• Published 26th Oct 2015
  • 1,161 Views, 123 Comments

My Big Batty Not-Wedding - Wise Cracker

Rumble decides to be wedlocked to his bat-winged girlfriend. The rest of Ponyville doesn't know what to make of it. Scootaloo just tries to keep her dark secret hidden.

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Rumble took a long, hard look at himself in the mirror in his parents’ bedroom. His tuxedo was ironed crisp, his sleeves were up slightly to show off the thickness of his arms, and he had the Moon’s Eye crest buttoned to his chest like every proper rousette boy would. All in all, he looked like a fine match for any girl, at least as much as he could at his age.

Still, he couldn’t help but sigh. He heard a knock on the door. “Come in.”

His mom and dad were standing in the doorway. Gale smiled at her little boy. “Big day today.”

He nodded. “Yeah. Big day.”

Gale frowned. “You look great, you know. I’m sure you’ll be turning heads at the wedlock. Probably going to break a few hearts, too.”

Rumble groaned.

Blade quirked an eyebrow at him. “What’s the matter?”

Rumble didn’t look at them. He just kept staring at his reflection, even as his parents moved behind him. “Nothing.”

Gale let out a sad sigh. “Look, I know things have been hard for you, but everything will work out now. After today, we won’t make you go to any more bat meetings, and you can hang out with your pony friends as much as you like.”

Rumble shook his head, still staring at his reflection and his parents’. “What about the other rousettes? Aren’t they going to be upset?”

Blade chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about them, son. We understand.”

The little pegasus grumbled. “No, you don’t. You don’t understand, you never did.”

Gale sat down and put an arm around her son, rubbing gently over his back. “Hey, now, what’s wrong, little angel? Isn’t this what you wanted? You’ll be free to be around ponies now. You don’t have to put up with our silly old ways if you don’t want to.”

“It’s not that, mom.” Rumble wiped his eyes and suppressed a sob. “You don’t get it.”

“What is it, then? You don’t have to be a rousette anymore if you want to be around ponies, we understand.”

“No, you don’t. I don’t want you to cut me loose from rousette traditions. I don’t want to be an embarrassment to our family.”

Blade sat down on the other side of him. “What are you talking about?”

“You just don’t understand. I don’t want you to be embarrassed because of me, I want you to be proud of me.”

“But we are proud of you, son,” Gale said.

That was the final straw. “No, you’re not! You have never been proud of me, or anything I did! Every time you’ve told me I was doing well, it was because I was doing what you told me. Every time I do something for myself, you ignore it, or you pretend I didn’t do it. The only times you’ve been happy is when I acted like Thunderlane, like I was gonna turn out just like him. But I can’t do that, mom, I just can’t. I’ve tried so hard to be like him, but I’m not. I’m still not.”

Blade rolled his eyes. “Of course you are. You’ll make a fine Wonderbolt some day, just like him.”

Rumble threw his hooves in the air and stomped them down. “You’re not listening to me! This is the whole problem, dad. The only time I can do anything right is if I do everything exactly the way you tell me to, if I just act and talk like Thunderlane. Do you have any idea how horrible that feels? Nothing I do is ever right, just because of how I was born. And just because Thunderlane turned out okay doesn’t mean I will. I’m not him, and I’m tired of trying to be. I’ve been tired of it for so long, I just want to be me.”

Silence fell between them.

Rumble panted to catch his breath. “Just once, I want you to be proud of me for something I decide to do. I want you to brag about me for something that was my idea, not just something you told me to. I flew with a Wonderbolt, I filled in for Thunderlane when he was sick, and that still doesn’t count for anything because it’s not Night Guard duty or organised by the Duelist Society or the Canterlot Night Opera, because it’s not something proper rousettes do.”

Rumble found his voice cut off. His mother’s arms were wrapped tightly around him, as were her wings. Her bat wings: the warm, the tight, fleshy sheets of a rousette mother. Not the feathery ones of her misplaced son.

“Oh, little angel, how did you get that awful thought in your head? Of course we’re proud of you. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of, you’re just different. There’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with you, never has been.”

Blade nodded. “She’s right. Respect is respect, and how you were born doesn’t make a difference.”

