• Published 28th Aug 2015
  • 1,214 Views, 69 Comments

Dancing In The Shadows - Bluecatcinema

Echo and Sunset take a trip to investigate a troublemaking band of uniquely-powered ponies.

  • ...

Wedding Bells And Death Knells

It was a dark night in a foreboding-looking jungle. A silvery-coated pony with a blue mane, brown eyes, and a Cutie Mark of a lightning bolt rushed through the undergrowth, panting and wheezing, trying desperately to escape his pursuers. Despite just being an Earth Pony, his speed was phenomenal; He zipped around the trees like a bolt of lightning. As he ran, his eyes emitted purplish-green whisps of smoke.

With speed like his, he could outpace a Wonderbolt without much trouble. But it wasn't the Wonderbolts chasing him. He was being pursued by a squad of ponies in black trench coats and masks.

The jungle wasn't the best place to go for a run. All those trees and plants made it difficult to manoeuver, which was no doubt what the pursuers were counting on when they chased him there. While he still had the edge in speed, they knew the terrain, as well as a phenomenal teleportation spell. And of course, the fact that they were coming at him from all sides helped...

As he kept running, the pony encountered a group of trees, with no way of getting around them.

"Oh, buck..." He groaned.

"We have him cornered!" The leader of the squad roared.

"Oh, double buck!" The stallion yelped, as he turned to face his pursuers with fear and frustration. "You'll never take me alive!"

Decided to switch from flight to fight, the stallion charged at his pursuers. In the blink of an eye, he knocked over two of them, then downed another with a lightning-quick flurry of punches.

"Why you..." One member tried to grab him.

The stallion sidestepped his attacker, pushing him down at the same time.

"Too slow." He mocked.

Two more members swung their hooves at him. He easily dodged, and the pair knocked themselves out.

"Are you guys trying to look like idiots?" The stallion sneered. "Because it's working!"

"Enough of this!" The leader pulled out a blade, and swung it at his quarry.

The stallion caught his swing and knocked the knife away. He then punched the leader, knocking him against a tree.

"Gah! Fire the net guns! Quickly!" The leader grunted, clutching his face.

The squad members that weren't knocked out and currently fighting the speedster brought forth their long, tubular weapons, and fired. The nets within expanded as they were launched, every inch crackling with electricity. The stallion dodged one, then another. Just as he sidestepped a third, he was brought down by the fourth net. As he hit the ground, a surge of electricity coursed through his body.

"Gaahhh!" The stallion yelled.

"Target is down!" The leader of the squad declared. "Target is down!"

Suddenly, intense beams of light illuminated the jungle, briefly blinding the captive stallion. Out of the glare came a tall, sinister-looking stallion, clad in what seemed to be a special ops uniform, although it seem ragged... but that did nothing to take away from the stallion's face, which bore a rather eerie iron mask. It looked like the face of a stallion, but completely blank, leaving only the eyes, which were a dull orange....

"Excellent work, captain." The stallion declared. "At last, the quarry is ours."

"He was a slippery one, sir." The leader admitted. "But we got him in the end."

"Yes, you did." The stallion nodded, approaching their captive.

"You..." The captive hissed.

"Well, well... Quicksilver Bullet, the Speed Demon of Saddelia." The masked stallion chuckled darkly. "You are one hard stallion to find..."

"What can I say?" Quicksilver said as coolly as his predicament would allow. "I prefer to stay out of the public eye."

"The public eye, maybe." The stallion sneered. "But not our eye. We are all-seeing."

"How nice for you." Quicksilver sneered. "Must come in useful when want to know tomorrow's weather."

"Enough chitchat." The stallion declared, "Now then, my speedy little friend... if you would be so kind as to tell me the location of your... 'friends', I may be tempted to let you go."

"Never." Quicksilver snarled.

"Well, look at that." The masked stallion sneered. "I try to be nice, and this is the thanks I get."

"You call this nice?" Quicksilver growled. "Chasing me, trapping me... you blew up my home, for Faust's sake!"

"Well, you have nopony to blame but yourself." The stallion shrugged nonchalantly. "You shouldn't have run from us, little Nightcrawler. It forced us to take... extreme measures. Such a pity."

"Please." Quicksilver snarled. "Ponies like you are all the same. You act like you're the good guys, but you do nothing but evil!"

"'Evil' is subjective." The stallion declared. "Now, I won't ask again: Where are the others?"

"...Okay, I'll tell you." Quicksilver sighed.

"Good." The stallion smiled. "Finally, a little cooperation."

