• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,293 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

  • ...

Surprise Date

Author's Note:

Fair warning, this chapter is going to contain immense amounts of fluff and love. It will further cement Rainbow Dash and Indominus as a couple. Some parts of the chapter might be a little too 'steamy' for younger readers. You have been warned. :ajsmug:

As the sunlight shined into the cave Sunday morning, Indominus knew that he had one heck of a day ahead of him. Even though it was a free day for the dinosaurs, Indominus had a mare to greet back at the spa. Thanks to Rarity, Indominus had a surprise date in store for Rainbow Dash. He would have one on one time with the pony that he loved so much. Though it was going to be a surprise, Indominus would have to beat Rainbow Dash to the spa.

He slowly got up, trying not to disturb his friends. He had to tiptoe around Tyrannosaurus to prevent him from waking the fellow rex king. He had almost made it out of the cave, when he heard T-Rex rumble. The dinosaur was giving him a look and a smile that told Indominus "have fun and enjoy your time today." Indominus nodded his head and made his way towards Ponyville.

Once Ponyville was in sight beyond the trees, Indominus had to think about how he was going to get to the spa without attracting attention. If ponies saw him walking through Ponyville, it would give him away and the surprise would be ruined. So Indominus shrunk himself down and used his camouflage to blend in with his surroundings. Normally for Indominus, blending in with his surroundings was easy. Walking through Ponyville however, was more taxing on his abilities.

He had to find a way to blend both sides of his body with the buildings and whatnot that were on either side of him. It was far more difficult for him to sneak around Ponyville than to just walk about normally. Indominus had to use every alley he came across to get a break from tirelessly using the camouflage. After what seemed like an eternity of sneaking around ponies, Indominus reached the spa. He was also relieved that Rainbow Dash wasn't in sight yet, so he went inside and was amazed by the greeting he received.

As soon as Indominus stepped inside the spa he was greeted by Aloe and the staff. They were all eager and happy to see him.

"Indominus, it's wonderful to see you again," Aloe said to the hybrid. Indominus nodded his head in agreement. "You got here about fifteen minutes before Miss Dash, so you'll get to surprise her as planned. We'll do everything we can to give you two plenty of quality time together." Indominus licked Aloe's face in delight and made himself comfy on one of the couches.

After fifteen minutes had passed, Indominus heard the door knob of the spa moving. He camouflaged his skin to the color of the couch and froze in place. When Rainbow Dash walked into the spa, Indominus felt his heart beating a thousand miles a minute. He never felt nervous when he was with her and the others, but being alone for the first time made the hybrid so anxious. He was actually going to get quality time with the pony he had kissed only a few weeks ago.

"Ah Miss Dash, you're here for your usual?"

"Yes I am. I can't wait to take a load off."

"Oh, it seems you will be having somepony joining you this time." Aloe said that as a sign for Indominus to greet Rainbow Dash.

He tried to hide his nervousness as he silently walked until he was behind Rainbow Dash.

"I didn't schedule for anypony to join me."

"Well, he's here now, so you might want to greet him. He's been looking forward to this for quite some time."

Rainbow Dash turned around to see who Aloe was talking about. Her eyes widened when she saw Indominus standing behind her. He bent down and gently nuzzled her face, which caused Rainbow to blush a bright shade of red. The spa ponies were silently squealing at the touching sight taking place.

"Your friends put him down for the same thing as you, so why don't we get you two lovebirds settled for a day of relaxation?"

Rainbow broke out of her stunned gaze and spoke to Indominus.

"Indominus, are you sure you want to go through with this?" The hybrid nodded his head slowly, he wanted this time with Rainbow Dash so much.

Aloe guided the couple through the curtains and towards the back. Without too many ponies being around, the staff could watch the bonding between Rainbow Dash and Indominus. All of them were so curious after they had seen how Indominus had acted whenever Rainbow's name got brought up. When the two lovebirds got comfy on the chairs, the staff could see the joyful look in Indominus's eyes while he stared at Rainbow Dash. All the love and joy in the world seemed to lurk behind those crimson slit pupils.

