• Published 7th Sep 2015
  • 1,985 Views, 12 Comments

Level Flight - RandomGreymane

Twilight has neglected Spike but hopefully it will work out.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Level Flight - Chapter 2 by RandomGreymane

Twilight woke to the sound of the patrons of the library. Shuffling to and fro, a book dropped here, pages turning, the sounds of everyday activity. I’ve missed those sounds so much. I wonder if Spike even hears them...

Rising from her bed, Twilight brushed her mane and headed downstairs. Looking at a clock as she passed she realized that it was almost the middle of the day. Slightly surprised at that, Twilight followed Spike who was just entering the kitchen for lunch.

“Something smells good!” Twilight remarked, the smells of the kitchen wafting under her nose as she entered. “Glad I placed the odor shield on this room or we’d have every patron in here begging for a meal!”

Spike just smiled to himself as he flipped something in a pan and slid it out onto a waiting plate. “We have crispy potato pancakes with pepper gravy on the side. I’ve also included a salad as well - just something simple.”

“It looks delicious!” Twilight said as she levitated a pancake to her plate. Pouring the gravy she looked thoughtful. “About your training, I talked with Princess Luna last night and she says she just might have a tutor for you.”

Spike frowned at that while flipping another pancake. This expression was not lost on Twilight. “Count me skeptical as well.” she continued. “But if anyone can find you someone it’s one of our dear princesses.”

“So where do we go with all this in the meantime?” Spike said as he sat down next to her.

“We go on a long overdue visit to a good friend.” Twilight said between bites. “I promised Alabaster I’d stop by and that was before winter! She must be furious with me. I sent her a letter but she hasn’t responded.”

“Dodge Junction huh. Well there are worse places.” Spike said picking a tooth with his claw. “And we could use some cherries around here anyway. Not that apples aren’t nice but dragon can’t live by apples alone.”

“Don’t let Applejack hear you say that.” Twilight said as she floated over another pancake to her plate. “To hear her tell it there’s no greater food in Equestria.”

“Big Mac is the same way.” Spike mumbled around his food.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full please.” Twilight said reproachfully.

Spike stopped chewing and looked at her. Swallowing, he carefully picked up another pancake for his plate.

“What?” Twilight responded under his sudden gaze.

“Nothing.” Spike replied. “Don’t worry about it.”

Twilight considered pressing him about the issue but then thought better of it and resumed her meal.

Once the meal was finished and cleaned up, they discussed the route and what to pack.

“Other than the library I don’t have too much.” remarked Spike. “And what I do have fits in my dragon pocket.”

“I _STILL_ want to know how you do that.” Twilight said with a smile. “It would save me a great deal of trouble if I could carry reference material and other things with me. I can store things elsewhere and summon them but that portable space you have is pretty darn amazing!”

Spike thought for a second. “Well then perhaps we both have a reason to visit a dragon tutor.” He grinned. “Princess Twilight Sparkle - Student of Dragon Magick. Sounds like you could get another title.”

“Ugh. I have all I can manage with the Scribe brothers fawning all over me.” Twilight uttered with a snort. “The last thing I need is more pomp and circumstance.”

The tone in Twilight’s reply caused Spike to chuckle and in moments they were both laughing.

Calming slightly, Spike responded. “Is it really so bad? I mean you get all of Equestria at your beck and call, you have an extended lifespan, you get all sorts of benefits! What’s a little formality for a price?”

Twilight paused. “I...I just don’t know.” she replied. “I’ve come to terms with being a princess, and I’m coming to terms with the long life thing, but it seems like I’m still not quite there.” She looked up with surprise. “You’ll be there.” she said softly. “You’re going to be with me through the years.”

“Damn right.” Spike replied confidently. “We may not always hang in the same places but I swear I’ll always be there for you.”

Without warning, Spike’s scales glowed a brilliant purple. The glow grew until it culminated in a flash that expanded out in a ring from his body and encompassed Twilight. When it was gone, there was a purple afterglow coating both of them. Eventually that faded.

“What in the buck?” Spike said with an expression of confusion.

“Don’t look at me but I suspect it was...” Twilight paused for effect. “Dragon Magick.”

Twilight was barely able to dodge as Spike produced a potato pancake from nowhere and threw it at her.

