• Published 1st Nov 2015
  • 1,335 Views, 75 Comments

A Look Back - Bluecatcinema

  • ...

The Magic Of Love

Hearts And Hooves Day had come to Equestria once again. Couples all over, from young to old, those who had been together in romantic bliss for years, to those who had only recently joined their hearts together, were celebrating this beautiful day.

Over in Canterlot, Pureblood, son of Prince Blueblood and Dusty, was spending time with his fillyfriend, Strut Step. Strut was a child beauty queen, who often traveled Equestria, but she visited him quite often. He mostly enjoyed her visits, except for the times when she dragged him along on dress shopping.

"Ooh, this looks cute." Strut pulled a plum-colored dress from one of Canterlot Boutique's many clothes racks. "And this one really brings out my eyes." She held up a sky blue outfit.

"I'm sure you'd look great in all of them." Pureblood declared, carrying bags containing other items of clothing.

"Aw, you're sweet." Strut smiled. "But we won't know for sure until I try them on."

"Don't you already have enough dresses?" Pureblood groaned, holding up the bags. "I thought I was supposed to be your coltfriend, not your valet."

"I know, but I need these dresses for the pageants." Strut told him. "And I need to spend time with you, so I'm killing two birds with one stone. Can't argue with that logic."

"Wanna bet?" Pureblood muttered.

"Oh, now this is fantastic!" Strut picked up a silvery dress. "Can I try this on?" She asked the proprietor, Sassy Saddles.

"But of course, my dear." Sassy nodded.

Strut took the dress into a changing room, Pureblood reluctantly following.

"Look, I get that it's important to look good for the pageants." Pureblood admitted. "But still, it's Hearts and Hooves Day. We really should do something more than shop."

"And we will." Strut said from behind the curtain. "Soon."

"Doesn't look like it to me." Pureblood frowned.

"Don't pout, sweetie." Strut declared. "Now, how do I look?"

"Like it matters-" Pureblood started, as Strut stepped out of the changing room.

Pureblood stopped in his tracks. Strut looked especially pretty in the silvery dress.

"Well?" Strut smiled.

"Wow." Pureblood smiled. "You look great in that. You should definitely get it."

"I will." Strut grinned. "And I know it isn't exactly fun, lugging all my stuff around. It's sweet of you to do it." She pecked him on the cheek. "How about I make it up to you? Smoothies and a movie. My treat."

"Sounds perfect." Pureblood sighed. "And for the record, I'm sorry about complaining. All this work is worth it if it means spending time with you."

"Oh, you are sweet." Strut kissed him on the cheek. "Let me just pay for this, and we can grab those smoothies."

"I'll be waiting." Pureblood grinned.

Meanwhile, over at the castle gardens, Vito was spending time with his own fillyfriend, Glinda, who was currently in pony form.

"Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Glinda." Vito gave her a gold necklace in the shape of a heart.

"Oh, V." Glinda cooed. "You shouldn't have."

"But I did." Vito chuckled. "A beautiful lady like you deserves the best."

"Well, aren't you just the sweetest coltfriend ever?" Glinda smiled.

"Don't I know it." Vito bragged.

"That's what I love most about you: Your humility." Glinda lightly teased him.

"Funny." Vito smirked. "Come on, admit it. You find it adorable."

"Well, there is something oddly endearing about that big head of yours." Glinda stroked Vito's face.

"Knew it." Vito smirked. "Say, why don't we go indoors, and you can change back to your true form?"

"So you prefer my true self over the Changeling form?" Glinda asked. "You don't mind kissing a bug rather than a pony?"

"'Course not." Vito smirked. "I'm not that shallow, you know."

"Could've fooled me." Glinda teased him some more.

"You ask me, it's what on the inside that counts." Vito declared. "Besides, Changeling you has really pretty eyes."

"And you'd just look at get a good, hard look at them, wouldn't you?" Glinda grinned. "Then let's not waste any time."

"My thoughts exactly." Vito chuckled, as they headed indoors.

