• Published 6th Apr 2016
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Fallout Equestria: Black Cat - Rixizu

Break Point is a simple pony that just wants a simple and easy life. That is shattered when she accidentally causes the death of the son of a powerful crime lord. Now she must fight for survival.

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Chapter 48

“Again, Ms. Aurora? You’re making this a habit, I don’t like that.” An unamused Robin said after finding a certain pegasus intruding on a yet another crime scene.

A drifter laid in an alley, his guts spilled everywhere, blood flowing down a nearby sewer drain. Aurora had been lucky, standing nearby enough to investigate after two passing mares screamed. She gave Robin her best innocent smile.

“I heard a scream. I had to investigate.”

The Cosas commander’s muzzle turned into a frown. “I understand that, but we Cosas don’t appreciate heroics. You’re too interested in these murders. This is the third time I’ve caught you around the crime scene. Stop it, I don’t want to see you again. Last warning.”

Aurora wanted to give the foal a sharp retort but kept her tongue. It would help nopony getting into a fight with the Cosas. She had her cover to consider.

“It won’t happen again.” Aurora left before Robin could reply.

She attempted to get a last look at the crime scene, but two Cosas goons pushed her out. Frustrated, she walked away and considered what she had seen. The killer left no real traces of their crime, not even hoofprints which bothered her. You’d expect there to be bloody hoofprints considering the amount of blood everywhere. None of the crime scenes had any trace that the killer had entered it. What kind of stand user was she fighting against?

Even stranger, murders were still occurring in Yellow Star’s Destruction, despite the town being miles away. How was the killer getting from each town so quickly? A skilled pegasus could theoretically do it, but someone would have detected them. No stealth unit could hide a pony traveling that fast. Besides, no pesagi besides Aurora had entered both towns in months. She considered it being a unicorn’s teleportation spell, but she’d overheard Robin saying they’d found no magical energy around the crime scene.

The most plausible explanation was a stand user’s power, but that didn’t add up either. Could their stand be powerful enough to both twist a pony inside out and teleport such long distances? Stands usually only had one power, and her instincts told her it wasn’t the work of a single stand. The only remaining logical conclusion was they were dealing with two stand users working together. Dear Goddess Celestia, that wasn’t a scenario she wanted to deal with.

I need to learn how the teleporting stand user’s power works. She doubted it allowed them to teleport anywhere. No, it seemed logical it used a trigger or component that made it work. But what?


“Hey Aurora, go out for drinks again? I’ll buy the first round.” Brick Layer asked after their shift ended for the day. “You’ve been down all week. Partying always helps, I find. You can discuss your sorrows over drinks.”

They’d been working on an ambitious project to haul bricks from an old abandoned building deep in the wasteland and bring them back to Zinnia for some new building project. It was an arduous project, and Aurora’s hooves ached. Moving the brick with a wheelbarrow to a cart by hoof took considerable effort. They also ran the risk monsters or raiders might attack during their work. But their Cosas escort stood nearby, ready to scare away any dangerous creatures, and they worked without incident.

“Thanks. Be there soon.” She’d go after chatting with her contact Wrecking Ball first, though she wasn’t sure what lie she’d tell Brick Layer. That stallion was too nosy for his own good. He’d been on her case since she’d arrived in town.

“Good job everypony, keep up the good work, and I guarantee a raise soon.” Wrecking Ball said. This earned smiles and cheers from his employees. Except for Aurora, the Enclave paid for everything, so why worry about food? Still, it helped her co-workers and she enjoyed that.

They waited for everypony to leave before beginning their conversation. “Well, have they found anything?” Aurora asked.

Wrecking Ball didn’t answer the question for several long moments. He appeared shaken and defeated. “It’s another dead-end, Aurora. We’ve accounted for everypony, and I’ve had the town entrances carefully watched. Aurora, if they can teleport, I’m not sure how we can track them.”

“Okay, let’s think about this.” Aurora paced, trying to put the facts together. “What do you know about the victims?”

“The killer isn’t targeting anypony specific.” Wrecking Ball replied. “They attack ponies when they’re alone, but the ponies don’t appear to have anything connecting them. I fear the killer just enjoys attacking random helpless ponies.”