“Damn.” Spike uttered. “I was saving that for a snack.”

The patrons of the Golden Oaks Library found their ears overwhelmed briefly as laughter echoed through the hollow tree.


While packing did not take long, departing took far longer than expected. Twilight spent an extended amount of time deciding what books she wished to take and organizing her saddlebags until not one inch of visible space remained.

“Are saddlebags supposed to be perfectly square?” Spike asked. The grin on his face was enough to show he wasn’t serious. “Do the new models come styled with sharp corners?”

Twilight merely looked back at him with her wry, and obviously comical, smile.

Spike, however, took far longer than her to be ready to depart. Between checking over every inch of the library, making several large supplies of food vanish into seemingly nothing, and threatening the scribes with death should one scrap or binding be harmed, it was late afternoon before Spike was ready to go.

“Finally.” Spike intoned. “Let’s get on the road.”

Twilight simply grinned at him and levitated her saddlebags onto her back.

Before they’d taken a full pace of steps, Spike groaned and produced a traditional scroll with his usual belch of green flame. Twilight immediately floated it over and opened it.

“Hey!” Spike exclaimed. “I DO get mail on my own sometimes!”

“Oh! I’m sorry!” Twilight said as she floated the scroll back to him. “Old habits.”

Spike looked at her sideways as he opened the scroll with his claws. Reading the delivery notes, his shoulders slumped. “It's for you.” he said. His tone was completely flattened. “It’s from Luna.” He proffered the scroll to her in his claws.

“Well...you could read it if you wanted.” Twilight said as she floated the scroll back to her and unrolled it. “It’s probably about the tutor she found for you!” she continued brightly.

“Naw that’s okay.” he replied. Moments later he took a sudden interest in the scales around his right claws.

The tension in his face was not lost on Twilight for once. Regardless she did as he asked and read the scroll.


My Dearest Twilight Sparkle,

After an exhaustive amount of research it appears I have found your protege a dragon tutor. Though admittedly I was unable to find one that is not... what is the current idiom? Oh yes! A flank-hole. Though I will confess this one seems to be less such a personality than expected. His name is Loess.

While I have indeed located the dragon tutor for Spike, strangely he replied to my simple message scroll promptly, there is an issue with obtaining his exact location. It appears that you will have to arrive at a particular destination then proceed to his training ground through instructions you will find there. I know that this is less than desirable but my research shows that he is well known for training dragons, and what few dragon contacts we have actually recommended him for this purpose. (A fact I find astounding as dragons almost never recommend any of their own kind for anything except being defeated or mated with.)

I have included directions and a small map in this scroll, however once you arrive at the location you will obviously be on your own.

One final thing, as he is highly regarded among dragon kind, PLEASE do your utmost to refrain from injuring Equestria’s relations by offending him. As you are aware, we are renegotiating the trade routes and safe passage through dragon lands. Those negotiations are currently in less than stellar conditions so any help you would be kind enough to provide by not aggravating things would be duly noted sister.


PS: I look forward with extreme eagerness to being regaled with your adventures sister! Tia has us reviewing the Equestrian Tax Code for areas that may yield more efficiency. So far I’ve managed to put myself to sleep six times. The last time I found myself within the dreams of the nearby scribe - also asleep. This was both confusing and unexpected for the two of us. I believe I spent the better part of an hour apologizing. I look forward to your tales of bravado and enchantment with much excitement!

Safe Journey!



Twilight re-read the scroll with some amusement, then rolled it back up and placed it into her saddlebags.

“The location, as expected, is within the badlands.” Twilight said with a frown. “At least that means we can visit Alabaster on the way.”

“The badlands.” Spike repeated. “Not the most hospitable of places, but also I’m not surprised really. Luna give a name?”

“Loess.” Twilight said. She rolled the name over he tongue. “Loess...it’s a synonym for sediment.”

“Sand.” Spike stated. He made a noise that was somewhere between a chuckle and growl. “His name is Sand.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing so simple.” she replied as she started in the direction of the Ponyville Station. “Dragons are rarely so simple.” she continued with a sidelong look and a grin.

Spike appeared not to notice, but as they were walking he stretched his arms in the air casually. A frosted purple doughnut fell from his left claw and landed square onto Twilight’s horn.

Frosting side down.