On the other side of the castle, Princess Miracle was entertaining Spike. She had developed a crush on the young dragon in recent times. Spike, knowing what it was like to have feelings for one older than he, had convinced her that it would be best if they remained friends for the moment, since they both had many, many years ahead of them, and plenty of time in the future to deal with any burgeoning feelings. Though Miracle still had strong feelings for him, she put them aside, content to just enjoy his friendship for now. Though she couldn't pass up an opportunity to spend Hearts and Hooves Day with him...

"I'm so glad you could make it, Spike." Miracle smiled, holding up a bowl full of gems.

"Well, I couldn't refuse such a gracious invitation, could I?" Spike smiled, taking a bite out of an emerald. "Say, did you get taller since I last saw you?"

"Sure have." Miracle nodded. "Mom says I'm getting more beautiful every day."

"You are growing up, that's for sure." Spike admitted.

"I'll bet one day, I'll be as pretty as mom." Miracle declared.

"I'm sure you will be." Spike shrugged. "I probably won't be that much bigger by the time you're fully grown, though. Dragons grow pretty slowly. At least, when greed isn't involved..."

"That's what I've heard." Miracle smirked, having heard the tale of how Spike had once succumbed to his greed, and become a full-sized dragon in a matter of hours. "But I like it that way. At least I'll be able to talk to you without craning my neck way, way up for a while."

"Let's not get too focused on the future." Spike shrugged. "Let's focus on the now; Two friends, enjoying Hearts and Hooves Day."

"Yep, friends...." Miracle beamed.

Meanwhile, Prince Anthem of the Crystal Empire was having a picnic in one of the Crystal Empire's many lush, green fields with his new wife, Princess Winter Beach.

"What a beautiful place." Winter took in their surroundings.

"Not as beautiful as the company." Anthem kissed her on the cheek.

"Be serious." Winter jokingly chided him. "We have great views back home, but nothing like this." She gazed upon the crystal structures through the sunshine was gleaming off of. "And I wouldn't even be here if I'd never met you."

"And I wouldn't be so happy right now if I'd never met you." Anthem countered. "So I guess that makes us even."

"Boy, the folks back home must have been surprised to hear about me marrying an honest-to-Faust Prince." Winter beamed. "So was I, actually."

"The best things in life usually are surprises." Anthem grinned. "I never thought I'd fall in love on that vacation. It was a pretty big surprise there. And look how that turned out."

"Yeah..." Winter nuzzled against him. "Perfectly."

"So true." Anthem cuddled his love.

Over in Dodge Junction, Huckleberry, one of the three adopted children of Big Red and Cherry Jubilee, was preparing for his date with his marefriend Prairie.

"Lookin' good, Huck." He told his reflection. "Lookin' real good..."

"Another date with Prairie, huh?" Huckleberry's younger brother Globe asked.

"This is becoming quite a recurring thing." Eclipse smirked. "Is the ladykiller actually starting to settle down?"

"And would that be so wrong?" Big Red interjected. "Don't pay 'im no mind, Huck. A good filly like Prairie is hard ta find."

"She is a real sweetheart." Cherry smiled.

"Of course." Huckleberry nodded. "I don't go out with just any mare, y'know."

"Keep telling yourself that, bro." Eclipse snorted.

"Come on, Eek." Globe frowned. "Knock it off."

"I'm just kidding." Eclipse snorted. "Some ponies just can't take jokes any more..."

"Joke all you want." Huckleberry smirked. "Nothing can bring me down today." He marched over to the door. "Don't wait up!"

The family watched as Huckleberry departed.

"Ah, young love." Cherry leaned against Big Red. "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Sure is, darlin'." Big Red chuckled.

Huckleberry hurried over to the soda shop, where the lovely Prairie was waiting.

"Howdy, stranger." Prairie smiled. "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day."

"Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, indeed." Huckleberry grinned, pulling a desert rose out from under his heart. "A lovely flower for a lovely mare."

"Well, I do declare, you are one heck of a charmer!" Prairie took the rose and sniffed it.

"Guilty as charged." Huckleberry smirked.

"Now I've got a present for you." Prairie embraced Huckleberry, kissing him deeply. "Did you like it?"

"Oh, yeah..." Huckleberry chuckled, lovestruck. "No present could be better, especially since it came from the prettiest mare in town."

"Oh, stop." Prairie giggled. "That's not true."

"It is to me." Huckleberry pledged.