"Could you come a little closer?" Quicksilver asked. "All this running and electric shocks have made me a little hoarse."

"Very well." The stallion leaned in closer.

"A little closer." Quicksilver urged.

The stallion complied, moving his masked head as close as he could to the still-live net.

"Come on, then." He demanded. "Out with it!"

Quicksilver spat at the stallion. The spittle slid down his mask.

"That's all you're getting from me." He snarled.

"How... unfortunate." The masked stallion sighed, drawing a knife. "Your feeble attempts at resistance has only slowed us down. We will find your friends sooner or later. And in the meantime, I have somepony to take out my frustrations upon..."

The knife, catching the moonlight, descended. Quicksilver let out a scream of agony.

Far away and many hours from that terrible scene, a much more wonderful event was taking place: The wedding of Echo Alchemy and Sunset Shimmer. The two had been through a lot to get to this point, but they had made it. Sunset, though heavily pregnant with their foal, still looked resplendent in her wedding gown (made by, who else, Rarity), and Echo looked quite dapper in his suit. All their friends and those they knew best were there (save for the duplicitous Sterling Cross, who remained in his cell). Princess Cadance was officiating the ceremony. Shining Armor served as Echo's best stallion. Technically, he was the stallion Echo was closest to, even if their early relationship had been less than amiable. Meanwhile, Twilight served as Sunset's mare of honor. It felt fitting, considering Twilight had turned Sunset's life around (on more than one occasion).

"Fillies and gentlecolts." Cadance announced. "We are gathered here today to join these two souls in the bonds of eternal love."

Echo stepped forward.

"Sunset, my darling, meeting you changed my life." He declared. "Before I knew you, I was just a lonely outcast, content to spend my life locked away in my study, reading dusty old books. But now I have so much more. I have your love, and a foal on the way. I can't thank you enough for that. The least I can do is pledge my undying devotion to you, my darling, as your husband."

"Echo, knowing you has been the most incredible experience." Sunset smiled. "In you, I found a kindred spirit. But over time, my feelings for you grew into so much more. You gave me something I never knew I needed. And now I am carrying your foal. I can't think of anything more fulfilling than to be your wife."

"Awwww!" Pinkie Pie swooned.

"Shh!" Half the guests hissed.

"Sorry." Pinkie cringed.

"Do you, Echo Alchemy, take Sunset Shimmer to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Cadance asked.

"I do." Echo nodded.

"And do you, Sunset Shimmer, take Echo Alchemy to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Cadance continued.

"I do." Sunset beamed.

"Then, by my power as the Princess of love, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Cadance announced. "You may now kiss the bride."

Echo and Sunset came together in a loving embrace, joining their lips together.

"Awwww!" Pinkie squealed again.

At the reception, the newlyweds were met by Twilight and Celestia, their own respective husbands with them.

"Congratulations, Sunset." Celestia smiled.

"Way to go." Twilight added. "You really deserve this kind of happiness."

"Thank you both," Sunset smiled. "I think it's safe to say that none of us would be standing here if it weren't for the two of you. Who knows where I'd be without your support and encouragement? Thank you both, for everything."

"You're very welcome, my old student." Celestia beamed.

"We didn't do it all, though." Twilight chuckled. "Give yourself a little credit. After all, a relationship takes two ponies. You opened your heart to Echo, and that's what lead to all this."

"Exactly." Echo nuzzled Sunset. "Credit where credit is due, my love."

"Credit eagerly accepted." Sunset nuzzled him back.

"So, what's next for you two?" Flash asked. "Where's the honeymoon going to be?"

"Oh, we won't be going too far." Echo shrugged. "Just to this little chalet a small ways from here."

"With all of Echo's important work, he can't afford to stray too far." Sunset declared.

"Oh, yeah, the whole 'dark magic as defense' thing." Shine smiled. "How's that going?"

"As well as can be expected." Echo said proudly. "My students are inexperienced, but willing to learn. Some are already experiencing some success in the basic spells."

"If anypony could teach others the virtues of dark magic, it would be you." Twilight smiled.

"Indeed." Celestia nodded. "It is pleasing to know that magic which has long been used to harm Equestria will now be used to save it instead."

"Thank you, your highnesses." Echo bowed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I will be taking my new wife for a dance."

"One of many, I hope." Sunset chuckled. "See you on the dance floor!"

Echo and Sunset swept onto the dance floor. Echo wasn't much of a dancer, as his brief tango with Sunset in Prance had proven, but Sunset didn't care. She was just happy to be with him. After everything they had been through, it felt good to share such a warm moment together.

