• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 3,978 Views, 139 Comments

Equestrian Life - StapleCactus

A man wakes up in Equestria with only his comforter and pillow. Is it a lucid dream or something mor

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Once more, I found myself in the throne room. Celestia nodded to my presence as I knelt before her. She spoke when I rose.

"Dex, it is good to see you well again. When I learned that you were still in Equestia, I sent my best to find you."

"You have my thanks, Your Majesty." You know, just thought of something. Are royal titles interchangeable? Noone seems to correct me.

"The one who found you also brought your journal to me. I am sorry that you had to go through what you did."

"It wasn't your fault. I feel better, but would like nothing more than to punch Discord for what he did."

A smirk was playing at Celestia's lips. "I am sure, however, you cannot."

"Would you care to explain what happened during my absence?"

The fight sounded glorious. Luna helped break Celestia and Twilight out of Discord's spell shortly after I disappeared. While the two princesses distracted him, Twilight went to gather the Elements and her friends. The way she spoke, it seemed that they had to fight for a full day before Twilight and company returned.

Exhausted from battle, the Elements of Harmony managed to strike while Discord was down. He spoke with conviction instead of fear. As he was returned to stone, he said he would return again in only a short time.

Fearing this to be true, Celestia brought his statue to the mines beneath Canterlot. She used the crystals there as a battery to hold a very powerful spell. This spell would force all chaotic energy from reaching the statue within. To keep up appearances, she commissioned a replica to be made and set in the gardens.

"I wish I was there to help you." I'm sure it would've been a lot better than what I went through.

"And I am glad you were not. You would have empowered him through your presence alone." Oh yeah.

"Princess Celestia, is what Discord said true?"

"I am not sure. Humans are ...odd creatures."

"But was I really empowering him as much as he said?"

"It is possible, but we have no idea if the amount of chaos energy you emit is stronger than others. You are our first human after all."

"I see. So what happens now?

"Now we move on to what will be done with you, Dex. Discord may be hidden away, but I cannot allow another chance of his escape. Twilight says she has a solution."

The grand doors of the throne room were opened. Twilight walked through, looking pensive.

"My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, tell me, what have you learned?"

"It isn't looking good princess. I have a spell, but it isn't safe." Well, it can't be worse than the forest, right?

"Please, tell us what you know Twilight. It is his best hope."

"Very well." Twilight proceeded to go into a large explaination about whatever spell she had found. I had no background in magic, so I was lost from the beginning. All I really caught was the end. "-death."

Wait, what? "Twilight, could you explain that to me again? In simpler terms, mind. I don't know magic."

I could tell she didn't like repeating herself, or dumbing down an explanation. "Ok, basically, I can send you back. The problem is, you have stayed here so long that the guide is weak. Furthermore, even if it does work, you might not be able to handle the shock. You could very well die!"

No! What do I do?! I can't... "How much time is left?"

"I calculated that you have roughly twenty four hours before the connection is lost forever."

If I can just be left alone to think... I turned to Celestia. "Your Royal Highness, Princess Celestia, I humbly ask that I be free to walk where I please. I wish to be alone to decide."

There was a long pause. She still didn't trust me completely. I hoped with this news, she'd allow it. "Dex, you ask for more than you know. Twenty four hours of freedom; you could cause a lot of problems in that time. However, considering the circumstances, I will allow it. Do not make me regret my decision."

"I thank you, Your Highness." I then turned to Twilight. "Will you be here when I make my decision?"

"Yes. The princess and I have some catching up to do."

At that, I strolled out of the throne room. Guards would give me wary looks whenever I spotted one. I hate it when people look at me when I want to think. The gardens were my retreat; my head was muddled.

I found a bench facing the great maze Twilight and friends found Discord. As much as I would have liked to explore, I felt I could think better laying down. I lay sprawled across the bench.

What to do? I could stay here. I'm sure I'm gaining the princess's trust. But what about my family? What if this really is just a dream I need to wake up from? Do I just forget them? I hate being wrong, something tell me! ...nothing... Of course. All right, comparisons then. Stay: new start and great people, but lose my old life. Go: Deal with whatever happened since I left and all the problems of society, but I don't lose my family. Argh, so difficult! .....huh?

"... sorry ...need ... now."

Ugh, those damn voices. All I want to do is think and yet here they are again.

"...come ... decision, doctor."

Now that I think about it, that one sounds familiar. Bah, I can't think about that right now. Do I stay or attempt to go? I'm not even sure this is fake anymore. There's just not enough evidence to support that theory anymore.

"Give .... minute .. say goodbye."

I wasn't getting anywhere. If I wanted to think, the voices would have to leave. It was then I realized I didn't need to think, but feel. I cleared my head and just listened to the wind. The voices didn't leave.

"... sorry ... farm ... alone ..."

"... should've ... didn't ..."

"He wouldn't ... is best"

"... know ... still ... my ..."

Wait...Those aren't just voices! They're my family!

If my family is talking to me... but then I am in a coma... the way they're talking though...


I ran. I ran as fast as I could back to the throne room. I needed to go NOW! Please let me make it in time! I burst into Celestia's throne room and could see the shock on her face.

"Twilight! Send me back! NOW!"

"What? Dex, are-"

"Yes! I know what's happening. Do it before it's too late!"

She nodded and charged her horn.

"Are.... sure? Won't ... change ..." Hurry!

I was hit with all the power Twilight could gather. I immediately blacked out.

In a dimly lit hospital, upon a bed, a body gasped awake.