Rainbow Dash's usual was a pampered muscle massage and an indulgent hooficure. Indominus didn't mind the treatment, he even enjoyed the feeling of being pampered and having his muscles massaged. The staff even moved his chair so that he was right next to Rainbow, so they could enjoy each other's company more. He just enjoyed being so close to Rainbow Dash during the treatment, she on the other hoof, was having difficulty starting a conversation with the hybrid. His arrival had caught her off guard and made it tough to find the right words for such a rare moment.

"Indominus, did you really want to go through another day at the spa just to be with me?" Indominus nodded and gently licked Rainbow's face, the spa ponies giggled at the sight.

"He seems pretty attached to you, how did he become so fond of you Miss Dash?" That was a subject Rainbow had been meaning to tell the staff and Indominus.

"Truth is, he was fond of my surrogate sister Scootaloo. He and Tyrannosaurus were asked to be her guardians by Princess Luna, and they bonded with her quite a bit over the last few months."

Rainbow looked into Indominus's eyes while she was answering the staff's question.

"Somehow, this big lug saw me looking after Scootaloo, and he started developing feelings for me, isn't that right Indominus?" The hybrid simply nodded and allowed Rainbow Dash to continue. "One night, he helped me fight against her awful parents and we bonded during the brawl. His devotion and bravery was so admirable I felt drawn to him. Nopony has ever been able to capture my adoration or win my heart, yet he managed to accomplish both during that night."

Indominus gave Rainbow Dash a very warm smile and a content look in his eyes. It wasn't from the massage though, Indominus was showing how happy he was from hearing Rainbow Dash praise him. He reached over with one of his arms and laid it down on Rainbow's free hoof. The staff were struggling to hide their squeals from seeing Indominus's kind gestures.

"No other stallion or colt has ever held a place in your heart Miss Dash?"

"Well, there was one of the Wonderbolts, his name was Soarin." Upon hearing this, Indominus wondered if Rainbow Dash held somepony else in such regard. "He however, could never match up to you Indominus," the hybrid's face relaxed as Rainbow dispelled any doubts in his mind. "He always got himself in trouble and had to be rescued by me half the time. You on the other hoof, have put your life on the line for me and Scootaloo and always saved us from danger."

"Then came the day when he and Tyrannosaurus fought Black Death. Both of them got killed during the fight, and it broke my heart as well as Scootaloo's. We got so furious that we both performed Sonic Rainbooms and started pounding away at that monster. He got the better of us, but our Rainbooms brought the dinosaurs back and gave them a second chance. They ended the battle when all of us destroyed Black Death in front of Ponyville."

"That was quite a show," said one of the staff. "Then afterwards, you had your special moment with Indominus, did you not?"

Rainbow started blushing again as she remembered what Indominus had done. Yet she still continued to tell the story.

"Yeah, Scootaloo told me that it would be the only appropriate time for me to tell him, so I swallowed my pride and began confessing. Yet somehow, he knew what I was going to say, and stopped me before I could tell him everything."

"Then he kissed you in the most passionate way ever," said another staff member, finishing Rainbow's line.

"Yeah, he did. I'm not much for romance, but he left such a tremendous impression on me that I couldn't let it go. I enjoyed that kiss with Indominus more that I thought." She wrapped her hoof around Indominus's hand and looked into his eyes as she continued. "Indominus, I honestly can't imagine being with anypony else right now. I will never choose any colt or stallion over you, they will never be able to compete with the dedication and loyalty you have shown."

The staff watched with baited breath as Indominus began to inch his face closer to Rainbow's. They even stopped the massages when Indominus was right next to Rainbow Dash. All went quiet as Indominus kissed Rainbow Dash on the cheek. The spa ponies were in shock, they didn't think they would ever see Indominus show Rainbow Dash such affection.

"Wow, what a kind and gentle dinosaur," was all that one of the staff could say.

"He really does love her, they make such a cute couple."

"Aww Indominus, for a dinosaur you have the kindest heart. Fluttershy would be proud if she saw you," Rainbow said before she nuzzled against Indominus's face.

After Indominus's touching display, the staff moved on to the indulgent hooficure. Indominus didn't mind the hooficure, he was solely focused on being with the pony he had grown to love. After the hooficure had ended, Rainbow was ready to head out when Aloe stopped her.

"Miss Dash, why don't you stay for a complimentary bath, free of charge?" Rainbow thought about it and was about to refuse when she realized what Aloe was trying to do.

"It'll be completely free."

