• Published 27th Nov 2015
  • 2,077 Views, 17 Comments

Sunset Shimmer & The Mysterious Stranger... - StrangeBehavior

One particularly stormy evening on Earth leads Sunset Shimmer to help out a poor, homeless man...But, there's something...not quite right about him...(My First One-shot!)

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Sunset Shimmer & The Mysterious Stranger...

Author's Note:

This is my first One-shot...and I sincerely hope you enjoy it...I'd like to hear your thoughts on it...

Some of the dialogue is color-coded, so here's who's who:
Sunset Shimmer
Homeless Man
Otherworldly Voice
Supreme Being

This is StrangeBehavior, signing out...

...It's finally over...

Sunset Shimmer stretched her arms high into the air as the bell rang, signifying to all the students of Canterlot High School that not only is the school day over, but also for an extended weekend that will last till Tuesday. The normally bright and cheerful days, were at the moment, replaced by super-hurricane-sized thunderclouds that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Have to thank the school board meetings for making it easier for my friends and I to hang out in public, after the whole Friendship Games trouble..." Sunset quietly mused to herself as she packed her backpack.

Things have been relatively quiet the past few weeks since the Friendship Games ended, and her duel against Midnight Sparkle as Daydream Shimmer...


She thought, I still don't understand it, that magic has long existed in this world before I brought the Element of Magic...

It was...


...until I awakened it again...

But, that would only leave one question for me to answer...

"Where did it come from...?" Sunset finished quietly as she headed to her destination; The Canterlot High Statue, which houses the portal to Equestria...

Currently, because of a rare astronomical event happening in both dimensions, the magical link between here and Equestria would remain severed during the event, even with Princess Twilight's portal contraption.
It didn't really matter to Sunset Shimmer at the moment, she was grinning to expect to see her six friends, but was confused to see only Applejack and Rarity waiting at the statue.

Sunset asked the two, "Hey guys...What's up? Where are the others?"

Applejack rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, then answered;

"Sorry about that, Sunset...'Fraid that they all had been called away for family emergencies. Twilight had to go out of state to attend a funeral for a relative of her dad's with her family...And Fluttershy had to go visit her brother a fair distance from the city, heard he nearly got mugged for his money, or something..."

Rarity tried to list the rest of them;

"Let's see...Rainbow Dash had to leave immediately to a business trip with her parents, to...uh...Russia, I think, and had to catch the next flight heading there, because of her father having a feeling they would be stuck here if they didn't leave now..."

Applejack finished for the fashionista, "And, Pinkie Pie...she had to go visit her folks out in the country to celebrate a cousin of her's birthday in TransformersLand Amusement Park, their going to spend the entire weekend over there, then be back by Monday..."

Sunset had a feeling where this was heading, and regretfully asked, "You guys too...you got called out for emergencies too...?"

Applejack chuckled weakly as a strong gust was starting to blow, then answered, "Yeah...Sorry Sugarcube...Granny Smith had a heart attack at home, so I'm waiting for my brother Mac to drive me to the hospital with Apple Bloom...and here he is now..."

Big McIntosh headed over as his little sister asked him, clearly annoyed, "What in tarnation took you so long? I could've walked Apple Bloom to the hospital and back when you called a half-hour ago...!"

She squinted into his eyes, then reeled back a little, saying, "Held up by traffic...?"

Mac finished, "Yep...An eighte'n-wheeler was blown to its side, no one died thankfu'ly, but the crash injured a lot of people, 'cluding Rarity's ma'..."

Rarity gasped as she said, "So that's why I was called out of school with Sweetie Belle!"

"I'll give you two a ride if you want." Mac offered, "Weather man is saying that it's gonna rain within, about twenty-five minutes from now. It is a two-hour walk from here to the hospital, so unless you got an umbrella, you're gonna get soaked..."

Rarity said, "Thank you ever so much Big Mac...And, Sunset Shimmer...?"

The pony-turned-human looked at the Element of Generosity, as the Element of Honesty suggested, "Don't you have folks at home? You should probably check on them in case this sudden storm caused more damage..."

