• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,283 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Target: Ponyville

As the light from the blast faded, everypony tried to see what had happened themselves. Celestia was becoming more surprised with each feat the dinosaurs pulled off. They had released a blast that had completely overpowered Black Death, and didn't seem short of breath.

"Luna, did you know that this would happen?"

"Truth be told sister, I knew those dinosaurs were tough, but I never imagined that they would ascend to this level. Over the time I spent watching their bonding with Scootaloo, their determination to be with her pushed them harder. When I saw how aggressively they fought off a hydra, it wasn't long before they could best any creature they came across. Even when I was sure that they would be there for her, they continued to surprise me."

"How did they surprise you? What did they do that made you so sure they could take on Black Death?"

"It was the love they showed to both Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. When they came to Scootaloo's rescue against her bullies, and when Indominus helped Rainbow fight off Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten. I witnessed bonds being formed between them that I would never even begin to fathom. That's when I knew their love and devotion for each other would give them the drive to make this happen. They've made me proud with the progress they've made, now we'll see how it affected Black Death."

Everypony watched as a small black dot began plummeting from the sky. As the dot got closer, everypony could see that it was indeed Black Death. Though he looked very weak and crippled as he got closer to the ground. When he crashed, the dragon was laying in a crumpled pile. His body was twitching at odd angles and his limps looked like shorten stubs of themselves. Rainbow, Scootaloo and the Guardians had done an ugly number on the fierce dragon.

Black Death had lost an arm, his legs had almost been completely destroyed, and his wings had once again been disintegrated. All of the scales around his face had been shredded away, leaving exposed torn up muscle. Most of his tail was gone as well, the dragon was truly a mere shadow of the fierce cocky dragon from the start of the fight. His magic was feebly trying to repair all the damage, but regrowing all the bones was taking a toll on him.

"Boys, you don't mind if we pay him back for smacking us around earlier do you?" The dinosaurs shook their heads and Rainbow looked at Scootaloo. "Whatya say squirt, shall we pay that monster back for his snappy comebacks from earlier?"

"Oh yeah! Let's make a dragon cry."

The two sisters began building the red energy in their mouths and then fired the blasts at Black Death. The dragon couldn't move as the blasts reached him. All he could do was take them and be tossed through the air like a rag doll. He came to rest near where the other dragons had been recuperating from their fights with the ponies and dinosaurs.

"Well, so much for the great and powerful Black Death," one of them called out to their sorry excuse for a leader.

Black Death strained to open his eyes after hearing the humiliating comment. His thoughts were going out of control after the turn of events that had weakened him so much.

"I don't understand, I am Black Death the all powerful dragon. There shouldn't be a creature in all of Equestria that can best me. I have no equal!." The anger from his thoughts sped up the healing magic to where the scales on his face were restored along with the other arm. Then his eyes fell upon the other dragons and he got a horrid idea.

"That's it. If ponies were able to give me their power from being eaten, I wonder what devouring a dragon would do for me." He turned his attention away from the dinosaurs and ponies and focused on the other dragons. The dragon diverted the healing magic to his legs so as to avoid suspicion.

Black Death was trying to heal his body without letting the other dragons notice. His body was turned away from them so they couldn't see his legs being slowly restored. He called out to his supposed reinforcements.

"Why don't you cowardly lizards get over here and help me?"

"Why should we after you controlled our minds and forced us to fight those creatures?" Black Death'z legs were almost done healing, only his feet were missing.

None of the ponies were sure what Black Death was planning. He seemed to have disregarded the dinosaurs and was only focusing on the other dragons. He hadn't even bothered to acknowledge them since their fight with the ponies and dinosaurs. Why was he suddenly taking an interest in them now?

"You lizards are going to help me, whether you want to or not!" Black Death's eyes turned bright red again and the dragons realized what was happening.

Three of the dragons turned away from Black Death, but the grey dragon found himself under the monster's control again. He was frozen on the spot, waiting for Black Death to give a command.

"Good, now time for you cowards to serve a better purpose." Black Death spewed four flame chains from his mouth and aimed them towards the other dragons.

The green, dark blue, and white dragons instinctively flew away while avoiding Black Death's gaze, but the grey dragon was bound by the neck. Still under Black Death's control, the grey dragon was helpless as he was dragged towards the insane monster. When the dragon was close enough, Black Death used the flame to bind the poor creature's limbs and wings. Now he couldn't escape even if he freed himself from Black Death's control. Luna was worrying about what Black Death was thinking, then the impossible occurred to her.