"Yes, just as long as you share it with Indominus."

"Alright, Indominus, care to join me for a relaxing soak?" The hybrid eagerly nodded his head and followed Rainbow up the steps that led to the bath.

Indominus and Rainbow could feel the heat building in their bodies as they got into the water. It was the closest the two of them had gotten since Indominus had kissed Rainbow in front of Ponyville. Being in such close proximity made their temperatures sky rocket, but it was from their own nervousness, not the water. The staff had left the room, but were peeking out from behind the curtains because their curiosity had gotten the better of them. They wanted to see more romantic moments between Rainbow Dash and Indominus.

Indominus coiled his body around Rainbow Dash like a dragon guarding it's treasure. She nuzzled against his face and ran a hoof across his scales. Rainbow could still see the kind spirit behind his eyes, the same kind spirit she had seen during their fight against Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten. Rainbow decided she needed to show Indominus how much he meant to her.

"Indominus, I know I've told you how much you and the dinosaurs mean to me and Scootaloo, but it's time I finally showed you."

Indominus perked his head up, but felt his heart stop when Rainbow put both her front hooves to his face and brought him down. He then heard her speaking in a calm and truly sweet tone.

"Come here Indominus, I want to show you how much you really mean to me."

The hybrid couldn't prepare himself as Rainbow Dash kissed him. He felt his temperature rise like lava and energy surging throughout his body. Indominus slowly closed his eyes as he kissed Rainbow Dash back. The two lovebirds kept kissing each other passionately in the water, Indominus pulled Rainbow closer to his body as he continued to return her affection. He gently held her body as they floated through the water, Rainbow continued to run her hooves across Indominus's face with each kiss.

The staff were overcome with emotion, their eyes were tearing up at the scene before them. Never had they seen such powerful love before, Aloe was overtaken by how much Rainbow and Indominus loved each other. She would have to thank Rarity later for helping give those two their time to show their feelings. It was the most beautiful moment any of the spa ponies had ever seen. They walked away from the curtains so the two lovebirds could have their quality time.

After an hour had gone by, Aloe quietly walked back into the room to see how the new couple was doing. When she walked up the steps and looked into the bath, she found a heart warming sight. Indominus and Rainbow were both sleeping in each others arms. Rainbow was nuzzled perfectly against Indominus's face while he had an arm around her body. They both had content smiles on their faces, like they had spent the most amazing time together. Aloe had to use a ton of self control so she wouldn't burst into tears at the touching sight.

"Miss Dash?" Rainbow Dash slowly stirred from the comfort of sleep and woke up to see where she was. She then looked up to see Aloe looking down at her. "Did you enjoy your time with Indominus?"

"I love him so much, he cares about me just like he cares about Scootaloo. I can't wait until all of us become the ultimate family." Rainbow ran a hoof across Indominus's scaly face, trying to wake him up. He fluttered his eyes open to see the amazing rainbow mare snuggled against him. He released his embrace on Rainbow Dash and they walked out of the bath and down the steps.

The staff quickly dried them off and the couple made their way back towards the entrance to the spa. Rainbow was paying for the treatments while Indominus was receiving praise from the rest of the staff.

"Thank you for giving us this rare chance," Rainbow said to Aloe.

"Don't thank just me, thank your friends. They are the ones who set this up and made it possible. We just gave you two some much needed time together."

"Before you go Miss Dash, we have a request to ask you."

"Sure, what's the request?"

"Could you and Indominus kiss one time for us?"

The two exchanged looks between each other, then Rainbow Dash said "one little kiss won't hurt, right Indominus?" The hybrid winked at her in response.

The entire staff gathered to watch the spectacle take place in front of them. Indominus and Rainbow gave each other dreamy stares as they brought their faces closer. The two of them closed their eyes as they locked lips and kissed again. The spa ponies were squealing in delight and giving shouts of approval to the new couple. After a few minutes, Rainbow and Indominus broke away from their long kiss.

"You two lovebirds enjoy the rest of the day," Aloe said as Rainbow and Indominus left the spa.

Once they were out of the building, Indominus returned to his normal size. He was grateful that he didn't have to sneak around anymore, or use the camouflage. Rainbow flew up to his face so she could give her thanks for the awesome time.

