• Published 15th Nov 2015
  • 6,293 Views, 208 Comments

Family of a Lifetime - TyrannosaurusVenom

Life can throw you many surprises, and Scootaloo is about to be thrown one of the biggest surprises she'll ever see.

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Secrets Revealed

Meanwhile, Twilight and her friends had finally arrived in Canterlot. The guards escorted them from the train station up to the castle entrance where Celestia, Luna and Cadence were waiting for them. Even though she was a princess, Twilight still couldn't help but bow to the alicorn that had taught her so much.

"Oh Twilight, there's no need for the formalities, we're both princesses," said Celestia. "Now I must show you what I've found on the disaster you discovered."

Celestia led Twilight and the others to the Canterlot archives, a part of the Canterlot library that was home to the greatest legends and secrets ever to happen in Equestria. Only alicorns had access to the archives, so Celestia didn't worry about any pony getting into the forbidden sector. Once they were in the archives, Twilight was curious why Celestia had been so silent and hadn't said much to them.

"Princess Celestia, what do you know about this disaster?" Twilight was met with a grave look that she had never seen in Princess Celestia before. It alarmed all of her friends and made them uneasy.

"Twilight, as I mentioned in the letter, it wasn't just a regular disaster. It was a monster that laid waste to everything in its path. When you mentioned it, I searched these archives for anything that could be connected to such a catastrophe. That's when I stumbled upon something."

Celestia levitated a scroll from one of the shelves onto a table, but it was far different from the others. The scroll was completely pitch black, and the writing on it was descriptive and sloppy as if it had been made in a hurry. The sight of the scroll caught Twilight completely off guard, all the years she had spent in Canterlot and she had never noticed a scroll so menacing. Her friends gathered around the table, each of them alarmed by the strange scroll.

"What kind of monster would be described on a scroll like this," Fluttershy said weakly.

"I'm afraid there is only one creature that could be connected to such a catastrophe."

"What is it Princess Celestia?" Celestia took a deep breath and spoke very slowly.

"It is a dragon named Black Death." Everypony in the room was silent when they heard the name of the creature responsible.

"Black Death? What kind of dragon is it?"

"A rare one Twilight, it is a true legend that is the only one of its kind. It's far different from any other dragons you girls have encountered before."

"How in the hay bales have none of us heard of this dragon before," Applejack asked.

"Because this dragon is so rare that it's practically a ghost to anypony that hasn't seen what it's capable of. This scroll is the only recorded document on it and the only time it's power was witnessed. What that monster did made Discord and King Sombra's feats look like child's play. The last time that dragon was seen, it wiped out half of Equestria and took the lives of thousands of ponies. That's how I know it's connected to Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten."

Twilight was left shocked beyond belief at what she had heard. Scootaloo's parents were not only responsible for the deaths of so many ponies, but they had sicked a dragon upon all of Equestria. But it didn't make sense how one dragon could possibly cause so much devastation.

"Your highness, how could one dragon cause all that destruction?" Rarity was just as perplexed as Twilight. "We've faced dragons before and none of them are that strong."

"That's because this dragon was gifted Rarity. It's as if that monster was given the strength of an army. The more devastation it caused. the more powerful it seemed to get."

Twilight had never seen her mentor so distraught before. That dragon must've been a force of nature to cause Celestia so much distress.

"Princess, how do you know so much about this dragon?"

"Because Twilight, Luna and myself were there the day it chose to unleash it's wrath upon Equestria."

Twilight and her friends were silent after hearing Celestia's answer. She and Luna had seen the dragon's rampage firsthand. Before Twilight could ask any further, Celestia spoke up.

"It would be best if we told you all everything that happened." Everypony gathered around the black scroll as Celestia and Luna began reading the details of the scroll, so they could tell the tale of Black Death's chaos. Luna spoke first to give her sister time to collect herself.

"When that horrid monster attacked Equestria, we were practically powerless to help against anything it did. It went from location to location, enveloping the land in flames and killing so many ponies. Every town or city was left ablaze with destroyed structures, disemboweled bodies, or bloody remains. The sky had been enveloped in the smoke and turned pitch black because of that monster's destruction. In the course of a single day, that dragon had set half of Equestria on fire."

Nopony in the room was able to speak. They had never heard of a monster so blood thirsty and dangerous. Applejack and Rarity were trying to keep Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy from losing it. Cadence and Twilight held each other for comfort, they were shocked at what Luna had told them.

"But what happened to stop that dragon? Surely there was some way to bring it down," Cadence asked in hopes that it would calm the situation.

"We were the only ones that stood against it when that monster set it's sights on Canterlot," Celestia said after regaining her composure.

"Luna, myself and the entire Canterlot army were the only line of defense against that beast. We confronted it in the open fields between Ponyville and Canterlot, and the guards launched a massive barrage of magic at the creature. But for some reason, the dragon wasn't even fazed by the assault. It was as if the magic had no effect on the dragon at all. Not even the pegasi that assisted us could damage it. That dragon shrugged off every blow, like nothing in all of Equestria could stop it."

Now this info left Twilight with a serious predicament. If the dragon couldn't be harmed by magic or brute strength, then what could damage it?