"C'mere, you." Prairie kissed him again.

"Talk about the gift that keeps on giving." Huckleberry purred, before giving Prairie one of his own.

Not too far from there, Echo Alchemy and his wife Sunset Shimmer were also making the most of the day. Their foal was sleeping peacefully, and their houseguests had graciously let them have the house to themselves.

"Ah, now this is perfect." Echo sighed. "After everything we've been through recently, I was starting to worry we might not have a day like this again."

"You really shouldn't be so negative." Sunset leaned against his shoulder. "As long as we're together, I know everything will work out."

"Once again, my love, your faith is what inspires me to hope for the best." Echo rubbed his nose against her. "Have I ever mentioned how glad I am that we met?"

"Only about a hundred times." Sunset chuckled.

"Then let's make it a hundred and one." Echo kissed her.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"I got it." Sunset declared.

Behind the door was a Crystal Pony courier, holding a large bouquet of flowers.

"Delivery for Sunset Shimmer-Alchemy." The courier declared.

"That's me." Sunset nodded. "And, er... who is this from?" Sunset knew Echo would give her flowers in pony, rather than just have them delivered.

"I'm afraid the order came from an anonymous source." The courier shrugged, holding up a notepad. "Sign here, please."

Sunset signed the pad.

"Thank you." The courier smiled. "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day."

"You too." Sunset nodded pleasantly.

Sunset returned to the living room, carrying the bouquet with her magic.

"And what's this?" Echo frowned.

"A gift from an 'anonymous source'." Sunset declared.

"A secret admirer, eh?" Echo frowned. "I wonder who that could be?"

"I have a few ideas." Sunset admitted. In truth, she had only one idea, and it involved a certain ex-Guardspony.

"Well, whoever it is seems to have overlooked the fact that you're married." Echo scowled. "It's very poor form to pursue a taken mare. If I ever find out who it is..."

"Relax, Echo." Sunset joined him on the couch again, nuzzling him. "You're the only stallion for me, remember?"

"I try to." Echo smiled.

"Well, maybe this will help refresh your memory." Sunset kissed him passionately. "Well?"

"Getting there." Echo smirked. "Maybe you should give me another, just to be sure."

"You got it." Sunset chuckled.

The two kissed once more. The bouquet, bereft of Sunset's magic, dropped to the floor, her concentration elsewhere.

Over in Ponyville, Prince Day Light had come to visit his long-distance marefriend, Princess Starlight.

"Hey, Day." Starlight greeted her love with a hug. "How are things?"

"Much better now that we're together again." Day Light grinned.

"Flatterer." Starlight chuckled. "But seriously, how are things over in Haygypt? How's your training going?"

During Starlight's initial visit with her fellow royals to Haygypt, Day Light had been struck by a blast of dark magic. The blast activated his Tenebros Gene, giving him the power to manipulate sand in anyways he could imagine, from forging an armor to creating objects. After the crisis ended, Day Light had decided to put as much effort into mastering his new powers as he could.

"Quite well, actually." Day Light declared. "I recently learned that I can shape the armor, even form weapons out of it."

"Cool." Starlight beamed. "And how are your parents holding up after the whole 'Black Thorn' thing?"

"Well, it's been a little rough, picking up the pieces." Day Light admitted. "But dad at least is done blaming himself for everything that monster did. And mom's been behind him every step of the way."

"And I'm guessing your dad didn't have a problem with you coming down here?" Starlight asked.

"For the most part." Day Light shrugged. "Though I did catch him glancing wistfully at some of my old toys... I think he's finally realiszd I'm not a colt any more."

"Yeah, it's hard to let go." Starlight noted. "When my brother Dusk decided to go and travel Equestria, mom and dad were a little shaken up by it. But they accepted it soon enough."

"Believe me, just the fact that dad let me go was good enough for me." Day Light chuckled. "If not for his blessing, I wouldn't be here with you right now."

"Yeah, I guess we owe him that." Starlight snuggled against him. "Now, how about that tour of Ponyville? I can show you all the best spots for picnics, sitting alone together, kissing..."

"Can't wait." Day Light smirked, taking her hoof in his. "Lead the way."

The two walked off into Ponyville, side by side.

