• Published 14th Oct 2015
  • 860 Views, 26 Comments

Daring Danger Dash - Omen

What some consider Slice of Life, is Adventure at its finest for others. Daring Do finds herself distracted and decides to do something about it. Namely, visit her number one fan.

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Daring Do and the Military Research Base

Author's Note:

First of all, changed the SoL tag to Comedy, Random and SoL. Because as much fun as this is, this isn't really how I wanted to portray Daring's relation to Dash. I'm scribbling down all of these stories that are floating inside my head, so once I have some free time on my hand, I'll actually start planning a serious rewrite of all this. This is still gonna be up for anybody who needs a laugh and likes pegasi, but yeah.

This story will most likely be one of the "fifteen likes - seven dislikes" stories, which is okay in my book. I'm not putting a lot of time into this, so yeah. Have fun!

"Okay, this is it," Daring remarked, bobbing her head in the direction of the military base on the cliff not further than fife hundred meters from them. Red stone surrounded them, and between them and the base lay a deep gorge, so deep in fact, that it's bottom was impossible to make out.

Rainbow Dash pulled away the goggles that protected her eyes from the red dust and motioned for her sister to hand over the binoculars. Then she took a look through and quickly found the tall grey rectangular complex. "Fences... Barbed wire... Watchtowers... Floodlights... Unicorn and pegasi teams patroling the compound... They really don't want anypony to get in there, do they?" She scanned the area once more, noticing that the top layer of the concrete building in the middle of the compound was the only one darkened. "So, what's the deal this time? I doubt there are going to be traps in there."

Daring chuckled and went through their equipment. Flashbang grenades, smoke grenades, a few firecrackers, wire cutters, made especially for pegasi, and many other things landed in a neat line on the ground as she laid them out. "Yeah, same here. They can't very well expect their scientists to dodge poisoned arrows. We're searching for something they keep hidden in warehouse twelve. An artifact called "Winter's Lance". It's supposed to be quite powerful and dangerous."

"So why not just leave it there? If we donate it to some museum like we did with the other stuff we found, we're only going to make it easier for whoever wants it." Dash stayed on the lookout for any suspicious activity.

"True, but we're not going to donate it. We're going to hide it away forever." Daring quickly checked the wire cutters. They were easy enough to handle. "An anonymous threat has been made against this facility. The princesses can't send their troops here to help, because it doesn't "officially" exist. So all in all, we're doing them a favour."

"Can't wait for Twilight to hear about this," Rainbow mumbled. "She's going to be pissed when she finds out that I broke into a secret military compound just to steal some ancient artifact. What else do we know about that lance thingie?"

Daring shrugged lightly. "It's only the blade we're interested in. It's supposed to be a transparent blue, a sort of crystal, about as big as a hoof, and really sharp. I don't actually know what it does, but I know we're going to meet heavy resistance." She handed Rainbow Dash a set of body armour. "Try it on. We need to be able to get in quick, but once that's done, we try to blend in."

Dash nodded and began to slip into the stiff trousers. "How'll we get in?"

"I've contacted somepony who owes me a favour. He's gonna provide distraction." She looked up at the moon. "It's almost time now."

Making a few adjustments to her set of body armour, Dash returned it to Daring who stuffed it back into the duffle bag. "Okay then. What kind of distraction will it be?"

"Dunno. Guess we'll have to wait and see."

They waited, huddled closely together to shelter each other from the harsh winds, when a thundering crack tore through the night. Daring's ears perked up. "Looks like it's starting." Looking at the compound with the binocular's nightvision module enable she spotted smoke rising from one corner of the building. "Dammit! I told him to provide a distraction, not level the damn building!" Chewing on her lip she noticed that her ally had indeed taken out the power generator. "Okay, we got roughly five minutes before the backup power kicks in. Think you can make inside the main building by then?" she asked Dash.

Rainbow Dash scoffed at her sister's ridiculous question. "Um, hello? You're talking to Rainbow Dash here! My top speed is three hundred thirty metres per second!"

"Then get a move on!" Daring grabbed her bag and started pumping her wings.


Rainbow Dash tried her best not to flinch as another glowing line streaked across the sky. Even from where they were hovering in the air, they could clearly make out the muzzle fire of the rifle their ally used. Whatever kind of weapon it was, it packed enough of a punch to tear through solid walls at a two kilometer distance, leaving a blinding afterimage of the shot for everypony that dared to look at the sky.

