• Published 7th Jun 2012
  • 8,369 Views, 246 Comments

A Twist of Fate - ZachTheBrony

A famed hero who dies with honor, who dies for the human race- what is their reward?

  • ...

Part 4 - A Simple Morning Can Lead to Complex Decisions

"Ugh... weird fucking dream..." Cole muttered to himself groggily as he woke up, in the bed in which he slept in the previous night. He sniffled and coughed, before wiping his face. Once he stopped, he opened his eyes, took his hand away from his face, and looked around. "Wait..." He studied the room a bit more, and looked down at his hand. "... You've gotta be kidding..." The conduit groaned loudly, and stood up. With a sigh, he began to walk downstairs.

The entire house was silent, aside from his footsteps. "L-... Lyra?" Cole called out. 'Was that her name? Eh, whatever... I'll find out soon enough.'

No response.

'Nevermind then.'

Once again, Cole groaned. He was at the top of the stairs, but then he began to walk down, before he stopped. He sniffed the air, and sniffed again. Then he lifted up his left arm, and took an accidentally large whiff of the gloriously disgusting stench that radiated from his armpit. "Eugh!" He coughed, turning his head to the right. "Screw that..." He said to himself as he turned around, looking around in hopes of finding a bathroom.

Eventually, Cole found the bathroom he sought, which had a generically tiled floor; a blue-and-white colored linoleum checkerboard. There was a midget of a shower at the far right corner of the room, and in the left corner, was a small counter, complete with a sink, and a couple of drawers. There wasn't a window, so Cole had to turn a light on. He shut the door behind him as he walked into the room, and approached the shower. "... How in the hell am I gonna do this..." The Conduit asked himself, staring blankly at the small shower.

So, Cole decided on something. He took off his shirt, his other garments, and tossed them aside. He climbed into the shower with a sigh, having to crouch just to get into it. He stood up instinctively, and smashed his head off of the ceiling.

"OW! Son of a... rrgggh..."

Cole held his head with his hands, and growled in pain. After a few minutes, the pain passed, and he sighed, grumbling under his breath as he twisted the metal knob that had cold to the right, and hot to the left. He accidentally turned the knob all the way to the left while he had his eyes closed.

Though, he somehow forgot that he couldn't take a bath or shower, because non-purified water conducts electricity.

Many of the citizens in the vicinity of the house perked up when they heard a sudden--


Cole had accidentally tore down the shower curtains, taking the bar down, and himself along with it. He did, however, manage to stop himself from cracking his skull open by quickly snapping out one of his arms, hitting the wall in the shower while his other hit and grabbed onto the edge of the tub. Cole exhaled quickly, as he was still getting seared by the scalding-hot water. Luckily, he was in grabbing range of the knob, so he immediately grasped it and pulled it all the way to the right, shutting off the shower. He slipped down into the tub, letting out a sigh of relief as the hellish pain began to stop. "Aah..."

He relaxed as his burns slowly became numb. Soon, he opened his eyes and stood up, getting out of the shower.

- - - - Soon After...

Cole had walked downstairs. At least, for the miniature amount of time that the conduit had taken a shower, his armpits lacked the next-to-unbearable stench that they once held. It was due to the electricity crackling around him when he got electrocuted. It literally atomized the odor particles.

One thing that was bugging him was his 'ol stomach. It rumbled, as it noisily asked for a bit of sustenance. "Great," Cole sighed. "Hope 'Ly won't mind..." He looked around, seeing as Lyra was probably sleeping. Then he saw a note as he entered the kitchen. On the room's refrigerator is where it was.

The note read;

'Cole, I went to get groceries, I'll be back soon.

- Lyra

P.S: There are a few apples left in the fridge, I think. If you like apples, that is, just help yourself.'

"Heh, guess she doesn't," Cole thought aloud with a small chuckle, opening the fridge. He grabbed one of the apples, which he bit into after shutting the fridge's door. The apple wasn't the best he had- hell, when was the last he had actually had any fruit? Not an important question, since his stomach temporarily stopped grumbling.

Cole sat down at the table, munching on his apple and staring out blankly, a neutral expression on his face. "Wonder if that princess could help me get back... alright, have I gone insane? Am I really considering asking a princess, no. A magical unicorn princess to help me get back to Earth?" Cole asked nobody in particular. " 'Bet Zeke misses the hell outta me... probably thinks I'm dead, poor bastard." He held his head in his hands, elbows on the table. "Ugh, what am I gonna do here?" The conduit asked himself, looking upwards.

"Get a job, maybe?" He suggested to himself. "No... what am I good at?" Cole thought about becoming a mailman. Then he thought that, since it was a monarchy in this land, there would be guards. Maybe he could join the royal guard? 'No... I ain't formal enough. Don't got the right attitude.' So that was dismissed. "Maybe I could ask Lyra..." He thought aloud.

"Ask me what?" Lyra questioned. Apparently Cole didn't notice her come back, as he was lost in his thoughts.

He almost jumped due to being startled. "Eh, I was just gonna ask like... what jobs there are that could be done around town. Y'know, I ain't the type to be sitting on my ass."

"O-oh... well... I don't know all the jobs. You should go see Mayor Mare, she'd be sure to know. Or Twilight Sparkle. She's kinda seen as a guide and all, probably since she's the Element of Magic." She knew about the Elements of Harmony- practically everypony did.

Cole perked-up at the mentioning of Twilight's title. "Element of Magic?" He sounded confused.

Lyra cocked her head at him. "What? You don't know about the Elements of Harmony?"

"... No...?"

"Ah! Well, I guess it'd be nice to know, huh?" Lyra chuckled. Cole just nodded, and she sat down beside him. "There are six Elements of Harmony; Laughter, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness and Magic. Pinkie Pie, the town's go-to party mare, is the Element of Laughter. Rarity, who is a great tailor, is the Element of Generosity. Applejack, who works on the Apple Family Farm, is the Element of Honesty... Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loya-"

Cole looked at her, cutting her off suddenly. "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on. I barely even know any of these people aside from Rainbow Dash. Why are you tellin' me about these other Elements of Harmony?" He meant to say people, since he wasn't used to 'ponies' as a plural. When one thought about it, the ponies were very human-like. The only true difference being their behavior (they were far friendlier than some of the people he knew) and physical appearance.

"Well, I thought they'd be useful to you. Especially Twilight- she could help you really get to know the ponies. I mean, you are a whole different race..." Lyra reasoned.

"Good point... good point. But uh, I just think I'll talk to the Mayor." Cole said. "Where's the town hall?"

"It's pretty easy to spot out. Just look out the window." The unicorn directed Cole to said window, and opened the blinds. "Town hall is way down the street, it's the biggest building in Ponyville."

"Right, right. Anyway, I guess I'll be going..." The conduit began to walk off, opening the door to the house and stepping out into the sunlight.

Cole had a couple problems that he needed to overcome first. Getting his citizenship as a resident in this land would be a huge help. Nobody wants to send a resume that says 'alien from another world'. And there was the fact that he really was an alien from another world, in technicality. With powers.

He shut the door behind him, before he walked onto the street.

"Better put my tie on..."

Author's Note:

Just a quick note, I have updated and refurbished the older chapters, so go reread them if you can. Sorry for the semi-short chapter, though! I really just wanted to get this one out, as I haven't been focusing on this story all that much.

Love all'a y'all.