Rumble shivered. “Then why can’t you be proud of me for who I am?”

Gale clutched him tighter. “Sweetie, do you really think that when I heard about what you did at the reservoir, I wasn’t the proudest mom in Equestria? Do you really think that when we show up for those bat parties, we don’t throw that six point five wingpower into those snobby little faces every chance we get? You’ve got more dedication, and more honour, than a lot of so-called nobles ever had, and no one can take that away from you. Of course we’re proud of you.”

Blade nodded and stroked Rumble’s mane. “What made you think we weren’t?”

Rumble shook his head. “I can’t say.”

“Rumble,” Blade leaned in closer. “Be honest. Why would you think something awful like that? Has someone been filling your head with lies?”

Rumble sighed. “It’s Thunderlane.”

Gale blinked in confusion. “Thunderlane? Why would he make you think we’re not proud of you?”

Again, he sighed. “Right around Blue Moon Bloom, that bat party Chitter took me to? Thunderlane had me drink the Blood Cup Nectar.”

Gale shuddered. Her breath got caught halfway in her throat. “He did what?”

“He told me I had to drink that stuff, so I’d be a proper rousette. He planned it right after you got the word about your missions, he got a minister and incense and everything. He said you’d be happier if I did, that it’d make things better. He said it was a surprise, for you.”

Gale shook her head. “But the Blood Cup is a healing ritual, it’s for when you’re sick. It purifies rousette magic, blood magic. We don’t know what that does to a pegasus pony.”

“No, we don’t,” Rumble replied. “But I’m not a pegasus pony, remember? I was born in a rousette family, and that makes me a rousette. That’s what he said, that’s our way. If you’re born from a rousette mother, then you’re a rousette. And that’s what you keep saying, too.”

Blade groaned. “Oh, son, we didn’t mean it like that. Thunderlane didn’t mean it, either, you know how he gets about our traditions.”

“Yeah. I’ve noticed. But you see what I mean? Thunderlane and Chitter all those other rousettes who were there, they were fine with it, they just let it happen. They thought it was gonna give me bat wings or make me less, you know, me. Like I’m sick, or worthless. And you…”

“I know, angel, I know. You got a lot of conflicting messages thrown at you. We didn’t mean to make you think you had to turn into your brother. But you don’t have to be a rousette to make us proud, or to impress all those others.” Gale petted his mane, cooing as she clutched him to her chest. “We’ll talk to Thunderlane. He had no right to do that to you, and it’s about time we reminded him he doesn’t need to be so fanatic all the time. He won’t do that again, we’ll make sure of that.”

The boy chuckled and nodded. “Thanks.”

“And if you really want to, we can compromise on the family reputation,” Blade said.


Blade looked to Gale, and when she nodded, he continued. “If you really want ponies to know you were born in a rousette family, you have our permission to tell them so. And you don’t have to go through with this wedlock if you don’t want to. No matter what anyone thinks, we won’t force you to do this. You can back out if you want, we’ll settle it with Lord Nox.”

“No, I don’t want that.”

“Wouldn’t that make it easier on you?” Gale asked. “You can be a pony, if you really want to.”

Rumble shook his head. “You don’t understand. I don’t want you to get in trouble over me, and I don’t want Thunderlane to get in trouble, either. I just… I can’t be a pegasus because I was born in a rousette family, and I can’t be a rousette because my friends are ponies, and I have feathers. So I’d rather be a bat and a pony, if that’s okay. If I can make friends with ponies, that’s fine, I can still pretend to act like a regular rousette. I’ll even join a club, take dancing lessons or fencing classes if that makes you happy.”

Gale chuckled and ruffled his mane. “Well, you do have a good partner to share the ballroom with now. But I thought you hated that stuff?”

“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t, but I can try it, to fit in, like other rousettes do. As long as I get to pick for myself, it’s okay. I just… I wanna belong with you, like I belong with ponies. I can talk to them, they understand me, even if I can’t say much. But us, we never do anything together. It’s like I’m always home alone, even when you’re not on duty. We never go anywhere, ever.”

“But Thunderlane takes you places, doesn’t he? Isn’t that fun?”

