• Published 23rd Aug 2015
  • 1,341 Views, 26 Comments

Pony meets Brony - Dark Nightshade

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Blinded by the Light

"So, is there anyone specific you wanted to go after first?" I asked. We where at my house much later and we had already eaten lunch. "Also, how did you get here? If you have a way to travel through the multiverse, I have got to know what it is!"

"Actually, I'm the only one that's here currently. The others will probably appear at random places, at random times," Fluttershy said.

"Seriously? How will we know when they appear?" I asked

"I'm pretty sure we'll know that when it happens," Fluttershy said. Suddenly, a super bright light appeared and we where blinded. I thought "Wow, never thought that I would be blinded by a rainbow. When my eyes started working again, I saw a small fire that had started, and strangely, it looked like a fiery rainbow.

"Ahh! Fire!" I yelled. I started to look for the fire extinguisher, but then realized that I didn't know if we had one. So I just filled a bucket with water and dumped it on the strange rainbow fire. When it died down, I realized that there was a girl at the center. Even stranger, she didn't look burned, at all. I relised that it was Rainbow Dash. She was wearing a rainbow colored dress, and had a shirt with the rainbow lighting bolt on it.

"Definitely Rainbow Dash." I said.

"How can you tell?" asked Fluttershy.

"Mostly because of the rainbow colored hair, and partially because of the fire being rainbow colored. That's fairly hard to miss. Is that a natural hair color, by the way?"

"Yes. Is it not common in this world?"

"No." Suddenly Rainbow Dash gasped and sat up. After a couple of seconds she started looking around.

"Where am I? Who are you? Is that you, Fluttershy?" she said.

"My name is Dylan, that is Fluttershy, and you are in a parallel universe." I said.

"Why am I finding that hard to believe?" Rainbow Dash said.

"You get used to it after a while." said Fluttershy.

"Does anyone else know we're here? Also, are we the only here, or are some of the others here?"

"No, none of the others are here yet, and I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one that knows your here. I pretty sure that this is going to go like the beginning of the Hobbit. Except there aren't 13 of you, and your not dwarfs," I said.

"Are you calling us dwarfs!?!?" challenged Rainbow Dash.

"No, no I am not calling you dwarfs. Please don't take everything I say as an offense, ok?" I said.

"One important question." Rainbow Dash said.

"Where's the bathroom?"

"There's one right there."

"Ok. Thank you."

"Also, cool rainbow skin."

"My skin isn't this color, it's just dust."

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't worry, Fluttershy made the same mistake."