"Indominus, that was an incredible time we shared in the spa." The hybrid nodded happily and noticed that Rainbow was still blushing and acting nervous. He had never seen her so bashful before. "I know that it's supposed to be a free day for you, but I was wondering if you...would like to, um....go out with me on a date?"

Indominus's eyes widened and he bellowed a happy roar into the sky. The ponies around him were startled by the sudden roar. Rainbow could see the sheer delight in his eyes as he looked back at her.

"I'll take that as a yes?" Indominus eagerly nodded his head and licked Rainbow's face multiple times. After he was done, Rainbow flew back to the ground and extended a wing for Indominus. The hybrid shrank back down to his smaller size, and gently held Rainbow's wing in his claws. They walked down the streets of Ponyville looking like a true couple.

Unknown to Rainbow and Indominus, there were a few ponies that were spying on them. Rarity had gotten the word out to the others, and they had been watching the couple ever since Indominus entered the spa. The Crusaders had even tagged along, because they wanted to see the new couple together too. After they saw the way Indominus held Rainbow's wing, Pinkie, Rarity and Twilight were struggling to keep their squeals under control.

"He held her wing! He held her wing!" Twilight kept repeating the same thing.

"Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh! They're going on a date!"

"Who would've thought that Indominus could be such a gentlecolt."

"Something remarkable must've happened at the spa for Rainbow to ask him out."

"To think, my surrogate sister and one of my saviors, are going out on a date. Now this is going to be a family to remember," Scootaloo said as she watched Rainbow and Indominus walk off.

"Come on girls, we need to get moving or we're gonna lose them."

The rest of the Mane Six and the CMC followed after the new couple, staying hidden amongst the buildings so they wouldn't be seen. Each pony eager on what Rainbow and Indominus would do on their first date.

The first thing the new couple decided on was getting some lunch. Since Indominus's diet was limited, Rainbow had no problem going to Sugarcube Corner to pick up some of his food first, then going to the restaurant she wanted. The owners didn't mind that Indominus brought his own food, they even brought out drinks for him and Rainbow to share. The pegasus and dinosaur ate in peace, completely unaware of the other patrons that were watching the two enjoying lunch.

"You know, Indominus, this is the first date I've ever been on." Indominus's eyes went wide as he was in the middle of eating a few fritters. Then he remembered that Rainbow had said no colt had won her heart before, that was probably why she hadn't been on a date before. He still looked perplexed so Rainbow decided to explain further. "I know I said that no colt caught my heart like you, but there were some that wanted to date me for their own personal gain and filthy reasons."

Indominus put one of his clawed hands on Rainbow's hoof to show his concern.

"Oh don't worry Indominus. They tried, but I always kicked them to the curb each time. None of those colts ever messed with me again. You're the only one that's caught my eye." She took the hand that Indominus had placed on her and held it with both hoofs. "There is not another colt in this world that can compare to you." She gently kissed Indominus's hand and it caused a slight blush from the hybrid himself.

In one of the alleys by the restaurant, the Mane Six were covering their mouths to hide their reactions.

"Ah've never seen Rainbow Dash be so bold and girly before," Applejack said.

"She truly did fall in love with him over the course of the last few months," Rarity added.

"I wonder how the Wonderbolts would react if they ever found about this," said Twilight.

"Well, let's just hope that Soarin doesn't find out, or it'll turn ugly really fast," said Fluttershy.

"I bet Indominus would mop the floor with him," Scootaloo answered.

"Hush girls, we're missing the moment between them," Pinkie interrupted.

The couple had finished their meal and were on the move again. The Mane Six followed after them, eager for where they would go next.

"Alright Indominus, is there anything you have in mind?" The hybrid did some thinking for a while, he wasn't sure what he could do for a date with Rainbow Dash. Then a brilliant thought occurred to him.

He returned to his regular size, motioned for Rainbow Dash to follow him and they took off into the Everfree Forest. The Mane Six got left behind real quick, none of them could keep up with Indominus's speed. Twilight and Fluttershy went airborne and tried to spot Indominus from the sky. They found him heading deep into the forest with Rainbow Dash alongside him. That's when Twilight realized what Indominus had planned.

"Uh Fluttershy, I think we better wait for them to leave the forest."

"But why?" Twilight whispered into Fluttershy's ear what Indominus was planning, and her face went pale.