“SPIKE!” Twilight shouted. Calming herself she laughed and levitated the doughnut and stared at it. Suddenly the doughnut vanished and appeared around the tip of Spike’s tail. “How do ya like them doughnuts?” Twilight smirked.

“Joke’s on you!” Spike replied. Without missing a beat, his tail bent forward and he held the doughnut up to his mouth. Taking a bite he exclaimed with a disgusted tone “Eww! Tastes like my mom!”

“Serves you right!” Twilight said, managing to fake an offended tone. She levitated any remaining frosting off her horn and deposited it in the nearby grass.

Spike’s mock horror, however, did not prevent him from finishing the doughnut.


The rest of the walk to Ponyville Station was uneventful. Spike, for some reason, chose to be completely silent as he pondered their destination. Time enough to talk about things on the train ride. he thought to himself. Honestly though why we aren’t taking the balloon or the Wind Walker, I just don’t know. She could easily borrow the ship! She needs to learn to take more advantage of her station.

Twilight was equally lost within her thoughts but, unlike her son, her thoughts were nothing cohesive at the moment. Everything she knew about the badlands, and indeed all of the southern portion of Equestria, was cantering through her mind like a wild herd of Windingos. Ugh. I can’t seem to get a hold of things. she berated herself mentally.

Twilight stopped on the platform and closed her eyes. She worked to control her breathing first, as if she was about to perform a large spell. Then she set to working on the meditations that she learned both from her studies and her experiences. In moments her mind had calmed to a tranquil sheen, like the calm waters of a pond.

That was when the pig ran into her.

Coughing at the sudden cloud of dust surrounding her, she opened her eyes just in time to throw up a quick shield around her. The pony chasing the wayward animal hit her dead-on, spun to the right as he bounced off the shield, and continued running.

Spike was absolutely unable to keep his laughter hidden and it’s sound filled the station.

“SPIKE!” Twilight sputtered. “This is not the least bit funny!” She continued coughing and brushing herself off as she stood up.

“You....*inhale*...you got ran over by a pig!” he said as he attempted to regain control. “A pig!”

“Spike!” Twilight said as she stamped a hoof. The action promptly caused another cloud of dust which induced more coughing. “Not. Funny. I mean honestly, Ponyville is the only town I know of that has pigs next to the train station!”

Fanning the area a little with his wings, Spike blew most of the dust away before continuing. “Does this mean I get to call you the Porcine Princess?”

Coughing slightly, Twilight couldn’t help but laugh at that. “No!” she replied. “I’m already the Patchwork Princess and a number of other names. I heard someone use the name Twilight Spurple. Like I was some kind of paint color.” Indignant, she finished wiping any remaining dust from her coat.

Spike, still chuckling slightly, leaned over the edge of the platform to observe the lights further down the tracks. One flashing red and one unlit. “The train should be here soon.” he said as he stood straight again.

Twilight stretched her legs a little, then sat on her haunches on the platform. “So what was it like?” she asked. “Growing I mean. Was it fast? Slow? Did it...did it hurt?”

Spike looked sideways at her before looking back out at the tracks in front of them. “It happened all in one night if that’s what you’re asking.” he stated, his tone a bit flat. “And yes, it was a little painful. Almost like spraining an ankle and having someone heal it immediately you know? That immediate pain but then it’s gone and you feel a little weak but better.” She doesn’t need to know how bad it was. he decided. Hopefully she doesn’t ask Big Mac about how long I lay there in the library that night. At least Zecora was able to keep people from hearing me curse and scream.

“Well that’s something anyways.” Twilight said. She wisely refrained from adding anything further. I want so much to say I’m glad he wasn’t hurt. she thought. But I hurt him in other ways. Best left that lay for now.

Several minutes later, the train pulled into the station and they entered one of the cars. Spike took a seat near a window in the middle of the car. Twilight set the saddlebags on the seat across from him and sat down as well.

For a few minutes neither of them spoke, choosing instead to look out the window. After untold silence, the conductor entered the car at one end. Noticing Twilight, he opened his mouth to say something before observing both wings and a horn. Wisely he closed his mouth and just nodded. Walking to the other end of the car, he stopped to whisper to the only other passenger before exiting through the door to the next car. The passenger collected their things and followed, a last glance thrown at the two remaining occupants.