"The monster kept advancing toward us, and we launched our own magic against it in a last ditch effort. Our magic couldn't harm it either, but it did manage to slow down the monster. We were able to hold it off for awhile, until it used it's flame to disintegrate our blasts. Our strength was spent, and the monster was free to destroy Canterlot. But then something bizarre happened that we didn't expect."

"What happened Celestia?"

"The monster suddenly stopped advancing, it just stood there like a dog awaiting orders from it's master," Luna said in Celestia's place. "Then it just took flight and flew off in the opposite direction, as if it was being called somewhere. After that we never saw that dragon again, it just disappeared and became a legend engraved on this black scroll."

Everypony had wide eyes and couldn't find enough willpower to get proper words out. Twilight was worried out of her mind, she had left Rainbow Dash behind to face off against a monster that couldn't be stopped by anything Equestria had. If what the princesses said was true, Scootaloo's parents could possibly have a killing machine at their command. All of Ponyville would be burned to cinders, and those rotten pegasi would get away with it once again.

"Celestia, are you sure that there's no other possible creature that could be connected to all this?" Both Celestia and Luna looked at Twilight and gave her worried looks.

"I only hope that I am wrong Twilight, but this is the first time I've heard of a possible connection to that dragon in ages. There hasn't been any sign of it since the attack. But if it turns out that I'm right," Celestia paused for a brief moment to choose her next words carefully. "You might have to prepare yourself for a repeat performance from that dragon."

Twilight's mind went blank, and her friends were silenced. None of them could imagine watching Ponyville burn at the claws of a ruthless dragon. It would be too painful to watch all their friends die at the mercy of a killing machine. Then one last thought crossed Twilight's mind. She hoped that it could at least help with the situation.

"What about the Elements of Harmony, would they stand a chance against this monster?" That was something that neither Celestia or Luna had considered. The dragon had attacked Equestria before the princesses had discovered the Elements of Harmony. There was a slim chance that they once again could help save Equestria.

"It'll be worth a try Twilight, but unfortunately we won't get to test that theory unless the dragon resurfaces. For now, we'll need to keep an eye on Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten to make sure they don't do anything dangerous."

"I've already got that covered Celestia, Rainbow Dash is back in Ponyville keeping an eye on Scootaloo in case something comes up." Everypony was ready to breathe a sigh of relief, but then Applejack remembered one fine detail.

"Twilight, didn't ya promise Rainbow that ya would fill her in on the details once ya found out?"

"Oh no! I have to get back to Ponyville at once." Before she left, Cadence had one piece of advice to give to her sister in-law.

"Don't stress about this ordeal too much Twilight, when the time comes we'll fight together." Twilight shared one big hug with Cadence and her friends before she left the castle and flew back towards Ponyville.

Immediately she began scouring the clouds for any sign of Rainbow Dash. The sun was still out so it was still possible for Twilight to search for her friend without too much trouble. She found her perched on a cloud, looking down on a house near the edge of Ponyville. Twilight could only assume that the house was where Scootaloo lived, Rainbow seemed like she hadn't budged from the cloud. She landed beside Rainbow Dash without startling her, and filled her in on everything that she had heard from Celestia and Luna.

"So those mongrels are keeping a dragon hidden away somewhere to use on anypony they see fit?"

"Yes, I'm afraid that pretty much sums it up Rainbow." The cyan mare couldn't believe that Scootaloo's parents were murderers. Now she was more determined than ever to get Scootaloo out of that house and away from those stingy pegasi.

"What am I supposed to do now Twilight? Wait for them to bring out this monster so Ponyville can die?"

"No Rainbow Dash, what you need to do is get Scootaloo away from those murderers the moment the opportunity presents itself. But you can't go barging into the house, you have to wait for Scootaloo to leave the house by herself. If they spot you, they might follow you back home and decide to unleash the monster then." Rainbow Dash listened intently to every word while still keeping her eyes glued to the house. She was more than prepared to get Scootaloo away from Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten.

"Ok, so once I get her to my place safe and sound, what should I do next?"

"You'll have to get her to tell you everything that's been going on in that house all this time. Anything you find out from her, have Spike send it to Canterlot so we can be informed. Also, try your best to make her feel safe and not scared. We don't want her panicking about the dragon being unleashed."

Rainbow turned away from the house long enough to give Twilight the most dead serious answer the alicorn had ever heard.

"I will do everything in my power to keep her safe Twilight, there isn't a force in all of Equestria that is going to take Scootaloo away from me." The steel resolve in her friend left Twilight with only one thing to say before she made her way back towards Canterlot.

"Rainbow Dash, what you're doing for Scootaloo is so kind that Fluttershy would be beyond proud of you."

With that, Twilight took off back towards Canterlot while Rainbow Dash resumed her vigil over Scootaloo's house. Both ponies however, were unaware of the magnitude of drama that was taking place inside and how badly Scootaloo was losing the argument.

Author's Note:

Now the project has been revealed. What do you guys think? Is it what you were expecting, or did it surprise you entirely? Things are getting more intense as Scootaloo's life and safety are on the line.