"Oh, yeah, I think we'll just sit this one out."

Fluttershy went back towards the group while Twilight kept a vigil on Indominus, so she could notify everypony when they left the forest.

The further Indominus went into the forest, the more curious Rainbow Dash became. She had no idea what the hybrid was looking for. He seemed to be sniffing and scanning the area for something. She was about to ask when Indominus stopped and moved into some thick foliage. Rainbow ducked into the foliage herself and tried to spot what had gotten Indominus's attention. That's when she saw it in a clearing ahead of them.

Three manticores were in a clearing about a few hundred yards ahead of them. Rainbow looked at Indominus with wonder in her eyes.

"You brought me out here to show me one of your hunts?" She whispered in a hushed tone so that the manticores wouldn't be alerted. Indominus nodded slowly and quietly carved a message into the dirt.

"Watch closely, I'm going to show you how tough and powerful I am when I hunt."

Rainbow flew up into the tree tops as Indominus camouflaged his skin and began to stalk the manticores. It was the same as his first hunt, only he didn't have Tyrannosaurus with him this time. Indominus had the spotlight, he was going to put on a hunt for Rainbow Dash, and he was going to make it a good one. Just like the last hunt, neither of the manticores could detect Indominus and that gave him the advantage. One of them backed up too close to where Indominus had hidden himself, and the hybrid made his move.

Without uttering a sound, Indominus lunged forward and crushed the bones in the manticore's neck. The creature went limp and fell over, instantly dead from the attack. The remaining manticores were alerted and got startled when Indominus burst from the trees, roaring at the peak of his voice. The frightened manticores turned tail and began to flee. Indominus took off after them with Rainbow alongside him and the chase was on.

Indominus easily closed the gap between himself and the fleeing manticores. Rainbow could see the savage delight in his eyes during the chase. Indominus was in his element, a predator hunting down prey and enjoying every minute of it. He clamped his jaws down on the head of the closest manticore, and in one swift motion, he tore the head off and tossed it aside. The head rolled to the side while the body spilled out huge amounts of blood.

Indominus ran past the bleeding carcass and hurried to catch the last manticore. Rainbow decided to get in on the fun herself and flew ahead of Indominus. She caught up with the manticore and rammed him across the face. The surprise attack caused the manticore to lose his footing and he crashed to the ground. With the manticore disoriented, Rainbow pulled ahead, turned around and zoomed back towards the creature at great speeds.

Indominus realized what Rainbow was doing and got excited as he got closer to the dazed manticore. Rainbow Dash rammed the manticore straight in the gut, and the impact sent him flying backwards. Indominus let out an excited roar as he dove for the reeling manticore. He caught the helpless prey in his jaws, shook it like a torn up chew toy, ripped the head off, tossed it in the air and crunched it in his jaws. Rainbow looked at Indominus in amazement as the hybrid bellowed a victory roar into the forest.

"That...was....so....awesome!! Indominus, that was the coolest thing I've seen by far."

The hybrid nuzzled Rainbow's face gently, he was thrilled that she had enjoyed one of his hunts. Rainbow didn't even mind the blood streaming down his mouth. With joy and happiness coursing through him, Indominus carried the bleeding corpses back to where he had killed the first manticore. He was about to feast when he and Rainbow Dash heard thunderous footsteps heading their way. Indominus was ready to protect Rainbow when he saw a familiar face walk in through the trees.

"Tyrannosaurus, Blue, girls, what are you guys doing here?"

The other dinosaurs had been drawn to the area by Indominus's roars. They had watched him hunt down the manticores and had seen Rainbow help him in taking down the last one. Tyrannosaurus walked over and nuzzled his scaly hybrid brother, it was a show of praise for how well he had done on his own. The rexes noticed Blue and her sisters looking at them and the dead bodies in eagerness. Indominus understood what they wanted and told them they could eat one of the manticores.

The dinosaurs were all set to feast, but all of them looked at Rainbow Dash with uncertain eyes. Rainbow appreciated their thoughtfulness on the matter, and quickly eased their worries.

"Don't worry guys, I saw plenty of blood during our battle with Black Death. I can take watching all of you eating, so go ahead and gorge."

