• Published 19th Nov 2015
  • 4,275 Views, 67 Comments

Recycled - Trick Question

Take a walk backwards through time to see Twilight's unconventional solution to dealing with her friends' mortality.

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1043 Anno Solequus

"It was nice of Pumpkin Cake to close Sugarcube Corner early for us," said Fluttershy.

"Pumpkin didn't really mind," said Pinkie Pie. "She figured we could use a little peace and quiet, even though this is still technically a party!" Pinkie smiled a wide but unconvincing grin.

Rarity coughed, and Spike adjusted how she sat in his lap. The dragon carefully propped her head back against his shoulder until her breathing became regular.

"Thank you for everything, Pinkie," Rarity drawled out of the good side of her muzzle. "Honestly, it's just nice to get out of that dreadful hospital for a few hours."

Twilight Sparkle looked down at the table and frowned. Even with a young dragon in the room, Twilight stood out like a wet cat. She sat at nearly twice the height of her six friends, and the shadow of her glum mood was even larger.

"Twi, c'mon now, cheer up," Applejack said brusquely with a poke to Twilight's ribs.

Spike nodded in agreement, carefully cradling his wife in his arms. "Rarity wouldn't have seen forty without all the research you've done, Sis. We're grateful for the life we've been able to share together," he said, and gently kissed Rarity on her cheek.

"Sixty-six years is a long run," Rarity added, taking a wheezing gasp between a few of the words. "And I wouldn't change one bit of it, Twilight. I'm happy for all the moments we've spent together, and I wouldn't trade them for all of Equestria."

"I feel the same way. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat," said Twilight, her voice very soft. Her magical mane gently bobbed and flowed in the air behind her, tiny streaks of light rippling through it like shooting stars. The energy of her aura contrasted sharply with the bland, empty tone of her voice. Twilight sighed dejectedly.

Rainbow Dash reached a leg around Twilight. "Hay, sourpuss, listen up. I don't like to admit it either, but we're all getting old, okay? Normal ponies like the rest of us aren't built to last forever," she said. "You've got a long, awesome road ahead of you, Twi, and we all want you to enjoy it. But it's gotta be okay if we're not all around someday."

Applejack snorted. "I can't stand this hemmin' an' hawin'. Look, Twilight, we didn't plan this meeting for Rarity, okay? We planned it for you," she revealed. "Yeah, Rarity's probably gonna die pretty soon, and that ain't happy. But she's had a great life 'cause of all the work you've done, and at some point you gotta be okay with the cards you been hoofed. It don't get no better'n this."

Fluttershy nodded. "Losing a close friend is only sad because it reminds you of how wonderful it was to be with them. Our time with Rarity will always be special, Twilight. She wants us to be happy when she's gone. She wants you to be happy."

Spike winced and tucked his head up against Rarity's neck, but Rarity kept her eyes fixed on Twilight. "Fluttershy is right, as usual," said Rarity.

"You keep spendin' all your time with us old nags when you should be tryin' to make a new friend here and there," continued Applejack. "The rest of us got other friends and family, even Spike. We're a special bunch, sure, but there's more to life than just the seven of us."

Twilight bristled and looked away. "It's hard to make new friends when you're a princess, AJ. Ponies are afraid to approach you, and you never know if they're being sincere when they do. They don't warn you about that in the brochure," she said, the line so dry and deadpan its sarcasm had to be inferred.

"There's a brochure?!" gasped Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy shushed Pinkie, but Rainbow Dash laughed anyway.

"Twilight, darling. I know you'll be fine," slurred Rarity, with the best half-smile her face could muster. "You're the Princess of Friendship, after all. You'll make fabulous new friends, and learn to love and enjoy life all over again, just like the other..."

Rarity abruptly stopped talking, and everypony froze. The silence was deafening.

Twilight sighed again, breaking the lull. "It's okay, everypony. I'm actually glad you brought it up. I want you all to know that I'm going to speak with the Sisters again soon," she said.

