pain going up stairs. Heh, must be a fast healer," Rainbow said with a grin.

"I wonder if it's a side-effect of the Equestrian magic," Sunset mumbled. She stood up. "Anyway, where we walking to?"

"Well, I was thinking it might be best for us to head to the bathroom… you know, just in case, seeing as how pale you look," Rainbow said, knotting her fingers together behind her back.

"Okay, if you really think so," Sunset said. "I suppose I could do with fixing up my make-up."

"Alright then," Rainbow said, half smiling once Sunset walked in front of her. She hoped it was empty.

Sunset walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She did look a little shaken up, but it was mostly her hair that was out of place. She ran the tap to wet her hands, and moved a few stray strands into their proper places.

Rainbow stood near her, leaning against the wall as she gripped the edges of the sinks she was between. She took a deep but quiet breath. "Sunset?"

"Yes?" Sunset replied, wetting her hands again.

Rainbow fought in her mind for the right thing to say. "Well, Adagio's been getting a little bit clingy lately… it's a little bit annoying, and… well, I…" She squinted her eyes shut and took Sunset's wrist, kissing her on the lips.

Sunset kissed back, putting an arm around Rainbow and pulling her closer. For a moment, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss, but then she broke away. "What? No! Don't do this to me unless you mean it." She took a step back from Rainbow, but still Rainbow held onto her wrist.

"S–Sorry… I do mean it! Really! Anything you want me to do, I'll do it, just to be with you," Rainbow said, a determined look on her face.

Sunset looked at the floor, and then at Rainbow. She stepped forward again, and kissed her, pushing her back against the tiled wall of the bathroom, between two sinks. Her hands went to Rainbow's face and held her cheeks.

Sunset tilted her head to the side, opening her lips slightly. She let a hand slide down Rainbow's cheek and neck to rest on her shoulder. She'd dreamt of doing this with Rainbow for months, but had never thought Rainbow felt the same way.

Rainbow placed her arms around Sunset's back and held her close. The feeling honestly wasn't any more special then Adagio's, but either way, Rainbow liked it.

Author's Note:

Before chapter 6 comes out, there will be a spin-off M-rated one shot showing exactly what the girls get up to in the bathroom.