Once Rainbow gave her approval, the carnivores began to devour the dead manticores. Throughout all the feasting Rainbow didn't flinch once, not even when it came to the bleeding intestines dangling from the dinosaurs' jaws. Out of all the ponies the dinosaurs had met, Rainbow and Scootaloo were definitely the most accepting of their true nature. Any other pony would've been frightened for their lives and gone running. The dinosaurs had been paired with the right ponies to be their family.

Once their stomachs were full and Indominus had cleaned the blood from his mouth, he and Rainbow bid their farewells to Tyrannosaurus and the raptor squad. Tyrannosaurus had noticed how content Rainbow and Indominus had been before he left, and that told him they were having a swell time together. Rainbow knew the perfect place she wanted to take Indominus next and guided him out of the forest. She led the hybrid to the flower plains that they had raced through the day before. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her temperature was rising as Rainbow prepared herself.

Twilight and the others had spotted them from the tree line and were wondering what Rainbow Dash was going to do. They then heard her talking in a nervous and shaky tone.

"Indominus, could you shrink down for a minute? There's something I've gotta tell you."

The hybrid was a little confused as he shrunk back down once again. Rainbow Dash seemed more nervous than ever before, like she was afraid to make her next move.

"What are you planning Rainbow Dash," Twilight said to herself as she watched the nervous pegasus.

Then something happened that nopony saw coming.

Rainbow Dash suddenly flung herself at Indominus and the two of them went rolling over the other across the flower field. After a few tumbles, Indominus ended up on top of Rainbow Dash and just stared down at her. She looked so mesmerizing laying in the field of flowers, then she asked him something the hybrid had only dreamed of.

"Kiss me Indominus."

Both pegasus and dinosaur gave into their instinctive impulses as Indominus laid his body on Rainbow's and they began kissing each other with emotion and passion. The Mane Six were freaking out and going crazy from the tree line. Pinkie had passed out from an overload of emotions, Fluttershy was hopping all over the forest in a giddy frenzy. Applejack and Rarity were tearing up from the beautiful sight, Twilight was squealing like a fan meeting her idol for the first time. The CMC all had wide smiles and gleaming eyes, except for Scootaloo.

She was crying tears of happiness with the biggest grin out of all the ponies. It brought such overwhelming happiness to her to see her idol and one of her saviors being so much in love. There was no doubt that Indominus had broken through to Rainbow's heart on that fateful night. Now he was kissing the pony he loved with so much passion, and she was being overwhelmed by an emotion she never thought she would experience. Both of them had found the love that they had never known for so many years.

After a whopping ten minutes of making out, Indominus and Rainbow finally took a break. They just stared dreamily into each other's eyes while running their hoofs and claws across one another's faces.

"You are...so amazing, Indominus," Rainbow said in-between breaths.

The hybrid licked her face and then began to inch his way down Rainbow's body. Rainbow let out a soft moan as Indominus dragged his tongue along her body. She felt her body heating up immensely and couldn't keep herself from moaning each time she felt Indominus's rough tongue caress her body. The rough edges of his tongue sent waves of blissful energy throughout Rainbow's body every time he ran it across her. He was giving her absolute bliss and pleasure at the same time, and Rainbow felt like she was in paradise.

Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy had to cover the fillies' eyes when they saw what Indominus was doing. That was a display that young ponies were not meant to see. None of them expected Indominus to have such an instinct or behavior within himself. Twilight felt steam escaping her ears as she continued to watch and hear Rainbow's moans. Her eyes shrunk in shock as she watched Indominus move his head towards the one zone nopony ever went.

"OH NO. He's heading for the forbidden zone."

"WHAT!?" The Mane Six looked on, terrified of what Indominus was going to do.

Indominus was about to head to the forbidden zone when Rainbow stopped him.

"Wait...Indominus....we....can't do that....just yet." Her breath was incredibly shaky from the bliss she had received, and she had a dark red blush on her cheeks.

Indominus stopped himself in time and brought his head back up to hers.

"We can't...do that...until we become a family." Rainbow needed a few minutes to catch her breath, and Indominus was respectful of that. She took a wing and ran the feathers along Indominus's face as she continued. "I know you're eager for that sort of thing, but it's just too soon. I have Scootaloo to think about, and doing this now would be considered betraying her. I hope you understand, it has nothing to do with you."

Indominus took one of his claws and carved out a response. Rainbow turned on her side so she could read it.