“It’s fun to go by train.” Twilight remarked. “Do you know I asked about my old balloon? It turns out that it’s been recycled.”

“Recyc...no way!” said Spike “That thing had so many memories in it! How could they do that!”

“Well, they said that the material had been weakened and couldn’t been replaced.” she explained. “I came to find out...it’s 500 years old.”

“But...there’s no way...is there?” Spike responded.

“According to Princess....Tia...” Twilight continued despite fumbling at the familiar name. “...Tia said that it was made of a material constructed during the battles with Discord. Something they don’t make any more.”

Spike whistled appreciatively. “Wow. That’s unbelievable.” he said. “We were riding around in this old war relic and didn’t even know it.”

“I know right!” Twilight exclaimed. “Still...it’s things like this that prove to me how much I still don’t know.”

“You’ll get the hang of it.” Spike said and smiled at her. “You’re going to be the best princess you can be.” he continued proudly.

“Right now” Twilight replied. “I’ll settle for being the best mom I can be.”

Spike smiled at that. Reaching behind his back, he produced a sealed bowl. Opening it, he set it on the table between them. It contained a simple green salad with nuts and a smaller bowl of croutons in the center along with a small pair of wooden tongs. Again from behind his back he produced two forks, one long, one short, and two smaller bowls.

“Dig in!” he said as he used the tongs to place some of the salad and then croutons into his bowl.

Twilight levitated herself a helping of salad and croutons then set about munching contentedly. “This is delicious!” she said between bites.

Spike merely nodded and continued eating. Once they were both finished he collected all the items into the bowl and sealed it before it, once again, disappeared behind his back.

“I don’t think I’m ever going to get tired of watching you do that.” Twilight said. She grinned slightly before continuing. “You know, as your mom, it’s a good idea to tell me how those work in case something bad gets stuck in them.”

Spike caught the grin out of the corner of his eye as he looked out the window. “Nice try mom.” he replied without turning his head.

“That term...mom...” she said, stopping. Frowning slightly, she resumed talking “I love hearing it, but it feels so odd still.”

“Well, some ponies have their children call them by name rather than title.” Spike suggested. “We used to be like that so maybe we should run with it for now. I mean I love hearing you call me son but calling you mom...I’m not quite used to it yet.”

“How about we just go with Spike and Twilight again?” Twilight said as she too gazed at the passing scenery. “If that’s okay I mean...”

“I think that’ll do just fine.” Spike said. Turning back to look at her. “After all it doesn’t mean we aren’t family.” he said.

“I don’t think I could get a better family than the one I’ve got now!” Twilight said. She thought back briefly to the moment she woke up in the castle with all her friends around her, the moments with her royal sisters, then the moments with Spike. No...I don’t think I could have done better. Feeling a little guilt, she thought about her parents and her brother. “My family is bigger and better than I’d have ever expected.” She said finally.

“Damn right.” Spike said as he looked back out the window.

“Damn right.” Twilight echoed.

Not very long afterwords, Twilight could feel the sun dip lower into the sky signaling that Princess Celestia had begun the formal setting of the sun for the day. I never noticed that before. she mused. I wonder if I’m getting more sensitive or if it’s just the emotions of the day. Probably best if I just sleep on that one.

Spike noticed her yawning and motioned to her towards the direction of the sleeper cars. She proceeded without protest. Once they found their cabin, a sleeper with two lower bunks and no uppers, she took a moment to mentally leave a note in her mind to tell Luna she did not want to be interrupted - a sort of Do Not Disturb sign. Once completed, she collapsed in the bunk across the cabin from Spike and fell fast asleep.

Reaching over, Spike carefully tucked Twilight under the covers. “Goodnight mom.” he said so softly that he was not even sure he had said it. Then he returned to his bunk and slept as well.


A great distance away, a rust colored set of scales bent and made scraping noises across rock as large yellow eyes gazed into a fire that had less substance, and more light, than it should have for its size.

“Sleep well hatchling.” a deep voice rumbled. “Sleep well. When you wake I will see if you are ready to learn.”

A giant claw passed over the top of the flames and they went out as the sound of scales on rock faded into the darkness.

Author's Note:

So things have started moving for me again...I'm sure I have a few errors in things but better published than not. I'll correct as I go. The thing is that I need to keep moving forward or I'll stop again.