Over in Haygypt, Day Light's father, Nightshade, was worrying about his son's present condition.

"Do you think he made it there okay?" He asked his wife, Red Rose.

"Of course he did." Red Rose chuckled. "Really, dear. You mustn't worry so. Day Light can take care of himself."

"I know." Nightshade sighed. "It's just..."

"His first time away from home?" Red Rose smiled.

"Yes." Nightshade nodded.

"It's sweet of you to care so much about Day Light, but he'll be fine." Red Rose declared. "He is your son, after all. He has all your best qualities. Strength, determination, compassion..."

"I suppose you're right, my dear." Nightshade admitted.

"And, with him out of the castle, we have a little more time to spend... alone." Red Rose nuzzled her husband.

"Right again, darling." Nightshade grinned saucily.

The two kissed deeply, taking advantage of their newfound privacy.

Just outside Appleloosa, Troubleshoes Clyde was giving his marefriend Derpy a gift to mark the occasion; a custom made stetson, with a muffin decoration set in the top.

"Oh, wow." Derpy grinned. "This is... perfect."

"You really think so?" Troubleshoes asked. "Never was much good at gift-givin'..."

"I love it!" Derpy put the hat on, then kissed her coltfriend. "And I love you!"

"Aw, shucks..." Troubleshoes blushed. "Wanna get a milkshake fer two?"

"You bet." Derpy nodded.

As they walked down into Appleloosa, they both tripped at the same time, landing facefirst in the dirt. They both laughed uproariously. They really were perfect for each other.

Back in Canterlot, Caboose and Daring's daughter Hurricane was with her coltfriend Gauntlet, on the Junior Guardsponies training course.

"Loser buys lunch." She teased Gauntlet.

"Hope you brought your wallet." Gauntlet grinned.

The two charged down the course, jumping hurdles, swinging across water traps, and climbing walls. Both being the offspring of Royal Guards, they were quite evenly matched. As they neared the finish line, Hurricane put on a burst of speed, just barely finishing first. Soon after, the pair collapsed.

"I... win..." Hurricane gasped. "You... owe me... a parsnip paella."

"You... got... it..." Gauntlet wheezed.

Taking a moment to catch their breath, the two stood back up and headed to the nearest diner.

"I'll beat you next time, though." Gauntlet smirked.

"We'll see about that." Hurricane nudged him playfully.

"It's good to have such decent competition." Gauntlet admitted. "Not to mention gorgeous."

"Thanks." Hurricane blushed. "Having a coltfriend who can keep with me is a real plus in my book."

"Yeah, it's good that we can push each other as much as we support one another." Gauntlet agreed.

"Speaking of support, I hope you got your allowance this week." Hurricane grinned. "The appetite I'm packing, you're gonna need it..."

"How about adding a little extra to that?" Gauntlet asked. "Race ya to the diner?"

"Hmm, what are the stakes?" Hurricane asked.

"Winner gets a kiss from the loser." Gauntlet smirked.

"You're on!" Hurricane declared.

"And... go!" Gauntlet called, as they took off at high speed.

Along the way, the pair passed one of Canterlot's fanciest restaurants, where Captain Fletcher Ulysses was treating his fiancee Dove to lunch. Their wedding was growing nearer, though there had been delays due to Fletcher suffering an "on-the-job accident" in the form of getting caught in an explosion. Fortunately, the wounds weren't too bad, and he recovered quickly. However, it was quite a scare for Dove, having never seen her husband getting more than a twisted hoof before then. Since that day, Dove had been fearing that she would become a widow before she even became a wife.

"How's the quinoa?" Fletcher asked.

"It's fine." Dove declared.

"...Is everything okay, dear?" Fletcher asked.

"Everything's great..." Dove smiled.

"Come on, Dove." Fletcher urged. "I know something's been bothering you lately."

"It's just... after that bomb scare, I've been worrying about what else might happen to you." Dove sighed. "Seeing you all bandaged up and unconscious made me realized just how dangerous being a Royal Guardspony really was... and now, everyday you go out there, I keep on fearing that Caboose or another guard is going to come to my door and say that something awful had happened and..." Dove sniffed a bit. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I just don't know if I can deal with losing you..."

"Dove...that won't happen." Fletcher told her. "I promise."