"I understand. I didn't mean to rush things. I can wait until all of us become the family she deserves."

"Thank you for being so understanding Indominus," Rainbow said softly as she kissed the hybrid on the snout. The lovebirds held each other in a loving embrace and just rested in the flower field.

"Oh thank goodness, I was worried he was going to do something beyond intimate," Rarity said.

"I didn't know Indominus felt THAT strongly about Rainbow Dash," said Twilight.

"Well it's a good thing he has restraint, otherwise we all might've seen somethin' we shouldn't have," Applejack added.

"But you do know what this means, right girls?" The CMC were the only ones that were stumped, so Fluttershy whispered the most censored version she could think of. They nearly blurted out their response, but Pinkie managed to hush their voices.

"Indominus wants to mate with Rainbow Dash!?" Scootaloo was taken aback, if Indominus mated with Rainbow then she would have another filly to care for. One that might take Scootaloo's place, luckily both Indominus and Rainbow put her before their own desires. They could never replace the filly that was the sole reason for their romance in the first place.

The rest of their surprise date was spent relaxing in the flower field. Rainbow just enjoyed being held in Indominus's comforting claws, something she would only ever admit to Scootaloo and nopony else. He was everything she could ever want in her special somepony, Indominus was tough, strong and powerful. Yet he was also caring, concerning and understanding for others. He and Tyrannosaurus would do an excellent job at being a family for Scootaloo.

Twilight had one grand idea that could complete the day for the couple. However, in order to make it work, she would need the support pf every pony in Ponyville. She and the others left to tell everypony of her plan while Scootaloo kept watch over her sister and savior. It was so heart warming for the young filly to see such a peaceful picture.

By the time Twilight and the others returned, the sun was getting close to setting. Twilight and Scootaloo flew over to the resting couple to get their attention.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, have you been enjoying your day with Indominus," Twilight asked.

"Oh it's been an amazing day Twilight, I never thought he could be so thoughtful and kind."

"You two look like a great couple," Scootaloo teased.

"Yeah Scoot, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I owe it to you for making this possible, you're the best little sister a pony could ask for."

Indominus motioned for Scootaloo to join them, and the filly welcomed the embrace from him and Rainbow. Being held by Rainbow and Indominus made them seem like a mother and father in Scootaloo's eyes.

"Well Rainbow, I have one surprise that is waiting for you and Indominus, if you both are up for it."

The cyan mare looked into the eyes of the hybrid.

"What do you think Indominus, up for seeing what Twilight has in mind for us?" The dinosaur nodded his head and got back up on his feet.

Rainbow and Scootaloo flew around Indominus as he returned to his normal size. Rainbow and Indominus followed Twilight as she filled Scootaloo in on the plan. The pair could hear Scootaloo giggling when Twilight had finished telling her all the details. Neither of them knew what Twilight had planned as she led them through a forest path. They could hear ponies talking as they neared the end of the path. When they reached the end of the path past the forest, Indominus and Rainbow were surprised by what was waiting for them.

They found ponies from Ponyville waiting around a river that had a large leaf sitting in it. The moment they saw Rainbow and Indominus, they all began cheering and applauding the couple.

"Twilight, what's all this," Rainbow asked.

"This is a river ride for you and Indominus, sort of a closure on your date. I asked everypony to help make it possible, the rest are further along the river."

"You put this together for us Twilight?"

"You can thank me afterwards Rainbow, right now you and Indominus have a river ride to enjoy."

Indominus shrunk himself down, applied the lightweight spell and joined Rainbow Dash on the leaf boat. The river ride went through the forest for the first part of their adventure, then they heard Twilight's voice amongst the trees.

"Alright you two, this ride is going to take you both to a special place in your hearts, called Upendi."

The foliage on the path parted ways, revealing an amazing sight that left Rainbow and Indominus stunned.

In front of them was a beautiful scenery with lush greenery, waterfalls all around them, flowers decorating every plant along the river. The setting sun and rising stars helped capture the atmosphere perfectly. It was a mixture of a jungle and grassy plains environment. Rainbow and Indominus noticed ponies from Ponyville dancing along the river to a strange music that started out of nowhere. Then Twilight appeared in front of them and began to sing as they continued along the river.