Sunset nodded as she said, "O-oh y-yeah...! Better get home before they ground me...Still, its so strange a massive storm like this appeared out of nowhere and with little warning..."

Rarity mused a little as she saw the dark clouds, "Yeah, it is certainly strange...Maybe something really bad happened and maybe God is grieving..."

Applejack added, "Yeah...maybe...something beyond strange is responsible for this...I know it!"

Apple Bloom asked as she and Sweetie Belle walked up with Scootaloo, "Does it have anything to do with that magic stuff you guys put a kibosh in? Because I've read that despite the sudden appearance, this storm is naturally occurring, nothin' magical 'bout it..."

Big Mac replied, "If I remember Pa's words correctly, he says that..."

"Knowing just how big the universe is...and all that's inside it...It be fool's play to explain the unexplained...the universe is meant to remain a mystery, and it be stirring God's wrath if we learn 'bout somethin' we should't know about..."

Sunset never believed in deities, even she knew Celestia was no god, this being known as Discord might be the closest, but even he isn't a god in the way her human friends are using the term. She realized the time, then said, "Ah horse-feathers! I've got to head home, if this storm is going to be as bad as the reports are saying it's going to be...I'll visit you guys when the storm dies down..."

"WAIT!" Rarity shouted, "Use my lucky raincoat...don't want you to be catching a cold, right dearie..."

Sunset looked at the, stylish, yellow raincoat with lovely patterns all over it, answering, "Y-yeah...the last thing I need is to get you guys sick..."

As the red and yellow haired girl put on the coat, Rarity stated, "You may keep it if you want, dearie...I got three more like it, and be sure to use the hood to keep your head dry, promise me that you won't take it off unless you're out of the rain..."

Sunset looked at her, saying, "I promise, but no guarantees if the gusts blow it off my head..."

As they waved bye, Sunset looked at the five girls get in Big Mac's truck, which could only fit six, or Mac would have offered Sunset Shimmer a ride home. Sunset continued watching the truck drive off as the rain started to really come down, until they were out of sight, Sunset Shimmer pulled the hood off her head, feeling sad and the urge to let the storm drain the lonely feelings off her face.

She thought, My parents will ground me?! Heh...that would be true, if I didn't abandon them so long ago...

She continued to walk as Principle Celestia watched Sunset from her office window, until she was out of sight. She felt sorry for her student, not knowing exactly what was ailing the young girl. Celestia let out a deep sigh as she rested her head against her clasped hands, knowing that for a long while now, something had been bothering Sunset Shimmer.

She let out air she held in for a moment, then began looking over some documents for the school board, business as usual...

A male voice suddenly spoke in her mind, ~"Don't worry about Sunset Shimmer, Celestia..."~

Celestia's normally calm demeanor was quickly replaced by panic and shock as she lept off her chair, let out a small shout, and accidently sent a pile of papers flying all over the office, all because of the sudden and unfamiliar voice, which then said;

~"I've got what she needs...Let me and my master help her..."~
Celestia had her hands over her mouth, then over her rapidly beating heart, as Luna entered and asked, "Sister, what's wrong...?

Sunset Shimmer continued to walk home, her head held high as the beating rain took a good moment of its cardboard-punching strength a few moments earlier. She had her eyes closed as with the raindrops, hid her tears of regret and loneliness, she couldn't have felt more homesick for her mother and father even if it came crashing down like a six-mile wide meteor. She just continued walking...
...and walking...
...through the empty sidewalks...
...cars carefully racing by down the streets...
...she was alone...
...so very alone...

After a good five minutes had past, Sunset was about to cross the intersection to her home, until she heard a furious and loud cough coming from an alley to her rear-right...

Having been sick before, and knowing some ponies she knew back in Equestria, Sunset knew a cough like that means that unless whoever is coughing get inside soon, he (or she) will contract a lethal virus...

Sunset Shimmer saw with the help of a streetlight, the owner of the terrible cough, a very poor, homeless man, trying to wrap himself in his tattered, hole-riddled clothes, shuddering at the chilling winds of the storm. The old Sunset Shimmer would've just left the man there to die, but her feelings now, filled her with pity.

