• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 1,510 Views, 93 Comments

A Place Called Home - FoxUnderFire

After almost 500 years of bad memories Jack Trades finally finds a place where he can call home.

  • ...

Act 1-5

The Author worked into the night. Occasionally he would stare out at the moon. He had done this just to see the object that he shared the night with. After awhile he went back to the computer and keyboard. And just stared at it, wondering what to write. He had a bad case of writer's block. Usually he could just think about what his characters would do from the last chapter, and continue from there. But tonight he had thought of something that would probably either make his story that much better or it could destroy it irrecoverably. A small smile appeared on the Authors face.

What the hell, I might as well!

But maybe in a later chapter.

Make it a surprise!

With the plan in mind, the Author typed away into the night waiting for the perfect time in the story to spring the trap.

Alex sat across from me on a hay bail, absent mindedly chewing on a piece of straw. “Son,” ‘God I hate it when he calls me that, but he’s the man in charge. For now.’ “So, now that I gave you the nickel tour, I just cannot emphasize how different this place is. In a nutshell, our instincts are to ‘fight it’, ‘fuck it’, ‘eat it’, or ‘run away from it’. Theirs is ‘can I make it my friend’. Compared to humans, they’re as innocent as children. But, don’t confuse that with stupid or gullible. If you’re a threat, they will mess you up.”

Yeah, I had experienced the ‘getting messed up’ part only a few days earlier. But the rest of what he had said still confused me. Happiness? Friendship? Could I actually find a place to be at peace?

No, men like me don't deserve happiness.

Why not? We only killed a few thousand men.

You're sick, you know that?

Being a hypocrite is human nature after all.

Go screw yourself!

“So, how long have you been here? The locals seem to like you, especially that orange blond pony, what’s her name? Applejack?” He nods and I rub my cheek and wince a little when I press on the bruise a little too much. “She kicks like a mule.”

He looks down and laughs, “I’ve meet a mule, she kicks a lot harder. But, the fact is you still have your head attached. What she gave you was only a love tap.” He looked up with a smirk, “Ponies are a hell of a lot stronger and tougher than us. Even a kid will have more raw power than us.”

We sat quietly for a few minutes. ‘I fucking hate silence!’ “So, how long have you been here?”

Alex slowly rolled his left shoulder, grimacing a little. ‘Vulnerable point. I’ll have to keep that in mind.’ “I’ve been here about eight months. Turns out the aluminium coins they use in the Illithid Empire are worth a fortune here. Did you ever have to deal with those bastards?” I nod slowly, my hand touching the scars on my scalp where I almost got eaten. Thankfully they were hidden by my hair. “Ya, I spent three years hiding, not drawing attention to myself. Anyway, you’re the important one here, not me. Lets see how I can help you.”

I looked at Alex and said "So if there isn't war or crime here what can I do to get some currency?"

He in turn looked at me in confusion and said, "What type of job do you usually do?"

"Merc, sword for hire, bodyguard, soldier of fortune, bounty hunter, you know stuff like that."

"Y-you killed people for money?" The expression on his face was one of shock mixed with a little fear. It was almost laughable.

I wonder if he had actually killed anybody before. But I could see that he didn't have what it takes to be able to inflict death upon others. To revel in the fact that they felt the pain that you had, even if it was only a fraction of it.

"Ya, it was pretty easy, and people are always ready to pay just to make someone else 'disappear'." I knew my expression was cool, collected, my tone matter of fact. I knew I was stronger than him.

Alex's expression changed. I guess he couldn't look at me the same. What he saw in me now was a murderer, Hell I knew what I was, it had kept me alive for a long time, so why did I suddenly feel a twinge of shame?

I looked him in the eye, and said to him in a dead serious tone, "The weak forget the scars of their past and move forward, we strong are forced to carry ours on our backs and can only look back. For me and you these words are quite literal."

He nodded but I could see he was deep in thought. Soon he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. I looked out at the far window and started to wonder how long we had been here for the sky was getting darker. I knew tonight would be my last night here. So I had to get the truth from Alex.

"You don't trust me do you?" He seemed taken aback like I could read thoughts or something.

"What do you mean?" I was getting tired of this game I just wanted to go to sleep.

"You know exactly what I mean! I'm a murder Alex! You don't trust me around your friends and you know it! In fact I don't trust myself! I hear voices Alex, I'm afraid of who you are talking to right now! I don't know if it's me or... Him." I let out an exasperated sigh.

Breaking down are we?

Shut the fuck up! Get out of my head!.

You need me and you know it. Eventually you will come for me and I in turn will help, if only for my own pleasure.

Alex looked at me and said, "No, I don't trust you... not right now. But I know a lot of what you did was because you were forced to do anything you could to survive in impossible situations."

"So will I get my dagger back?" It was a stupid question, but that dagger had a lot of sentimental value to me.

Alex just continued to stare at me and slowly shake his head.

"Alright so what now then?"