A collective exhale of relief exited multiple muzzles.

"Hot dang. It's about time," said Applejack, finally relaxing into her seat. "If you start talkin' to the Sisters again, that's a huge load off our minds, Twilight. Those two will stick around long after we're pushin' up daisies."

"Best news we've heard in years," said Spike. "I'm proud of you, Sis."

"It's a perfect start," added Rarity. "Good show."

"It really is wonderful, Twilight," said Fluttershy. "I know you'll be able to patch things up, no matter what the silly disagreement might have been."

"Pfft. It's not like we don't already know. They're just jealous," said Rainbow Dash. "Right, Twilight? That was what this whole stupid thing was, wasn't it?"

Pinkie Pie grimaced. "Guys? Let's not go there unless Twily really wants to..."

Twilight shook her head. "No, it's fine. I'm still not ready to talk about it, but I thought it might make everypony feel better to know," she said, then paused for a moment. "Also, there's something else. I have an important request for each of you. I brought these." Twilight's horn glowed and a tiny hole opened up in the fabric of spacetime, right over the table. Seven small pills clattered onto its surface.

"Ooh, candy!" said Pinkie Pie. Applejack immediately blocked her with a hoof.

"Not candy, Pinkie," said Twilight. "They're sleeping pills. I want everypony to go to bed at ten o'clock tonight and take one of them. That way all my friends will be asleep at the same time."

"Sis, Rarity can't take medicine like this," said Spike. "It needs to go through her doctor."

"Then I need you to smuggle it into Ponyville General and make sure she takes it. It's a mild sedative, and it won't hurt her or affect her other medications. I already checked," said Twilight.

"And there's seven because you're taking one too?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"No. The extra one is for Spike, because he'll need twice the dose to put him to sleep," said Twilight.

Several nervous looks were exchanged, but Rainbow Dash was the first to say something.

"Um, Twilight... This isn't some kind of ritual suicide thing, is it?" asked Dash. "Because I don't know if I'm totally cool with that."

"Rainbow Danger Dash!" gasped Fluttershy. "How could you even think such a thing?"

Applejack paused for a moment in thought. "Well, is it?" she asked.

Twilight shook her head. "Of course not. Each pill contains 300 milligrams of trazodone, which is a common hypnotic—that means it's a sleep aid. You can tell by the stamping on them. Take one to a pharmacy if you don't believe me."

"I'll take the pill," slurred Rarity.

"Wait. I don't know if this is a good idea," said Spike. "Can you at least tell us why, Sis?"

"I'm going to cast a strange spell tonight that has some unpredictable effects. I might disappear for a long time, or something else might happen," said Twilight. "I don't really know for certain. I can promise that nopony will be harmed, and probably you'll just wake up in the morning and everything will be normal. But it would ease my mind a lot if everypony is asleep at the same time tonight. Just in case."

"Disappear? But for how long?" asked Fluttershy. "I'm sure we'd all feel much better if we all knew what was going on."

Twilight closed her eyes. "I'm sorry everypony. It could be a very long time. But this is something I need to do, and I can't provide any more details right now. I know I don't have any right to ask this of you, but in case I do have to disappear, I need you to be strong for me." She opened her eyes and looked up to her friends. Twilight's face was blank, but her eyes were wet.

"Eh, that's good enough for me," said Rainbow Dash, and slid her pill over to her side of the table.

"Me too," said Fluttershy, grabbing her pill.

"I trust you, Twi," said Applejack. "I know you'd never hurt us. I wish you'd open up more, though."

"Sounds like a blast!" said Pinkie Pie, bubbling over with excitement. "But I really hope you can come back soon."

Spike pulled three of the pills over to his side of the table. "I wouldn't do this for anypony else, you know," he said. "Now if we go through with this, I expect you to meet with the Sisters like you said. You know how much reunification would mean to Rarity and the rest of us."

"I'll see them within a month of my trip," promised Twilight.