"Warriors! You have to stop him before it's too late!"

Rainbow, Scootaloo and the dinosaurs charged towards Black Death. The dragon saw them coming, but he had a countermeasure to keep them from interfering.

"None of you are going to interrupt me now!? The dragon spewed forth tons of red and black flame.

The fire took the shape of an enormous dome that started pushing the warriors back. Black Death didn't bother seeing what happened as he turned his attention back to the trapped dragon. He released his control of the grey dragon, and the beast tried to escape against the flame chains.

"it's no use, even if you get free from those chains you won't escape the dome." The grey dragon took a moment to realize that he was trapped no matter what he tried.

"What's the deal? First you control us and now this, are you trying to kill us or what?"

"You fools already had your chance against those ponies and got your tails whipped. You idiots are disgraces to the title of "dragon." Since none of you will use your power to really assist me in this fight, then it's time I put it to better use."

The warriors watched from outside the dome as Black Death clamped down on the dragon's neck. The monster tore away a huge chunk of flesh from the dragon and it caused the warriors to freeze in place. The poor dragon began to bleed out as Black Death pinned his head to the ground and began to tear the res of the neck from the body. None of the warriors could understand why Black Death was killing one of his own. There had to be a reason behind all the insane bloodshed.

With the head detached, Black Death went and started eating the dragon's body. First, tearing open the stomach and devouring the organs like a starved animal. Then the limbs were savagely ripped away from the poor beast's body, Black Death even gulped down every drop of blood that leaked out. The monster was performing pure savage butchery that it made the ponies shudder. All the while his body was being restored at the same fast rate as before and getting slightly bigger.

The warriors tried to get through to stop the cruel insanity, but Black Death's flame dome held strong against their attacks. They couldn't stop him from devouring the dragon and getting stronger with each bite. The remaining dragons were horrified by the bloody murder that was happening to one of their own. They had been mislead and betrayed by a manipulative psycho dragon that only wanted destruction. Now one of their own was being eaten by the crazed cannibal and nopony could stop him.

Black Death had just finished swallowing the tail when he turned back to the severed head. He grabbed what remained of the neck and held the limp head up to his face.

"Since you won't be around to see what happens, I might as well say it. The power I'll gain from devouring you will grant me the strength to triumph over Equestria at last. Farewell, food supply." Black Death chomped the neck, and swallowed the grey dragon's head down his throat.

The flame dome began to ripple as Black Death began to stand up. He seemed slightly bigger than before and everypony could see his body had been healed completely. Then he flexed his wings and roared into the sky, causing a massive surge of the black aura to erupt from his body. The flame dome shattered from the waves of black power surging from the monster's body. Everypony stepped back slightly from the evil power that the dragon was emitting.

"EXCELLENT! Now I have way more power than ever before!" He looked at the warriors as they continued to hold their ground against the new threat. "Now I have everything I need to destroy your world Guardians. I'll kill you all, but first I intend to make all of you suffer for making a fool of me for so long. I'll destroy all your minds by slaughtering the one place that tied you all together."

The ponies grew horrified at what Black Death was implying. He could see the fear written on their faces.

"That's right, I'm going to destroy the place you all call home: PONYVILLE!!" Everypony gasped in dread and horror. "With my new power, none of you will be able to stop me from destroying your precious home. All the ponies there will burn nicely and be a nice finish to my meal. See you sorry fools later, hope you enjoy the inferno, Guardians."

Black Death flared his massive wings and blasted away from the ground. He then took off at an incredible speed in the direction towards Ponyville.

"Scootaloo, we have to go after him! We've got to hold him off until our saviors can get to Ponyville!"

The sisters erupted off the ground and took off after Black Death. Now it was up to the Princesses and the rest of the Mane six to get the dinosaurs to Ponyville before the monster killed all the ponies. Now the warriors were in a race against time to stop the monster from wreaking the havoc he craved.

Author's Note:

Now things are coming down to the wire. Next chapter will be the final part of the fight. Will the dinosaurs be victorious or will Black Death have the destruction he wanted from the beginning? Give your best speculations, the fight is almost over.