How could she ever thought she was miserable, when the cold man before her doesn't have anything, but the clothes on his back and his own skin, to protect him from the harsh mistress known as nature, and they didn't even help one bit. She acted out on impulse, asking,

"Hey! Are you alright sir?"

The man turned around, eyes hidden by a pair of sunglasses, answering, "Oh, don't worry...I was simply...catching my breath dear...er...er...er..."

He coughed again, hard, making it sound painful by just hearing it.

Sunset Shimmer decided to try and help him, "Here, let me help you out. This storm is going to really pickup soon, my house is not that far from here. You can wait it out there, then I can help you find shelter...Please let me do so..."

Though the man clearly had a look that signals he didn't want to, he bowed his head and said with a sigh, "...I really don't want to do it, for your sake miss...but...I cannot hope to refuse someone innocently offering me assistance. I'd have to be heartless to refuse an offer from someone like you..."

The man was helped up by Sunset Shimmer as she lead him to her home...

As Sunset Shimmer helped the man into her house and set him gently on the couch, she rushed to her medicine cabinet and got a bottle of that incredibly, horrid tasting red medicine, the kind that had made her gag and snort horrible sounds at the taste. Sunset had a really bad experience with the medicine, but knew it will help with the sympathy pain inducing coughs, wearing a face that could tell some folks, she didn't want to give such a horrid thing to anyone, not even her worst enemies.

She filled the medicine cup to the proper level, then said to her guest, "Please, drink this. It will help you with your cough..."

The man looked at her for a moment, then took the medicine cup and swallowed its contents, gagging a little, then saying, "Thank you, young lady. Might I ask where you're parents are, so I can give them my respects to?"

Sunset looked at the man, answering, "My parents are...out of country...My surrogate family are out of state, they left me in charge of the house while they're away..."

The man looked into her eyes, and chuckled, "You'd bring a complete stranger, whose blind, inside your home, not knowing if he's someone you should call the police on...?"

Sunset sensed with greater force, a deeper feeling that there was something...off...about her visitor. But answered, "...uh...I'd like to try and be helpful...If you met me about seven months ago, I might have behaved like a real jerk, or flat out ignore you..."

"I suppose so, Sunset Shimmer..." The man contemplated...

The mare-turned-human flinched greatly at the man's last comment, demanding, "H-h-h-how...how...how do you know my name?!"

He pointed a finger to the house's entertainment center, "A picture of you says Sunset Shimmer's Happy Birthday on the entertainment center, that's how I know your name..."

Sunset Shimmer was a little relieved that was cleared up, but then, was confused about an earlier statement he had...

...So she began to ask, "...Wait...didn't you say tha..."

"...I never needed eyes to see things clearly...I see the world differently than most...a trait very few individuals have..." The man interrupted, having predicted what she was about to ask.

The ex-student of Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow skeptically, then challenged, "If what you're claiming is true, prove it then..."

"Certainly, but first..." The man began, "...You'd like to know my name, correct...?"

Sunset Shimmer remained silent, but was clearly surprised by the man's statement, as he said, "...I truthfully have over 10,000 names...but you may call me by my Japanese name; Fujimoto Yoshiyuki-dono...or just Yoshiyuki..."

Sunset Shimmer knows how Japanese customs vaguely work from her surrogate sister, and Pinkie Pie, watching all sorts of anime in the original Japanese dubs, and knew that names were arranged differently. She guessed that Fujimoto was his family name, and Yoshiyuki was his birth name, or a name given to him in Japan. But, was a little confused about the 'dono' part he said, knowing from Pinkie's surprising knowledge of Japanese culture, dono usually means 'lord' or 'master'...But, Yoshiyuki was clearly homeless, or something of that nature, but she decided not to press about it for now...

Yoshiyuki pulled his dark glasses off, revealing a surprising shock to Sunset as she gasped and held her hands over her mouth...

His eyes' irises were almost gold in color, but they had no pupils, he was, without a doubt, blind...