"Isn't this wonderful?" She sighed happily.

"My thoughts exactly." Echo whispered in her ear. "I meant what I said before, you know. For everything you've given me, for loving me, bearing my foal, bearing my wife... for all this, I can't thank you enough."

"Oh, I'm sure a big brain like you will find a way." Sunset chuckled. "Just wait until the honeymoon."

"If I can." Echo joked.

"Awww." Cadance smiled, as she and Shining danced nearby. "There's nothing I enjoy more than seeing true love in action. Those two are so adorable together."

"Yeah." Shining admitted. "Do they... remind you of another couple? A couple who danced on their wedding night?"

"They sure do." Cadance nuzzled against him. "And I still love you as much now as I did then."

"Ditto, my darling." Shining grinned, pulling her in for a kiss.

At the same time, Echo dipped Sunset, her mane almost touching the floor.

"Your beauty is in a class all its own, my love." He sighed. "It's almost unbelievable that a mare of your incredible good looks would choose a stallion like me."

"Don't sell yourself short, handsome." Sunset smiled, as she was lifted back up. "You're not so hard on the eyes yourself."

"Thank you." Echo grinned. "And did I mention your inner beauty matches the outer?"

"Only like... a dozen times." Sunset teased.

"And I'm all too happy to mention it a dozen more..." Echo chuckled.

"C'mere, you charmer, you." Sunset threw her hooves around Echo's neck, and kissed him.

The rest of the reception passed in a flurry of dancing and cake eating. As the happy couple made off to their carriage, Sunset flung her bouquet. It was caught by Starlight Twinkle who gave her long-distance coltfriend Day Light (whose family had come all the way from Haygypt for the wedding) a very meaningful look. Day Light chuckled awkwardly.

Once Echo and Sunset got inside, they were taken on the way to their honeymoon chalet. Once they reached their destination, they got entered, and switched the lights and fireplace.

"So, how does it feel to be Mrs. Echo Alchemy?" Echo smiled, as they snuggled on the couch.

"Even better than I thought." Sunset chuckled. "Now it's just you and me, alone, on our honeymoon... Whatever shall we do?"

"Hmm, I have some ideas." Echo grinned.

"I just bet you do." Sunset purred.

The newlyweds embraced in another kiss, then another, and another. It was going to be a fun night...

After a cozy honeymoon at the chalet, Echo and Sunset returned to their apartment, which suddenly seemed a little less than cozy to Sunset. For the next couple of days following their return, she would go from room to room, inspecting things.

One afternoon, as Echo was returning from his work, he saw Sunset sitting on the couch, rubbing her bump and looking morose.

"Is something wrong, darling?" He asked.

"Oh, it's... nothing." Sunset shrugged.

"Come on, now." Echo said sternly. "I've know you long enough to know when something bothering you. What is it?"

"It's just... this place." Sunset indicated their home.

"What about it?" Echo asked.

"Does it seem a little... small to you?" Sunset inquired.

Echo looked around.

"Perhaps a mite small." Echo shrugged.

"We really should think about moving." Sunset frowned.

"Moving?" Echo raised his eyebrows. "Why?"

"For the foal's sake, that's why." Sunset declared. "I'm not sure this place is going to be big enough for it. The little guy'll be bouncing off the walls... especially if he takes after you in the wings department."

"You have a point there, love." Echo admitted. "You know, I do have some savings pooled away. Perhaps we can get ourselves a house fit for a new family. Something nice and spacious, yet close enough to the Crystal Empire that I can continue my work..."

"I have some spare Bits." Sunset smiled. "Not much, but it'll help..."

Suddenly, the letterbox clattered, indicating that some post had arrived.

"What's this?" Echo frowned. He opened the letter. "Hmm... 'Dear Mr. Alchemy, we are writing to inform that a trunk of your adoptive father's personal effects was recently discovered at one of his estates in south Equestria. Due to a terrible storm a few years back, the estate was too badly damaged to be explored until recently. Among the items located within the trunk was Nocturne Night's last will and testament. In the will, you were left the deed to one of his estates, enclosed within'."

"An estate?" Sunset smiled. "Where is it?"

"Not too far from here, actually." Echo proclaimed. "Just on the outskirts of the Crystal Empire. Certainly near enough for a decent commute... in fact, I think I remember this place... father and I used to go there for winter vacation. Though I hadn't been there since I left for Hayvard..."

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Sunset smirked.

"Yes." Echo nodded. "This could be just what we're looking for."