“Thunderlane doesn’t think I’m a proper rousette, remember? He’s embarrassed by me, too. And it’s not the fun, mom, it’s being alone all the time. I’m supposed to be part of our family, but it’s like we’re not even a family at all. Every time I go somewhere, it’s with a foalsitter or Thunderlane. Even when you’re home, we don’t do anything together.”

Gale sighed. “Well, what would you want us to do about that, then?”


“What do you want us to do? After today, you’ll be an adult by rousette standards. So, as one adult to another, what would you really want? Do you want us to start picking you up at school, in public? Let everyone know you’re from a rousette family? Do you want us to start taking you to the bat meets again, where everyone stares at you like you don’t belong?”

“No, not like that. I don’t want to be a hassle, or an embarrassment. And the bat parties… I don’t know what to think about those. I just wish we could go someplace sometime, together, where nopony would think it’s weird. Or at least do something when you’re not on duty, something we can do. It doesn’t have to be much, just… just something. I don’t wanna feel like an orphan in my own family anymore.”

Gale sighed. “Well, what do you think, Blade?”

Blade shrugged. “I suppose we can work with that. If you really want to hang out with your parents sometime, there’s bound to be some places we can go. Gonna take some figuring out where, though.”

“And what about Stella?” Gale asked. “Are you absolutely sure you want to go through with this? We won’t force you.”

Rumble looked up at his parents. “Do you like her?”

Gale chuckled. “Oh, sure. She’s an interesting girl.”

Blade nodded. “Good sense of decorum, nice sense of humour, and she treats you well. Of course we like her.”

Rumble smiled. “I picked her. I decided I like her, so I decided to wedlock with her. I want to go through with it, for me… and you. I’m always gonna be a pony, but I’m always gonna be kind of a bat, too.”

They both hugged their son at that.

“I love you,” Rumble said.

“We love you too, son,” Gale said. “And after today, all the rousettes we know will accept you as one of their own.”

It didn’t take Applejack long to find Nectarine in the crowds. She trotted over to her batty friend and looked around. “Hey, Nectarine. Where’s Thunderlane?”

Rin cocked her head towards the mass of rousettes chatting in the hall. “Catching up with some of the harpists and cellists. Old friends.”

“Of course. Speaking of catchin’ up, how did the introductions go the other day?”

“They went fine, I think. Most of the more aristocratically inclined ponies know me by name and face now, and I’ve told Twilight Sparkle not to interfere with the Night Guard in case of emergency, start respecting protocol, so that’s a start.”

“I heard about that. Did ya have to be so, err, assertive about it?”

Rin shrugged. “If she didn’t hear it from me, she was going to hear it from somepony else.”

“Don’t you mean somebat else?”

“No. No, I don’t. Unless she gets a royal decree going her way, she needs to step down and leave things to ponies and bats with actual training. This whole mess started when we were told to step down from our function and she was allowed to take over without the proper mandate. If we’re not letting the Weather Patrol do part of our job anymore, wouldn’t make sense to let a civilian do it instead.”

“I guess. I don’t think you’ll get a lot of sympathy that way, though.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I was never going to win any popularity contest with ponies, anyway. I’ll let the royalty decide on that matter, they started it, in their infinite wisdom, they should know the consequences by now. If they want her to keep doing what she’s doing, fine by me, but any consequences will be on her, then, not me.”

“Let’s hope things don’t get out of hoof, then.”

Rin chuckled.“Indeed. Where’s Apple Bloom, by the way? Is the rest of your family here?”

Applejack nodded towards the left side of the hall, where all the ponies were talking amongst themselves. “Talkin’ to their friends.”

An awkward silence fell between them.

“I, err, don’t suppose you know what to expect from this whole shindig?” Applejack asked.

“Of course I do. These are ancient rites, most of the time we do it in bunches. Why do you ask?”

Applejack reached up and scratched the back of her head nervously. “I haven’t quite made up my mind about what to think of this whole thing yet. And it doesn’t look like any of the rousettes and ponies are gonna mix. So…”

“I’d gladly explain it as it goes,” Rin said. “It should be getting started soon, actually.”

Lord Nox smiled at the little girl. Despite her longer legs and her distinct manner of speech, he’d never forgotten just how young she really was, especially compared to him. And yet, today she’d be made an adult, at least among rousettes.

