• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 1,714 Views, 44 Comments

Norse Code - NorsePony

My short-short stories from Thirty Minute Ponies, collected in one place.

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The Question - Comedy

In the dead of night, Rarity crept downstairs to her “inspiration room.” She glanced out of the window and saw nothing but empty street and dark houses. She nodded to herself and pulled the curtains closed.

A magical glow coruscated briefly off the walls as she lifted a heavy velvet cloth from a gilt-edged mirror. She smiled at it, anticipation and expectation thrumming in her chest.

She spoke to the mirror, her voice haughty. “Mirror, mirror, on the wall. Who is the fairest of them all?”

A ghostly face appeared in the mirror, shimmering into view as though it were swimming up through translucent liquid to press against the glass. Despite herself, Rarity shivered. The apparition’s mouth moved, and its words echoed in Rarity’s head. “Fluttershy is the fairest, my Queen.”

Rarity’s brows lowered and her upper lip rose. She looked daggers at the face with a scowl that would give any pony cause to think twice.

The mirror, however, was unfazed, the apparition continuing to stare blandly at her.

“You’re quite certain?”

“Yes, my queen. The fairest is Fl—”

Magical light rippled over the walls a second time. A large brick flew into the mirror, shattering the glass into splinters and knocking the gilt frame from the wall to crash to the floor.

Rarity dropped the brick from her magical grip and tossed her mane. “My, my, three defective mirrors in a row. I shall have to have a very stern talk with the shop girl about quality control while I am ordering the replacement.”

Author’s note: This one was written for Thirty Minute Ponies’ Prompt #44, “Shattered Glass.” The prompt was “Rarity breaks a mirror.”