Yoshiyuki said as he slowly put the glasses back on, "I can see that you are shocked at what you saw, with wide eyes, an agape mouth covered by your hands, and I see a picture of what I believe is from a school with six friends behind you..."

Sunset looked behind and saw the picture her guest was talking about, it was a picture taken a few days after the Friendship Games with Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and the transfer student, Twilight Sparkle, all smiling widely without a care in the world...

She stared at him with disbelief for what seemed like an eternity, until both Yoshiyuki's stomach, and her's began to growl loudly.

She let out a loud sneeze to the bend of her elbow, then guessed with a chuckle, "Huh...I guess I did catch a little cold out in the rain, want some Chicken Noodle Soup? There are two microwavable packages in the fridge..."

Her visitor seemed to mull it over a bit, then answered, "Sure...I don't see a reason we cannot..."

Sunset Shimmer and Yoshiyuki sat down at the couch, eating the warm and soothing Chicken Noodle Soup, feeling the cold just leave their bodies...

They stood silent for a while until Sunset maneuvered on the couch ever so slightly, unaware that she was on top of the remote control of the television and turned it on, the program currently on was some kind of dubbed anime movie. It featured strange creatures along with humans, fighting an extremely powerful being in a vaguely equine-like shape and a gold ring around its torso, who was soundly beating three equally powerful dragon-like creatures with some kind of magic...

Sunset panicked a little at the TV suddenly turning on and tried to turn it off as thunder bellowed at a distance outside, but fumbled the remote and changed the channel by accident. Now the program that was on was a nature documentary about dinosaurs, on a scene with a massive meteorite slamming into the planet, and bringing untold destruction to the defenseless animals. Sunset only noticed at a glance, but when the dinosaur documentary was on, Yoshiyuki looked deeply depressed, like he failed to do something. After another channel change, (the program showing a mountain-sized, energy spitting dinosaur monster, fighting an even larger, lightning-spitting, three-headed, gold dragon in a ruined city), Sunset succeeded in turning off the television, then looked at Yoshiyuki, embarrassed.

She apologized, "I'm so sorry about that! I forgot the remote was here..."

Yoshiyuki put a hand up and replied with a chuckle, "Hakuna Matata, Ms. Shimmer, it roughly means no worries in Swahili..."

She let out a small chuckle as she commented, "Heh...Yeah, I know from what movie you're referencing..."

Yoshiyuki then said, "Yeah, I loved the message that film gives, and how it melds a perfect story and a powerful life lesson within the context of a deeply moving story. That terrible things happen, and that there's nothing you can do about it. You choose how to deal with it, by either accept that it happened and move on, or accept that it happened...but, you work to make it right...something I sense that you should take to heart..."

Sunset was a little shocked, as she stated, "I...I've never really thought about it before in that context...I just thought of it as a fun and amusing movie about a lion, a warthog, and a witty meerkat...Though I guess, because of what you said, I'll never watch that movie the same way ever again..."

Yoshiyuki took a deep breath and started to whistle a song, one that sounded familiar to Sunset...

She heard it once before in this world, having heard it while passing a church some time ago...

She asked, "Hey...wait, I've heard that before...what was it called again..."

Yoshiyuki answered, "O' Holy Night...That's the song's title...usually sung around Christmas season...but as of late, because of a fear of offending foreigners...what was, once upon a time, sung in the streets to evoke hope and faith...now could only be sung in chapels, where more and more people lose their way, on what path they should take..."

"Yeah, but..." Sunset started to ask, "...Why did you start whistling that song...?"

Yoshiyuki answered for her, "You could say, that I am a messenger of God, Ms. Shimmer..."

Sunset mulled it over, but then, they heard a man and woman shouting at each other from outside, which caused Sunset to drift off the question she was going to ask, and instead, "Do...do you have any...family? Or at least...a loved one?"

Yoshiyuki chuckled as he answered, "No...I have no wife, if that was what you were wondering...but I am blessed with many wonderful children, the couple outside reminded me of two of my sons...they bicker and fight over anything, the fact that their responsibilities are of two conflicting forces doesn't help in the slightest. One of their dear sisters gets absolutely heartbroken when their bickering rises to that where they would actually try to kill each other..."