"But how can you be sure?" Dove asked.

"Because things like that explosion don't happen every day." Fletcher smiled. "Besides, it would take more than an explosion to take me away from you. Death itself can't stop me from being with you."

"Oh, Fletcher..." Dove snorted. "You should hear yourself right now..."

"I meant every word." Fletcher grinned.

"As lovely as it was, you shouldn't make promises you can't keep." Dove told him.

"I know I can't actually prevent myself from dying, but we shouldn't allow our worries to control us." Fletcher declared. "Have faith, my love, that no force in Equestria can tear us apart."

"You always did know just what to say to me." Dove chuckled. "You really are the most wonderful stallion I've ever known."

"And you, the most wonderful mare I've ever met." Fletcher smiled. "Your love is the greatest magic I have ever seen."

"Oh, boy..." Dove rolled her eyes. "You can be so corny sometimes... Better kiss me before I throw up."

"With pleasure." Fletcher chuckled.

The two kissed passionately, their food forgotten.

In a bar over in Ponyville, the don Zebediah was treating his marefriend Zaria to drinks.

"A touch more wine, my dear?" He asked.

"With great pleasure." Zaria nodded. After Zebediah refilled her glass, she raised it. "A toast, to the stallion I treasure.

"I'll drink to that." Zebediah chuckled. "Boy, things have really turned around for me lately. I finally made peace with Grim, finished with all the backstabbing, and I got myself a gorgeous mare as a bonus."

"Just a bonus?" Zaria said in mock indignation. "Of that statement, some mares might make a fuss."

"But you're not just some mare." Zebediah grinned. "You're the most gorgeous thing on four legs I've ever seen. You have no idea how glad I am to have met you."

"Well then, perhaps you can enlighten me." Zaria smirked. "Maybe then, I will see..."

"You got it." Zebediah embraced her, kissing her deeply.

Over in Discord's pocket dimension, the Draconequus was showering his love Isis with gifts.

"Here's some flowers, chocolates... Hearts and Hooves Day cards..." He rounded off, the items pouring down from out of nowhere.

"I appreciate the gesture, Dissy, but if you keep this up, you'll flood the house." Isis chuckled.

"Sorry." Discord apologized, cutting off the flow of gifts. "I'm so glad to finally have a special somepony on this wonderful day."

"I didn't even know of this day until you told me." Isis stated. "As far as I know, it didn't even exist the last time I came down here..."

"If it did, I wouldn't have noticed." Discord shrugged.

"I will admit, there is a certain... charm to the festivities." Isis smiled. "A day that celebrates love. How wonderful."

"And I couldn't think of anypony I'd rather spend it with." Discord declared, embracing her.

"Me neither." Isis grinned. "Except maybe our little one." She stroked her and Discord's egg child, which was still waiting to hatch.

"Ooh, I can't wait to see the little guy." Discord smiled. "Who do you think he'll take after?"

"It doesn't matter to me." Isis sighed. "Just as long as we're together."

"I hope I can be a good dad." Discord fretted. "It's a little out of my comfort zone... Then again, so was friendship and love, once upon a time."

"I'm sure you'll be a wonderful father." Isis held his talon in hers. "Just as wonderful as you are a mate."

"Thanks, I." Discord nuzzled against her.

Discord conjured up a huge card, which read "I'm yours, forever and ever".

"And so am I." Isis kissed him. "Happy Hearts and Hooves Day."

Over in the Canterlot caverns, Isis' brother Osiris, the Serpent Diety of Death, had a surprise visitor in the form of Midnight Blossom.

"Midnight?" Osiris frowned, "What are you doing here? It was to my understanding that you had the day off."

"Well, I figure since today is Hearts and Hooves Day, you could use a little company." Midnight suggested, "Even brought some snacks."

"Wait...Hearts and Hooves Day?" Osiris asked.

"Yeah." Midnight nodded. "A day when you give gifts and spend time with ponies you like and love."

"Really?" Osiris asked, "And you decided to spend this 'day' with me?"

"Sure." Midnight smirked, "After all, I had been guarding your cave for about a month now. Figure you could use a friend today."

"Oh.. .um..." Osiris murmured, flustered.