Indominus was extremely taken with the serene environment and the amazing song that Twilight was singing to make the river ride more relaxing. He felt Rainbow sliding her hoof into his hand and saw her deep seductive eyes staring back at him. The hybrid dinosaur gently closed his hand around Rainbow's hoof delicately and returned her gaze as they listened to the lovely tune.

Fluttershy joined in with the singing and handed out passion fruit to Rainbow and Indominus. Indominus tried the fruit, since he didn't want to be rude on the ride, and he actually enjoyed it. Ponies were singing with Fluttershy and dancing in conga lines along the length of the river. Rainbow was amazed at the amount of work that her friends were putting into the ride. Just as the couple went over a small waterfall, Fluttershy put a heart shaped leaf over Indominus's head.

The hybrid tore off the leaf, he didn't want to be decorated during his time with Rainbow Dash.

"Not much for the really frilly stuff huh?" Indominus shook his head.

"Heads up you two, you're about to take a plunge," Twilight said.

Ahead of the couple was a huge drop that connected with the river below. Indominus and Rainbow jumped off the leaf boat and took a deep plunge toward the river below. On the way down, Fluttershy continued singing to them. Twilight positioned the leaf boat as Rainbow and Indominus came down so they landed back in it. Both were laughing from the thrill of the jump, and having a blast.

Fluttershy threw more fruit to them and as Indominus caught one in his mouth, it slipped past his teeth and got partially lodged in his throat. Rainbow noticed him struggling to get the fruit down and did something to help Indominus relax his muscles. She reached over and tenderly licked his neck, which caused his throat to relax and the fruit to go down smoothly. Twilight blushed slightly at what Rainbow had done, still not quite used to her daredevil friend's sensitive side.

The river part ended when Indominus and Rainbow were swept into the sky by a water geyser. Beneath them ponies were dancing in a long conga line and taking a massive, long water slide that curved down a huge hill and led to a giant pool. Rainbow could see her friends near the back of the conga line, Twilight motioned for them to join the group. So the couple jumped off the leaf boat, hit the water and joined the conga line. Rainbow joined in the singing as she and Indominus danced with the conga line.

The ponies went down the water slide in pairs of two, so Indominus and Rainbow held each other as they went down on their backs. As they went down the enormous slide, their speed was building and making the pool appear that much closer.

"THIS. IS. AWESOME!!!" Rainbow shouted as they neared the bottom of the slide. Indominus answered with a loud, excited roar as he and Rainbow collided with the pool. Their splash drenched most of the ponies around the pool, but they were both giggling and laughing when they resurfaced.

Rainbow and Indominus shook themselves dry just as Twilight and her friends approached.

"So what did you think of the ride?" Rainbow had only one thing to say.

"Come here girls." The Mane Six and CMC all shared a big group hug. Scootaloo always managed to find the closest spot when it came to hugging Rainbow Dash. "I love you guys, I can't thank you enough for doing this for us."

Indominus got his turn with the group hug and found himself overwhelmed with all the affection. Now he knew how Rainbow Dash felt whenever she had a group hug. Everypony from Ponyville applauded Indominus and Rainbow Dash, and the couple thanked them all for their effort.

Later everypony returned to their homes and Indominus was giving his last thanks to Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo watched the display from one of the windows of the cloudominium, managing to hear what Rainbow was saying as she and Indominus nuzzled each other.

"Good night, my proud and strong savior." Indominus carved out his own response in the ground.

"Sleep well, my loyal and fearless warrior."

They shared one last kiss before they finally went their separate ways for the night. When Rainbow walked into the house, Scootaloo had to ask the obvious question.

"So, today turned out pretty good didn't it?" Rainbow had the most relaxed, happy look in her eyes as she responded.

"Scootaloo, all I have to say is, I can't wait for your saviors to join us so we can be, the family of a lifetime." Scootaloo followed after her love struck idol as they got ready for bed.

Back at the cave, Tyrannosaurus and the raptors spotted Indominus, looking more relaxed than ever before. He had the most content stare as he laid down next to T-Rex. Blue and her sisters snuggled around Indominus and Tyrannosaurus nuzzled him gently. They were glad Indominus had such an incredible day. All of them couldn't wait for the gala, cause they would finally be with the ponies they loved, especially Indominus and Tyrannosaurus.