• Published 21st Jan 2016
  • 1,300 Views, 69 Comments

Vinyl and Octavia have a chat (and do some other stuff) - Inky Scrolls

Late one evening, Vinyl and Octavia have a chat which ends to their mutual advantage. And the next morning, they went shopping, and after that...

  • ...

The Third, in which they learn something new



“You really have no idea, do you?”


“Okay, here we go. You've heard of The Uneighted Kingdom, haven't you?”


“Good. Well, the Uneighted Kingdom, UK for short, is unusual in that it is a country made of other countries. You with me so far?”


“Don't worry, it gets easier. The four countries which make up the UK are Hayngland, Whayles, Trotland and Northern Shireland. You still following alright?”


“Jolly good. Each of these countries, Hayngland, Whayles, Trotland and Northern Shireland, are separate countries that just happen to share a government... sort of like Equestria and the Crystal Empire. It's not quite the same, but it's a useful analogy.”


“Yes. And it is important to remember that Northern Shireland is not the same as Shireland, which is not part of the UK.”


“I know, I know, it can be confusing. But it's all down to history. You think Equestria is old? Hayngland is even older! And because it's so old, and the other 'constituent countries' are so old, things have got rather complicated. The UK has a democratic government, unlike Equestria, which means that you vote for your government. And, because of history and politics and stuff, ponies from Shireland can vote in UK elections, even though they're not from there!”


“I know! Still, 'tis the way things are.”


“I'm glad you're taking such an interest, Vi.”


“Well, it's just that, sometimes, when you're 'wubbing' away at something in your headphones, I worry you're missing out on other things.”


“Like the sounds of the world, or the strains of a well-played cello – not that I mean to brag – or the wonderfully rich hues of a beautiful sunset... oh! Oh, I'm sorry, Vi. It just... slipped out.”


“Thanks, Vi. I'm sorry. I just, you know, forget sometimes. I'm so used to it now that I don't really think about it. But I suppose you can't help but think about it.”


“Do you- no, I don't suppose you would.”


“No, no, it's nothing.”


“Oh, alright then. All I was going to ask is whether you ever feel, y'know... not proud, as such, but... interesting, if you know what I mean?”


“Well, it's just that achromatopsia is so very rare, particularly amongst unicorns, you see the world in a way hardly anypony else does. I know you don't enjoy having it, but it must make for an interesting thing to tell ponies, at parties and so forth.”


“I know! I know you'd rather not have it, but still... Though I suppose I can't really talk about it, having never experienced it firsthoof.”


“Indeed. Still, where were we? Ah yes, the Uneighted Kingdom.”


“Yes, it's a very democratic country. I did say that, I think?”


“But it's a kingdom, yes... which means that the head of state is not elected.”


“It doesn't sound terribly fair, I admit, but at least it's better than Equestria, when not even the head of government is elected! And, not that I'm complaining, but we're all stuck with Celestia for eternity, what with her being immortal and all.”


“Hmm. At least she's a relatively fair ruler, even if unelected.”


“Well, I say 'relatively' because, back in the day, things weren't so rosy for the earthpony contingent of Equestrian society.”


“Indeed! And not only that, but slavery and downright persecution! I know things have improved greatly over the last few hundred years, but still. The pain remains.”


“Yes, I suppose you're right. You so often are, you know? Forgive and forget, and so forth. Apart from the Two Sisters, there's nopony alive today who was there in the days before earthpony emancipation, and Luna wasn't even on the planet.”


“And Discord, yes, though he doesn't really count. He- oh! Was that the door?”


“I'll go and see who it is. Back in a jiff.”




“That was Miss Derpy at the door, Vi, with a parcel. It's quite thin and it sounds like a disc of some sort, but I didn't open it, because it's addressed to you.”


“Oh go on, open it! Don't keep me in suspenders!”


“Oh, you know what I mean. Do open it, Vi, there's a dear.”


“Oh... really?”


“Oh, right. Is it not something I can see?”


“Well, if you're sure... I'll, er, just be in the, er, kitchen, then... hmm.”




“Ah, Vinyl you're, er- is everything alright? You seem... Is it about the mysterious parcel, whatever it was?”


“What's that noise?”


“Yes, I'm following you, I'm- Vinyl, is that – cello, I can hear?”


“That's one of the pieces I played at the last Canterlot music festival...”


“Vi? Have you bought a CD of my music? With your own money?”


“Oh, Vinyl! That's so sweet! I didn't think you even particularly liked that sort of thing.”


“Ooh, you old charmer! And here was me worrying about what it was you were hiding from me.”


“Yes, I should've known you better by now. I'm sure you'd never hide something from me unless it was for my own good. Though I hope you'd let me know anyway. Not that I'm nosey or anything.”


“Really, Vi! A lady is never nosey, as Miss Rarity would say. Still, I can't help a certain... curiosity, at something being kept from me, can I?”


“Indeed. Returning to the present... that really is a very thoughtful gesture, Vi, thank you. I didn't feel comfortable, buying my own music; it seemed rather self-centred, if you know what I mean.”


“Vi! You spoil me greatly, d'you know that?”


“Ha, of course you do!”


“Oh Vi, I love you so much. You're always so good to me, even though we disagree on more than a few things. Like music, for example. I don't think I could ever enjoy having 'wubs' and 'dropbasses' blasting in my ears in the way y- what is it, what did I say?”


“But you knew what I meant! I meant bassdrops, even if I mixed up the word somewhat. You'll have to make allowances when it comes to EDM terminology, I'm afraid, it's really not my forte.”


“I'm pleased you like classical th-”


“Well, alright, some classical. You do like the music I make, don't you?”


“Vinyl! That's not what I was implying! I was referring to actual music, not... that. Not that I'm actually averse to such, ah, 'music', mind you.”


“Well, not in so many words...”


“Again with the eyebrows, Vi! If you wish to suggest that we – hm! – that we, er, 'make sweet music', to use a slightly vulgar but common idiom, you've no need to resort to flattery and innuendo.”


“Not that I'm saying I'm always willing! It's just that, you know, there's a right time and place for everything, and you've been so nice to me today...”


“Er, well, you see-”


“Oh, go on then! Come here, y- hm! Hmm! Hmm...”


Author's Note:

And I'm sure you've all spotted the theme by now running throughout these three chapters. But hey! It's fun to write. :twilightsmile: