• Published 28th Aug 2015
  • 1,214 Views, 69 Comments

Dancing In The Shadows - Bluecatcinema

Echo and Sunset take a trip to investigate a troublemaking band of uniquely-powered ponies.

  • ...

Alpha Male

Sunset was paralysed with shock, her mind still taking in Elatha's confession.

"You...?" She gaped. "You're the one who wrote that letter? The letter asking Echo to come here?"

"That's right." Elatha nodded. "I did write it, without the knowledge of any of the other pack members. Even Snow."

"But why?" Sunset asked.

"Because I knew only Echo could help us." Elatha declared. "He is our one chance to bring acceptance to Nightcrawlers, so we can finally come out of hiding, and live normal lives."

"But why?" Sunset frowned, "I mean, I understand wanting to live normal lives, but going behind the others' backs?"

"It had to be done." Elatha sighed, "You may not know it...but our pack is careening down an awful path..."

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked, "Are you talking about those ponies who killed the others like Quicksilver?"

"If it was only that simple." Elatha groaned, "But the problem doesn't lie with them...it lies with my brother."

"Your brother?" Sunset gaped, "...I don't understand."

"Look, you had seen the way he is." Elatha frowned, "Cold, stubborn, and bitter... peace is the last thing on Artorias's mind. All he cares about nowadays is using power and force to make a point. He claims that it is for the good of Nightcrawlers everywhere, but all it is doing is perpetuating the cycle of hatred, instead of ending it..."

"But what does this have to do with Echo?" Sunset asked.

"Just about everything." Elatha nodded. "I've heard the stories, and if they are anything to go by, Echo has everything we need to turn things around. I just know it..."

Meanwhile, Echo, still shaken by his talk with Aether, decided to go and talk with Artorias, stallion to stallion, in hopes of easing both their uneasy alliance and his own worries. Wanting to talk to the pack leader alone, Echo made a beeline for the Dracony's chamber.

"Hello?" He called, as he entered the chamber. "Anypony here?"

The chamber was empty.

"Hmm." Echo mused. "He must be out patrolling, or some such thing..."

His scientific curiosity kicking in, Echo looked over the room. It was a sparse area, with only a hammock and a table in it. On a second glance, Echo noticed something the table. Pushing it aside, he found a small wooden hatch, leading to a set of steps.

"What's this?" He frowned.

Echo went down the steps, finding himself in a new chamber. The walls were covered in maps, and a table stood to the side, stacked with notes and newspaper clippings. On the maps, several locations had been crossed out. As he looked closer, Echo realised that those location were towns and military bases.

"What in the world...?" He frowned.

Walking over to the table, Echo examined the newspaper clippings. They were all old, from different weeks, and months, but they shared a common theme; They all contained stories on towns that had acted against Nightcrawlers, or military bases that was rumored to be making plans against them. Echo realized that those locations had something in common; They were all places that had been in the news recently, having been attacked by "unknown assailants." Unknown no more, it would seem...

"Oh no." Echo frowned. "This does not look good. It does not look good at all..."

As Echo continued looking around, he saw more clippings, which reported on those places being attacked. He did see some clippings regarding Malus and his Registration Act, but oddly, none on the attack Artorias embarked on.

"How odd..." Echo frowned. He glanced at the map, and saw that the location of Malus' office hadn't been marked off like the others. "I don't know why he would leave that, and I don't care. I must get back to Sunset..."

As Echo turned around, planning to inform Sunset, he found himself face to face with Artorias, the hulking Dracony somehow having entered the room without making a sound.

"Oh... hello." Echo said awkwardly.

"What are you doing in here?" Artorias glared, "How did you find this place?"

"I think the better question is 'What are you doing in here?" Echo shot back. "If I didn't know better, I'd say this was a military operation."

"Well, then you're wrong." Artorias scowled.

"Really?" Echo shot back. "Then what is all this? You've been leading your pack in attacking towns and the military."

