• Published 12th Aug 2015
  • 477 Views, 6 Comments

Gum Gator - WishSeeker

Fast paced action, women charming and international spying, not something you'd expect Gummy to do, but that's why he's the agencies best.

  • ...

Agent GG

Gator awoke upside down and dangling above a pit of lava. All of the cavern would have been dark if it were not for the red glow below, the spotlight that was aimed at Gum and the light behind Gum Gator's captor.

"Finally, Gum Gator, I have you in my trap, you'll never escape!" The mad old earth pony was completely shaven no coat or mane. A scar In the shape of a set of teeth surrounded his snout. " What will you do now lizard!"

The rope around Gator began descending slowly and the lava drew closer, every inch Gator lost time. A fiery doom was coming for the spy as spits of the volcanic lake reached for him.

Gums remained composed in the face of death. This spy had undergone vigorous training and knew exactly what to do. Gator's tongue shot out, it was wrapped around a strange metallic object he had concealed. A red beam fired from the object to the mechanism that was hoisting Gator down. The sudden blast caused the mechanism stalled for a second, then it threw Gum up and straight towards the old pony.

"No!" The pony tried to make a dash for a pod but it was too late, Gator landed on the button sending the pod out before he escaped. Within moments the agency's ponies had arrived, all dressed in the usual spy gear. Gator's job was done, he stalled the pony before he could escape.

The ponies arrested the villain throwing hoofcuffs onto the cynic. A few of the agencies soldiers searched the area for additional evidence of his crimes. This pony was going away for a long time.

An older unicorn mare with a neat mane and an eye atop a shield for a cutie mark approached Gum. "Well done agent GG, we'll have Dr Socks shipped to our top security prison. No more of that pony's 'experiments'.

"Curse you Gator!" The old pony tried to break free of his hoofcuffs as he was dragged away.

"We'll have you dropped back at your home in Ponyville as soon as possible. I would like to commend you on your work again Gator, you are the best agent the agency has ever seen." The mare signalled two agents over to escort Gum.

Pinkie was talking to Twilight in Sugarcube Corner by the time Gum got to Ponyville, he moved into position next to his owner.

"You can count on Pinkie!" Pinkie said as Twilight walked out. "come on, Gummy, we got a party to plan–" Pinkie suddenly jerked at an odor almost as bad as rotten apples " –eww, but first somegator needs a bath.".

Gum enjoyed his mundane life with Pinkie. Well... as mundane as daily parties can be. It was great to know someone was there for him.

The listening and watching of Pinkies life was very interesting; the things Pinkie got involved in were almost as interesting and exciting as Gum's own life. Stories of princesses and friendship filled the void of Gum's days away from the agency.

If anything the alligator felt comfort in Pinkie, her positive outlook on life was enlightening to the little gator's heart. He wished he could tell the pony everything, he wished he could show her what he did but Gum knew it would put Pinkie at risk. Gator could never let Pinkie get into trouble so she had to know nothing of his work.

Pinkie and her 'pet' returned home. Gum enjoyed a luxurious bath and a minor celebration before Pinkie went back to her 'party business' for Princess Twilight.

Gator found it entertaining as he watched Pinkie rush around preparing everything. She clearly had an efficient system, but it took a lot of time to manage. Eventually Pinkie collapsed from hours of hard work. Gum decided to stand vigil for a while, he did not need much sleep thanks to special agency training.

The next morning Pinkie had some kind of emergency. Gum watched her rush around and ask him questions.

" Gummy please tell me you saw my party plans? What do you mean you haven't!"

Gum stared, where did Pinkie get these answers from when Gum never speaks. Fortunately it was all over in the space of an hour and she left to set up her party. Gum decided to hang around and relax, he needed to take some time off as he'd been busy all week tracking Dr Socks.

He began with his morning meditation, it became a common thing for him as he needed to focus his mind and prepare it for the day ahead. He entered his soul and relaxed his body. Taking slow quiet breathes every minute, he called on the natural energies to empower him. He maintained a clear mind for an hour before returning to the real world. Gum decided to head downstairs and find a nice spot for a comfortable nap.

Gator sat down in his favourite spot, he was just about to relax but was startled by the beeping noise, agency business. Gum couldn't get a day off.

Gum licked a picture of Pinkie and him.

"Access granted." The wall opened to reveal a room full of gadgets and devices, a giant monitor was covering the opposite wall. Gum stepped in as the wall closed behind him.

The words 'new assignment flashed on the monitor. Gum pressed a button on the pad below the screen and awaited his briefing from the boss. The unicorn mare appeared on the screen, her alias listed below as Agent X.

"Agent GG, we have a situation in Saddle Arabia." The mare spoke as a picture of a pony wearing a head scarf appeared below with a short description next to him; Height 5'6, Coat brown, mane black, eye colour brown. Gum didn't recognise this one.

"This is Grate Grinder, he is an arms dealer on the dark market, he also has information on another pony, currently known only as Tempest." Another picture appeared, this time of a silhouette, the description held no information but the name rang a bell.

"Tempest has avoided the agency for years, one of our informants overheard Grate Grinder speaking of a deal between him and Tempest. From what we know Tempest is buying extreme amounts of weapons and some of our leads have gone missing there. You know what to do Gator, once again the world may be in your hands."

Gator blinked twice.

"Good luck sir."

Author's Note:

First chapter of this. It's ok, I know I'm writing GG.

The thing is Gummy is really hard to have as a protagonist because he doesn't speak, it all worked out ok but it was fun trying to get how Gummy thinks and responds to things.

Thank you readers

Update - Currently being rewritten.