• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 3,978 Views, 139 Comments

Equestrian Life - StapleCactus

A man wakes up in Equestria with only his comforter and pillow. Is it a lucid dream or something mor

  • ...

Things get worse

Life in the castle became interesting after my stunt with the guard. Between the cookies, which Celestia loved by the way, and the excuse for the fight, I was let off easy. I spent a day in my room with very little to eat or occupy my time. The next day, a schedule was made for me to follow.

Starting at the crack of dawn, I was led to the kitchen to help however the chefs needed me. I figured that I had impressed that cook from earlier. I was mostly assigned cleaning and preparation duties. Rarely did I get the chance to cook, and even then it was only for baking.

By noon, I would have lunch and be brought to the training grounds. I was told to exercise and train with the ponies there. It was hoped that I would control my anger easier by letting it out bit by bit. Because of my hatred of beans, I mostly ate eggs and broccoli for protein and iron.

Nightfall sent me back to the room. I was too tired to think most days and passed out quickly. The few days I had some downtime, I laid down with my thoughts. A lot of my musings were that of family or what few friends I had. Occasionally, I would think up what I wanted to do with myself.

This schedule continued for over two weeks. Over time, my muscles grew and my fat lessened. I never concerned myself with weight, but I assumed I lost ten pounds. That wasn't all that happened during that time though.

Strange things would happen at odd intervals. Sometimes, I would catch something out of the corner of my eye, only to turn and see nothing. Others, I would see an off-color cloud or floating object. Whenever I asked others about this, they waved it off as a trick of the eye. As much as I wanted to believe them, I had my doubts.

One night, as I lay awake in bed, I heard someone laughing. On another, something ran across my mirror. Something was going on, and I wanted to know what.

On the twentieth day of my stay at the castle, Twilight visited. I was called into the throne room to listen to her report. Celestia stood at her throne.

It was my first time in the throne room. Large windows that reached the ceiling twenty feet away were spaced along the walls. Most of these windows were of stained glass, depicting great moments in history. I spotted the two windows where the Elements of Harmony defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord. Chandeliers hung from archways in the ceiling and the red carpet that ran to the throne was immaculate. When Twilight entered, she did not look well.

"Princess, I have grave news!"

"Twilight Sparkle, please calm yourself. Tell me what has happened."

"Odd occurrences are spawning all over Ponyville. The worst part is where we sealed Discord!"

"Hmm, it seems you weren't just seeing things after all, Dex." About time someone figured it out. "I'm afraid we don't have much time. Bring the Element bearers here Twilight."

"Oh ho ho ho. I feel it's a little too late for that Celestia." A disembodied voice echoed throughout the chamber. That's obviously Discord. Planning on making another grand entrance?

"Discord! Show yourself at once!" The scowl on Celestia's face was quite interesting. Twilight looked shell shocked.

"Certainly, princess." After spitting that last word, Discord appeared. He looked quite well for being stone not ten minutes ago.

The princess quickly shot a beam of magical energy at him. He easily knocked it away.

"Tut tut tut. Come now, Celestia. What would a story be without letting the villain have his grand speech?" He snapped his clawed fingers and a bubble surrounded Celestia and Twilight. "Now, let me speak.

"You were a fool my dear. You knew about humans and how this one got here," he pointed his claw at me, "and yet you brought him to the castle, closer to me!"

"How did you do it Discord? The Elements sealed you from your power." Celestia really should shut up and let the man speak...

"You think I didn't have a backup plan? My chaos is far reaching! The" -he made air quotes- " 'Harmony Wave' couldn't reach far enough. It really is just too perfect. Not only did a human appear, he even gave himself a name!" Wait, what? "Dex, was it? Do you know how names work in Equestria? Of course not." Oy! I may not know but you don't gotta say it like I'm stupid! "You called yourself Dex! Factor of tens! The chaos you put off was increased so much faster when you said that." Celestia and Twilight looked at me then, expressions unreadable. What? No! He's lying to trip us up!

"You're lying. That's just too convenient!" I put up a fighting stance. "I may not have magic, but I will fight you."

"Ahh ha ha ha haaa! You?! You may give off chaotic energy, but you certainly can't use it. What do you hope to do?"

Distraction? Maybe the bubble will fall. "I won't know until I try!"

"Give it up Dex. How about this? Join me!"

Wow... really? He's going to use that line? "Hell no!"

"Come to the dark side, Dex. We have cookies!" Just then, a plate of cookies appeared in his lion paw.

.....what... "Tempting... but no. Your chaos may be fun, but it's too dangerous."

Discord snarled. "I brought you here! Just like you always wanted! Be happy and join me!"

"Dude, I didn't care one way or the other about coming here."

He sighed this time and turned to the bubble. "See, Celestia? This is why I don't grant wishes; they never appreciate it!" He then looked back at me. "In that case, have fun getting home!"

"What?" I was suddenly warped away.

I felt everything shift back into place as I landed on soft soil. My head immediately started pounding, trying to adjust its spatial awareness. Before it could pass, something bounced off my head. It was a sword and sheath. Attached, was a note:

Dear my little human, Dex:

Don't die. Can't have my trump card dying on me now can I? By the way, take this. It's dangerous to go alone. Tah-tah Brony!

Your pal,

P.S. U Mad?

"Yes I'm mad! You took me away from the fight you coward! ...And I'm not a Brony!" More words appeared on the note.

P.P.S. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt you know.



I crumpled the note up and threw it behind me. A small, squeaky voice spoke up.

"Noo~! I thought you loved me~!" Then I heard an explosion. ...what times two...

Discord, I have never wanted to punch someone so much as I do right now.