"Only in the name of self-defence." Artorias retorted, waving a hoof at the map. "All those places threatened our kind. We had to make sure to protect our own. You understand, right?"

"I'm not sure that I do." Echo said coldly. "It's one thing to defend your own home and your pack, but to actively seek out conflict is a step too far."

"It's the only way to keep us safe." Artorias declared, "Best to get a pre-emptive strike rather than be ambushed further down the road."

"But don't you realize that you're only reinforcing the normal ponies' beliefs that you're nothing but destructive monsters?" Echo asked. "In the name of 'protection', you're only making things worse for your fellow Nightcrawlers."

"But at least we're putting those bigoted fools in their place." Artorias sneered, "Reminding them that they should not buck with us!"

"The only thing you're doing is just making them angrier, and more afraid." Echo declared. "That's not a good long-term solution."

"And I suppose your idiotic plans for 'peace' are?" Artorias smirked.

"It's better than what you're going for." Echo growled.

"Is it really?" Artorias asked. "I know doubt and indecision when I hear it, Alchemy. You don't really believe you can do it, can you?"

"Well, I..." Echo spluttered. He didn't want to admit it, but Artorias was right.

"Of course you don't." Artorias smiled triumphantly. "And if you don't believe in your mission, how can you accomplish it? I think deep down, you know that this scheme of yours is doomed to failure. Acts of hate can only be responded with acts of hate. And no amount of 'peace' can ever change that."

Echo was speechless.

"My way is the only one that can succeed." Artorias said coldly. "You're just too weak-willed to try anything more drastic. In spite of all they've done to our kind, you still refuse to stand against the normals with us. Well, that's your loss. I will lead my pack on the path to victory over the normals who hate us. You can either stand aside, or get trampled. It's your choice."

"...What about the others?" Echo murmured, finally finding his voice.

"Excuse me?" Artorias frowned.

"Do your fellow pack members share this belief?" Echo challenged, "They join this pack so they could survive... how is sending them into battle with the normals going to do that?"

Artorias paused for a moment.

"You're risking the lives of your fellow pack members." Echo pointed out. "Or don't you care?"

"Of course I care." Artorias growled. "They're the whole reason I'm doing this. I want them to be safe, and happy, and prosperous. But the only way we can achieve that is by removing all threats to us. True, it makes the normals angry, but it also tells them not to mess with us. We may not have much here, but it's worth fighting for. They believe that as strongly as I do. Now, please get out of my room."

"...I shall." Echo found his voice. "But this isn't over."

"On that, we agree." Artorias nodded. "It's only just begun..."

Meanwhile, Elatha was still revealing the truth to Sunset.

"I know Echo's a great stallion." Sunset admitted. "And I know that Artorias is kind of a jerk, but still, how can you go behind your own brother's back? I mean, these past few days, it seemed like you guys were getting along just fine, if barely."

"...Make no mistake, Sunset... I love my brother." Elatha sighed. "But he has changed. At one point long ago, he was a good stallion... but as the time went by... he let himself be poisoned by his own hate, blinding him from reason and rationality. If you had been through what he and I had... you might think the same way..."

"Your past..." Sunset mused. "Now that I think about, Echo and I haven't learned your story yet."

"I suppose it is a little overdue, isn't it?" Elatha nodded. "Perhaps it will help you and Echo to understand my position."

"I'm all ears." Sunset smiled. "Fire away."

"Well, me and my brother were born to a single mother." Elatha recalled. "She never spoke much about who our father was. Whenever the subject came up, she was always vague. As if she had as little idea as to who he was as we were..."

"That is odd..." Sunset remarked, "But I doubt it made things any easier..."