This was rather awkward for the ancient diety. But oddly not the first time he felt this way. He had come to call her ancestor (who bore the same name and Cutie Mark) a friend, and with time, he had begun to develop some sort of feelings that he didn't know was love at the time...but even then, he didn't had the time to explore those feelings, as that Midnight would go on to take his scale and betray him by using it for her own dark, yet selfless, means.

But now, here he was, faced with another Midnight, who seemed to had not developed any genocidal tendencies, and was actually willing to be his friend like her ancestor. But it did not do anything to erase his wariness. After all, he did not expect the old Midnight to go and do what she did, and if he wasn't careful, she might go and do the same thing.

"Look, I'm flattered, really." Osiris declared, trying to play it safe. "But you don't have to-"

"Sure I do." Midnight retorted. "And besides, it doesn't look like you get many presents. Time somepony alleviated that."

"...Thank you." Osiris gave a small smile, "You're very... kind."

"Here." Midnight passed him a chocolate-covered strawberry. "Try it."

Osiris took the fruit with his magic and put it to his mouth, and chewed it deeply.

"Mmm..." He smiled. "Not bad... the chocolate is tantalizingly smooth, and the strawberry is so very sweet and tangy... once again, you ponies exceed my expectations when it comes to culinary prowess."

"I had a feeling you'd like them." Midnight chuckled. "Want another?"

"Yes, please." Osiris opened his mouth.

"Catch!" Midnight tossed another strawberry into his waiting maw. "Score!"

The two ate until the basket was empty.

"Boy, I'm stuffed." Midnight laid against Osiris' coils. "And a little drowsy... You don't mind if I catch a few winks, do you? These scales of yours are pretty comfy."

"It's... fine with me." Osiris said awkwardly.

"Thanks." Midnight rested her head against his scales.

Osiris felt a curious warm feeling as the mare dozed against him. It felt... right. He curled up on the floor himself, looking wistfully at Midnight's sleeping form.

Back in the Crystal Empire, Elatha the part-dragon, part-pony hybrid was in the gardens of Echo's estate, watching her daughter, Snow, play. As she did, Wave the Zebra sidled over to her.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi." Elatha nodded.

"So... got any plans for today?" Wave asked.

"Not especially." Elatha shrugged "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was thinking we could grab dinner together." Wave suggested.

"I don't know, Wave..." Elatha frowned.

Wave had asked her out once before. She had rebuffed him, believing their lifestyle at the time didn't allow room for romance. Even now, she was still hesitant. After all, she had endured many hardships back in her time, one of which still lingered in the back of her mind, which made the thought of even seeking companionship with another stallion more galling.

"Come on, E." Wave pleaded. "One date wouldn't hurt, would it? Besides, we don't gotta be worrying about getting hurt any more, so we might as well enjoy it."

"Maybe..." Elatha shrugged.

"And you could always get your bro to look after Snow." Wave pointed out. "And I promise, you'll have the time of your life."

"That may not necessarily be a good thing." Elatha frowned. "Besides, I seem to recall you asking this kind of question before, and not being too happy when I refused."

"Things are different now." Wave urged. "If there's one thing that mess with Franken-Nero and Aether taught me, it's that I care more for you than I thought I did. It's not just your looks I'm into now. I really feel like you're the most wonderful mare around."

"Oh, Wave..." Elatha blushed.

"Just one date, that's all I ask." Wave offered. "If you don't like how things, I'll call it quits, I swear."

"Well... I guess one date wouldn't hurt." Elatha smiled. "Okay, let's do it."

"Yes!" Wave hugged her. "You won't regret it, trust me!"

"Let's hope so." Elatha chuckled.

Meanwhile, their friends Willow and Moana were sitting at the other side of the garden, watching the flowers blossom.

"Ah, the beauty to be found in a common flower." Willow sighed. "But compared to yours my dear, it is utterly repugnant."

"Ooh, I love it when you get all poetic." Moana purred.

"It helps to have a muse as enchanting as you." Willow kissed.

Elsewhere, in a cemetery outside the town of Reinwood, none other than Echo's father Deathgaze was making his way through, soon coming to a halt in front of a tombstone that read 'Claudia'.