“One thought. The killer attack in the evening usually, but I’m not sure if that’s important.” In fact, the killer liked attacking around 5 PM, right around the time Aurora got off work. Some days, however, it’d been sooner. Interesting, but not that useful.

“It would help if Robin didn’t keep scaring me from the crime scenes.” She didn’t even get the chance to search the garbage bins.

“Should we have you wander around alone at night as bait?”

Aurora grunted in irritation. “Already been trying that. Except for a few surly drunks, nothing.”

“There must be something!” Wrecking Ball said. “What are we missing?”

“Robin,” Aurora said the name like a curse, “if only he wasn’t getting in the way. He’s had better access to the crime scene. He might know something.” The stallion was out of his depth, knowing nothing about stands which made him worthless in this investigation.

“Should we bump him off?” Wrecking Ball’s look became dangerous. As Aurora had expected, the spy was deadlier than his bumbling middle-aged appearance showed.

Aurora considered the question. One less criminal scum didn’t matter to her, but it would cause an unnecessary ruckus in the Cosas. “Maybe, but it’s more prudent to search his terminal first. He might have some useful notes. He’s examined the crime scenes much closer than I have.”

Wrecking Ball nodded and walked towards a nearby chest. He opened a secret compartment, revealing a collection of maps and computer tapes. After collecting a map, he spread it over the table. It showed the complete layout of the Cosas compound. If she recalled correctly, the place used to be a school.

“The main computer room is here.” Wrecking Ball pointed to a room deep within the building. “That’s where they keep their most important files. It’s heavily guarded and security systems that rivals the Enclave’s computers.”

This made Aurora raise an eyebrow. “Really?”

Wrecking Ball snorted. “I said, rival. Nothing I can’t handle. Even at night, both of us sneaking inside won’t be easy. You’re calling the shots. There’s no guarantee Robin’s put his notes on there. He might have written them on a simple notepad in his room. Should we do the operation?”

Aurora closed her eyes, considering her options. If they got caught, her stand powers would protect them, but it would ruin any chance of uncovering the killer. However, those notes were her only lead.

“We do it. Make preparations.”

Wrecking Ball nodded without argument, obeying her orders without question. He opened another secret compartment, revealing high-end Enclave weapons disguised as common wasteland salvage. Aurora smiled, glad such a capable pony was watching her back.


Break grunted in annoyance. Unlike the sewer system in Zinnia, Calluna’s system provided a cramped space with little room to maneuver, forcing her to crawl. Even a radroach would call it uncomfortable. Just like the ponies of Stable 10 to make them sleek and efficient. These tunnels were for maintenance only. Her ears swiveled, trying to locate her two pursuers. She hadn’t heard from them yet, but she wouldn’t take any chances.

After realizing the coast was clear, Break leaned against a wall. Her entire body was grimy, covered in dirt. She’d avoided getting any of the sewer water on her, but found it hardly comforting. And she’d just taken a hot bath, too. She tensed as a light approached.

“Excuse me, but you don’t belong here.” A pony wearing a hardhat said. “It is illegal and dangerous.” He shared the same cadence as the other Stable 10 ponies.

“Yeah, sorry about that.” Break’s mind raced for a reasonable excuse. The worker pony gave her a blank, expectant look. “I accidentally fell down here, can you help me find a way out?”

“Illogical answer.” The pony replied. “If you fell down, why didn’t you climb back up? A ladder is right next to every sewer entrance.”


The worker pony pulled out a gun, a well-maintained revolver, pointing it towards Break’s temple. “You’re telling falsehoods. Obviously, you are a criminal using our sewer system for some nefarious ends.”

So much for that plan. Break gave her best charming smile. “I’m not a criminal. I’m down here because some ponies tried to kill me, and I needed a place to hide.”

“If that is true, why utter your first falsehood? I don’t believe you. You’re under arrest. Come with me, or I will shoot you where you stand.”

Well, I can’t blame him for being suspicious. “I’ll do whatever you say. Just get me out of this sewer.” So much for my grand sewer escape plan.

“Follow me, any…”

“I know. I’ll behave.” Break said, interrupting the stallion’s threat.