"You would be right. Back then, ponies didn't take kindly to hybrids, especially ones that are literally part dragon." Elatha said darkly. "Wherever we went, we were insulted, spat on. It was terrible. We lived our lives in fear and anguish. Mom tried to put on a brave face for us, but I could tell she was taking it as hard as we were. No matter where we moved to, we always faced the same old prejudice. When Artorias and I were ten, our mother was killed by a lynch mob. She managed to get us out of harm's way first, though. After that, the two of us spent our life on the streets with only each other. We didn't understand why the other ponies hate us so much. I wanted to know why so badly, hoping that knowing the reason for our persecution would somehow make things easier, but my brother just didn't care. He had tried so hard to shut out the hate, but..." Elatha let out a sigh. "But as the years went by, he soon began hating back. He grew spiteful... bitter... hating all the normals... as well as himself. I should see in his eyes that he just wanted to disappear from the world, just so he could escape..."

"I can't begin to imagine how awful that must have been." Sunset said sympathetically.

"Oh, the worst was yet to come." Elatha closed her eyes in sorrow. "One night, we were attacked by a group of thugs. There must have been at least two dozen of them, and they had us completely surrounded. They kicked us, beat us... I honestly thought they were going to kill us. But it turned out they had far worse planned for us. They dragged us over to an old warehouse, where the real nightmare began. One of them put a collar over Artorias' neck. It started to shock him, using dark magic. Those monsters got some laughs out of torturing Artorias with that collar. Unable to bear the sight of my brother in pain, I yelled at them to stop, but all that did was draw their attention to me."

"Oh no..." Sunset frowned. "Did they torture you too?"

"I wish they had." Elatha sniffed. "It would have been far less painful..."

"What did they do?" Sunset asked, afraid of the answer.

"It was then that they revealed that the collar couldn't just shock the wearer... it could control them." Elatha declared. "Their leader forced Artorias to grab me. He couldn't resist, only yelling at him to stop. I could actually hear the begging in his voice. They nearly broke him...but they didn't care. But that thug didn't. Under his control, Artorias pushed me onto my back, sprawled himself over me, and... and..."

Elatha started heaving with tears, trying her best to not break down, one hoof stroking her stomach.

"No..." Sunset gasped, realising the true horror of the situation. "They didn't..."

"They did." Elatha nodded, silently sobbing. "They violated us both, for their sick amusement. To them, we were just their little playthings. They just kept laughing and calling us awful things. Freaks, monsters, scaly mistakes, Tartarus-born demons..."

"I can't believe anypony would do something so twisted..." Sunset said, fighting the urge to vomit.

"After that sick little show, I was too traumatised to even speak." Elatha recalled. "While I lay on the floor, curled up in a ball, they returned to torturing Artorias, causing him agonising pain, and also forcing him to do ever more degrading acts. They made him lick the floor, ram his head against a steel wall, even bite his own hoof... After hours of grueling humiliation and violation, something in Artorias snapped. All the hate... all the agony... that is about when his Tenebros gene finally activated. His eyes shot open, and all I could see in them were nothing but unadulterated rage. One of the thugs didn't like the look of them, and he actually made to gouge them with a broken beer bottle... only for Artorias to grab his throat... and reap his soul."

"Oh my gosh..." Sunset whispered. "What did he do next?"

"Well, it horrorfied the leader, so he cranked the shock collar's power to maximum voltage, to a point where it would had killed him... but it didn't. It only made him madder. Just like that, he simply ripped off the collar with his bare claws and..." She paused, as she could still hear the bloodcurdling roars of his brother. "Blood began to spill. Those that weren't torn to pieces or burn alive by his fire had their souls reaped. For the leader... Artorias sunk his claws into his chest and ripped his heart. In a matter of moments it was all over. Our assailants were dead. The entire warehouse was plastered with red. It was just the two of us left. I never forget how Artorias looked that night... his own claws and maw was caked with blood...a part of me wasn't sure which was his own blood or what was theirs... all Artorias did after all that bloodshed... was going to my side, and holding me closely. We tried our best to give what comfort we could. Artorias was horrified by what he did... and I was mortified at what they done to us...and to me."

"I've never heard anything so awful." Sunset grimaced, her eyes watering. "Elatha... I had no idea..."