He walked into the back room where she posed in front of a mirror, admiring her dark blue dress. “Big day today.”

Stella nodded. “Yes. Big day.”

“Are you absolutely certain you want to go through with this?”

Again, the girl nodded. “Wouldn’t be fair to Rumble if I didn’t.”

Nox sighed as he took position right behind her. He towered over the girl, and with his musculature one would scarcely think they were related. Then again, it was only a piece of paper that bound them. “It’s a shame your mother and father couldn’t be here. I’m sure they’d be thrilled.”

Stella managed a weak smile at the notion. “Yes. But I still need to do this, on my own. Thank you, for everything. I don’t know what I’d do without your help.”

Lord Nox chuckled heartily at that. “A smart girl like you? My dear, considering what you’ve accomplished already, I think you’d have achieved quite the glory. A glorious mess, mind you, but glory nonetheless. You are well on your way to greatness, but I only cleared the path for you.”

Stella’s smile widened. “Thanks.”

Nox smiled right back, beaming with pride. “You’ll make a fine ambassador someday, I know it.”

“One can only hope.”

Apple Bloom felt she could cut the tension with a knife. After someone had sounded a bugle horn, the rousettes had all moved as one swarm towards the seats on the right side of the hall, while the ponies had moved as one herd to the ones on the left. The only pony on the right side was Thunderlane, the only rousette on the left side was Rin, and she was seated right next to Applejack, dead centre row. Apple Bloom kept her ears perked as her sister tried to clear everything up with the only rousette around who’d speak to them.

“So what happens now?” Applejack asked.

“Try to keep your voice, down, AJ. Now the two children will walk up to the stage and the minister will cleanse them with special smoke. Then they say their vows, go through some traditional motions, and that’s it.”

“Really? Just that? That’s awful short,” Apple Bloom remarked.

Rin put a hoof to her lips to motion for silence. “Keep in mind, most of the time this is done in bunches, that makes it a little longer. For only one pair, it’s a short ceremony today, with a long celebration. You’ll like it, trust me.”

On the stage, Captain Starlight strode forth, shining medals pinned to his chest and chained censer slung over his shoulder. He spread out his wings wide and smiled at the right side of the of the hall, before letting out a quiet snort at the left side. “Dear kinsbats, we are gathered here today to witness the binding of two fine young rousettes by the ancient rites of wedlock.”

Apple Bloom took note of the fact the good Captain only acknowledged the bats in the crowd and referred to the wedlock as a ‘binding’. Not the most cheerful of descriptions.

She smiled when she saw Rumble, though. He looked like a proper gentlecolt when he came out from behind the curtain, and Stella looked positively stunning in her pink dress with all the flowers. It really made her legs stand out, and the flower crown made her look like a little Princess Luna, except for the wings, of course. No fangs on display right now, probably for the sake of the ponies present. The flower crown looked familiar, though: it had the usual daisies in them, but they were alternated with the same orange-red flower that Lord Nox had on his cutie mark. Definitely a symbol of something.

The two kids walked towards each other to meet right in front of Starlight.

Starlight waved the censer back and forth, covering them in incense smoke.

“The incense is meant to banish evil spirits,” Rin whispered. “So the bond is pure. Now they close their eyes and they bathe in the smoke. Once they’re both cleansed, they lock eyes with each other. The eyes are the windows to the soul, and looking into each other’s eyes forms the connection. They cannot break eye contact.”

“Now, your vows,” Starlight said.

Apple Bloom felt her heart skip a beat when she saw the look in Rumble’s eyes. His gaze was fixed upon Stella’s, and she could almost feel his steely resolve all the way.

“By my wings, I’ll be your shelter. By my voice, I’ll be your guide. By my will, the world will know, that my soul, to yours is tied.”

Apple Bloom nearly gasped when she heard that. Shelter her? Tie his soul? This really was a marriage, it was exactly the same. And yet, no pony was objecting to it. Were they really all that concerned with not offending any of the bats?

“By my wings, I’ll be your shelter. By my voice, I’ll be your guide. By my will, the world will know, that my soul, to yours is tied.”