"Pretty big coincidence that this could drop in just when we're looking for a new house, huh?" Sunset declared.

"It is, actually." Echo nodded. "Ah, well. The unpredictable luck of life. We mustn't complain."

"No, we mustn't." Sunset grinned.

The next day, Echo and Sunset, luggage in hoof, travelled to the estate. It was a spacious place, with a grand (if run-down) mansion, and a greatly overgrown garden.

"Not quite what I expected." Sunset frowned.

"Well, it has been a while since father and I last came here." Echo shrugged. "In fact, we hadn't been to this old place in quite some time."

"So it's a fixer-upper." Sunset shrugged. "No problem. I like a challenge. We can get this place looking spick and span in no time."

"What do you mean 'we'?" Echo asked. "You're in no state to be working, my dear. I'll call in some decorators. They can handle a job like this."

"Yeah, sure." Sunset scowled. She was still somewhat annoyed whenever Echo thought she was too pregnant to do anything, but she had decided to simply weather it. "As long as it's ready for our foal to live in, I guess I can't complain."

"That's the spirit." Echo smiled. "This will be quite a home for our little fellow."

"It'll have plenty of flying room, that's for sure." Sunset chuckled.

"If he's anything like me, he won't have much of a taste for it." Echo shrugged. "I was something of a quiet, well-behaved child. I never raised my voice, or caused any trouble."

"Well, I wasn't exactly well-behaved." Sunset shrugged. "I liked to read, and I didn't like anypony interrupting me. Even my parents would get an earful if they so much as told me to come to dinner."

"I understand how much a good book means to a reader." Echo declared.

"Yeah, but I could have been a lot nicer about it." Sunset sighed. "A lot nicer about a lot of things, in fact..."

"...Shall we go in?" Echo asked.

"Sure." Sunset nodded.

They entered through the front doors, finding a large foyer, with stairs leading up to a balcony, with abundant rooms.

"Wow." Sunset gasped, her remark echoing. "This is... really big."

"Yes." Echo agreed. "Bigger than I remember."

"And so empty." Sunset sighed.

"It didn't seem so empty when father and I were here." Echo frowned. "Ah, I miss him..."

"I miss my family too." Sunset sighed. "My parents passed away while I was in the mirror world. And I never had siblings, or cousins. And like I said before, I was more into reading than anything else."

"I know how you feel." Echo sighed. "Father was always good to me, but we had little in the way of social activities. It was just the two of us, in our own little bubble..."

"We really do have a lot in common, don't we?" Sunset smiled weakly.

"Yes..." Echo sighed.

"Still, we should be happy." Sunset brightened up. "Soon, we'll become our own family. Once the foal is born, we'll be the Alchemy family."

"That we will." Echo grinned. "You and I, and our foal. Our little bundle of joy will want for nothing. We will shower him with love and care!"

"And maybe help him be a little more sociable than we were." Sunset suggested.

"I suppose we could arrange playdates when he's old enough." Echo nodded. "Either way, our future is looking bright."

Echo and Sunset unpacked their belongings, and set to work on supper. The old fire in the sitting room was still working, as they soon found themselves sitting across from it, eating the food they had cooked.

"You know, this place is kind of cozy when you get used to it." Sunset admitted.

"Yes, many were the days father and I would sit by this very fire, books in hoof, eagerly debating the meanings within." Echo smiled. "And one day, I will be able to make such memories with my own foal..."

"Don't count me out." Sunset chuckled. "I'll be there too, you know."

"I certainly hope so." Echo grinned. "I know you'll make a wonderful mother."

"And you'll be the best father around these parts." Sunset chuckled.

"I can only hope." Echo declared. "It is my first time, after all."

"You'll do great." Sunset smiled. "We both will."

"As long as we have each other, we can do anything." Echo agreed.

"And we'll always have each other." Sunset nuzzled him.

After dinner, they went up to the master bedroom, and its enormous bed.

"Whoa." Sunset gaped. "Plenty of room here."

"Not that we'll need it." Echo grinned knowingly, as he nuzzled Sunset.

"No we will not." Sunset chuckled.

After fishing the bedsheets out of storage, the newlyweds wasted no time in snuggling together under the blankets.

"Good night, Mrs Alchemy." Echo kissed Sunset.

"Good night, Mr Shimmer." Sunset teased as she kissed him back.

The two held each other, Echo's hoof on Sunset's stomach, as they slowly drifted off to sleep. Everything seemed so perfect. Little did they know, trouble was lurking just around the corner...