"I don't like even thinking about that night." Elatha sighed. "I hope you can appreciate how hard it is to actually talk about it..."

"I do." Sunset nodded. "You don't have to keep going, if you don't want to."

"I don't want to." Elatha admitted. "But I have to."

"Okay." Sunset said, impressed by her resolve.

"We returned to the streets, trying desperately to forget that awful night, but it was impossible." Elatha recounted. "Not long after that, we were found by Aether, who was gathering other Nightcrawlers to create what he called a 'resistance'. He told us the truth of what Artorias was, and showed that he was like him. Aether pledged that we would be safe with him, and never have to fear such monstrous attacks ever again. It wasn't as if we had any choice. Aether was the first pony we met in a long time that didn't hate us... so we gladly joined him. We finally had a home, and somepony who cared for us again, but the scars of that terrible night still ran deep. I woke up most nights screaming, reliving the worst of it in my dreams. The trauma began to eat away at me. I spent most days sitting completely still, lost in a fog of pain and misery. Artorias undoubtedly blamed himself for my agony, and for months, he couldn't even bring himself to look at me. Aether used his powers to try and dull the memories, so they wouldn't overwhelm me. It helped, but... not enough. One day, I learned that I was pregnant with a foal, and there was no doubt as to who the father was."

"Oh my..." Sunset gasped.

"Artorias wanted me to dispose of the foal immediately." Elatha recalled." But I refused. I knew he thought the foal as nothing but a more grave reminder of what he did to me, but no matter its origins, the foal in my womb was a living being, and I couldn't snuff it out like an unwanted candle. Unfortunately, Artorias wasn't happy about that... he keep on demanding that I abort it, even threatening to rip it out himself I didn't. But I wasn't going to have it. I made an ultimatum with him... if I could not have this foal... then I would end my own life."

"You'd really do that?!" Sunset gaped.

"I know it was unfair to do that to him, being his only thing he cared about left in the world... but... I was just so broken..." Elatha murmured, "And... I felt like this would be my one reason to go on in this miserable world... and for once, I think Artorias agreed with me. He let me kept the foal, on the condition that we never tell her who her father was..."

"That I suppose is reasonable." Sunset admitted. "That poor filly doesn't need a truth like that hanging over her...at least, not till she is ready."

"It was one of the few thing we agreed on." Elatha smiled. "The months that followed were difficult, and the birthing was a living Tartarus, but I made it through... and I had a filly in my claws. And you wanna know what happened?"

"What?" Sunset asked.

"...It began to snow." Elatha smiled, tears nearly stinging her eyes. "My little girl's eyes were wispy, and with each shiver she made, snowflakes fell in the cave we were living in... in the middle of summer."

"Snow... Snow had her powers?" Sunset gaped, "Right from birth?"

"Yes. Aether told me that it was a miracle that she was born with her Tenebros gene activated." Elatha explained. "A part of me was afraid that she would have to grow up in a world that would fear and hate her as they did me and Artorias... but..." She gave another warm smile. "That moment when Snow was born, and she was in my claws... it was the most wonderful moment in my sorry life. She gave me a new sense of purpose, a reason to live. I cherished every moment with her. With time, raising her made all those terrible memories fade away, and despite how she came to be... I still considered her to be a blessing."

"I'm guessing Artorias didn't feel the same way?" Sunset surmised.

Elatha frowned.

"Unfortunately, you are right." Elatha sighed. "Even though we were both alright with him just being the uncle... Artorias just couldn't bear to have anything to do with her. I know deep down that he doesn't hate her... but I can see the guilt in his eyes. She was the living reminder of what he had been made to do that terrible night." She shook her head, "I keep telling him that I don't blame him... that I don't hate him for what happened... but it was just another thing that pushed him to do all this."

"I'm sorry." Sunset sighed. "It must be hard for Snow, never being able to know her dad..."