Something felt strange when she heard Stella say the same vows. Something about that girl’s voice was off. Apple Bloom couldn’t put her hoof on what, though, but something was up, she was sure of it. Stella had been off since their first encounter, but why? What was Apple Bloom missing?

Rin smiled. “Now their vows have been said, the pair seal their bond as tradition dictates.”

Stella jumped him and knocked him to the floor. The entire left side of the hall gasped, and most of the right side looked their way to see what those silly ponies were getting riled up over this time.

“The traditional pounce,” Rin whispered. “The girl makes it clear she is not weak, and the boy accepts her strength by letting her take him down.”

Rumble rolled the girl over the floor and pinned her down, never breaking eye contact.

“Then the boy flips positions, to indicate that while he accepts her strength, he will not let her abuse his kindness.”

Apple Bloom nearly cried out at that. Rin noticed, even if Applejack didn’t. “We’re very big on honour, and that’s easy to abuse. Some boys need the reminder. I’m told there’s a gnostic element to it, too, but that’s not my area of my expertise.”

Starlight cleared his throat. “By the powers of the Night and the Laws of Old, I hereby declare you both bound by wedlock. May your ties to one another guide your way.”

Apparently that was the rousette equivalent of “you may kiss the bride,” because Rumble and Stella wrapped their arms around each other and started nuzzling like crazy. The rousettes started clapping, Thunderlane and two others Apple Bloom presumed were Rin’s relatives taking the lead.

The ponies joined in half-heartedly, but eventually the clapping grew to a proper applause.

After all, a pony boy had become a bat stallion.

That was something worth celebrating, right?

Diamond Tiara kept the camera planted firmly against one eye, maneuvering on two legs and carefully taking in all the surroundings. “Here’s the bride and groom, Scootaloo.”

Rumble and Stella were surrounded by their pony friends. They waved at the camera, all smiles.

“Wish you could be here, Scootaloo,” Stella said.

Apple Bloom quirked an eyebrow. “I thought you said you’d get your butler to do the videotaping?”

“I was going to, but-”

“We didn’t want Scootaloo to just see things from a grownup’s point of view,” Silver Spoon said.

“Yeah, that. We wouldn’t want her to be bored watching this, right?”

“That’s really nice of you, Diamond,” Sweetie Belle remarked.

“Don’t mention it. Seriously.”

Apple Bloom looked around again. Something was off, still. But what?

“So are you two going to live together now, or how does it work?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Apple Bloom sensed something was wrong. This was too smooth. Something about all this had the air of an act.

Stella sighed. “Well, I certainly hope so. But…” She turned her head towards Lord Nox, who was busy talking to a pearly white Royal Guard and from the looks of it he didn’t like what the guy had to say, not one bit. Nox’ booming voice was louder than any of the banter between the rousettes or ponies. He was a real loudmouth, that Nox, actually.

Apple Bloom looked towards the Royal Guard as well. Right on cue…

“You think the dragons are causing trouble again?” Rumble asked.

Stella winced and wrapped a wing around Rumble’s shoulder. “It would seem so.”

“Wait, does that mean Lord Nox is gonna leave again?” Silver Spoon asked.

“Probably,” Stella replied. “It was too good to be true, I suppose.”

“Why not stay with Rumble’s family?” Apple Bloom asked. “You are related now, after all.”

“I wish I could, but I can’t. I’m Lord Nox’ designated successor. I have to go where he goes; the dragons have to become accustomed to my presence, as they have been to Nox’.”

“You don’t say…” Apple Bloom had heard that explanation the first time, of course. It stuck with her more now, though, for reasons she couldn’t quite put a hoof on.

Lord Nox came walking towards them. Applejack and Rin saw the stallion’s foul mood and joined him. Rin lowered her voice so the other bats wouldn’t hear. “Is something wrong, Milord?”

Nox nodded and once again forgot to turn down the volume of his voice. “D’oh, yes, it seems the Zwelbasts decided to come out of the Black Mountains again. And you know how they get when they reach a civilisation. I’ll have to depart again soon.”

Apple Bloom felt that nagging feeling pop up again. “With Stella?”

Lord Nox nodded. “Yes.”

“I don’t suppose we have a few more days, then?” Apple Bloom asked.