The two sisters dove down to the double doors of the main building. Daring didn't hesitate and just bucked the door open. Wood splinetered and since the power was still out, no alarm went off. They swiftly made their way inside, then engaged their nightvision goggles. "So," Dash asked, licking her lips in anticipation. "You said this warehouse is a structually integral part of the main building? Kinda defeats the purpose."

Daring nodded and started down the green tinted corridor. "I guess, but it makes our job easier. It's on the top floor."

"The one with all the lights out?"

"Just go up the stairs until you hit a wall."

"Roger that."

Suddenly, lights flickered and their nightvision became somewhat obsolete. Daring and Dash quickly disposed of their goggles, for they would look too suspicious. That was when the alarm went off.

"This is sector five speaking; All non-combat personnel is to evacuate the main building immediatley and make their way to the underground bunker. This is not a drill. Proceed with caution." All that to the blaring of a siren. Luckily, the helmets they wore muffled the sound sufficiently to keep thinking straight.

There was a small pause as Rainbow and her sister made their way to the stairs, stepping aside to allow some wide-eyed ponies in lab coats to pass them. "This is sector seven. Stautus report: Wireless communications are down. Main power generator severely damaged. Backup power running at full capacity. Section leader dispatched for a wide sweep of the area. Main unit dispatched for enemy engagement."

Another pause. "Scout unit reporting in. Confirmed sighting of a single assailant. Weapon confirmed to be a modified high-caliber anti-material rifle. Moving in for capture. All units are highly advised to proceed with caution."

"I hope your friend makes it out of there," Rainbow remarked, nudging her sister with a wing. "These guys seem pretty organized."

"Unsettling, but not our concern," Daring retorted. "He's not really a friend. Just a guy who tried to kill me and whose life I saved. He said he owed me, so if he gets caught, we're even."

"Whoa. Pretty dark, sis," Rainbow said somberly. "So tell me, how high are the chances of them catching him?"

Daring made a quick mental calculation. "Well, their chances of finding him are about eighty percent, with how he keeps firing that thing of his." As if on cue, the building was rocked by another explosion. "However, their chances of surviving the encounter... About ten percent."

"Wait a second!" Dash grabbed Daring's shoulder and forced her to turn around. "I never agreed to killing anypony!"

Daring rolled her eyes behind the visor. "I was speaking figuratively. What, you think I'm so callous I'd kill somepony who hasn't wronged me? He'll leave them off the hook with a few fractured limbs and broken bones, I made sure of that."

Dash snorted, still enraged. "Alright, I'll take your word for it. But once this is over we're gonna have to talk about how you leave me out of the loop every time we do stuff like this!"

Daring simply sighed and nodded, then turned to walk the last few steps up the stairs. "Fine by me. I was going to talk to you about something important anyway." The walked along the corridor at a swift pace. To their left were orange doors lined up, all having a black number painted onto them in large bold letters. They stopped at number twelve.

"You ready?" Daring asked, pulling out the black compass. "Once we breake in there, we'll have to move quickly."

She could've sworn Rainbow Dash had just raised an eyebrow below the visor. "Using the compass, eh? What about your "no cheating" policy?"

"I'm not going to argue with you about this!" Daring hissed as she and Rainbow both started to peel out of their body armour. "I won't use some ancient magic to do my self appointed job for me, but I also won't risk my sister's life out of a false sense of pride!"

"There's nothing wrong with having a little pride," a voice over the intercom spoke.

Daring Do's eyes darted towards the end of the corridor. There was a pony standing there, covered from head to toe in a metallic chrome suit. The only things standing out - aside from the suit being probably as tight as a second skin - were the elegant mask and the large red visor over the pony's eyes. The only thing that was exposed were the golden feathered wings.

Daring tossed her compass to Dash. "Get in there!" she yelled. "Find the lance and get out! I won't be able to hold them off for long!"

The very moment Dash nodded and pushed through the door, Daring went to face the other pony again. She could see her own reflection in the red visor, then the wind was knocked out of her as her opponent delivered a punch to her stomach. Before the adventurer could react or even reagin her posture, she was thrown - or rather, carried - along the corridor at ludicrous speed, only to have her head slammed into the wall.

"You really shouldn't get distracted now."

Glad that she was still halfway dressed, in regards to how much that had hurt, she tried to fight back. But the mare - it was definitely a mare, though her voice was slightly distorted - was incredibly strong. She held Daring pinned to the sterile looking white wall with ease, her hooves digging into the body armour around the wrists of her opponent.