"Well, it got tough when Snow began asking about her father." Elatha frowned. "I would had to keep telling her that her father... couldn't be a part of her life. Many times I would have to assure her that he did not leave because he hated her or didn't want her... but... well, you know..."

"She must have thought something was off." Sunset surmised.

"Yeah, and I knew how she felt, since my own mom was vague about my dad." Elatha admitted.

"I can't help but be a little angry at Artorias for doing that to Snow." Sunset frowned.

"Me too." Elatha nodded. "But was for the best. Things got better over time, especially when Wave, Nano, Willow, and Moana came into our lives. They all love Snow, and I know I can count on them all. Nano is so reliable, Moana so compassionate, Willow is one of the most chivalrous stallions I've ever known."

"What about Wave?" Sunset smirked. "I've seen the looks he gives you."

"Wave's cute." Elatha admitted. "But that attitude of his is a real turn-off. He is good with Snow, though..."

"Do any of them know about her being Artorias's daughter?" Sunset asked.

"Yes." Elatha nodded. "But they've all been sworn to secrecy."

"And are you a Nightcrawler yourself?" Sunset asked. "I've never seen you use your powers..."

"I'm not." Elatha declared. "For some reason, I was born without the Tenebros gene. I found that out when Aether took us in. He looked me over himself, and found the results to be negative. But, since I'm Artorias' sister, Aether saw fit to let me stay."

"Good call." Sunset noted. "At least you finally have a place to be safe from all the bigots."

"Yes." Elatha smiled. "Living out here is so peaceful, so quiet. I feel safe here, and so do the others. For we had found a safe haven from those who hate us. Here, we are happy, content."

"But if you're all so happy, then why are you against him for having such a vendetta against normal ponies?" Sunset declared.

"For the sake of everypony." Elatha nodded. "Artorias's hate is becoming all-consuming. These past months, all he can think about is the next anti-Nightcrawler sentiment to crush and how we can ultimately bring down. He believes so strongly that war is what will finally grant him redemption for what he had done, and vengeance for what the normals made him do. The others can't see it, because they don't know him like I do. Aether, on the other hoof, has always encouraged that way of thinking. Says that it makes him the one pony needed for Nightcrawler's salvation. It was he who made Artorias the pack's "alpha", putting him in charge."

"Alpha?" Sunset frowned. "You guys are really milking this "pack" theme, aren't you?"

"It's a long story." Elatha sighed, "Artorias has always had a thing for wolves. He admires their strength, their nobility, even their savage fury. In a weird sort of way, he identifies with them. He applied that to his leadership, keeping us together as a tight-knit group, ensuring we stay safe from our aggressors. And for a time, it worked."

"But not any more?" Sunset asked.

"Things have only gotten worse since then." Elatha declared. "Artorias has been leading us on attacks on entire towns, just because of the actions of a small group of the inhabitant. He even had us attack a military base or two, after hearing that they were coming up with 'Nightcrawler defense strategies.' Anything he thinks poses a threat, he leads us to destroy."

"But that's crazy." Sunset scowled. "That's just going to make the normal ponies hate you even more. Malus is already on a warpath with that Registration Act."

"I know." Elatha nodded. "As much I love my brother, I fear that if Artorias continues to lead us, he will lead us and possibly every single Nightcrawler alive to our doom. Which is why I arranged for Echo to come here. Artorias is no doubt one of the strongest Nightcrawlers in Equestria, but I also know that he is honor-bound. And since he goes by the law of wolves, if he, an alpha, can be bested by one who challenges him, he will have to step down. Echo is the one who must challenge him."

"So... you want Echo to challenge your brother for alpha?" Sunset asked, "My husband, against the Great Gray Wolf?"

"Yes." Elatha nodded.

"But what about the others?" Sunset asked. "Surely ponies like Nano could-"

"No." Elatha shook her head. "I can't ask any of them to throw their life on the line to face my brother. And Artorias had never once lost to any of them in spars. They wouldn't stand a chance. Echo can though."