His expression changed in an instant, a broad, kindly smile, "Now we go get something to eat. Got to break bread with new friends." For the first time since meeting him, this was a genuine smile. He started chuckling, “And, whatever you do, don’t share bread with a pony unless you want to have sex with them.”

"Um, okay? Anyway, not anything sweet right, because I have been eating pie and pastries for the past few days and I'm afraid anything more and I could get diabetes."

Alex chuckled at that and said, "No, I got more human appealing food at my house." He turned, his knife in it’s sheath in an awkward angle for him, but easy for me to grab. ‘Is he testing me?’

As we walked outside I was confused because I thought the other ponies were still there. Alex caught this look and shook his head, "I told them to leave if it got too late."

I nodded. It seemed to make sense seeing as we were going to be heading straight to his house.

It didn't take us long to get within sight of the house. We were quite a distance away and I could tell the place was small, but in a cozy kind of way.

Hrmm. Cozy. Another word that will probably get more use in this world.

Alex saw me staring the house and nodded, "Yeah, It's not much but I did my best to make it more comfortable.” He chuckled, “I was never much of a handyman. Just watch out for the basement door to accommodate humans, and it's home."

I shook my head, "Nah man, It's perfect." For the first time in a very long time, I smiled and I meant it. No lies, no bullshit, just an honest smile for someone honestly trying to help me, despite his obvious misgivings.

Whenever I traveled, I always stayed in an inn or some place along those lines, and I always just thought of them as a place to sleep not an actual home. I understood what it meant to Alex. This wasn't just a house, it was his house, something he could finally call home.

“One more thing Jack. It’s not a big deal right now and we’ll get you fixed up as soon as we can, but humans and the type of magic here don’t get along so well. I’ll let Twilight explain to technical details, but, in a nutshell, you’re aging four to six times faster and the more you exert yourself the more you’ll age. The stop gap is to make sure you’re around ponies all the time, basicaly two or three meters.”

My expression must have betrayed my thoughts, “About ten feet or less. The girls will be here in the morning and we’ll figure out who’s staying with you. Anyway, I already talked to Twilight and she’s started to process of making one of these.” he pulled out a simple amulet and blue feather from under his shirt and showed them to me. He looked at the feather lovingly, “Both my lifelines, but you’ll just need the medallion. The medallion should be forged sometime in the next two or three weeks.”

By the time we reached the house, me and Alex were beat. I had a rough day and Alex looked like he had just been told he was dying. We forgot completely about food and instead focused on sleep. Alex offered me his bed, but I told him I would take the couch downstairs. He gave me a blanket and we exchanged our good nights and turned in for the night.

The next morning was awkward at best. We were making small talk when someon- somepony knocked at the door. I don't know why but my heart jumped as I thought it was Fluttershy.

Why would you get so excited over her?

It's something about her eyes.

Her eyes where can I remember those eyes from?

My reverie was interrupted as Alex turned and yelled, "It's open!"

In rushed a rainbow colored blur, "Hey Alex I brought you- Oh it's him." Damn I don't think she could have stopped faster if she hit a brick wall.

I felt slightly like I was intruding something but I ignored it as the smell of muffins wafted from a bag she held in her mouth. After eating nothing but sugary sweets for the last few days, I almost gagged at the smell. Alex seemed to snap out of wherever he was, when he heard me.

"Hey Jack, you remember Rainbow Dash from yesterday right?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah, I 'member, Yo whaddup Dash?" I completed the facade with an idiotic lopsided grin.

Her expression didn't change much but I could see a shadow of a smile on her face.

Without taking her eyes off me, she gave Alex a peck on the cheek, “Okay, I’ve got weather patrol this morning. You okay with him?”

“Yes, perfectly fine. You have a great day.”

Before she could leave, "Hey Alex, you got a shower?"

He nodded and pointed towards the staircase "First door on the left, hard to miss. There’s lots of soap, shampoo, take whatever you need. There are also extra toothbrushes in the cabinet above the toilet."

I grinned and said, "Thanks, sleeping in a barn doesn't exactly help someones hygiene."

When I turned I swore I heard a giggle. I knew that whatever she came over to tell Alex I didn't need to hear it. I wasn't going to let any bad thoughts ruin the first shower I had in days.

Despite myself I heard a few snippets of their whispered conversation. Alex started, “... girls willing ... sinks ...”.

Rainbow Dash answered, her tone conspiratorial, “... really interested. She … work ...“

Alex answers, “Good idea. A little ... clear ... mine ... for the kid.”

Her voice was a little weary, “... Fluttershy” At the mention of her name, my heart fluttered. ‘Why am I so excited about her. She was just a damn meat shield.’ “… also … Twilight ... too.”
There was a bark that sounded like a laugh, “Great, I … turn ... it did … still crashing ... dumped … why he did ... nicer ... my sister.”

The Author looked at the chapter in front of him. He always felt strange when writing a chapter. It was more like he was just typing something that had actually happened, instead of being made up by the Author. He also dismissed the thought and set the chapter to be sent to the Editor.