They crawled in silence. Break wanted to make small talk but decided against it. Her captor remained hostile, completely uninteresting in engaging her. After minutes of traveling through the tunnels, they found themselves before a ladder leading towards the surface. She followed the stallion as they exited the sewer system. Her capturer never once left the gun from her head. While she realized nothing stopped her from escaping with her stand power, she wanted to avoid annoying the local law enforcement. Besides, she still needed to reunite with her friends. Best not turn herself into a fugitive needlessly.

“Greetings, 010100.” A mare dressed in overalls said as they exited the sewers. She gave Break a curious tilt of her head. “Who is this?”

“Greetings, 01101110.” Break’s captor replied. “I found her sneaking around the sewer system. Sabotage is a probable motive. It wouldn’t surprise me if brigands attempted such a plot to undermine our work efforts.”

“Understood, I will talk to the manager about speeding up our installation of the sensor system. This won’t happen again.”

“Hold on.” Break said. “I have done nothing except get lost in the sewers. I’m not part of any gang or trying to hurt your city!”

010100 gave her a blank look. “We shall see. Omega will decide your fate. We don’t tolerate crime in Calluna.”

Break forced a smile. “Lead the way.” More armed guards join them, leading her towards the dome labeled ‘Mayor’s office’. After entering, they locked her hooves in magnetic cuffs. They forced her to wait for almost an hour in a rather uncomfortable chair. While waiting, she wondered what Cursed and Lucky were doing. Had they entered the sewers after her, or had they given up their pursuit?

What am I doing here? I should be out there hunting them and demanding answers. I still don’t know why they’re after my life! She glanced around nervously, searching for any sign of yellow wallpaper.

“You’re next.” 010100 approached her.

“I’m surprised you’re still here.” Break replied. “Don’t you have work that needs doing?”

“I am a valuable witness to a crime.” 010100 said. “Justice is necessary. Come, don’t waste more time.”

Dear Celestia, these Stable 10 ponies are terrible conversationalists. Break noticed the hostile looks she was receiving. These ponies didn’t like lawbreakers, regardless of how minor the crime.

Let’s hope it’s only a fine. I’d rather not fight my way out. Break gave her best friendly smile, which they ignored.

Her guards led her into a vast chamber and inside it was an enormous computer bank, the largest she’d ever seen, which contained a single monitor. Sitting before it was a single chair, the only furniture in the entire room.

Break crossed her hooves and waited after sitting down on the chair. The monitor flickered on, revealing a single eye that gazed down towards her.

“Is this the criminal, Ace?” A deep voice resonated through the chamber. Like the ponies of Stable 10, it was devoid of any emotion.

“It is, Omega.” A guard replied.

The eye returned to Break. It unsettled Break that it stared at her without blinking. Something about it was very unequine.

“For the charge of breaking and entering the sewer system, how do you plead?” Omega asked.

“It's more complicated than that.” Break replied, forcing a smile. “I fled there because some…”

“Ace, how do you plead?” Omega’s voice boomed, not caring about Break’s arguments. It put her on edge, unsure how to respond.

“Guilty I guess?” Break gave her best apologetic smile. “It won’t happen again.”

“We have registered the plea of guilt,” Omega replied, making Break wonder if she made a terrible mistake, “your sentencing will now commence.”

“Hold on, don’t I get to explain myself?”

“Ace, we have found you guilty of trespassing Calluna’s sewer system. There is a 45.98001 percent chance sabotage was the intention. For the safety of our city and the wasteland, the most suitable punishment is death.”

“Excuse me?!” Before Break could even react, a needle shot out from the chair which pricked her hoof. She winced in pain and fought against her bonds in panic.

“Do not fear.” 010100 said. Despite Break’s situation, he remained emotionless. “Your death will be painless. You have five minutes remaining to live.”

“Heck with that!” Break summoned Good Times Bad Times, taking some satisfaction when the Stable 10 ponies gapped in shock when her bonds exploded.

“Does not compute,” Omega said, “such a feat is impossible.”

“Watch this!” Break used her stand to break off the needle then reversed gravity flying out the Mayor’s office into the street. Ponies watched the flying earth pony in stunned silence.

“Does not compute,” Omega repeated, “does not compute.”

Break cursed for causing another spectacle. Not that it mattered with her dying.