"But you want my husband to fight your brother. The one with the power to kill others with just a touch." Sunset pointed out, understandably concerned. "Isn't there another way we can settle this? I don't think violence will help us here..."

"I'm sorry, Sunset, but your 'peace' isn't something that Artorias understands." Elatha sighed. "He has spent years letting his claws and fangs do the talking, and the only way Artorias will realize that what he's doing is wrong is if Echo beats some sense into him."

"And what if he can't? Echo couldn't defeat him before." Sunset declared.

"But that was after he fought and won against the other pack members." Elatha smiled. "Echo's had some time to rest, but he has to face him now before things get worse."

"But what if he isn't strong enough, even then?" Sunset asked.

"I know it's not going to be easy." Elatha acknowledged. "But Echo is easily one of the most powerful Nightcrawlers this pack has ever encountered. He's our only chance to end the madness before it begins. If can unseat Artorias, and become the pack's new alpha, I know he can lead us onto the path to peace."

"...How about we talk to Echo about this first?" Sunset suggested. "I'm pretty sure he'd like to know about this, instead of just being volunteered."

"My thoughts exactly." Elatha nodded. "Let's go and find him."

The two mares headed down the tunnels. They didn't need to look far, as they found Echo coming back from Artorias' room.

"Sunset!" Echo gasped. "I have to tell you something."

"No, I have to tell you something." Sunset counted.

"Artorias is not what you think he is." Echo declared. "I just found out he's been using the pack to attack towns and military bases. He's going to lead them to their death!"

"I know." Sunset nodded. "Elatha told me. She's also the one who wrote the letter that brought us here in the first place."

"What?!" Echo gasped.

"It's true." Elatha admitted. "I brought you here because there is only one way to stop my brother. You must challenge him for leadership of the pack. If you win, he will have no choice but to step down."

"You want me to fight Artorias?" Echo frowned.

"I know, it's a crazy idea." Sunset declared.

"It's also the only chance we've got." Elatha declared. "If Artorias remain in charge, it will only be a matter of time before we're destroyed. You can change all that. You can bring peace between our kind and the normals."

"...I'm not too sure about that." Echo sighed.

"Echo?" Sunset asked.

"In the last few hours, I've been given reason to doubt our mission." Echo admitted.

"Oh no." Sunset gasped. "What was on those tapes?"

"I... don't want to talk about it right now." Echo declared. "It's too painful..."

"But Echo, we need you." Elatha urged.

"No." Echo sighed. "You don't need me, and nopony needs my idealistic nonsense. Maybe Artorias and Aether are right, and peace between the races is impossible."

"Don't talk like that, Echo." Sunset told him.

"Besides, I'm no leader." Echo shook his head.

"You'd be a better one than Artorias is of now." Elatha scowled. "Please, Echo. You have to do this. It's our only hope."

"You know Artorias has to be stopped." Sunset declared. "And even if you don't believe in yourself, I still do. No matter what Artorias and Aether say, I know you can make a difference."

"Thank you, Sunset." Echo managed a weak smile. "Your support means everything to me."

"Hey, it's what I do." Sunset smiled back.

"I believe in you too, Echo." Elatha added. "It's why I brought you here. Because I had faith that you could turn the tide. I know you can save us if you just try."

"I... need some time to think this over." Echo sighed. "Can you grant me that, at least?"

"Of course." Elatha nodded. "But please don't take too long."

"I'll try." Echo nodded. "Come along, Sunset. We have much to talk about."

"I'm sure we do." Sunset nodded.

Elatha watched as the couple walked down the tunnels back to their chamber.

"I know you'll make the right choice, Echo." She declared. "I just know it..."

Unbeknownst to Elatha, Aether had been spying on them from around a corner.

"Oh, so that's how it is, is it?" He scowled. "Dear Elatha... what a disappointment you've become. But your treachery won't amount to anything. Not once Artorias learns of this..."

Aether hurried down the tunnels, intending to tell Artorias everything.