The burly noble smiled. “Yes, if you wish to arrange any more activities, that would be fine. We leave Monday.”

“Perfect, because I was thinkin’: you’ve been so generous showin’ us this fine rousette tradition and mingling with ponies,” Apple Bloom lied, noting that the ponies and rousettes were still sticking to their own little cliques. Well, aside from Thunderlane, who was busy talking to the two older rousettes she’d noticed before, definitely his in-laws. “Maybe Stella would like to partake in a pony tradition?”

Stella blinked, confused. “And what tradition might that be, darling?”

“Clear Moon Night,” Apple Bloom said.

Applejack nearly choked on her drink when she overheard that. She turned around, aghast. “Say what?!”

Apple Bloom suppressed a grin, especially when she noticed Thunderlane tensing up. He’d heard it, she was sure. “Clear Moon Night. After a binding of love and souls, regardless of the tradition followed, any member of a major landholder family in the region can ask to spend the night with either party of the wedded couple. I looked it up, turns out we used to do that sorta thing.”

“You can’t do that.” Thunderlane came stomping in angrily, with his two in-laws in tow. “That’s a despicable pony tradition, it’s a callback to slavery, when nobles imposed themselves on any commoner marriage.”

Apple Bloom pouted at the stallion. “But it’s tradition, Thunderlane. You wouldn’t want to disrespect tradition, would ya?”

“I would most certainly not!” Nox declared in his usual booming voice. “I think the ponies present here today have exceeded every bat’s expectations, and I would be appalled if any bat, be they feathered or not, did not treat pony traditions with the same amount of respect. So, Thunderlane, given that the Apple family are the chief land holders in Ponyville, I grant permission for Apple Bloom to hold Clear Moon Night for Stella. Do you grant permission?”


Lord Nox glanced towards Strife Gale and Nighted Blade, who were both behind their eldest son. “Since your parents are not present, Thunderlane, and as such they cannot give us their opinion, you need to give permission to let your little brother go.”

“W-well, I, err…”

“Technically, he doesn’t have to anymore, Lord Nox,” Rumble remarked. “Now that I’m wedlocked, I can choose for myself. And I’d love to.”

“But, Lord Nox, you know what they do on those nights.”

“D’oh, pish posh, Thunderlane. I’m sure that little pony tradition isn’t as immoral or damaging as it sounds. After all, ours is perfectly harmless, and I’m sure wedlock isn’t any easier to explain to an outsider.”

“Wait, so what happens on Clear Moon Night?” Rumble asked.

“Oh, it’s just your average sleepover, Rumble, it’s nothin’ fancy, and I’ve got a big bed, anyway,” Apple Bloom said with a flourish.

“See?” Nox said. “Nothing fancy. Now, whence has that wine gone? I’m in dire need of a refill.”

Nectarine rolled her eyes. “Right this way, Milord.”

Apple Bloom caught something in the corner of her eye as Nox plodded off. “Hey, Nectarine, could I ask you somethin’?”

“What’s wrong, Apple Bloom?”

“All rousettes are wedlocked when they’re kids, right?”

“Yes. All of them.”

“So which rousette is Nox-”

Lord Nox, Apple Bloom. It’s a very important title, you don’t want to miss it.”

Apple Bloom’s ears perked. “Right, sorry. Anyway, Stella’s wedlocked to Rumble now, right? And I guess you’re wedlocked to Thunderlane?”

Rin nodded. “Yes, I am. He’s my lifemate, that’s the proper word for it.”

“And all rousettes do this wedlock thing when they’re young, right? Because it protects them against stuff or somethin’?”

“Right. It allows us to have something close to what you ponies call Harmony, but on a smaller scale. We do it when we’re young because we’re weaker then. It’s like getting your shots, you might say, being inoculated against foreign magics. At least, that’s my understanding of it. You’d have to ask one of our ministers for the details. They don’t all agree on how it works, we just know that it does.”

“Oh, that’s okay, I get the idea. But, err, they all do it, you say. All of’em around the same age, then?”

Nectarine pondered that for a moment. “Hmm, no, if a child is considered a mediator, it’s normal for them to wait and build up more advanced skills first. And future ambassadors have to be groomed as successors first, so they tend to be slightly older, too.”