Doctor’s office! I recall seeing one when I entered town. It’s my only hope! This needle might save me. It has the poison on it! She flew in that direction, praying she wasn’t too late.


“Does not compute,” Omega repeated this sentence repeatedly, stuck at Break’s illogical powers.

“That’s that, I suppose.” Cursed said.

They’d been hiding behind a nearby door, overhearing Break’s sentencing. Some Stable 10 were less than thrilled about their presence but ignored them. The foal hadn’t resisted, and Lucky enjoyed the idiot’s trial. Didn’t she know most trials in Calluna ended with death? Lucky was grateful she’d listened to her brother to not pursue Break into the sewers. If she got captured, she couldn’t really defend herself. Her powers were too situational to be useful on most days.

“Computing,” Omega said, “Ace told a falsehood about her identity. Her white leg indicates she is the criminal Break Point. Known to have strange powers. She is a danger to everypony and will seek revenge.”

“Contact the Steel Rangers.” Omega continued. “They have greater means to kill or capture her.”

“But master.” A Stable 10 pony said. “After her injection of lethal poison, she will be dead soon.”

“Regardless, contact the Steel Rangers,” Omega replied, “I compute a .0000000000001 percent chance she still might survive.”

“The bucket of bolts is right.” Lucky ran towards the Mayor’s office entrance. “No chances.”

“The doctor’s office is over there.” Cursed pointed towards a dome a block away. Thank Celestia, her brother had such a good memory.

A smirk formed on Lucky’s face. “Let’s go.”


“What the heck?!” A doctor pony cried out in surprise as Break smashed through his door at high speed.

“Poison, need your help!” Break said, getting her bearings after crashing through a door. Thankfully, she’d stopped herself before she smashed into a wall too. Her skill with her powers was improving.

The doctor’s office was the cleanest and more sterile she’d ever seen. Everything was white without a lick of dust. The smell of healing potions and antiseptic hung in the air. She saw a wide variety of high-tech medical equipment more advanced than she’d ever seen in the wasteland. If anypony could save her, it was this pony.

The doctor pony coughed and regained his composure, regaining the facade of emotionlessness. “My name is Doctor 01001000 01100101 01100001 01110010 01110100 01101000 00100000 01010011 01110100 01101111 01110000 01110000 01100101 01110010. Or Doctor 00100000 for short. Please state the nature of the poison.”

Break thrust the needle towards the doctor. “I have less than five minutes left to live. They used this to poison me.” She prayed he won’t question this strange answer. It seemed unlikely this stable 10 pony would save a death row criminal.

She sighed in relief when the doctor took the needle and placed it on a tray next to a computer. A machine above the tray scanned the needle with some high-tech light, displaying text on the monitor.

“Ah, the 1901 nerve agent. It attacks the heart, causing almost instant death.” The doctor raised a curious eyebrow. “Curious someone not from the state got hold of this. I must speak with Omega to be more careful with our supply. It’s meant for state executions.”

I don’t need explanations! “Is there a cure? An antidote?”

“I do. 3 ccs of Oxanophen Tetranium will cure the nerve agent if given with four minutes of exposure.”

“Good! Give it to me!” Break replied, losing her patience.

“Wasteland savages, no patience.” The doctor shook his head and opened up a nearby cabinet, pulling out a small vial of the antidote.

Break grinned in triumph, but a shadow coming in from the door caught her eye. Dear Celestia, it’s Cursed! The stallion pointed his stand at the doctor and the vial. Break flew in front of the blast, taking the full brunt of the shockwave, saving both the doctor and the vial. Any nearby glass shattered. Break’s body ached and her ears bled. The doctor cried out in surprise at the intruders, throwing a leveled curse at Cursed. If Break’s ears weren’t ringing, she’d know it would be scathing.

After a quick search, Break found a nearby piece of glass and grabbed it with her stand. Before she could launch it, however, Lucky entered shooting a bullet into the forehead of the doctor, splattering blood everywhere. The vial he’d been holding rolled across the floor right towards her attackers. She realized in horror that the vial was rolling into the line of sight of Cursed’s Stand and the vial shattered to pieces before she could stop him. The stallion screamed in pain when a glass shard embedded itself into his throat, but it was too late and the vial’s contents leaked onto the doctor’s office’s floor.