"You're pretty confident!" Daring coughed, straining herself to at least make some headway. "That normal, or only when you catch a pony with their pants down?"

"Fight not fair enough for you? Alright then." The silver mare's hoof released Daring's for a split-second to press the buckle of her belt, then returned, slamming the beige mare's limb back against the wall. "That do it for you?" she said with a very audible smirk.

"What the hell are you..." Daring almost bit her tongue as her assailant's legwear slipped down to reveal her Cutie Mark. "Oh, buck me!" she sighed in resignation and rested her head against the wall.

"Not tonight, Ms. Do," the knight retorted. "The princesses want you brought before them right away, unharmed."

"Not gonna happen!" Rainbow Dash's fur was bristling with electricity as she lunged at the mare holding her sister pinned.

Said mare placed a blow in Daring's lower abdomen that made her fall to her knees and pivoted to face the other pegasus. At that point, she hesitated slightly and Dash's hoof shattered the right side of her visor. The other pegasus drew back, but only to extend a hoof and a wing, and suddenly Dash found herself flying head first to the floor.

She blinked a few times while her mind tried to process what had just happened. She felt a hoof planted firmly on her chest. "Lights out," the other pony said, raising a hoof to strike.

Daring tossed the Amulet of Smartland right into the path of the pony's strike. It started to glow bright green and absorbed some kind of magic, eliciting an enraged roar from the other mare. Daring grabbed Rainbow Dash by the hoof and pulled her with her. The light was too bright for Rainbow to see. She heard the creaking of a door, then the light faded somewhat, but the afterimage was still burned into her retina.

Daring pulled her along at a brisk pace, then there were more sounds of something opening, Dash was unceremoniouly shoved into a small space and a warm body slid next to her. A hoof clomped onto her mouth as she wanted to ask what was going on. "Shhh!" Daring whispered right next to her ear.

They remained silent, their breathing shallow. From outside of wherever they were, they could hear the sound of things breaking. Then there was a short silence and suddenly, their hiding place rocked violently to the sound of an explosion. Rainbow could feel the familiar sensation of a spin out, then they crashed into something. Daring opened the door to their little private place and Rainbow blinked into the moonlight, then took a closer look at what she was sitting in.

She snorted. "A fridge? Really?"

"Hey, I had to think quick on my hooves." Daring replied, leaving the cramped space. She took a look at the facility. Or what was left of it. "Wow. Good thing these fridges are so damn heat resistant."

Rainbow stared across the gorge, her mouth agape. "What the hell happened?" she yelled. "Did we somehow set off a bomb? It looks like a freakin' warzone!"

"That, dear sister, is what happens when you piss of a Knight of the Realm," Daring sighed.

Rainbow tilted her head. "A knight of what now?"

"A pegasus belonging to the order of knights. This particular one was the Knight of Dawn. Particularly nasty, and not somepony you'd want to cross."

"Only, that we just did exactly that."

"Yup. Was it worth it?"

"What are you asking me for?" Dash protested.

Daring rolled her eyes and walked over to lightly whack her sister on the head. "I wanna know if you got the artifact!"

"Ouch! Oh, wait, you mean this thing?" Rainbow pulled out a small wooden case she had kept safe under her wing. Opening it she revelaed a shard of crystal that looked exactly like Daring's contact had described it. "So, what's it good for?"

"Told you, I don't know yet," Daring replied, taking the artifact and slipping the case under her helmet. "Let's split up here. I'll contact you once I find out anything new."

"Alright," Dash sighed, flexing her wings, "but don't count on me coming back to help anytime soon. I gotta go back to the wonderbolts academy, or else Spitfire's gonna chew me out in front of all the other cadets... Oh, and I'm still cross about you not telling me exactly how this was gonna go down!" she yelled as she left.

Daring shook her head. Soon, Rainbow. Soon. She had a look at the asortment of things she hadn't needed during this particular adventure. That had been a lot easier than she'd thought. "Well," she murmured to herself, "at least I didn't get my flank handed to me by that knight."

"So what exactly would you call getting pinned to a frickin' wall without any effort whatsoever?" a distorted voice asked, amusement plain in it.

Daring Do whirled around just in time to see the knight land at the edge of the cliff.

"If that wasn't enough of a beating for you, we can go again anytime!" she offered, the orange eye blazing behind the shattered red visor.