Sunset Shimmer held her hands over her mouth, as Yoshiyuki continued, "One of my eldest daughters, the same one I mentioned, she also holds a tremendous responsibility with the added duty to keep the two boys from killing each other. Sadly, one day a long time ago, their fighting nearly put tens of millions at risk, so their sister had to fight them. But, as a result, the two boys may never wake from their, you could say coma, and it was enough to destroy their sister's already weakened spirit. Now she blames herself for being the very reason my sons were driven to such...brutality..."

Sunset shed tears, though she was an only child, but even then...She couldn't imagine how much pain one would have to endure to see two of your beloved siblings fight in such a manner. Then having to fight them yourself and whether intentional or not, putting them in a serious condition.

She asked, "Are...are they...your children...alright?"

Yoshiyuki chuckled as he said, "Thankfully, yes...My daughter had recovered from that state of depression, and the rest of them are quite alright, I'm already a grandfather for a few of my children, and they all love me as much as I adore them. *Sigh* Unfortunately, my two sons, are still in that coma-like state, likely to not awaken for many years, but still very much alive. Every so often, my family still visit them and pay our respects..."

Sunset smiled softly, but realized she was off topic, so asked, "Wait, when you said you were like a 'messenger of God', what do you mean by that? Are you a priest?"

Yoshiyuki replied, "No...higher..."

Sunset paused, then asked, "Bishop...?"


"A Pope...?!"

Yoshiyuki chuckled heartily, then replied, "Hehehe...No...that dubbed animated film on the television could give you a clue..."

She paused, thinking and remembering what was that film her guest was talking about. There was something distinctive about it, that much she knew, but what was her question. Then, she remembered one line from it, spoken with anger, it saying, "Human beings, must be brought, to justice!"

That was when it clicked, she remembered seeing this one movie with her friends at a local anime club of sorts, and how the line was spoken by an individual that was basically a...

As it started to become clear, she hesitantly asked Yoshiyuki, "A-a-a-are-e-e yo-yo-you a...g...g...g...god...?!"

Yoshiyuki laughed loudly as he said, suddenly in a completely different voice, "How ridiculous...! Of course not...However, God could be...my boss by your terms..."

Sunset suddenly was filled with fear as she trembled, what if he was here to punish her for all the trouble she caused, Sunset Shimmer thought.

Yoshiyuki noticed and asked with clear worry in his voice, "Hey, Ms. Shimmer...what's wrong...?"

He reached his hand out to her, making the unicorn panic as she screamed, "N-no! NO! Stay Away! Don't touch me! No! Please! DON'T HURT ME!!!"

Sunset Shimmer was now crying out of fear, she had never felt so helpless in all her life. She shut her eyes tightly as this unknown entity's hand drew closer to her face.

She expected him to send her to this 'Hell' she heard the people of this world preach about, but was caught off guard when a soft hand gently petted her head. She looked to her guest, seeing her guest with the most genuine and sincere look of sorrow on his face.

Yoshiyuki asked with a hint of sorrow in his voice, "Why...why are you so afraid of me, child...?"

The ex-student of Princess Celestia tried to wipe away her tears, as she answered, "I...I figured out what you are, and was afraid that you...you would send me to this, 'Hell' the people here talk about..."

Yoshiyuki responded, "Is it that from what you've heard about Hell, that it sounds like a more horrifying Tartarus...? If that is what you think...Former student of magic to the high Princess Celestia..."

Sunset Shimmer flinched at that mention of Tartarus and Princess Celestia, Yoshiyuki continued, wiping her tears, "Then you are mistaken...You would only go there if you did horrible misdeeds, and had to be punished accordingly...But, you are trying to right your wrongs, and its a good thing you are repenting for your past sins..."

Sunset looked at her guest, puzzled and confused, she asked, "Who...who are...you? Really?"

Yoshiyuki said as his gold eyes turned into a warm red and pupils appeared, "Yoshiyuki...isn't my true name...if you're familiar with Japanese pop culture, then you already know my true name..."

Sunset quietly asked, Your...an angel...aren't you?"