"...Hey, Claudia." Deathgaze began. "It's me. Gaze. I know it has been a while since I last visited. Things had been getting away from me all year..." He then sat down. "You would be happy to know that me and your son had finally met for the first time. And... as of now, he's a father, an accomplished professor, and a Night..." Deathgaze stopped himself suddenly, unable to bring himself to say that word in front of his beloved, "...You would be proud of him, Claudia." He let out a harrowing sigh, as his sunglasses began to fog. "...I still miss you, you know... out of everything that had happened in my miserable life... you were the first good thing in a long time that had ever happened to me... I still remember the first day we met..."


Deathgaze was not having a good day.

He had recently arrived in Reinwood, having parted ways with his once best friend, Aether, after a disastrous attempt to bring down the company that terrorized and destroyed his home.

He wasn't sure what he was hoping for when he came into town. After all, he was just a budding Maelstrom (a powerful Nightcrawler, as Nocturne said he was) and a Thestral to boot. But it seems like the moment he stepped into town, he became a magnet for every bigot to come and make his life miserable.

One in particular was none other than Nero, a wealthy noble who had a mean streak as far as he could see. That mean streak was mostly focused on Deathgaze. Ever since the Nightcrawler had come into the area, Nero had made it his mission to have him driven away, and he had convinced many ponies to think the same way.

That very morning, Deathgaze had been accosted by some of Nero's supporters. In the altercation that followed, Deathgaze had received a black eye, though his opponents had suffered worst injuries (purely from Deathgaze acting in self-defense, though). It took Deathgaze nearly all of his strength to not take off his sunglasses (which was given to him by Nocturne as a gift to 'help' when his powers get out of control) and teach Nero and his cronies a lesson... but then again, if he did that, he could end up wiping everything out in a five mile radius.

All he do now was just go to his shanty of a home in the countryside, and try to put this bad day behind him... at least, that was the plan, when suddenly, he bumped into somepony.

"Oof!" The mare gasped.

"So sorry, madam." Deathgaze apologized,. "I wasn't watching where I was-"

Deathgaze stopped as he say the beautiful mare he had bumped into. She was a pale brown, with a lavender mane, silver eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a parasol.

"That's alright." The mare smiled. "Accidents happen." She scrutinised him. "You're new around here, aren't you?"

"Yes." Deathgaze nodded. "Deathgaze, at your service."

"My, what an... interesting name." The mare declared. "I'm Claudia."

"Claudia?" Deathgaze's heart sank, as he recognized the name, "As in the wife of Nero?"

"Yes." Claudia sighed. "I do hold that 'honor'."

"No offense, but your husband is quite the intolerant brute." Deathgaze snarled. "Ever since I came to Reinwood, he and his cronies have been trying to drive me out of town... usually by force."

"I'm sorry." Claudia apologised. "Nero can be... uncompromising in his beliefs."

"What about you?" Deathgaze asked. "Do you think the same way he does? Do you believe me a freak? A monstrosity that does not belong here?"

"Certainly not." Claudia said, appalled. "As far as I'm concerned, it's what's on the inside that matters."

"If only your husband were so enlightened." Deathgaze sighed.

"Don't let him get to you." Claudia consoled him. "No matter what he says, I can tell that you're a good and decent stallion. And nopony can take that away from you."

"I guess you're right." Deathgaze smiled. "Thank you, Claudia."

"My pleasure." Claudia beamed. "It was very nice to meet you."

"Perhaps we could... cross paths again some day?" Deathgaze offered.

"I'd like that." Claudia nodded.

"So would I." Deathgaze agreed. "Until then..."

Deathgaze walked back to his humble home, feeling much better about himself. Claudia's earnest compassionate and encouraging words had struck a chord with him. It had been so very long since a pony was that nice to him. On that day, a seed was planted in his heart, one that would soon sprout into love...

The present...

"You were the first pony that actually gave me a purpose in continuing on." Deathgaze smiled wistfully, "Despite being married to that monster...you treated me with the utmost kindness...and eventually, you gave me your heart...and two foals..." Suddenly, Deathgaze's eyes begin to water, as his hooves shaked. "And how did I repay you? The moment Nero found out, I just ran." He held up his hoof, his eyes glowing black wisps, causing the said hoof to emit smoke. "I had all this power within my hooves... and I did nothing. I just didn't know what I could take... you seeing me as a coward who run from danger... or you seeing me as this monster who kill those who stood in his way... and after what Nero did to you and Synchro... I would have done the latter."