The filly’s ears twitched. “Uhuh. And that grooming for bein’ an ambassador, that’s like makin’ sure you can stand tall to a dragon, right?”

“Oh, yes. Ambassador families are highly regarded: they’re the closest thing we bats have to an immortal representative. One generation to the next, they’re practically carbon copies, it’s quite uncanny.”

The same explanation as Chitter had given it. This must have been a very deeply ingrained part of bat culture, then. “Huh. So they only get wedlocked after they’re prepped, then?”

“Of course.”

“And there’s no exceptions, ever? There’s no rousette that ain’t wedlocked?”

Rin shook her head. “No exceptions. Like I said, it’s quite complicated. Gnostic rites, inoculation against magics, it depends whom you ask, but they all agree it’s essential to our culture.”

“So which bat is Lord Nox wedlocked to, then?”

“Hmm? Oh, Lord Nox is wedlocked to another ambassador, one who works in the Saddle Arabian provinces. I can’t think of her name, though. She doesn’t come around to Equestria anymore. Wedlock isn’t always like marriage, you see, sometimes it just ends up being an official friendship. A lot depends on the context.”

“Uhuh. And his mom and dad?”

“Apple Bloom, stop bothering Nectarine,” Applejack said. “You’re too darn nosey, you know that?”

“Sorry,” Apple Bloom said.

“It’s okay, really. I’m sure you and Stella will have much to discuss on your sleepover.”

Something clicked in Apple Bloom’s mind. Hang on a rock-pickin’ minute here, did I just...

As if on cue, Stella and Rumble were called away by some of the older rousettes. Diamond Tiara was making her rounds with the camera, Lance, Featherweight, and Pipsqueak were talking with Chitter under the watchful eye of some irked-looking rousettes. Something still felt off about all this. There was a piece missing to this puzzle, and it eluded the girl.

“What are you thinking?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Then Apple Bloom saw it, the one thing that made her realise.


Rarity was blending right in with the rousettes, laughing quietly and heartily and pushing up her mane from time to time. The rousettes around her sounded the same as she did: quiet, calm, collected. They moved with the same grace she did, in every motion. And of course they did: rousettes were a social bunch, with other rousettes. They lived for the high society, they had their knights and dukes who’d earned their titles through whatever means the silly bats thought were appropriate. Regardless of the reason, rousettes thought very highly of their nobles, and aspired to be like them.

The same way Rarity aspired to high society. The ‘darlings’ and ‘dears’ crept in Apple Bloom’s ears, her eyes settled on the delicate arm motions of rousettes sipping tea, along with Rarity doing the same with every bit of their grace. The sounds of their hooves on the ground, gentle taps and clips and clops, it was exactly the same between the unicorn and the bats.

The longer she watched, the more Apple Bloom realised that Rarity was, in a very real sense, the only pony she knew who could walk up to a rousette she didn’t know and blend right in. Stick some fangs and wings on her, no one would know the difference. Rarity was truly the only example any Ponyvillian could hope to have to mingle with rousettes.

At least, with regular rousettes.

“I’m thinkin’... we’ve been had.”

Author's Note:

Still a little messy, this chapter, but I'm fine with it, at long last. Rumble's motivations are cleared up at last: it's not a matter of picking whether he's a pony or a bat that's the problem, it's that he has to choose at all. Kind of like Hellboy 2: the Golden Army. Do you sympathise with the Elves or with the humans? Doesn't matter: you're supposed to sympathise with Hellboy, who's caught in the middle. Same principle. Added a little more to Rin's dialogue so the talk with Twilight gets some context. Again, Rin is as flawed a character as anyone else: she's big on responsibility, and the sort of 'proper channels' advocate you see in other stories. There are reasons to like her or dislike her.

The final chapter, to be uploaded this Friday, has been edited quite a bit at the last second, but not because of the ending. Turns out that after about a dozen edits spanning who knows how long, I forgot the most obvious way of getting Apple Bloom to handle her suspicions.

Still avoiding comments, because I don't want to accidentally spoil everything. What exactly is it Apple Bloom suspects and how will she manage to prove it, or fail to prove it? You'll see in two days.