• Published 7th Dec 2015
  • 670 Views, 10 Comments

Brothers - Broman

Two Royal guards find an abandoned fillly in the streets of Prancy. They now must escort her back to safety as the war around them continues to unravel.

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First Contact War

Long ago, before the banishment of Nightmare Moon, there was the Contact war. It was a war that nopony predicted. It was a war that nopony ever believed would happen. It began when the first griffons crossed into Equestrian territory and a minor skirmish occurred between the two forces. King Solaris and Prince Osiris of Equestria offered a hoof of friendship to their leader, Lord Ravenclaw to end the hostilities. However, treachery struck and both the king and crowned prince were slain, leaving the king's daughter, Princess Celestia, to take his stead, with Princess Luna ruling at her side.

War raged between the Griffon empire and Equestria for many years, and over this period of time the Griffon Empire gained allies aiding them in the battles ahead. The Griffon empire offered the Diamond dogs a home within Equestria if they joined them, to which they happily agreed and began plundering the lands in the south. Celestia, who was still grappling with the role of leadership, struggled to maintain the lands and was doing everything she could to protect her people. It was her old mentor and friend, Star Swirl the Bearded, who was able to help her by allying Equestria with the Cervine, an ancient deer folk who lived deep in the White Tail Forests. Both King Redwood and Queen Aspen helped guide the princesses, teaching them leadership and etiquette, and they also provided cervine troops to defend Equestria’s borders and maintain the land.

As the war continued, and with the teachings of the Cervine, Celestia and Luna were able to push back against the tide of battle and secure the lands that were taken by the Diamond Dogs and the Griffons, They also established new alliances with the other pony nations. Seeing this threat, the Diamond dogs abandoned their conquest and returned to their underground lairs, leaving the griffon empire vulnerable. Celestia and her allies soon rallied against the griffons, liberating the towns and cities that had been claimed.

After twenty years of war, Celestia and her allies now advanced into Prance, a nation that bore the brunt of the Griffon’s onslaught and had been held since the war’s beginning. Their last bastion was a city known as Prancy, and the further they pushed the more desperate the griffons became. It was only a matter of time before the griffons would offer their surrender. All hoped for a swift victory.

Although, for some, even with a swift victory the war had already taken everything they had.

Author's Note:

The old tales of Equestria revealed. What became of them during the time? What happened during this Contact War? All will unfold in the next chapter.