He looked at the clock on the wall, then said, "It appears I overstayed my welcome, I thank you for taking me into your 'foster' home. In return, you have my blessing, that whenever you feel alone, even when you are, you'll have someone to talk to, and may you be protected for the rest of your natural life...And so you know, if you feel depressed like you were before you met me, and you cannot reach Princess Twilight Sparkle, my being here..."

He took his tattered coat off, revealing a pure white shirt, that seemed to glow in an otherworldly light, as he continued, "...Has revealed someone you can always turn to for guidance, and note that he is always listening to your troubles, and helping you the moment you were born..."

'Yoshiyuki' opened the door as the raging storm outside, suddenly cleared up in mere minutes, Sunset then said, "W-wait! You never answered my question...sir..."

'Yoshiyuki' thought about it a bit, then replied, "You're absolutely right, how silly of me, my true name is..."

Sunset Shimmer's eyes widened with disbelief as 'Yoshiyuki' told her his true name, then he said as he waved, "Heed the wisdom I have given you...you are never alone, and the universe is much bigger than you or your friends even realize..."

He then vanished in an instant, leaving Sunset Shimmer to quietly say to herself, "Did...did that...really...just happened...?! Did I really meet, 'him'?"

'Yoshiyuki' had reappeared in a bright, hallway of sorts, walking past many 'humans' clad in glowing, white robes, all speaking smoothly to the tattered-clothed man, with high respect...


"My lord...you've returned..."

"You've completed your mission flawlessly, master..."

"Our almighty master will be pleased at a job well done, my lord..."

One 'human' walked beside 'Yoshiyuki', clearly cut above the rest, as both 'humans' past by more as they bowed in respect...

The 'human', bathed in an almost divine light, asked 'Yoshiyuki', like an equal, "So...you have done what Father asked you to do?"

'Yoshiyuki' answered as a glowing aura surrounds his body, steadily getting brighter, "You will know soon enough, my lord, when I speak to our master..."

Both 'humans' are now stood in front of a massive, beautifully ornamented door, greater than those found in temples, as the doors slowly opened...

'Yoshiyuki' had shed his human guise, and is now in a vague, equine-shape, and a golden aura surrounding his body in the shape of a ring of sorts, and was twice as tall as he was before...

Both appeared before a truly divine being in the shape of a man, silhouetted by an almost heavenly light, as another being with the head of a falcon exited the room. Both the 'human', and 'Yoshiyuki', bowed to the man, as he raised his hand, speaking to them both in a gentle voice;

"You may not need bow before me, my children, I have long forgone such practices many millenia ago..."

'Yoshiyuki' replied, "Apologies, master...even if you say it is alright that we need not bow, I feel obligated to not forgo a tradition I was raised to obey for eons..."

The 'human' added, "It is as the humans say; 'The more things change, the more they stay the same...', correct...?"

"Hm-mm-mm-mm-mm...I suppose that is true...I encourage you especially, 'Yoshiyuki'..."

"I cannot, in good conscious do that upon your command master..." 'Yoshiyuki' replied, "...But, the mission you sent me to do went along as you planned. The young Sunset Shimmer had regained faith in herself, and will now turn to you when she needs it most, O' Mighty Lord of Heaven..."

"I am truly grateful you have done that, my son. Jesus, please come with me, I need you to assist me in speaking with Ra, he's having difficulty keeping Zeus in line..."

The 'human' named Jesus bowed, and said, "As you wish, father..."

The two left, leaving 'Yoshiyuki' alone with another 'human' wearing glasses and had blue hair, she said, "Alright sir. I'll file out the report of your mission, all I need is your name, your true name..."

The tall, equine-shaped figure, chuckled as he replied, Hm-mm-mm-mm...Come on, Karen my dear, you of all the angels know my name..."

Karen took off her glasses as she said, "Of course I do...but just do it anyways for the record, it won't count unless you tell me your name..."

The tall figure who was Yoshiyuki sighed as he replied, "*SIGH*Very well, I'll tell you...only because you are my favorite, and you asked so nicely..."

"My name is..."