Deathgaze looked down the headstone.

"I am a Nightcrawler." He said sadly. "Because of some genetic quirk, I have always been an outsider. That is why I was always traveling; Because deep down, I knew I could never fit in anywhere. But at the same time, I knew my powers gave me an obligation to help those in need. Those acts made me feel a little better about my shortcomings. Using my powers for good made things easier. And it... helped ease the pain of knowing you were gone."

He placed a bluebell on Claudia's grave.

"Happy Heart and Hooves Day, Claudia...I wish things would had been different... if I had only helped you." Deathgaze murmured, as tears streamed down his cheeks.

A sudden wind picked up. One of the bluebell's petal detached from the flower, and fell into Deathgaze's hoof. He smiled, believing he had been given a sign of forgiveness.

"Until the day we are again together, my beloved..."

Love existed in many shapes and forms. The new love that had sprang up would prove as enduring as the love that came before it. And each Hearts and Hooves Day marked a milestone of that love. For those who truly loved each other, every day was a celebration of their adoration.

Author's Note:

Behind The Scenes:

* "Love, Equestria Style" was our first attempt at an anthology story, each chapter focusing on a different pairing.

* This story allowed me to tell the tales of how Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie wound up with the stallions I selected for them, something quite a few of my readers were curious about.

* (Ebony Stallion) Also, it gave us the chance to build on established ships as well as ships we barely touched and make new ones.

* The Spitfire/Soarin' chapter "The Wonder Of Love" featured a homage to the Youtube video "Literal Drinks" by TomSka.

* (Ebony Stallion) While this was mostly a love story anthology, we did have non-romantic plots, like in 'Crushed' and 'Sins of the Father', the first being Spike getting his heart smashed to bits, and the latter with Sleight confronting his abusive father. On the upside, we had a mostly comedic 'Royal Pain II: The Reckoning', featuring our would be antagonist for Project: "Transcendence," Nalik-Aqqbar Royale of Schwartzamungaknackerhobblestan. Btw, the first part of the long name came from the 'Schwartz', the parody of 'The Force' from SpaceBalls.

* (Ebony Stallion) Btw, the vicious words from the beginning of 'Sins of the Father' is actually from the end of the song 'Rise' by Skillet. It's the very last words of the song, can't miss it.

* "Not For Resale" was modelled after the One Tree Hill episode "To Wish Impossible Things."

* Originally, we had toyed with a chapter revolving around the Flim-Flam Brothers. They were to both fall in love with a beautiful mare named Natascha Lady-Luck, only for it to be revealed that she was an agent of the Napoleons, sent to track down Twitch. But somewhere along the line, that idea slipped through the cracks.

* (Ebony Stallion) But it's not to say we won't try for it in the future. If you think we should, you should say so.

* (Ebony Stallion) I have a confession. When I had conceptualized Silver Wind (whose name was originally going to be Silver Mist, but blue got the name wrong at one point, and I just stuck with it, 'cause it sounded good), I had made it to where Silver, to put it bluntly, loved sex. This found its way into Mist's character as well. That said, for most mature elements that you would find in stories following this, that was my bad. Sorry.

* (Ebony Stallion) Another confession. The 'Love Is Fun!' chapter has to be my least favorite chapter of the story. I just wasn't inspired when editing that chapter, and I didn't care for Cherry Fizz. Bluecatcinema says he is a background pony from an episode at one point, but to me, Cherry Fizz just seems rather dull in comparison to other love interests we made. Sorry, Blue.

* (/Ebony Stallion) "A Prince's Proposal" was a rather odd chapter. It was made shortly after the season 4 finale, prompting us to actually write in the 'Crystal Castle' (which was also why Slot was ranting about it in the 'From Ponyville, With Love'. It was the first time we used Dusk Shine in a long time, and Starlight as well (hence that Boy Meets World joke about the little sister coming back onto the show)

* We had intended for Spike to appear in the final chapter, but ultimately, that scene was removed.